Google Chrome? Ovo možda niste znali...


Postoje brojni dodaci i opcije koje olakšavaju korišćenje Googleovog pretraživača internets stranica. Otkrijte neke od njih...


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Na Buzzfeedu su "otkrili" neke opcije i proširenja ovog web pretraživača koje omogućavaju privatno surfovanje internetom, pregledavanje skraćenog sadržaja velikih članaka, računanje unutar adresne trake i brojne druge opcije koje će vam olakšati svakodnevno služenje Chromeom.

Pregledajte velike slike bez njihovog prethodnog otvaranja – putem Hover Zoom opcije, možete pregledati fotografije u njihovoj pravoj veličini (odnosno veličini prilagođenoj veličini ekrana) bez potrebe za njihovim prethodnim otvaranjem. Dovoljno je samo preći mišem preko te fotografije i ona će se automatski prikazati u pravoj veličini. Ovo proširenje ne radi na svim stranicama, ali podržavaju ga popularne stranice poput Facebooka, Twittera, Amazona i brojnih drugih.

Prevod i značenje rečidodajte Google Dictionary dodatak, kliknite dva puta mišem na reč koja vas zanima i otvoriće se mali prozor u kojem će se prikazati opis i značenje te reči, odnosno (s obzirom na to da nije podržan srpski jezik) pojaviće se prevod te reči na engleski jezik, a značenje te reči (na engleskom) možete pogledati klikom na ikonu u gornjem desnom uglu.

Stavite podsjetnik u polju za pretraguovde preuzmite dodatak Omnibox Timer, u pretragu upišite 'tm' i pritisnite razmak (ili TAB) i upišite npr. '50 sastanak' te će se za 50 minuta (ako upišete npr. 50s onda će se timer aktivirati za 50 sekundi) u donjem desnom uglu pojaviti poruka koju ste upisali u podsetnik. Ovo je zanimljiv i koristan alat, ali još nije dorađen jer ne daje potvrdu da je, nakon upisivanja podsetnika u pretragu, Chrome zaista zapamtio taj podsetnik.

Anonimno surfovanje – ako ne želite da osobe koje koriste isti računar saznaju šta ste gledali na internetu, rešenje je privatno, odnosno anonimno surfovanje. Kliknite na oznaku opcija s gornje desne strane Chromea i odaberite opciju "Novi anonimni prozor" (New Incognito Window). Iako ovakvo surfovanje ne ostavlja tragove na računaru, iz Googlea upozoravaju da na ovaj način niste zaštićeni od web lokacija koje prikupljaju informacije o vama, zlonamernih softvera, tajnih agenata koji nadgledaju stranice i slično.

Provera pravopisa – u opcijama Chromea možete omogućiti proveru pravopisa (ova je opcija dostupna samo korisnicima PC-a, ne i Macova), ali treba upozoriti da se provera pravopisa vrši slanjem unesenog teksta Googleovim servisima tako da će dio korisnika preskočiti korištenje ove opcije.

Skratite duge tekstove i pogledajte samo najbitnije informacijeTLDR (Too Long Didn't Read) dodatak skraćuje tekst kako bi prikazao samo one informacije koje su (prema algoritmu ove opcije) najvažnije. Nakon što instalirate ovaj dodatak, otvorite tekst koji vas zanima i zatim u gornjem desnom uglu kliknite na TLDR oznaku i pojaviće vam se skraćeni tekst.

Vratite sve tabove koje ste slučajno zatvorili – tabove možete otvoriti ako u isto vreme pritisnete Ctrl+Shift+T, odnosno korisnici Mac računara treba da pritisnu Command+Shift+T ili, jednostavnije, u postavkama Chrome postavite da se, prilikom ponovnog pokretanja Chromea, otvore tabovi koje su bili aktivni pre zatvaranja. Takođe, ako ste slučajno zatvorili jedan tab, možete ga ponovno otvoriti tako da otvorite novi (prazan) tab i u donjem desnom uglu kliknete na opciju 'Nedavno zatvoreno' (Recently Closed).

Računajte iz browsera – umesto da otvarate kalkulator, u polju za internet adresu upišite operaciju koja vam treba (npr. 20+5) i među ponuđenim predlozima pretrage Google će ponuditi i jedan predlog ispred kojeg stoji znak jednakosti i tačan rezultat te operacije (=25).

Snimite sve otvorene tabove u bookmarkove, odnosno oznake – kako bi snimili sve trenutno otvorene tabove, korisnici računara treba u isto vreme da pritisnu Ctrl+Shift+D, dok korisnici Appleovih računara treba da pritisnu Command+Shift+D.

Koristite Google Chrome? Ovo možda niste znali...

Добар је он, мада Мозила има супер опцију кад си на неком сајту да у поље претраге укуцаш реч која те интересује и он је одмах пронађе у км дугачком тексту, овај хроме нема ту опцију и то је велики минус.
Добар је он, мада Мозила има супер опцију кад си на неком сајту да у поље претраге укуцаш реч која те интересује и он је одмах пронађе у км дугачком тексту, овај хроме нема ту опцију и то је велики минус.

Mislis na CTRL+F?
Ok je Chrome, ali na 512 RAM-a, zapinje kao nenormalan, tako da na slabijim masinima tog tipa koristim Firefox. Inace, dobar jos plugin je Checker Plus for Gmail, koji vam pokazuje neprocitane mailove. U novoj verziji valjda ima i popup notifications, mada ne znam da li je to za plug ili za sam Chrome.
Ok je Chrome, ali na 512 RAM-a, zapinje kao nenormalan, tako da na slabijim masinima tog tipa koristim Firefox. Inace, dobar jos plugin je Checker Plus for Gmail, koji vam pokazuje neprocitane mailove. U novoj verziji valjda ima i popup notifications, mada ne znam da li je to za plug ili za sam Chrome.
meni se desilo da mi je chrome izgubio neke osnovne aplikacije i nije se mogao normalno otvoriti, ali sam pronašao AdBlock i addovo ga na chrome te sada nemam tih problema.
stae ovo?
Terms of Service update
October 11, 2013
We are updating the Google Terms of Service. The new Terms will go live on November 11, 2013 and you can read them here.
Because many of you are allergic to legalese, here’s a plain English summary for your convenience.
We’ve made three changes:

  • First, clarifying how your Profile name and photo might appear in Google products (including in reviews, advertising and other commercial contexts).
  • Second, a reminder to use your mobile devices safely.
  • Third, details on the importance of keeping your password confidential.
Here are some more details:
How your Profile name and photo may appear (including in reviews and advertising)
We want to give you – and your friends and connections – the most useful information. Recommendations from people you know can really help. So your friends, family and others may see your Profile name and photo, and content like the reviews you share or the ads you +1’d. This only happens when you take an action (things like +1’ing, commenting or following) – and the only people who see it are the people you’ve chosen to share that content with. On Google, you’re in control of what you share. This update to our Terms of Service doesn’t change in any way who you’ve shared things with in the past or your ability to control who you want to share things with in the future.
Feedback from people you know can save you time and improve results for you and your friends across all Google services, including Search, Maps, Play and in advertising. For example, your friends might see that you rated an album 4 stars on the band’s Google Play page. And the +1 you gave your favorite local bakery could be included in an ad that the bakery runs through Google. We call these recommendations shared endorsements and you can learn more about them here.
When it comes to shared endorsements in ads, you can control the use of your Profile name and photo via the Shared Endorsements setting. If you turn the setting to “off,” your Profile name and photo will not show up on that ad for your favorite bakery or any other ads. This setting only applies to use in ads, and doesn’t change whether your Profile name or photo may be used in other places such as Google Play.
If you previously told Google that you did not want your +1’s to appear in ads, then of course we’ll continue to respect that choice as a part of this updated setting. For users under 18, their actions won’t appear in shared endorsements in ads and certain other contexts.
For greater control over your experience with ads on Google, you can also use Google’s Ads Settings tool to manage ads you see. Learn more.
Use your mobile devices safely
It’s just good common sense: Don’t use our services if you’re doing something that requires your full attention, like driving, and our services might distract you. And, of course, always follow the law while driving.
Be careful with your password
Our top priority is keeping your information safe and secure. Your Google username and password let you access lots of useful things – your Gmail messages, Google+ photos, YouTube videos, Google Contacts list and more. Anyone you give your login details to could use them to access your Google Account and the stuff you store with Google. So if you’re asked for your password, think twice and consider whether there might be safer and more secure ways to share the information.
If we see something out of the ordinary (such as if we notice failed attempts to login to your account, or two logins to your account within a short time frame, but from computers located very far away from each other) you may see an unusual activity alert.
Learn about other ways to keep your Google Account secure, including adding 2-step verification and using application-specific passwords.
Thank you for making it to the end of this page – we know this stuff can be dry, but we think it is important. To see how the terms apply to you, please check out the Terms of Service for your country.
pazi ovo

Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome
The Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome is an extension that enables Chrome users to play H.264-encoded videos (aka MP4) on HTML5 pages by using the built-in capabilities found in Windows 7.

Important Notes:

  • If you are running Windows 8, the extension will NOT work. We recommend that you download Internet Explorer instead. IE is a modern, standards compliant browser that remains compatible with older media technologies.

  • If you are running Windows 7, and your Chrome browser is version 33 or newer, the extension will NOT work. This is due to an architectural change in Chrome. The reason was articulated by the Chrome team in this article. As an alternative, we recommend that you download Internet Explorer instead.

  • If you are running Windows 7, and your Chrome browser is version 32 or older, you will still be able to install the plugin by following these instructions:
1. Download the extension from here by using the right click and select "Save Link As..." (DO NOT just open the link by clicking on it) and save it on your local machine.
2. In Chrome, select the menu Tools/Extensions.
3. Check the "Developer mode" box.
4. Drag & Drop the extension file (copied in step 1) on the extensions page in Chrome. Chrome will ask you to install the extension.

