Rusi grade najveci autoput na svetu: London - Aljaska


Buduća legenda
Ruska Akademija Nauka je podnela predlog Putinu za najveci autoput na svetu, koji bi isao od londona do Aljaske.

Britain could be linked with America by road as part of an ambitious project to create the world's longest superhighway spanning half the circumference of the globe.

Proposals have been put forward to build the mega route stretching about 12,400 miles from the western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait where the country nudges Alaska.

Linking into existing road networks in Europe and Asia, for the first time it would allow travellers a proper highway to drive all way from the UK to the United States.

A Trans-Siberian rail link as well as oil and gas pipes would run alongside the highway, and plans have been mooted already for a rail tunnel connecting the far flung Russian region of Chukotka - where football tycoon Roman Abramovich once served as governor - and Alaska.

The current longest continuous road in the world is found in Australia, where Highway 1 runs around the entire country and spans some 9,000 miles.

In Russia the Trans-Siberian Highway network is more than 6,800 miles long, meaning the new road would become the biggest and longest ever built, with additional sections in the west and east.

nema svrhu ovako nesto.

velike daljine je bolje proci avionom ili vozom .

protok saobracaja bi bio dosta mali .
Lepo zvuci ali pitanje je kakvu bi isplativost i kolike bi troskove odrzavanja imao, narocito u istocnom delu.

I sa ovim se slazem.Eventualno do Mosve ima neke svrhe ali od Moskve do Aljaske je veliki nenaseljen prostor.Bez infrastrukture nesto kao Australija .imas jugoistocnu obalu ,ostalo prazno.
Krajnje je vreme za Rusiju da napravi takav auto put. Onda ce poceti eksploatacija Sibira a samim tim i seoba Holivuda.

Holivud na istoku ,u Rusiji i Kini ce biti takav, da ce ovdasnji biti samo bleda slika crno-belog filma.

Jos vi niste ni priblizno videli raskos i sjaj kakav ce biti na istoku.

Gradovi buducnosti ce nicati ekspresnom brzinom sa saobracajem u vazduhu (kao u nf filmovima).

Bolivud ce pomraciti Holivud, kao sto je Njujork pomracio Rim.
Kao i Srbija kanal do Soluna sa onih 10 hiljada kineskih milijardi.

To zahvali nemackim partnerima.
Kao i sve ostalo , oni taj kanal zele za sebe.A Beograd niz vodu.

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Železnica da, ali autoput je neisplativ.
Tako su nekad govorili i za divlji zapad.
Kad bi znao kako ce Sibir biti ispartan putevima, kao danas Beneluks i Rurska oblast.
Ruska Akademija Nauka je podnela predlog Putinu za najveci autoput na svetu, koji bi isao od londona do Aljaske.

Britain could be linked with America by road as part of an ambitious project to create the world's longest superhighway spanning half the circumference of the globe.

Proposals have been put forward to build the mega route stretching about 12,400 miles from the western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait where the country nudges Alaska.

Linking into existing road networks in Europe and Asia, for the first time it would allow travellers a proper highway to drive all way from the UK to the United States.

A Trans-Siberian rail link as well as oil and gas pipes would run alongside the highway, and plans have been mooted already for a rail tunnel connecting the far flung Russian region of Chukotka - where football tycoon Roman Abramovich once served as governor - and Alaska.

The current longest continuous road in the world is found in Australia, where Highway 1 runs around the entire country and spans some 9,000 miles.

In Russia the Trans-Siberian Highway network is more than 6,800 miles long, meaning the new road would become the biggest and longest ever built, with additional sections in the west and east.


Ne znaju Rusi gde udaraju. Zamajavaju narod bezveze pričama o velikim projektima.
Bolje da naprave super brzu prugu.

I to.

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Pazi naslov: Rusi grade...
Pazi text: Akademija predlaže...


Ništa od ovoga, akademija prdi bez veze, kao i sve akademije svijeta, novinari pišu tek toliko da pišu, ljudi čitaju i komentiraju.
Svijet se vrti oko svoje osi...

Zasto mislis da nista od toga?

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Ne znaju Rusi gde udaraju. Zamajavaju narod bezveze pričama o velikim projektima.

Kako si to zakljucio?
Велике силе само што нису заратиле. Ми се не кољемо ради њих. Хрвати су нас клали из својих разлога, и зато што су оно хрвати а ми Срби.

A to sto smo mi uopste usli u rat zato sto su Englezi platili da udjemo? To ne moze da se preskoci.
