Što muškarac ima veću žeđ za nasiljem, više je seksualno privlačan


Veoma poznat
"Many studies have reported that during high fertility points in the menstrual cycle, women demonstrate increased preference for men with masculinized faces and bodies. In this study, we analyzed whether appetitive aggression in men serves as an additional signal for a favored partner choice. Appetitive aggression describes the intrinsic motivation to act violently even when not being threatened. This study evaluated the responses of 1212 women to one of four descriptions regarding a soldier´s experience after returning from war. The four vignettes included trauma related symptoms with high or low appetitive aggression, or no trauma related symptoms with high or low appetitive aggression. Participants rated their desirability for the soldier in regards to potential long-term and short-term relationships...
...Results suggest that men high in appetitive aggression scores are sexually preferred by women as short-term mates over those with a low score, particularly when the selector is in her fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. This result coincides with other studies demonstrating that typical, well-marked male attributes such as dominance and masculine facial features are sexually preferred by women in their fertile window (e.g., Havlicek et al., 2005; Penton-Voak and Perrett, 2000). When ovulating, women seem particularly selective and sensitive for a range of distinct markers of male features (Thornhill and Gangestad, 2008). This study indicates that not only the physical appearance but also behavioral traits – in this case, appetitive aggression in combination with no trauma symptoms – constitute signals for presumed genetic male fitness. Men who seek dominance and find pleasure in aggression are not a profitable option for a stable relationship because they pose a threat to the family, demonstrate less parental investment and engage in extra-pair copulation (Marlowe, 1999). Consequently, as predicted, women in our study prefer men with low appetitive aggression as a long-term mate. Instead of a more aggressive man, a kinder, more sensitive man, might be a better option for a long-term mate (Buss and Barnes, 1986; Li et al., 2002).
" http://www.epjournal.net/articles/f...e-and-mens-vulnerability-to-traumatic-stress/
Nisam bas citao ceo tekst, u zurbi sam nesto, ali navodno muskarci koji su skloni nasilju, imaju vecu kolicinu testosterona, a navodno zene padaju na taj testosteron, jer je musko onda musko, a ne neki sonja. Ne mora da bude neki kvagdzija i da se bije u kafani svaki dan, ali mislim da bi radije jakog muskarca sa dobrom dozom testosterona, sto kazu, musko, nego nekog sonju koji ne sme ni glas da povisi pred njom.
Слажем се. Тестостерон служи и за уградњу протеина у мишиће, билдери га често користи као суплемент као и такође познати стероид. Жене се наравно пале на мишићаве и јаке мушкарце. Опет не мора да значи да су мишићави момци склони насиљу, али жене траже мушкарца који ће моћи да их заштити, да им пружи сигурност, не само њих већ и могућу будућу децу.

Мада постоје мушкарци који нису тако грађени, али могу бити јаки чим спроводе насиље. Само жене често, поготово данас, почну да каке па то изнервира насилника и буде свашта. Наравно не увек.
Kad si video da je najbolju ribu odvojio najbolji frajer ( fizički najbolji ) ?

Искрено виђао сам костуре како воде најбоље рибе :D Али сигурно се жене ложе на мишиће и снагу, логично, као што се и ми ложимо на добро дупе, сисе, дуге ноге за играње итд :lol: Не сви наравно, али већина.
slapše baratam jezikom, pa se nisam snašo, al eto gledam naslov pa računam znam o čemu se radi...
ja mislio to samo kod nas tako...
mada...ta njihova merila za grubost i ova naša ovdašnja se izgleda razlikuju...misim ono što je za njih grubijan, za nas je papučar...:lol: misim ako ne računamo huligane, jelda navijače...
nema veze...
stoput prežvakana priča - nežnost danas nije na ceni, uvek su bili veći objekat ženske pažnje grubiji muškarci, od onih pažljivijih, nežnijih...****** ga - priroda podesila tako da vole takve...
mi nežni nikad nismo imali prođu i uvek su jelda alfa mužjaci više jebbali...
Tanka je linija izmedju muskaraca za koje zene smatraju da su sonje i onih za koje kazu da su muskarcine.
Sonja je i neki prosecan,normalan momak koji nije sklon incidentima,ne napusava sve oko sebe koji nemaju isto misljenje kao on,nije drzak,bezobrazan,nadmen.To su sonje modernog doba.Oni koji gledaju samo svoja posla.
A ove "muskarcine" koje poseduju sve osobine od navedenih,su privlacni jer se nece libiti da rascopaju nosinu svakome ko sasvim slucajno pogleda njihovu dragu.A njen ego tada leti do neslucenih visina.
Takvi mogu da joj daju sigurnost i zastitu (jedna od omiljenih zenskih fraza) a ja se samo pitam,od cega im je potrebna ta zastita kad je toliko sonja.
"Many studies have reported that during high fertility points in the menstrual cycle, women demonstrate increased preference for men with masculinized faces and bodies. In this study, we analyzed whether appetitive aggression in men serves as an additional signal for a favored partner choice. Appetitive aggression describes the intrinsic motivation to act violently even when not being threatened. This study evaluated the responses of 1212 women to one of four descriptions regarding a soldier´s experience after returning from war. The four vignettes included trauma related symptoms with high or low appetitive aggression, or no trauma related symptoms with high or low appetitive aggression. Participants rated their desirability for the soldier in regards to potential long-term and short-term relationships...
...Results suggest that men high in appetitive aggression scores are sexually preferred by women as short-term mates over those with a low score, particularly when the selector is in her fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. This result coincides with other studies demonstrating that typical, well-marked male attributes such as dominance and masculine facial features are sexually preferred by women in their fertile window (e.g., Havlicek et al., 2005; Penton-Voak and Perrett, 2000). When ovulating, women seem particularly selective and sensitive for a range of distinct markers of male features (Thornhill and Gangestad, 2008). This study indicates that not only the physical appearance but also behavioral traits – in this case, appetitive aggression in combination with no trauma symptoms – constitute signals for presumed genetic male fitness. Men who seek dominance and find pleasure in aggression are not a profitable option for a stable relationship because they pose a threat to the family, demonstrate less parental investment and engage in extra-pair copulation (Marlowe, 1999). Consequently, as predicted, women in our study prefer men with low appetitive aggression as a long-term mate. Instead of a more aggressive man, a kinder, more sensitive man, might be a better option for a long-term mate (Buss and Barnes, 1986; Li et al., 2002).
" http://www.epjournal.net/articles/f...e-and-mens-vulnerability-to-traumatic-stress/

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