bad sektori

Welcome to HDD Regenerator - the unique software program for °Û
Û° regeneration of hard disk drives. The program eliminates physical °Û
Û° damages (bad sectors) from hard disk drive surface. It does not hide °Û
Û° bad sectors, it really restores them! °Û
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Û° How it works... °Û
Û° °Û
Û° Almost 60 % of all damaged by bad sectors hard drives have °Û
Û° incorrectly magnetized disk surface. Our researches have been °Û
Û° fruitful and we have found algorithm which is special sequence of °Û
Û° high and low level signals. These signals are generated by the °Û
Û° software and they switch damaged surface. Even low level formatting °Û
Û° is not able to handle this task! °Û
Û° °Û
Û° °Û
Û° Main benefits of HDD Regenerator... °Û
Û° °Û
Û° HDD Regenerator regenerates bad sectors by magnetic reversal. If your °Û
Û° hard drive is damaged by bad sectors, the disk not only becomes unfit °Û
Û° for use, but also you risk losing information stored on the disk. HDD °Û
Û° Regenerator will regenerate your hard disk (almost 60 % of damaged °Û
Û° hard disks are subject to regeneration). As a result, not readable °Û
Û° damaged information will be restored. With all this going on the °Û
Û° existing information will not be affected! °Û
Na Hirren Boot cd-u postoji program koji se zove Viktorija i jedna je od najboljih za skidnje bad sactora, ako on ne pmogne morace da se radi low lavel format iz maxtorovog programa MAX Power koji se takodje nalazi na tom cd-u, ali ce u tok slucaju svi podaci sa harda biti izbrisani..

Na Hirren Boot cd-u postoji program koji se zove Viktorija i jedna je od najboljih za skidnje bad sactora, ako on ne pmogne morace da se radi low lavel format iz maxtorovog programa MAX Power koji se takodje nalazi na tom cd-u, ali ce u tok slucaju svi podaci sa harda biti izbrisani..


Cekaj, Viktorija ce da izoluje bed sektor ili..?
Zavisi koju su BAD sectori i koliko je glava unistena... u principu sam sa Viktorijom i Power MAX-om resavao probleme sa hardovima tj. bad sectorima... naravno ako nisu skroz unisteni...
Glava hard diska ima samo dva stanja: apsolutno savršeno ispravna, ili apsolutno neispravna. Nema između. :mrgreen:
