Studiranje u Italiji....

Italija je sasvim ok... Ja sam sad 1. godina ekonomije na Bocconiju u Milanu, studiram na engleskom i prezadovoljna sam! Imam stipendiju, placenu sobu u njihovom domu i jeftinije obroke u studentskoj menzi. Nista nije nemoguce, samo je potrebno puno volje, truda, i strpljenja sa celom procedurom oko upisao, jer su Italijani uzasno neorganizovani, sve javljaju u poslednji trenutak i cesto cete dobijati nepotpune informacije, ali isplati se.

Saro, upisao bih isti fakultet kao ti, zavrsavam prvu godinu na Ekonomskom u NS, jel mozes nesto vise o tome da mi kazes, nasao sam neku agenciju Sekioni ovde u Srbiji koja sve to oko upisa resava, nema mnogo cimanja, ali me interesuje nesto vise o Milanu, tom faksu i imam jos milion pitanja ali ne mogu da ti posaljem privatnu poruku, ne znam zasto...
Pozdrav svima! I meni su hitno potrebne informacije oko studiranja u Italiji za ovu godinu. Htjela bih da upisem medicinu.
Nisam razmisljala ni o jednom fakultetu ni gradu konkretno,mada sam u poslednje vrijeme dosta cujala o Sapienzi u Rimu.
Kad pocinju upisi?
U italijanskom kulturnom centru ne mogu da dobijem nikakve korisne informacije
Potrebna mi je pomoć. Naime, konkurisao sam za master programu "Politecnico di Milano", primljen sam i danas mi je pristiglo i ovo pismo:

It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded a two-year scholarship for the Laurea Magistrale programme in TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING at MILANO LEONARDO campus taught in English.
Your scholarship has been offered by the Politecnico di Milano. The SILVER scholarship for the second year will be confirmed only if you maintain the requirements that will be communicated to you at the beginning of the first semester.
The scholarship will cover:
- Tuition fees
No cash pocket money will be given. In order to confirm your acceptance, you will have to pay an administrative fee of 144 € following the instructions given on your Politecnico di Milano account (Online Services). Scholarship recipients will not be asked to pay any other tuition fees for registering at the Politecnico di Milano.
For any other concern please contact welcome desk at your campus.
The deadline to submit the payment of the administrative fee of 144 € is 07/05/2012. You can pay either by credit card or by bank transfer. If we don’t receive your payment by the above mentioned deadline, your scholarship will be assigned to the next candidate in the list. In case of withdrawal or for any other problems, e.g. with the issuing of the student visa, no reimbursement will be given.
The Scholarship is valid only for the enrolment in the first semester of the academic year 2012/13 in September 2012. You will not be asked to pay any other fees for registering at the Politecnico di Milano.
Please remember that you are responsible for completing the at Italian Embassy/Consulate and for providing to the Politecnico di Milano with the entire documentation required for the formal registration.

E sada, pošto sam oslobođen školarine, interesuje me da li je neko konkurisao i dobio stipendije, pošto je život u Milanu jako skup.

Uputili su me na
The Diritto allo Studio (DSU) scholarship is a financial based study grant (given in two instalments), reserved to students enrolled at Politecnico di Milano. The public competition, published every June on (in Italian only), illustrates the financial and merit requirements necessary to compete for the scholarship:

The financial requirements are verified through the ISEEU/ISPEU certifications which define the financial situation of the student’s family (or the personal financial situation in case of a working individual). For foreign students the ISEEU/ISPEU attestations must be issued by specialised assistance centres called CAAF http://www.polinternational.polimi....s/caaf-offices-suggested-to-foreign-students/ that have an agreement with the Politecnico di Milano.
The merit requirements will consist of a certain number of credits which the students must obtain before August 10th of the following year.

Candidates, in possess of the requirements mentioned above, have to fill up the online application form within the deadline mentioned in the DSU public competition (usually first week of September), in order to be considered in the DSU scholarships awarding process.

I na ovaj sajt

Jako mi je sada bitno da li je neko imao iskustva, kolika su primanja i kakve stipendije? Kratak mi je rok da se odlučim da li prihvatam ovu stipendiju univerziteta ili ne, jer verovatno ako je ne prihvatima formira se druga rang lista.
Cao svima, zanima me strudiranje u Italiji, da preciziram Bariju.
Sad me zanima, svako ko zna bilo sta neka pise, da li postoje predavanja na engleskom? Zanima me racunovodstvo/ekonomija. Da li ima sanse za stipendiju i za nas koji nismo iz Italije( Crna Gora) da dobijemo stipendiju ili nekakve povoljnosti? Vec neko vreme po netu trazim fakultete u Bariju, i to mi ne ide dobro, zato ako neko zna bilo sta MOLIM VAS PISITE.
Ucim Italijanski, i nekoliko puta sam bila u Italiji, ali opet to nije dovoljno da bi pratila predavanja, zato bi mi bilo lakse kada bi bilo na engleskom.

A ako vec nema sanse za stipendiju, koliko bi iznosila godina, stanovanje, uopste zivot? Bilo kakav savet bi mi dobro dosao, bilo kakav link.. Odlucujem se sta da upisem, doduse imam jos godinu dana, ali razmatram mogucnosti.
