Poceci slavnih glumaca

Daj neki link ka njenim ranim radovima :mrgreen:
neee:besna:mada nada ostaje:lol:


In the 1970s — before DVDs! — an 8mm porn film was sold and advertised as Barbra Streisand in Hardcore!
The film featured an actress with Egyptian eyeliner.
Although the “actress” in this “film” resembles Barbra, it is not her.
The movie is actually called The Personal Touch. The same actress that looks like Barbra also appeared in another movie called Auto-Sex.
Streisand even joked about it in a 1977 Playboy interview: “I couldn't resist the temptation to see what the actress looked like—and also to check out her performance—so we got a copy. The film, naturally, is very blurred. The girl has long hair, like I did back in the Sixties, although she was chubby, while I was very skinny. But the dead giveaway came when the camera zoomed in on her hands around the guy's you-know-what. There they were: short, stubby fingers! Definitely not mine. So all you would-be buyers, don't waste your money.”

zan klod:mrgreen:
Poslednja izmena:
Hah, kako čudno pročitati "Mira Todorović" :aha: :heart:
ono kad te uhvati nostalgija za nekim vremenom u kom nisi bio rođen :)
Сећам се прича свога деде, који јој је био професор у Државној трговачкој академији.

Није била неки ђак, али је показивала велик таленат за глуму, па су јој он, и други професори саветовали: "Миро, батали ово, није за тебе, иди ти у глумице".
Lesli Nilsen aka poručnik Drebin iz "Golog pištolja" je jednu od svojih prvih, ustvari drugu filmsku ulogu imao u filmu "Tajanstvena planeta" (Forbidden Planet), što je možda prvi SF filmu u smislu tog žanra kakvog ga znamo danas.

Žan-Klod van Dam je statirao u filmu "Brejkdens" (Breakin') iz 1984. Njegova uloga je "spectator in First Dance Sequence". :)
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