U Dubaiu su zaboravili samo na jednu "SITNICU"...!!!



Moderan arapski svet!
Sigurno ste već videli brojna čuda arhitekture u Dubaiu.

Ali, zamislite, ni jedno nije priključeno na kanalizaciju!

Video, koji traje 2 minuta, prikazuje beskrajan red punih cisterni za čišćenje septičkih jama!!!
O čemu su to mislili graditelji tih oblakodera?

Neverovatna količina otpada se proizvodi u tim grandioznim objektima a ne postoji izgrađen sistem i mesto kuda bi to oticalo !
Dubai nema kanalizacioni sistem i jedini način uklanjanja fekalnog otpada je odvoženje

Pogledajte te bezbrojne kamione-cisterne koji čekaju da istresu svoj teret

Ovo je zaprepašćujuće. Čekaju danima da istovare!

Bilo je za očekivati da će graditelji tih ogromnih prelepih nebodera imati dovoljno pameti da smisle kako da se iz njih ukljanja svakodnevni otpad.

Ali, to očigledno NIJE BILO TAKO!!!

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Da, malo si se zbunio:

In the past, due to the rate of expansion of the city, there were problems with sewage capacity and connectivity but in recent years Dubai Municipality has greatly expanded capacity and at present the entirety of Dubai is connected to a central sewage system



During Dubai's economic boom in 2009 the city's rapid growth meant that it was stretching its existing sewage treatment infrastructure to its limits. Sewage from areas of Dubai not connected to the municipal piped network at the time was collected daily from thousands of septic tanks across the city and driven by tankers to the city's only sewage treatment plant at Al-Awir. Because of the long queues and delays, some tanker drivers resorted to illegally dumping the effluent into storm drains or behind dunes in the desert resulting in much controversy. The result of sewage dumped into storm drains was that it flowed directly into the Persian Gulf, near to the city's prime swimming beaches. Doctors warned that tourists using the beaches ran the risk of contracting serious illnesses like typhoid and hepatitis.[13]

Dubai's municipality says that it is committed to trying to catch the culprits and has imposed fines of up to $25,000 as well as threatening to confiscate tankers if dumping persists. The municipality maintains that test results show samples of the water are "within the standard".[14]

As of September 2009, these queues and illegal dumping are no longer reported to be a problem.
