Internet prevare

Pa ako zajeebu 10ljudi mesecno svakog za 2K evrica i te kako je unosan posao. A iskreno mislim da su sume nekoliko puta vece :) Kod nas sumnjam da moze da poleti prica, jer ipak, ko iz inostranstva dolazi u Srbiju da pazari polovna kola ;) A za nemacku, englesku, francusku i spaniju, ubedjen sam da ce ti poleteti u 20% slucajeva, jedan od razloga je sto kod njh "vlada" drugacija kultura, tj. ne misle u tom pravucu da ih neko zajeebe jer su pokriveni zakonom. PP ti je super primer. PA ce ti uplatiti jedan deo kao kaparu, a pogotovo ako ih izlevatis da uplate na samog sebe i skeniraju ti jos podatke.

Prosto ne verujem u takve priče a evo i zašto. Jednostavno, sa većim sumama novca, ne verujem da operiše iko sa običnim ljudima, jer su čak i na zapadu svesni da tako nešto ne pije vodu, drugo ja ne znam nikoga lično ko je prevaren ma za i 1-an jedini cent, sve same priče te znaš ovo bilo sa onim, ono bilo sa znaš onoga ali nije važno ako ne znaš važno je da ja znam toga da mu se desilo to i to! Sve same priče. A lično sam se uverio kako naši ljudi razmišljaju i padaju na takve priče i dok svet radi posao i zarađuje preko interneta, dotle naši trus-mozgovi uvrteli sebi u glavu o pljačkama, ubacivanje virusa, krađom podataka a kuče nema za šta da ih ujede! Ma smešno, te piramide te navlačenje ma svašta sam se naslušao a istina je drugačija. Ako nekoga baš zanima neka se obrati na pp. pa ću mu dati hiljadu dokaza i načina zarade i šta možda rade ti isti ljudi koji vas plaše prevarama! poz!:cool:
a ove slatke ribice sto se jadaju jel imo neko to iskustvo:lol:
Good day my dearest,
I want to thank you for your reply to my mail although we have not known each other before, i am very happy seeing your reply, how are you doing today, hope your doing good. I am alright only that life has not been easy for me, moreover my name is Miss Bena Jones, i am 25 years but age does not matter in a relationship, age is only but a number rather what matters is true love and caring, i am never married and i do not have any kid, i am a student but currently not schooling now because of my present condition, i am from Sudan by Nationality but i am currently residing in a refugee camp located in Senegal here in west Africa, my late parents are Dr. and Mrs Jones Paul. My father Dr. Jones Paul,was the Special Adviser to President Salva Kiir of South Sudan for Decentralization. My parents were among with other top Military Officials and top Government officials that was on board when the plane crash that took place on Friday 02, May 2008 on their way to a Political Conference, i lost my lovely parents which was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in life.
After the burial of my late parents life becomes so difficult for me as the only child to my parents, my uncle conspired and sold my father's properties to a Chinese Expatriate, and my uncle left nothing for me to survive with, explaining to me that it as how tradition demands, as a female issue i don't have any right to my father's properties, i tried to fight for my right but he threaten to kill me sothat is the reason i find my way and run away from my country, i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal, although life is not easy here.
Life is so difficult for me here because i do not have any relative who can help me but I thank God for providing pastor of Christ the king church located at the camp, he is the pastor that takes care of the refugees and i send and receive your mails from his office, his name is (Reverend Pastor Peter Anthony), he is just like a father to me as i became close to him during one of his visitation to the clinic when i was sick. You can call me whenever you want to speak with me with his number ( 00221773497937 ) so that i can talk with you because i have already told him about you, when you call please tell him that you want to speak with me so that he can send for me from the females hostel to talk with you. i will be so glad to speak with you, please try to call me on the reverend father's phone number above so that i can hear your voice.
My dear there is something i would like to discuss with you, please it's a secret and no one knows about it, i need you to assist me due to my refugee status here in Senegal. I believe that you are a gentle and Godly person that is why i wanted to share this secret with you and i will like you to be sincere and trustworthy to me. i know we have not meet before but i believe we can be together in the near future, Before the death of my father in 2008, he deposited a sum of ($6.6 million) (Six million six hundred thousand dollar) in leading bank in Europe which my name appears as the next of kin because i am the only daughter of my parents, when my parents were alive they never hide anything from me as the only child, after the death of my parent i was able to get my late father's Statement of Account were he Deposited his money, my uncle later got to know about it, that was the reason he was threatening to kill me so that he can be able to claim the money. So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. i cannot transfer the fund by myself due to my refugee status, refugees in Senegal does not have any right or freedom to do anything here in Senegal so i need your help so that i can get my late father's fund transferred to your care to enable me have my freedom and come to your country if possible for a better life with you.
Already i have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money but the bank told me to look for a foreign partner who will assist me in the claim due to my refugee status here in Senegal. As a refugee i don't have a direct claim over the money but can only have it through an appointed representative. So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone because i am afraid of losing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i have deposed in you. I like honest and understanding people,truthful and a person of vision, truth and hardworking which i believe you are. Please my dear i will like to know your willingness to assist me in this claim so that i can give you the full contact of the bank in Europe for you to contact them for verification and confirmation.

I have kept this secret, even Reverend Pastor Peter Anthony does not know about it, but i will tell him as soon i get someone that could be able to help me out and i also want you to keep it to yourself too for i am afraid of loosing my life or the money. Dear i want to go back to the hostel in few minutes from now we are going to have our manual labor, i will give you the information of the bank in my next mail after seeing your reply, once again thank you and God bless you for your kind help to me. i awaits for your reply. here are my photos.
Yours in heart Bena
Prosto ne verujem u takve priče a evo i zašto. Jednostavno, sa većim sumama novca, ne verujem da operiše iko sa običnim ljudima, jer su čak i na zapadu svesni da tako nešto ne pije vodu, drugo ja ne znam nikoga lično ko je prevaren ma za i 1-an jedini cent, sve same priče te znaš ovo bilo sa onim, ono bilo sa znaš onoga ali nije važno ako ne znaš važno je da ja znam toga da mu se desilo to i to! Sve same priče. A lično sam se uverio kako naši ljudi razmišljaju i padaju na takve priče i dok svet radi posao i zarađuje preko interneta, dotle naši trus-mozgovi uvrteli sebi u glavu o pljačkama, ubacivanje virusa, krađom podataka a kuče nema za šta da ih ujede! Ma smešno, te piramide te navlačenje ma svašta sam se naslušao a istina je drugačija. Ako nekoga baš zanima neka se obrati na pp. pa ću mu dati hiljadu dokaza i načina zarade i šta možda rade ti isti ljudi koji vas plaše prevarama! poz!:cool:

To dal ces ti da verujes ili ne to je tvoj problem.Ljudi na zapadu su pokriveni zakonom koji njima ide u korist, tako da npr PP pokriva sve do 2000$, tj. ako te neko zajeebe vratice ti sumu do 2000$. Sta mislis zaso su tako ogromne provizije za koriscenje usluga PP? Imao si slucajeva i kod nas, konkretno sa Limundom.... Ljudi razne na razne nacine, npr ljude varaju tako sto traze donacije ( pomoc obolelom detetu npr... ) i uplate idu na PP. KAda trazis za donaciju dobijas generisan link od PP koji postavljas na forume. Sve pare koje dodju na taj nacin PP ne dira. Kod nas ne mzoes da napravis nalog ( mada ja znam kako mozes ) i da se zezas na taj nacin, mozes cak i da izvalacis pare na CC ako je podrzava zemlja za koju si napravio nalog... Istina je daleko gora od onoga sto si cuo, nisi ni svestan :)
Prosto ne verujem u takve priče a evo i zašto. Jednostavno, sa većim sumama novca, ne verujem da operiše iko sa običnim ljudima, jer su čak i na zapadu svesni da tako nešto ne pije vodu, drugo ja ne znam nikoga lično ko je prevaren ma za i 1-an jedini cent, sve same priče te znaš ovo bilo sa onim, ono bilo sa znaš onoga ali nije važno ako ne znaš važno je da ja znam toga da mu se desilo to i to! Sve same priče. A lično sam se uverio kako naši ljudi razmišljaju i padaju na takve priče i dok svet radi posao i zarađuje preko interneta, dotle naši trus-mozgovi uvrteli sebi u glavu o pljačkama, ubacivanje virusa, krađom podataka a kuče nema za šta da ih ujede! Ma smešno, te piramide te navlačenje ma svašta sam se naslušao a istina je drugačija. Ako nekoga baš zanima neka se obrati na pp. pa ću mu dati hiljadu dokaza i načina zarade i šta možda rade ti isti ljudi koji vas plaše prevarama! poz!:cool:

To što pričaš ovde a neznaš je druga stvar.
Ja sam naručio jednu organu preko Ebay za 2,500€ od jedne firme.Naravno morao sam unapred da uplatim .Organu nikada nisam dobio .Išao sam na firmu koja ne postoji i to 250 km od mene samo troškovi .Angažovao sam i advokata koji je ustanovio da nisam samo ja prevaren od te firme već i nekoliko drugih ljudi.Firma jednostavno ne postoji i ja sam prevaren.Sada u današnje vreme to ne može više da se desi jer se osigurava preko Ebay ali moje 2,500 € fuć.iznišljena firma ,izmišljena adresa ,izmišljen nalog na Ebay.I sada ti pričaš nešto drugo a nisam ja jedini a da bude bruka veća to nisam naručio za mene nego za jednog druga koji je u Srbiji.
ma kakav bre ebay kad su mi to nudili ja opet kazem sutra mogu doci do tebe gde god da si u evropi..naravno niko na to ne pristaje..pricaju bajke neke kao provozas 5 dana auto pa ako ti ne odgovara ta spediterska kompanija ga vraca o svom trosku..pfff..vazi
haha covece dokle:lol:

Здраво моје најдраже,
Хвала још једном за вашу доброту према мени, заиста ја ћу бити срећан да будем са вама одмах након преноса фонда мог покојног оца, Ремембер драга старост није битно у сваком озбиљној вези, оно што је битно је љубав и поверење, Верујем ти и молим те не издају поверење које имам у тебе, ја бих волео да проведем живот са тобом након преноса фонда мога оца на ваш банковни рачун онда ћу доћи на вашу земљу и живи свој живот са тобом, јер ти си тако брижан и добродушни човек, знам да нисмо сусрет раније, али верујем да ћете бити у стању да ми помогне. драга да је разлог зашто сам вам дају све ове информације, нико не зна за тај новац, осим што тако молим ја бих да га чувају као тајна, јер ја не желим да изгубим свој живот због новца. Стварно патим пуно у овом избегличком кампу, да једу храну овде је тако тешко, јер морамо никога да нам дају храну, и једва једе ни један квадратни оброк у дану, јер нема хране, овде је као у затвору у ја и ја стварно умирем овде од глади и страдања.

Обавестили сам банку о мојим плановима да тражи тај новац и једино што су ми рекли је да тражимо страног партнера који ће стајати у моје име, због мог статуса избјеглице и законима ове земље. немојте изневерити поверење имам у теби, ја сам се молио и питати Бога за помагач после гледања ваш контакт и Бог ме је усмерен да вас контактира па вас молимо да бих волео да буде искрен и поштен са мном, тако да можемо добити мој очев новац пренети на ваш заштите на моје име, због мог статуса избеглице да се омогући да те упознам тамо у вашој земљи, ја ћу вас да контактирате банку у Лондону (Велика Британија) и реци им да си мој инострани партнер и да желите да знате могућности помажу ми да пренесете моје $ 6,6 милиона долара депонованих од мог покојног оца чији сам родбину. Ја сам у прилогу изјаву мога оца рачуна, његову умрлицу и своју последњу писану вољу сертификат за своју врсту перусал, молимо желим вам да задржите ову тајну трансфер јер си једина особа која зна о овом трансферу, ја нисам рекао било који други Особа о овом трансферу, осим тебе и нашег велечасни отац јер је наш отац свештеник је као отац мене, али Банке у Лондону тражио за страног партнера ван Сенегалу због завере мог ујака да убије мене и преузимање очев имовине, тако да сам молим Желим да ми помогне и напише на банке за потврду.

Контактирајте банку са мојим именом и банкарске информације дадох ти линк за потврду и молим вас да ме обавестите кад год да ти пишем када их контактирате, сетите се да ћете ми помоћи да уложе новац, јер си искрен и поуздан подједнако одиста земља са мном, тако да би својим речима и обећавају ми да ме неће издати, и да ће ме волети заувек и да брине о мени после мог оца новац се пребацује на вашу негу, јер ћу доћи на вашу земљу, као Немам никакве везе да остану са.испод је банка информације па пишите на њима.

Стандард Цхартеред Банк ПЛЦ. Е-маил адресе,
Е-маил: ( )
Број телефона (+4407031842172)
Факс: (+4408709748802)
5. Басинг хала Авенуе, Лондон
ЕЦ2В 5ДД. Лондон,
Велика Британија.

Информације о мом покојном оцу и депозита кода су следећи:

Информације о рачуну су следећи:
Власник рачуна Име: Др.Паул Јонес
Број рачуна: 43483002
Најближе сроднике: Мисс Бена Јонес
Стања на рачуну: $ 6.6 милиона долара
Тип рачуна: Као породични важећи Т. датотеке
Сврха Депозит: Чување
Земља Депозит: Лондон, Велика Британија

Контактирајте их сада на њихове е-маил адресе горе о томе како да се пренесу на $ 6,6 милиона долара депонованих од мог покојног оца чији сам родбину. Моја драга драго ми је што ти је Бог довео да ми помогне из ове ситуације, а ја обећавам да буде љубазан и да ће подједнако требаш у свакој области живота, плус улаже тај новац, јер још сам сувише млад да управљају.

Као што сам вам рекао раније, овај камп је као затвор и моја молитва је да се одавде што је пре могуће после мог оца, а фонд се преноси на вас онда можете да ми пошаљете неки новац одатле да омогући добити мој путовања документа да се видимо у вашој земљи.

Молимо проверите да ли сте контактирали банку за више информација и евентуалног трансфера у моје име, ја чекам да чујем од вас најбрже.
Молимо све информације о овом трансферу треба да буде поверљива и не реци никоме о трансферу док смо успешно пренети новац на свој банковни рачун па док не дођеш у вашу земљу. Молим те немој рећи или откривати било какве информације трећем лицу у вези овог трансфера, јер ја се бојим губитка новца или мој живот, молим вас ја бих да ми пошаљете неке фотографије ваше, не заборавите да напишете у банку користећи своју е-пошту решавања горе.

Ваш верно
jel neko dobio ovo


Našao sam na genijalan način kako da uštedim od svega što trošim, što
znači da sa istim prihodima mogu bolje živjeti. Riječ je o udruženju
potrošača u koje se može registrovati besplatno, nikome ništa ne
prodajemo, nema obaveznih kupovina, a pri tome možemo dobijati povrat
novca od kupovina kod naših firmi partnera!

Kompletne informacije možeš dobiti na našoj internet stranici.

Pošto je ovo udruženje potpuno novo u svijetu, imamo priliku i da jako
lijepo zaradimo sa malo dodatnog angažovanja, ako su nam dodatni
prihodi dobrodošli.

Osnovne informacije o ovoj nevjerovatnoj mogućnosti možete dobiti na
mojoj internet stranici:
To je SC net ?
Imam par prijatelja koji su vodeći u toj kompaniji, mene nikad nije zanimalo, a vidim da oni solidno žive od toga, ne rade ništa drugo. Postoji to dosta dugo, nešto tipa piramide, ali kao ima koristi i ako se samo učlaniš. Bla, bla , bla, ja nisam od tih tipova kartice, kuponi... ja sam za solarno plaćanje.
haha sad je jennifer umesto bene:lol:
Dearest One

Thanks for your Immediate response, How are you doing today? hope fine and you are perfectly doing well in health. My name is jenifer.domnic .I am from Ivory Coast in West Africa, 5.10ft tall,. 24 years old, 5ft 8inches tall, Single never married, black hair and brown eyes. I want to assure you that Color, Race, Religion, or Nationality makes no difference to me . What i see in people are their Personality and Character.

I promise you all that makes up a defined and a refined LOVE and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you immediately going through your profile which i was well satisfied with. I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here.

I am presently living in Senegal due to the Civil War fought in my country some years ago. My Father ( Dr ALEX DOMNIC was the CHAIRMAN MANAGING DIRECTOR OF DOMNICA and Associates (Ltd) and he was the personal advicer to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now in a refugee camp,and this computer is belonging to a reverend that has a church here in the camp.

It's only me that is alive because I wasn't arround when this happened, I was in the University where am schooling, i'm doing my first year in accountant, I then manage to abscond to follow west african country (SENEGAL ) where am residing now in '' REFUGEE CAMP''. I decided to contact you, due to the problematic situation which am passing through here in this camp. We are not eligible to go out from the camp unless we took permission. It's just like one staying in the prison, but I believe by God's grace i will extricate here soon.

l don't have any relatives now whom l can go to all my relatives abscond in the middle of the war the only one l have now is Rev. Timothy Esah who is the pastor of the (Christ the king church) here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i am leaving in the female's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for women & the other for men.

Please listen to this, i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is $3.6(three Million six Hundred Thousand US Dollars). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travelling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. I kept this secret to people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is the Revrend because he is like a father to me.

The Pastors Tel. number is ( +221-771 358 376 ) If you call tell him you want to speak with me, then he will send for me in the female hostel. As a refugee here i don't have any privilledge to anything be it money or whatever because it is against their law. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

NOTE; As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest, I will put things into action immediately and will educate you more on the way you will assist me receive the money, in the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent response indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

Regarding to the above i will like you to be confidential and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to confident I confide on you. I like sincere, kind, respectful, honest and understanding people, truth and hard working. I love English language but I would like to know many others if God gives me the opportunity but i speak English very well. However I will like you to call me because we still have alot to discuss. I want to know a bit about you and you can send your picture to me too because i have just sent mine here as an attachment.Thanks & God bless you,

looking forward to your urgent and ealiest response and have a pleasant day.

I want you to send me your contact informations such as your
Names ..................................


Country ..............................

Tellephone ..........................

Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Yours loved one JENIFER
Osumnjičeni za prodaju falsifikovane robe preko interneta

Protiv tri osobe biće podnete krivične prijave zbog sumnje da su prodavale falsifikovanu robu poznatih robnih marki preko Fejsbuka i internet sajtova za oglašavanje i tako protivpravno zaradili po 10.000 evra, saopštilo je danas Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova (MUP).
Policija je navela u saopštenju da je pretresla stanove osumnjičenih A.D. (30) iz Beograda, M.Ž. (27) i LJ.P. (38) iz Kragujevca, i oduzela im računarsku opremu, veću količinu falsifikovanih patika robne marke "Nike", internu evidenciju o prodaji i novac.

Osumnjičeni su robu reklamirali i prodavali preko interneta otvarajući više naloga na društvenoj mreži Fejsbuk, dodaje se u saopštenju.

Sumnja se da su oni, kako bi prikrili realnu količinu prodate robe, prodavali preko različitih kurirskih službi i novac primali u gotovini nakon svake isporučene pošiljke.

Svako od osumnjičenih je u toku poslednjih godinu dana prodao robu u vrednosti od 30.000 do 50.000 evra, ostvarivši pojedinačnu korist u iznosu od po 10.000 evra, dodaje se u saopštenju.

Protiv osumnjičenih biće podnete krivične prijave Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Beogradu zbog nedozvoljene trgovina i neovlašćene upotrebe tuđeg poslovnog imena, druge posebne oznake robe ili usluga.
Dear Friend,

How are you today?.Well it is a pleasure to contact you on this regard and i pray that this will turn out to be everlasting relationship for both of us. However it's just my urgent need for a Foreign partner that made me to contact you for this Transaction,i got your contact from internet, while searching for a reliable someone that I can go into partnership with. I am Mr Kabo Oba, the bill and exchange manager with the Bank Of Africa.(B.O.A).

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over fund (31.8 Million Us Dollars)Thirty-One Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States of American Dollars of one of my Bank clients who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash at Kenya on july 21th 2003.

I agree that 40% oft his money will be for you as my foriegn partner,50% for me while 10% is for establishing of foundation for the less privilleges in your country.If you are really interested in my proposal further details of the Transfer will be forwarded unto you as soon as I receive your willingness mail for successful transfer.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr Kabo O Kabo.
dokle bre vise a u p
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Hello,[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I am in receipt of your email and I also thank you for the provided information about your property. Am sorry I can't call you or receive calls at this moment based on the nature of security here in my country Syria but I will make out time and call you on a secured line if the need arises. The property is just a minor objective of contacting you but I will buy it at your own asking price. I will appreciate, if you will reserve the property for at least two weeks and remove the advert on the site. My major priority of contacting you is to propose a deal that requires immediate and swift execution. I will provide you all the necessary detail about me once trust is established between us. Please read thoroughly and get back to me but you have the obligation to decline if you are not interested.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I am a Syrian industrialist and a member of Syrian business men council In Damascus. My family is under the threat of President Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true democratic Government in Syria. Why i choose to come to your country is because of the peaceful nature and environ, Many TOP business men have relocated to Egypt but i will relocate to your country.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Due to the current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the country as you can find out in this website[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Many families are running for their dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of (Twenty Million five hundred thousand dollars) $20,500,000 in my possession. This is the money I have saved for my entire life as an industrialist and I have it stored in my house because putting money in a bank could be a very big risk in a country like yours.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I have secured this money in a box and have consulted an envoy here in Damascus who will help me in moving my box out of Syria for safe keeping and possible investment. This is why am in keen need of a Reliable and Trust worthy person who will receive the box, secure and protect it till my arrival which should be soon. I have to take this chance because, I have no other alternative but to trust somebody .Am an orphan with no brother or sister so I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]All I have is my wife, 2 children. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my family and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and assistance. We can work together and achieve a better future for our families. Please you will have to take note that the envoy is not aware that my box contains money and this is for security reasons.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]All I ask is permit me register the consignment in your name as family treasure and you are expected to retrieve it once it's in Europe. There will be no risk in this deal; I have made the necessary arrangement the safe delivery of the consignment box to your referred location. I will assume you are capable of handling a deal of this magnitude and also trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect this great achievement. In less than 4 days the box should be in your possession if you are swift on your part .Beware, I have taken precautionary measures to secure the money. The box is coded with high security gadget and I am the only one that has the right combination to unlock it. You will be entitled to 20% of the total sum of $20,500,000 while 80% will be mine. I will give you 20% of the money and 80% for me. I believe this is a fair deal. Write me back at (EMAIL) for more details[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Full name, Full address, Direct phone number, Occupation and Scanned copy of your ID.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details. We don't have the luxury to waste time so kindly respond ASAP.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Best regards[/FONT]
Dear Friend,

How are you today?.Well it is a pleasure to contact you on this regard and i pray that this will turn out to be everlasting relationship for both of us. However it's just my urgent need for a Foreign partner that made me to contact you for this Transaction,i got your contact from internet, while searching for a reliable someone that I can go into partnership with. I am Mr Kabo Oba, the bill and exchange manager with the Bank Of Africa.(B.O.A).

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over fund (31.8 Million Us Dollars)Thirty-One Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States of American Dollars of one of my Bank clients who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash at Kenya on july 21th 2003.

I agree that 40% oft his money will be for you as my foriegn partner,50% for me while 10% is for establishing of foundation for the less privilleges in your country.If you are really interested in my proposal further details of the Transfer will be forwarded unto you as soon as I receive your willingness mail for successful transfer.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr Kabo O Kabo.

dokle bre vise a u p
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Hello,[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I am in receipt of your email and I also thank you for the provided information about your property. Am sorry I can't call you or receive calls at this moment based on the nature of security here in my country Syria but I will make out time and call you on a secured line if the need arises. The property is just a minor objective of contacting you but I will buy it at your own asking price. I will appreciate, if you will reserve the property for at least two weeks and remove the advert on the site. My major priority of contacting you is to propose a deal that requires immediate and swift execution. I will provide you all the necessary detail about me once trust is established between us. Please read thoroughly and get back to me but you have the obligation to decline if you are not interested.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I am a Syrian industrialist and a member of Syrian business men council In Damascus. My family is under the threat of President Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true democratic Government in Syria. Why i choose to come to your country is because of the peaceful nature and environ, Many TOP business men have relocated to Egypt but i will relocate to your country.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Due to the current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the country as you can find out in this website[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Many families are running for their dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of (Twenty Million five hundred thousand dollars) $20,500,000 in my possession. This is the money I have saved for my entire life as an industrialist and I have it stored in my house because putting money in a bank could be a very big risk in a country like yours.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I have secured this money in a box and have consulted an envoy here in Damascus who will help me in moving my box out of Syria for safe keeping and possible investment. This is why am in keen need of a Reliable and Trust worthy person who will receive the box, secure and protect it till my arrival which should be soon. I have to take this chance because, I have no other alternative but to trust somebody .Am an orphan with no brother or sister so I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]All I have is my wife, 2 children. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my family and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and assistance. We can work together and achieve a better future for our families. Please you will have to take note that the envoy is not aware that my box contains money and this is for security reasons.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]All I ask is permit me register the consignment in your name as family treasure and you are expected to retrieve it once it's in Europe. There will be no risk in this deal; I have made the necessary arrangement the safe delivery of the consignment box to your referred location. I will assume you are capable of handling a deal of this magnitude and also trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect this great achievement. In less than 4 days the box should be in your possession if you are swift on your part .Beware, I have taken precautionary measures to secure the money. The box is coded with high security gadget and I am the only one that has the right combination to unlock it. You will be entitled to 20% of the total sum of $20,500,000 while 80% will be mine. I will give you 20% of the money and 80% for me. I believe this is a fair deal. Write me back at (EMAIL) for more details[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Full name, Full address, Direct phone number, Occupation and Scanned copy of your ID.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details. We don't have the luxury to waste time so kindly respond ASAP.[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]
[FONT=Calibri, sans-serif]Best regards[/FONT]

.....ova sra**a i meni cesto stizu, vise ni ne otvaram samo brisem:evil:
NIGERIJSKA PREVARA: Hteo da proda kuću, ostao bez 6.000 evra

Pošto sam dao oglas, dobio sam mejl od Bobija Endrua iz Londona, zainteresovanog za kupovinu nekretnine. Ubrzo je zatražio da platim troškove slanja njegovih stvari, kaže Milan M.

Nije slutio da je prevaren... Milan je dobijao uverenja iz Engleske
BEOGRAD - Milan M. (23) iz Beograda objavio je na jednom internet sajtu da prodaje kuću, a nije ni slutio da će postati žrtva „nigerijske prevare“, te da će ostati bez 640.000 dinara! Naime, ovaj student je krajem 2012. godine u ime porodice dao oglas, na koji mu se ubrzo javio navodno državljanin Velike Britanije, koji je rekao da želi da se preseli u Srbiju i da hoće da dođe da pogleda svoj budući stambeni prostor.

Ništa neće koštati

- Dobio sam mejl od Bobija Endrua iz Londona, koji je hteo da s porodicom dođe da živi u našoj zemlji. Tražio mi je adresu, kopiju lične karte i adresu na kojoj se nalazi kuća kako bi od službenika carine dobio neophodna dokumenta, vizu i putne isprave za preseljenje i ocarinjenje svojih stvari. Rekao mi je da carinici zahtevaju da dokažem verodostojnost oglasa i da to ništa neće koštati - započinje svoju neverovatnu priču ovaj mladić, koji kaže da ništa nije ukazivalo na prevaru.

Kako kaže, u početku je sve bilo regularno. Stizale su fotografije Bobija i njegove porodice, autentični dokumenti nadležnih institucija, troškovnici, sertifikati...
- Potom me je zvao da mi kaže da je kupio avionske karte, ali, da bi ocarinio svoje stvari, ja treba da regulišem plaćanje njihovog slanja i preuzimanja i angažovanja carinika. Čak su me i oni navodno zvali. Iznosi su u početku bili mali, između 250 i 300 funti, ali sam onda zbog kašnjenja morao da platim penale, što je koštalo 1.200 funti. Ukupno sam izgubio oko 640.000 dinara - navodi Milan, koji dodaje da mu ništa nije budilo sumnju jer su iznosi bili realni, uredno mu je slao priznanice.

Čeka se Interpol

Sve je trajalo skoro dve godine. Kockice su se poklopile onog trenutka kad je shvatio da mu mejlove ne šalju nadležne službe. Tada se javio policiji i Upravi za visokotehnološki kriminal, a njegova prijava prosleđena je Višem sudu, koji je pokrenuo pretkrivični postupak. Sad se čeka Interpol, koji dalje treba da procesuira slučaj.
Odgovore od MUP do zaključenja broja nismo dobili.
Infografika: Danijela Blagojević

- Nigerijska prevara ili Prevara 419 se javila 80 ih godina zbog ekonomskog buma izazvanog eksploatacijom nafte u Nigeriji
- Dobila je naziv prema nigerijskom krivičnom zakonu pod članom broj 419
- Reč je o pribavljanju imovine pomoću prevarnih radnji
- Najrizičnije zemlje iz kojih preti opasnost su Nigerija, Togo, Burkina Faso, Gana, Benin, Obala Slonovače, ali i Južna Afrika, Španija, Holandija, Velika Britanija
- Opasnosti su izloženi svi građani, pojedinci, privatne firme, državne institucije, javne ustanove koje koriste Internet
- Osnovno oruđe za izvršenje nigerijske prevare su elektronska pošta, lažne elektronske adrese, lažni internet sajtovi
- Prevaranti mogu da se okoriste nudeći ljubavne sastanke, lažne loto dobitke, lažne dobrotvorne priloge


Thanks for your reply. My name is Dr. Ali Mustapha; I am a secret military medical Doctor in Syria working with the British charity on one year humanitarian program in secret hospital in Syria led by Late Dr Isa Abdur Rahman. I contacted you primarily in confidence hoping that you can be a trustworthy person and would also be helpful in a matter like this. l will definitely buy your car, because I will be in your country soon to live and have peace of mind after my contract is over here.

I want to let you know that Syria now is not safe any more for doctors. Our Location are all secret after the army bombarded some hospitals, including the AL-Shrea hospital where I work that was shelled three times and finally destroyed. Most Syrian doctors asked not to be identified for fear of retribution from the authorities. Going to a state hospital is no longer an option for many people. The army controls the main hospitals, which I believe are filled with Syrian security personnel. I saw wounded fighters arrive at one of these public hospitals and got beaten and arrested before being treated. Lives are in danger here including mine, but I don't have much option as this is my duty. I have to help.

On the order hand, I have $2.2 million dollars which was given to me by my late Friend Dr Isa Abdur Rahman, A Syrian British doctor who died some few months ago in an attack on a field hospital where he was treating civilians.

Dr Isa Abdur Rahman's father serves Dr Rifaat Al-Assad, younger brother of the former President of Syria, Hafez Assad but now in exile in U.K because he is not in support of President Bashar Al-Assad, who inherited harsh dictatorship from his father who refused to embrace peace and bring reformation to his country.

My Friend died in a bomb shell by the Syrian government forces while he was on duty trying to save innocent people. Before he died he entrusted this money to me, which was given to him by his late Father who made it through oil deals with his commander when he was serving the military and I wish to use this money for charity and investment purpose in Europe and that is the reason I contacted you because I want to leave Syria very soon. If you accept my proposal I will make you the beneficiary of the funds and transfer it to you through a diplomatic delivery services where a diplomat will be the one to carry out the delivery of the cargo to you using his diplomatic immunity. All I just need is your acceptance to receive this fund which would be in form of a cargo. You will act as the beneficiary in Europe, who will receive the cargo and keep it safe till I come over.

I cannot transfer this fund through bank because banks are controlled by government forces which make it impossible; secondly because of the sanction imposed on the country by United Nations bank transfer would be impossible.

Please if you are interested in this transaction Kindly get back to me and I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured property site where I can be sure that the person I would be dealing with is real and I believe I can trust you. Where I am now we can only communicate through the Red Cross communication facilities which only permit me sending Emails. Be rest assured that our deal is safe, so If you are interested in this transaction I will send you all the complete details you will need for us to carry out this transaction. At the very moment I have opportunity to send the money out of Syria with help of ECHO European Commission for humanitarian services working under the Red Cross ECHO that brings relief materials from Europe, North America and other parts of the world to our location in Syria. I want to use this unique opportunity move out the funds as cargo so that after my contact is over I will come to Europe to live.

I await your fast response so we can start this process. In less than one week the money should have been noted on your care, and then I will give you further details upon hearing from you. You will take 20% of the funds which is 440,000 USD for your help after I must have paid for your car and you hold 80% of the remaining sum in a safe place till I come, I hope I am being fair on this deal.

Best Regards,
Dr. Ali Mustafa

Thanks for your reply. My name is Dr. Ali Mustapha; I am a secret military medical Doctor in Syria working with the British charity on one year humanitarian program in secret hospital in Syria led by Late Dr Isa Abdur Rahman. I contacted you primarily in confidence hoping that you can be a trustworthy person and would also be helpful in a matter like this. l will definitely buy your car, because I will be in your country soon to live and have peace of mind after my contract is over here.

I want to let you know that Syria now is not safe any more for doctors. Our Location are all secret after the army bombarded some hospitals, including the AL-Shrea hospital where I work that was shelled three times and finally destroyed. Most Syrian doctors asked not to be identified for fear of retribution from the authorities. Going to a state hospital is no longer an option for many people. The army controls the main hospitals, which I believe are filled with Syrian security personnel. I saw wounded fighters arrive at one of these public hospitals and got beaten and arrested before being treated. Lives are in danger here including mine, but I don't have much option as this is my duty. I have to help.

On the order hand, I have $2.2 million dollars which was given to me by my late Friend Dr Isa Abdur Rahman, A Syrian British doctor who died some few months ago in an attack on a field hospital where he was treating civilians.

Dr Isa Abdur Rahman's father serves Dr Rifaat Al-Assad, younger brother of the former President of Syria, Hafez Assad but now in exile in U.K because he is not in support of President Bashar Al-Assad, who inherited harsh dictatorship from his father who refused to embrace peace and bring reformation to his country.

My Friend died in a bomb shell by the Syrian government forces while he was on duty trying to save innocent people. Before he died he entrusted this money to me, which was given to him by his late Father who made it through oil deals with his commander when he was serving the military and I wish to use this money for charity and investment purpose in Europe and that is the reason I contacted you because I want to leave Syria very soon. If you accept my proposal I will make you the beneficiary of the funds and transfer it to you through a diplomatic delivery services where a diplomat will be the one to carry out the delivery of the cargo to you using his diplomatic immunity. All I just need is your acceptance to receive this fund which would be in form of a cargo. You will act as the beneficiary in Europe, who will receive the cargo and keep it safe till I come over.

I cannot transfer this fund through bank because banks are controlled by government forces which make it impossible; secondly because of the sanction imposed on the country by United Nations bank transfer would be impossible.

Please if you are interested in this transaction Kindly get back to me and I will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to a secured property site where I can be sure that the person I would be dealing with is real and I believe I can trust you. Where I am now we can only communicate through the Red Cross communication facilities which only permit me sending Emails. Be rest assured that our deal is safe, so If you are interested in this transaction I will send you all the complete details you will need for us to carry out this transaction. At the very moment I have opportunity to send the money out of Syria with help of ECHO European Commission for humanitarian services working under the Red Cross ECHO that brings relief materials from Europe, North America and other parts of the world to our location in Syria. I want to use this unique opportunity move out the funds as cargo so that after my contact is over I will come to Europe to live.

I await your fast response so we can start this process. In less than one week the money should have been noted on your care, and then I will give you further details upon hearing from you. You will take 20% of the funds which is 440,000 USD for your help after I must have paid for your car and you hold 80% of the remaining sum in a safe place till I come, I hope I am being fair on this deal.

Best Regards,
Dr. Ali Mustafa

...ja dnevno dobijem takvih bar 5 mail-a...samo obrisem, ko jos veruje u te budalastine...
opaaa paz ovo novo preko paypala prevare

Thanks for your response.Okay good due to my work as relocation consultant we are not allow to make calls at work, i will be adding the 3.9% PayPal surcharge to the total amount i will be paying you. So i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay, and i hope you have a PayPal account.If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the email address you use for it or you can send me a PayPal money request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment. I will need your home address for the merchandise to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company.

Below are the details needed for PayPal Transfer

Your PayPal e-Mail Address :
Full name:
Firm Price:
Cell number :

