Analiza napada na parlament u ukrajini


Na politici pratimo situaciju u ukrajini na ovoj temi

Pa bi vas ja zamolio da analizirate situaciju i da mi kazete svoje misljenje.

Takoder me zanima i sto mislite o tome kako je policija odradila postavljeni zadatak. A i sto mislite o njihovom treningu, naoruzanju, opremu..sve sto vam padne na pamet. Svaka infomacija je dobro dosla.

jel itko ovo moze procitati ?

To su navodno dokumenti koji su u vezi sa intervencijom policije i snajperistima

Москаль опубликовал фамилии и телефоны виновников расстрела активистов 20 февраля на Институтской

Бывший заместитель министра внутренних дел и народный депутат от фракции "Батьківщина" Геннадий Москаль выложил на своем официальном сайте секретные документы МВД и СБУ о планах зачистки Майдана, оперативные разработки боевых действий, а также позывные командиров штурмовых и снайперских групп.

По словам Москаля, собирать материалы ему помогали "патриотически настроенные работники МВД и СБУ". Планы спецопераций по силовому разгону акций протеста "Бумеранг" и "Волна" доказывают, что снайперами на улице Институтской были бойцы подразделения специальных операций внутренних войск, которым руководит полковник Асавалюк, и бойцы подразделения внутренних войск "Омега". Кроме того, указание на применение оружия бывший министр МВД Захарченко дал спецподразделению ГУБОП МВД "Сокол".




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2054 GMT: The former Deputy Interior Minister has published the names and telephone numbers of those who he says are guilty of killing civilians. Below is a translation of part of the summary on Glabnoe.UA:

Gennady Moskal, former Deputy Interior Minister and people’s deputy from the Batkivshchina [Fatherland] faction has posted on his official site secret documents from the Interior Ministry and Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) on plans for a sweep of Maidan, as well as operative plans for combat actions and also signals of commanders of storm and sniper groups.

According to Moskal, “patriotically-minded workers from the Interior Ministry and SBU” helped him gather the materials. The Boomerang and Wave plans for the special operations for forcible dispersion of the protest actions prove that the snipers on Institutska Street were solders from the special operations divisions of the interior troops which are headed by Col. Asavalyuk, and soldiers from the Omega division of internal troops. Furthermore, the order for the use of weapons was given by former Interior Minister Zakharchenko to the Sokol special division of the Interior Ministry’s Main Directorate to Combat Organized Crime.

Moskal has everyone’s phone numbers because, according to the documents, they were used to coordinate the attack. Below is a battle map that was among the documents that showed how they would storm the protests:


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Po tome su prosvjednici imali pomoc u policiji i obavjestajnoj sluzbi

Ukrainian copies of Swiss Brügger & Thomet APR rifles used during protests in Kiev

During the ongoing civil unrest in Kiev, several images have circulated showing Ukrainian security forces equipped with a range of lethal weapons, including sniper rifles. In addition to the SVD type rifles commonly seen, security forces have been documented using a license-produced copy of one of the Brügger & Thomet APR rifles (as seen above). APR rifles are bolt-action sniper rifles produced in .308 Winchester (APR308 series) and .338 Lapua Magnum (APR338). They have guaranteed accuracies of 1 MOA up to 1000 and 1500 metres respectively.

The Ukrainian copies are produced under license by Tactical Systems Ltd (TS). According to B&T, the license for the entire APR range (four models) as well as other B&T products was approved by the Swiss licensing body, SECO, in 2009. The TS rifles are known as the TS 308 and TS 338, and are produced in Ukraine and branded with the TS logo. B&T told us there may also be “some technical differences”. According to Konstantin Khurshudian, director of Tactical Systems, TS series rifles were sold to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for use by special security forces during the 2012 UEFA European Championship. Thus far, Ministry of Internal Affairs forces are the only users. The APR range is available with B&T produced suppressors and anti-mirage bands, and B&T branded Schmitt & Bender optics. These are likely available for the TS copies as well. According to the Tactical Systems and B&T websites, TS also distribute B&T produced rifles in Ukraine.

TS308 rifle. Image from the Tactical Systems website.

The video below shows Ukrainian security forces equipped with what is likely the TS 308 rifle, fitted with what appears to be a customised buttstock. It is unclear whether these stocks are offered by Tactical Systems, or whether the weapons are modified after purchase by Ministry of Internal Affairs troops. It also features a range of other weapons, including various AK type rifles, SVD type rifles, PKM machine guns, PM type pistols, and what appears to be a Sako TRG-22 sniper rifle. TRG-22 rifles are known to be in use with the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ specialised ‘Omega’ (Омега) anti-terrorist unit.

“We returned on January 14,” Beliayev recounted. “We stayed in Lutsk until January 21. On January 19, I was at home celebrating the Epiphany with my family. Around 9 p.m., I received notice from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) that there had been an order from the DPS vice chief, militia colonel Serhiy Bolotov, for an emergency relocation to Kyiv. We arrived in Kyiv at 6 a.m. on January 20 and were stationed on Hrushevskiy Street. There were interior troops in front. And behind us there were burning barrels, which is where we warmed ourselves up.”

Beliayev stated that they did not bring a single firearm to Kyiv from Lutsk.

“We brought 30 shields, 35 rubber batons, 80 canisters of gas, 35 sets of handcuffs, and 35 shock helmets. This can all be verified in the registration book. There were grenades there as well. About 6 gas grenades and 7 ‘Teren-7’. Not many because we are a small unit.”

At the same time, the commander of the Berkut unit admitted that weapons were provided in Kyiv.

“Weapons were issued. On the 18th [of February – ed.], when the Cabinet of Ministers building was blocked. We just stood there by the barricade behind the interior troops. I don’t know if it was a sniper, but after they took out twelve of our guys, I brought the boys back and told them I would never place them in the line of fire again. In five minutes, they got twelve men. “

Beliayev said that several Berkut were wounded literally within 5 minutes by an unknown sniper. However, after the 18th [of February – ed.], the Volyn members of Berkut, according to their chief, were simply left behind.

“They gave an order: get yourselves out. All of the troops including patrol service were quietly being moved out and the security was removed from the Parliament on the 21st [of February – ed.]. The first thing I did – and that’s why I didn’t leave: I pleaded all day for people to remove the wounded. As commander, I couldn’t leave my personnel. We left the Cabinet of Ministers and drove to the Kyiv regiment. About twelve units had gathered there. We threw all our equipment onto the street, all our devices, and over the next two days, I drove the boys out – one by one or two by two. Some were picked up by relatives. Once the last one had gone, I left myself.”

According to Beliayev, the weapons were being issued to large units at the Cabinet of Ministers.

“The Dnipropetrovsk Bekut was armed. Large units from eastern Ukraine were receiving weapons. If you check out filed documents in the armament service of the State Security Department, you’ll see my report to Zakharchenko: the chief of the Volyn Berkut, in light of heavy losses in the unit and the reduction of the unit’s combat capability, refuses to receive automatic firearms. What was being issued is not pistols, but Kalashnikovs – 5.45mm.”

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orginalni izvor infomacije
U ovom razgovoru koji je bio izmedu estonskog ministra financija i ashton se spominje da su snajperisti unajmljeni od strane ljudi koji su organizirali majdan.

Paet: "All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both sides, policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides. ... Some photos that showed it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it is really disturbing that now the new coalition they don't want to investigate what exactly happened. So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition."

Ashton: "I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh."

Paet: "It already discreditates (sic) this new coalition."

Poslednja izmena:
" ЈАКИМЕНКО: У Кијеву убијало 20 снајпериста, неке вође „мајдана“ и спавале у амбасади САД
Вести | 13.03.2014 | 22:43


Снајперски хици су кренули са зграде кијевске филхармоније, а за то здање је био одговоран управо Андреј Парубиј који је сада секретар Савета за националну безбедност Украјине
Указујући ко су могли да буду непознати снајперисти, Александар ЈАКИМЕНКО је рекао: „По нашим информацијама, то су били специјалци Министарства одбране Украјине који више нису били у служби. Али, друге информације су упућивале и на нека лица из бивше Југославије, као и на најамнике из других земаља“

ШЕФ Службе безбедности Украјине до свргавања Виктора Јануковича - Александар Јакименко - открио је да је снајперисте који су убијали у центру Кијева унајмила тадашња опозиција која је организовала „евромајдан“ и да је у то умешан Андреј Парубиј који је у то време био „командант мајдана“, а сада је секретар Савета за националну безбедност Украјине.

„Снајперски хици су кренули са зграде кијевске филхармоније, а за то здање је био одговоран управо Парубиј. Са филхармоније су пуцали и снајперисти и они који су 20. фебруара пуцали из аутомата. То је била паљба по милиционерима који су већ били деморалисани јер су по њима пуцали као у стрељани“ - указао је Јакименко.

Када је први талас „одстрела“ прошао, многи су видели како из те зграде излази 20 добро одевених људи, специјално обучених, са футролама за снајпере и аутоматима са оптичким нишанима - додао је Јакименко, нагласивши да то нису видели само његови „оперативци“ него и активисти Свободе, Десног сектора и партија Баткившћина и Удар.

Та група се, према његовим речима, одмах по изласку из филхармоније, поделила попола. Његови сарадници су прву десеторицу изгубили из вида, али су регистровали улазак друге десеторице у хотел „Украјина“, а убиства су се наставила.

„Одстрели људи су и даље трајали. Представници Десног сектора и Свободе су ми се тада обратили - наставио је Јакименко - са молбом да пошаљем групу „Алфа“ да хотел очисти од снајпериста. Био сам спреман да издам такво наређење, али ми је за то - да мојим људима са мајдана не би ударили у леђа - била потребна сагласност Парубија. Он је није дао. На мајдан никакво оружје није могло да се унесе без његове дозволе“.

Указујући ко су могли да буду непознати снајперисти, Јакименко је рекао: „По нашим информацијама, то су били специјалци Министарства одбране Украјине који више нису били у служби. Али, друге информације су упућивале и на нека лица из бивше Југославије, као и на најамнике из неких других земаља“.

Јакименко се још једном вратио на улогу Парубија и нагласио: „Током последње недеље, он је мало отишао у страну. Њега су на своју страну премамили Порошенко, Гвозд, Маламуж и Гриценко. То су људи који су извршавали све што су им говорили у амбасади САД. У суштини, они су свих тих дана живели у амбасади САД. Није било дана да они нису били у америчкој амбасади“.

Све што се догодило у Украјини - уверен је Јакименко - резултат је форсиране реализације сценарија који је био припремљен за 2015. и председничке изборе који су тада требало да се одрже. Део плана је био: да се Украјина уведе у ЕУ, а да све исфинансира - Русија.

Вашингтон има намеру - тврди Јакименко - да дестабилизује и Белорусију и Казахстан.

Тагови: Украјина " .
Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence – Ex-Ukraine security chief

There is no doubt there were mercenaries at Maidan, the former head of Ukraine’s security service, Aleksandr Yakimenko, says.

The violence on Maidan which caused almost 100 deaths was organized by some opposition leaders who poured Western money and resources into the coup, Yakimenko told the Russia-1 TV channel. Now Major General Alexander Yakimenko is in the top five of Maidan’s hit list. He made it to that list while he was still in his office in Kiev.

Q: How did you manage to escape?

Aleksandr Yakimenko: I am a Security Service officer.

Q: Where did those snipers come from?

AY: First shots were fired from the Philharmonic building. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was in charge of the building. On February 20, this building was used as a base by the snipers and people with automatic weapons. They basically covered those who were attacking the demoralized policemen running in panic, hunted down like animals. They were followed by armed people with different kinds of weapons. At that point, somebody opened fire at those who attacked the police, and some of them were killed. All this fire was coming from the Philharmonic building. After this first round of fire, about 20 people came out of this building – this was witnessed by many. These people wore special combat clothes and carried sniper rifle cases, as well as AKMs with scopes. There were witnesses, and not just our operatives, but also Maidan activists from Svoboda, Right Sector, Batkivshchyna, and UDAR.

The snipers split into two groups – 10 men each. The Security Service lost track of one of the groups. The other group took a position at the Ukraine hotel. Killings continued. In the beginning, when the shots were scattered, I was asked by Right Sector and Svoboda to mobilize a Special Forces unit and remove the snipers from the buildings.

Q: They asked you?

AY: Yes, Right Sector and Svoboda. I was ready to do that, but I needed Parubiy’s [he is now now the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in the Turchinov-Yatsenyuk government] permission to enter Maidan. Otherwise our officers would’ve been attacked by the self-defense forces in the back. Parubiy didn’t give such permission. No weapons could be brought to Maidan without Parubiy’s permission. Hand guns, rifles, scopes – he had to agree to all of that. We had some intel about discharged Ukrainian army special forces participating in those activities. Some reports claimed that these were fighters from former Yugoslavia, as well as mercenaries from other countries.

Q: So you think they were mercenaries?

AY: No doubt. Parubiy removed himself from the picture. This affected the events of the last week. He joined Poroshenko. Gvozd, Malamuzh, and Gritsenko. These forces did what they were told by their bosses – the US. They basically lived in the embassy. They were there every day.

Q: Is it true that Nalivaichenko allowed the CIA agents to work in the Security Service building?

AY: Yes, that’s true. He also handed personal files of his own employees over to the CIA agents to study. But their mission was interrupted by an armed coup. The Maidan do not appoint these people; rather, it’s the US that does it. It’s enough to look at the newly appointed officials: Parubiy, Gvozd, Nalyvaichenko are all people who followed somebody else’s orders, the orders of the US, not even Europe. They are directly linked to the American intelligence. They sought to delay the negotiations and prevent the incumbent president from striking a deal with Russia and Russia from helping to prop up the social and economic order in Ukraine. After that they were planning to depose the president and integrate Ukraine into Europe, using Russian money. Who was troubled by the victory of the EU and the pro-integration forces? Only the US. It was the only country concerned over a possible alliance of Europe, Russia and Ukraine. The Customs Union and the connection between Russia and Ukraine did not sit well with their plans, either.

They’d been doing it ever since Yushchenko was president, and we couldn’t get rid of them. Once we started to put pressure, they relocated to Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. The most interesting part is that many regional governments spent budget money to pay for the so-called vyshkoli, i.e. training camps for militants to fight with various types of weapons.

All the orders were given either by the US embassy or by Jan Tombinski, a Polish representative who worked in the EU mission in Kiev. Poland played an invaluable role in the coup. It has always dreamt of restoring its former power and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Ever since the Maidan kicked off, our security service registered a dramatic increase in diplomatic correspondence coming in to various Western embassies in Kiev. There is one more mystery. Straight after this influx of correspondence we saw some foreign money at the Maidan and in Kiev exchange bureaus: the new, re-designed US dollar bank notes.

Q: So they were bringing in cash?

AY: Yes. Poroshenko, Firtash, Pinchuk – they all poured money into the Maidan. With all their assets in foreign banks, they found themselves trapped. So they had to follow orders from the West. All they were supposed to do was back the Maidan; otherwise they would have lost all their assets. They were thinking about their money rather than their own country. Unfortunately we couldn’t prevent the casualties, the people, mainly those who had come from the Western regions, were sent into the line of fire. The Maidan militants had left the barricades after the sniper fire started. But time will set the record straight.

The whole story has affected the Berkut guys, the Internal Troops, the Security Service, too. But ordinary Ukrainians have suffered as well. And I don’t think they should have sacrificed their lives for Yatsenyuk, Klitschko, Poroshenko and others to take their posts. Ukrainians have lots of patience. But one day they will run out of it and remove them from power. I hope that happens soon enough.



Exclusive: Photographs Expose Russian-Trained Killers in Kiev

The images accompanying this article show Alfa Team members and others from SBU and Ministry of Interior special forces units donning body armor, helmets and other equipment, grabbing ammunition and sporting sniper rifles and modified AKs. Some of the Alfa members carry lethal fragmentation grenades: “Not the kind of equipment used for crowd control,” remarked a surprised Western defense official looking at the photographs.

From early morning until midday on February 20 Alfa Team members come and go in the courtyard of the SBU’s national headquarters as firing echoes three blocks away in the charnel house of the Maidan. No afternoon pictures of the courtyard were taken by the sources, who are ordinary Ukrainians and not connected with any government authority either in Ukraine or overseas. They filmed the material themselves and their camera numbers match the metadata on the supplied digital pictures and video footage.

Many of the paramilitary Alfa members in the photographs are wearing yellow or white armbands and before they leave the courtyard they pull on ski masks to obscure their features. The armbands were used so they could identify themselves at a glance among the riot police and other regime forces in the midst of frantic street clashes. The articles of clothing they are wearing—black tactical coveralls, green tactical vests and flak jackets—don’t match the clothing worn by the riot police, according to several frontline protesters who’ve looked at the pictures. The coveralls are of a different design, they say, and the green outer gear doesn’t match either.

“Their faces aren’t hidden,” exclaimed Maria Tomak, a 26-year-old investigator with a rights group called EuroMaidan SOS, when shown photographs. EuroMaidan SOS is conducting its own investigation into the February 20 shootings but she and a colleague say they have never seen before any photographs or video of the SBU courtyard taken on February 20. They note that without the ski masks the men can be identified. “Alfa only has about two hundred members,” says Anastasia Rozlertska, a 27-year-old activist.

Despite that, as far as can be discovered the SBU has failed to arrest or suspend or place on a wanted list anyone who was on SBU property that morning suiting up and preparing to wage war on protesting civilians. TheSBU could have its own sources of information, there are CCTV cameras covering the courtyard, although a Western defense official cautions that the digital recordings could have been destroyed before the post-Yanukovych change of top SBU leaders.

Forty-five year-old Boris Aseyev, a web designer, was one of the civilians wounded on February 20. He had been camped out in the Maidan since the protests started in November. He was determined to stay the course. A thin man with a wisp of a goatee beard, he struggles with a stutter to explain what happened to him that day. His heavily bandaged right leg is propped up on a stool in his apartment and his crutches lean on fridge. His wife hovers close by.

Aseyev says he has no idea of the exact time he was first shot. “I didn’t have a watch on,” he says. “But it was the morning.” To the left of him a Samsung computer screen is frozen on a picture of protesters wearing different colored helmets and holding up makeshift shields. He was near a walkway bridge just below Kiev’s Ukraine hotel, a Soviet pile looming over Independence Square, when an AK-47 round hit his foot. As he tried to withdraw from the front line under his own steam he was hit twice more with another Kalashnikov round tearing through the muscle and sinew of his right leg and then a sniper bullet struck him—again in the same leg.

Blood gushed from his wounds. People were screaming. Gunfire echoed all around as another protester helped Aseyev to the Ukraine Hotel and the makeshift clinic on the ground floor manned by volunteer doctors and nurses, among them Bogomolets.

She says Aseyev is lucky to be alive. “The first snipers probably were working already in between nine and ten o’clock in the morning and the last person killed was killed around 4:00 p.m. Most people who were killed near the Hotel Ukraine were killed between 11:00 and 1:00. Twelve of them died in the lobby of Hotel Ukraine. We had eight surgical tables and doctors were doing an incredible job trying to save lives.” But “the wounds were very heavy. Snipers were shooting to the heart, to the neck, brain and eyes. So in a few minutes most of the wounded died,” she says.

The Ukraine Hotel’s lobby was a mess with doctors and volunteers slipping on the blood on the floor, calling out for assistance, working feverishly to do what they could to sustain life. More wounded were being brought in. The dead were carried upstairs to a restaurant-turned-morgue.

In a weird post-script to the event a few days after the massacre Estonian Foreign Affairs Minister Urmas Paet spoke with E.U. foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton in a phone call tapped and leaked to the public on YouTube, most likely by Russian intelligence operatives or their allies. Paet is heard saying that a doctor in the Maidan during the shootings said she thought the snipers were shooting at both police and the protesters and that the shooters were acting on the orders of the opposition. Bogomolets has been identified as his source, but she says she has no idea how Paet could think that was what she was saying. “Snipers were killing protesters,” she says. “Maybe it was a misunderstanding,” she adds.

More than a month later and the Ukraine Hotel lobby is no longer a scene of desperation or carnage. Outside on a stage in the nearby Maidan loudspeakers boom out whoever is speechifying or singing. The Maidan is in war mode, waiting to see if Putin is going to order his troops across the border and grab more Ukrainian territory. Piles of flowers and makeshift altars remembering those who fell decorate Independence Square and streams of Ukrainians still come to pay their respects, saying the Maidan is the birthplace of a new Ukraine.

Sitting in the corner of the hotel lobby and reviewing some of the February 20 photographs, Adrian Karatnycky, former president of the New York-based Freedom House, a non-profit organization that advocates for political freedom and human rights, says the photographs are “smoking guns” and a “major contribution to getting closer to the truth.” He notes the proximity of the SBU headquarters to the shootings. “They have the type of gear that was used.”

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt said after seeing the pictures, “These photographs may be highly important evidence of what happened on February 20. They add to the urgency for a full and thorough and impartial investigation into the shootings in Independence Square. Ukrainians have a right to know the truth and they expect that those responsible for the killings and the people who ordered the snipers in should be held accountable.”

Most of the activity in the SBU courtyard on February 20 is from between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and then about an hour-and-half later at between 11:40 and noon when a group of Alfa members walk back around the corner and sit in a van looking tired. On the video about that time two Alfa members low-five each other as if to say job well done.

The next day there is again a lot of activity in the courtyard but it is of a totally different nature and the tasks being performed are not preparations for battle or rotation of fighters but the measures accompanying a hasty retreat. Yanukovych was in flight by then and the regime crumbling fast. The SBU appears to be covering tracks, getting rid of evidence, tying up loose ends. The day begins with smoke rising from one of the chimneys, possibly a burning of documents, reminiscent of similar scenes during the anti-communist revolutions in East Germany or Romania in 1989.

Four men in army uniform are seen loading massive safes onto a trolley. Western defenses officials suspect they were stuffed with highly sensitive intelligence files, their destination most likely being Moscow. Other men in black coveralls are seen busily switching Ukrainian tags on several blue, white and gray VW and Mazda trucks. And in one picture—it has also been captured on video – a couple of Alfa members are seen storing in a van what looks like ammunition crates and a weapon protected in a canvas rifle bag.

Asked what he thinks about the men who shot him, Boris Aseyev says he doesn’t bear any grudges towards them. “They are zombies,” he explains. “I think they are just creatures manipulated by Yanukovych and Putin.”

Ukraine’s new minister of justice, Pavlo Petrenko, agrees. “These last four years it’s not just the SBU that had very close ties to Moscow and Russia’s FSB, a lot of the heads of our agencies were Russian agents—at the police, the Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor General’s department,” he says in his office near St. Michael’s Golden Domed Cathedral, where many of the wounded were taken on the night of February 20,sanctuary fearing they would be seized if they went to hospital.

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Special police shot Kiev protesters, inquiry says

Ukraine's special police shot dead dozens of anti-government protesters in Kiev in February, an initial government inquiry has found.

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov told reporters 12 members of the Berkut police had been identified as snipers, and three of them had been arrested.

The inquiry looked into the shootings on Instytutska street in Kiev, where 76 people were killed on 18-20 February.


'Uniforms burnt'

At a news conference in Kiev, Mr Avakov presented the initial findings of the investigation into the mass shootings that shocked Ukraine and the world.

Most of the demonstrators were killed on Instytutska street near the main protest camp on Independence Square, widely known as the Maidan.

Mr Avakov gave details of one particular episode where he said the inquiry had established that eight of those killed were hit by bullets from the same machine-gun.

He identified Maj Dmytro Sadovnyk as commander of a unit suspected of shooting dead at least 17 protesters.

"From the side of the the Zhovtnevy Palace, a special squad from the riot Berkut police, wearing yellow armbands, opened fire at the protesters. Much of this fire was targeted. We are carrying out ballistics tests on the weapons," Mr Avakov said.

The interior minister also showed a number of slides and photos illustrating where he said police snipers were firing from. He named two buildings on Khreshchatyk and Kostyolna streets, saying other spots were still being investigated.

And he added that the previous authorities had tried to make the inquiry impossible by burning uniforms, dumping weapons and destroying documents.

'Direct leadership'
Ukrainian Security Service chief Valentyn Nalyvaychenko said that Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) operatives had been involved in planning operations against the protesters.

He added that the FSB had sent "tonnes" of explosives and weapons by plane to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian authorities also said that the killings of the protesters took place "under the direct leadership" of Mr Yanukovych.

BREAKING NEWS: 9 Suspects in Maidan Shootings Detained

Law enforcement authorities have detained nine suspects in the February 18-20 shootings of Maidan activists, acting Prosecutor General of Ukraine Oleh Makhnytsky reported today. Among the detainees is the leader of the sniper squad. All of the detained are officers of the Kyiv City Berkut special police.

rosecutors conducted investigative activities with the suspects and administered a lie detector test. They report that, as part of their investigation into the murders of protesters in downtown Kyiv, they have questioned 30 thousand law enforcement officers who were on duty in Kyiv on February 18-20.

The agency also reports that they are planning to detain additional suspects in the Maidan shootings in the nearest future.

As a reminder, Ukraine’s Ministry of Health reports that, beginning February 18, a total of 1,528 persons were injured as a result of clashes in downtown Kyiv. 103 participants in anti-government protests have been killed, and 166 protesters remain missing.

SBU chief: FSB employees involved in planning operation on Independence Square in Kyiv

kao sto mozete vidjeti, optuzuju specijalnu jedinicu policije da su oni ubili "mirne prosvjednike". I da je u svemu tome sudjelovao FSF (ruska obavjestajna sluzba).
Poslednja izmena:
Zbog ubojstava prosvjednika uhićeno 12 pripadnika raspuštene ukrajinske policijske jedinice "Berkut"

NAPETOSTI oko Ukrajine se ne smiruju. Rusko pripajanje Krima unijelo je dodatne nemire u odnose Istoka i Zapada. Od strane EU i SAD-a uslijedile su sankcije prema Rusiji. Svijet strahuje da bi i manja iskra mogla biti dovoljna za nove nemire i u konačnici - izbijanje rata.

Uhićeno 12 pripadnika raspuštene ukrajinske policijske jedinice za suzbijanje nereda "Berkut"

Dvanaest pripadnika raspuštene ukrajinske policijske jedinice za suzbijanje nereda "Berkut" pritvoreno je zbog sumnje da su pucali po mirnim sudionicima protuvladinih prosvjeda u Kijevu, priopćio je u četvrtak državni tužitelj.

Više od 100 ljudi je ubijeno, većinom iz snajpera, na ulicama ukrajinske prijestolnice tijekom višemjesečnih prosvjeda protiv tadašnjeg predsjednika Viktora Janukoviča i uoči njegova svrgavanja 21. veljače, a odgovornima za toliki broj ubijenih se smatra "Berkut".

"Do jutros je pritvoreno 12 ljudi i sve ih se sumnjiči za masovno ubojstvo na ulici Institutska", kazao je glasnogovornik državnog tužitelja. Spomenuta ulica, koja vodi prema kijevskom Trgu nezavisnosti - Majdanu - bila je poprište najkrvavijeg nasilja u 22 godine ukrajinske neovisnosti i otad neslužbeno nosi naziv Avenija nebeskih stotinu, aluzija na ubijene prosvjednike.

Vršitelj dužnosti državnog tužitelja Oleg Mahnicki je kazao da su uhićeni pripadnici interventne policije "Berkut" bili dio tzv. "Crne jedinice".

"Policijski dužnosnici iz ove skupine obučavani su za specijalne operacije, uključujući ubijanje ljudi. Nadgledala ih je vlada", rekao je Mahnicki za agenciju Interfax.

Krajem veljače, ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova je rasformiralo "Berkut", čije ime znači zlatni orao i označava grabežljivca sposobnog da se brzo obruši i uhvati svoj plijen.
