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Mothers forced to sell their children: Mail reveals the distressing human toll of Greece's Euro meltdown

The economic crisis across Europe has perhaps been most keenly felt in Greece, where people have taken to the streets in violent and emotional protests against the austeriy measures imposed on the nation.

In this heartbreaking dispatch from the streets of Athens, SUE REID finds mothers who have been forced to sell their own children in the battle for survival.



Tough times: Maria Tsvira, pictured with her daughter Juliana, is now forced to use the charity medical centre set up in Athens


Sad: Sophia, a child who is now being looked after at the SOS children's refugee in Athens after being abandoned

‘At Christmas, at Easter, on their birthdays, I am always so sad because I do not see them. Some people judge me over what I’ve done — even my own family and neighbours — but they do not understand the truth. I’ve done what is best for my children.

‘I cannot count the number of doorbells I have rung of government departments, asking officials to help me and my family. They make promises but do nothing. They have no money either. Our country is in crisis.’


Sad: Father John, a priest from the Greek Orthodox Church, says he has never witnessed such poverty

Already, one in five adults is out of work, a fifth of Greek firms have closed, the standard of living has fallen by 20 per cent in two years, and the country which created the Olympic Games in 700 BC can only afford to send half of its athletic team to compete in the London Games.

In the leafy suburbs of Athens this week, I watched two smartly dressed elderly men rifling through rubbish bins at the side of a busy road.

One, who said his name was Georges, told me that their state pensions had been cut to £220 a month. He said: ‘We are looking for anything we can sell.’

He walked away sheepishly with a dented silver picture frame he had found in the bin.

Meanwhile, Government health spending has been slashed by a third. This means that medical care is no longer free for those who have not paid full national insurance contributions. Half of routine prescription drugs are in short supply.

No wonder that the queues at the Social Mission, a charity clinic set up this year by volunteer doctors and the Archbishop of Athens in the centre of the city, lengthen each day. In three months, 650 uninsured patients, many of them children, have come for treatment.


She tells of a friend, a single mother who lived in a charity shelter with her baby daughter because she had no money and the State would not help.

‘She could not afford to keep her own child and gave her away to a couple who did not have a family of their own.

‘These kinds of things are happening now in Greece. There are many who are suffering and I wonder what the future holds for children of my daughter’s generation.’


Civil unrest: Pensioners burn emergency tax notices during an anti austerity protest

Father John says he has never witnessed such poverty. ‘Only today I was helping a young couple, both 24, who are having their first baby. It is due any time now,’ he explains.

‘They went to the hospital this morning and the doctors said they had to pay a fee for the birth of their child. But they have no money, and can barely pay their rent at a small flat they share with friends.

‘The father used to be a professional footballer, the mother an office clerk. Now they are jobless. The mother suggested to doctors that she had a Caesarean.’

Such operations are considered emergencies (because they are done to save a baby’s life) and are therefore carried out without charge. So their request for a Caesarean was a way of getting round the rules. However, the doctors refused.

‘They said the Caesarean was unnecessary and she should have a normal birth and pay for it herself. They also warned that she would have to leave the hospital in labour if she did not find the cash to pay.

‘She rang our church in horror and distress. We sent money to the hospital so she can have her baby.’
Колика је то немаштина да се мораш рођене деце одрећи?!

Није то немаштина, то вам је драги моји (дужничко) ропство! Кад немаш, онда се бориш, па макар умро, али због деце се не предајеш; а кад си роб, не смеш да умреш, док не вратиш све оно што робовласник замисли да му припада, укључујући и твоју децу!

Али добро, од тих робова ће се изродити хероји, а они ће створити нову Грчку.
Што наш народ каже: свако зло за неко добро.
