Kako je i kad Singidunum postao Beograd

Slavic Beligrad, "Beograd" je dobio ime po boji (beloj) kamena od koga je gradjen oko 9-tog veka na predhodnom Singidunum-u,sa prvom Bugarskom carevinom.Prvi put ime Beograd je pomenuto u pismu koje je poslao papa Dzon 8-smi. 16-04-878.god. upuceno Bugarskom princu Borisu prvom Mihajlu.
Vise o ovome se moze naci u vatikanskoj biblioteci i pod zapisima od Pope John VIII

Hrastovnice @ lepa tema :ok:

Evo jos nesto sto sam pronjuskao na sajtu


After the death of Knez Vlastimir of Serbia circa 850, his state was divided between his sons. Vlastimir and Boris' father had fought each other in the Bulgarian-Serbian War of 839-842, which resulted in a Serbian victory, and Boris sought to avenge that defeat. In 853 or 854, the Bulgarian army led by Vladimir-Rasate, the son of Boris I, invaded Serbia, with the aim to replace the Byzantine overlordship on the Serbs. The Serbian army was led by Mutimir and his two brothers and defeated the Bulgarians, capturing Vladimir and 12 boyars.[22] Boris I and Mutimir agreed on peace (and perhaps an alliance[22]), and Mutimir sent his sons Pribislav and Stefan to the border to escort the prisoners, where they exchanged items as a sign of peace, Boris himself gave them "rich gifts", while he was given "two slaves, two falcons, two dogs, and 80 furs".[23][24][25]

An internal conflict among the Serbian brothers resulted in Mutimir banishing the two younger brothers to the Bulgarian court.[26][22] Mutimir, however, kept a nephew, Petar, in his court, for political reasons.[27] The reason of the feud is not known, however, it is postulated that it was a result of treachery.[27] Petar would later defeat Pribislav, Mutimir's son, and take the Serbian throne.

Evo nekih izvora koje o tome govore

The early medieval Balkans, p. 141
F. Raçki, Documenta historiae Chroatie etc., Zagreb, 1877, p. 359.
The Serbs, p. 15
Đekić, Đ. 2009, "Why did prince Mutimir keep Petar Gojnikovic?", Teme, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 683-688. PDF
Const. Porphyr., ibid., cap. 32, p. 154-155

Mutimir -Name: The first attestation of his name is the Greek Muntimiros (Μουντιμῆρος[23]), in Latin Muntimerus[24] (Muntimer), in Serbian Mutimir. He was a descendant of Višeslavić, his father was Vlastimir, hence, according to the contemporary naming culture, his name was Mutimir Vlastimirović Višeslavić

Name: The first attestation of his name is the Greek Pribeslavos (Πριβέσθλαβος[7]), in Latin Pribesthlabus[8] or Preuuisclao[9], in Serbian Pribislav or Prvoslav (Прибислав/Првослав, meaning "First-glorified"; from the words prvo - first, and slava - glory). He was a descendant of Vlastimirović, his father was Mutimir, hence, according to the contemporary naming culture, his name was Pribislav Mutimirović Vlastimirović

Stefan Mutimirović (Serbian: Стефан Мутимировић, Greek: Στέφανος) was a 9th century Serbian royal member of the ruling dynasty, the Vlastimirović

i jos mnogo toga
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Preko svega toga je u vrijeme hladnih i kišovitih dana obukivan talagan, izrañen od jakog i više puta valjanog vunenog sukna, tako da kapi kiše praktično nijesu mogle da ga probiju. Pravljen je od ''karabojisanog'' sukna, ili eventualno tkan od ''singave'' (sivomrke) vune, koja je strižena sa crnih ovaca. (
Đorñije-Đole Maksimov Ojdanić (NE)POZNATE LUBNICE , Izdavačka kuća ''KOMOVI'' – Andrijevica, str. 106)


boja je mijesana crna sa bijelom, siva boja. Tako je Croj Gori i u Bosni i Hercegovini.

U Srbiji singava boja je graorasta, ruja ili smedja (kaki :) ) boja.

Da li je Singidunum dobio ime po boji svojih zidina i koja je to boja: siva ili smedja?


Da li je singava kao siva bliza bijeloj pa tako nasta ime Beograd?

Poslednja izmena:
Kelti Skordici sagradili su Singidunum. Dunum je utvrdjenje, a sta znaci singi? Kako je i kad Singidunum postao Beograd?

PS Valjda mi i ova tema nece biti zakljucana iz neke predostroznosti?

Valda nece :)
Singi znaci - Beli
a za Dunum si vec odgovorio

Singidunum is an ancient town, now known as Beograd (Belgrade), all meaning "White City". White City was first built in 3rd century BC by the Keltoi. The name Beograd pops up the first time in 989 CE. Legend (partially verified by history) says that the city arose from ashes 38 times. Beograd is the capital of Serbia and Montenegro, with about 2 million inhabitants.

In c. 600 BC the Thracian-Cimmerian and Scythian tribes moved across this area, while the Celtic tribes crossed this territory in the 3rd century BC. The founding of Singidunum is attributed to the Celtic tribe, the Scordiscs. As a fortified settlement, Singidunum was mentioned for the first time in 279 BC. Singidunum is an ancient Gallic word; the first part of the word, singi, means "round" and dunum means "town". The name probably originated with the name of the Thracian tribe, the Sings, who had already settled in this area when the Celts arrived. There are almost no traces of that Celtic town, except the necropoles found at Karaburma and Rospi ?uprija. These contained valuable artefacts that belonged to the warriors of the Scordiscan tribe. Considerable Celtic cultural influences have been woven into the culture of the Singidunum inhabitants, and later mixed with Roman classical cultural elements.

The Romans conquered Belgrade in the beginning of the 1st century CE and it was under their rule for four full centuries. The soldiers of the Moesian legions made the first Roman garrison in Singidunum. The graves found at Trg Republike and other locations in the city date from this period. A part of the Roman Empire, near Singidunum, was Taurunum, today's Zemun. Both of these towns became important military strongholds on the fortified Roman border - the "limes".

Singidunum was most prosperous in 86 CE, when the IV Legion of Flavius arrived. The first stone fortress in Upper Town was constructed then. Its fragments can be noticed even today. The castrum (fort) was square-shaped and covered the area of today's Upper Town of Kalemegdan. During its development, Singidunum outgrew its status as a municipium and became a colony of Roman citizens. The locus of Taurunum (Zemun) of that period is not well known; it was probably in today's Lower Town. As an important Roman military camp, Singidunum gained municipal rights in the 2nd century CE during the rule of emperor Hadrian. Its military importance became even higher in the 3rd century, when the emperor Aurelian left Dacia and Upper Moesia and gained new borders along the right bank of the Danube. In that period, Singidunum was the center of a Christian diocese. Some time later, it was the place of birth of the Roman emperor Flavius Jovianus.

Next to the military camp, the Romans settled veterans of their legions in order to strengthen their border even more. In time, a quite large settlement came into existence, having a rectilinear base, with streets intersecting at right angles. Some of the bases of these urban elements are preserved until today, which can be seen in the orientation of the Uzun Mirkova, Dušanova and Kralja Petra I streets. The Students' Square (a former Roman forum with thermae, discovered some 30 years ago) has also preserved this rectangular shape.

Between Singidunum and Taurunum, there was a bridge over the Sava, which connected the two towns and which was a part of one of the most important Roman roads. Thus, Singidunum became an important crossroad for the Roman provinces of Moesia, Dacia, Pannonia and Dalmatia. The military road - Via Militaris, which went from the west to the east, through Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica), Singidunum and Viminacium (Kostolac), to Byzantium, was protected by forts. These forts also existed in the area of today's Belgrade. Some of them were: Mutatio ad Sextum (Mali Mokri Lug), Castra Tricornia (Ritopek), Mutatio ad Sextum Militare (Grocka), and others. The road connecting the miners' settlements on Avala, Kosmaj and Rudnik. Some more important remains of material culture (tombs, monuments, sculptures, ceramics, and coins) have been found in many villages in the vicinity of Belgrade.

After the division of the Roman Empire into the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire in 395, Singidunum became a border town of the Byzantine Empire. This new position determined its later fate, for it became not only a linking point of various cultural influences, but, also a communication and strategic key for the Byzantine Empire.
Ima i ovo:

Pre-Roman influence

From c. 600 BC to the 4th century BC major tribal movement by the Thracian-Cimmerian tribes, followed by the Scythian tribes, began across the Balkan region, though they never established a permanent residence there. The first evidence of primitive fortification came later in the 3rd century BC, with the settlement of the Celtic or Thraco-Celtic tribe, the Scordisci, who picked the strategic hilltop at the meeting of the two rivers as the basis for their habitation. It was 279 BC when the name Singidun was mentioned for the first time. The second part of the word is Celtic, dūn(on) meaning "lodgement, enclosure, or fortress", which is preserved, among other, as "-don" in the name of London. For singi- there are several theories, the two most widely circulated being that it is a Celtic word for circle, hence "round fort", or it could be named after the Sings, a Thracian tribe that occupied the area prior to the arrival of the Scordisci.[1] There is little trace left of this era of the city's history, except for burial sites, a few of which are the tribe's warriors that contain valuable artifacts. A residual artifact leftover from the tribes that secured the area is the Celtic spiritual influence that was taken up and woven into the Roman classical culture of the city.
Ima i ovo :

Singidunum - meaning "Round Fort" was the original home to the Scordisci Tribe. Located in a fertile valley at the confluence of the Sava and Dunav (Danube) Rivers, it was an ideal Celtic settlement for nearly 600 years. Tin, Copper and Iron were mined in the nearby hills, and the valley was parceled out into farmlands. Sheep, Goats and Cattle were raised, along with barley, wheat and other grains. The Romans arrived around 40 BC and built a large fort to house their Fourth Flavian Legion. With the collapse of the Roman Empier, these lands were successively ruled by a number of different groups, making Beograd the cosmopolitan city it is today.

The first coins minted by a Celtic tribe were imitations of Philip's tetradrachms in silver, made by the Scordisci around Belgrade, in the first half of the first century BC. The Serbian capital is one of the oldest towns in Europe. The remains of its long and turbulent history can still be seen on a hill overlooking the mouth of two rivers, the Sava and Danube. That is the site of the fortress of Belgrade which is actually layer upon layer of a different fortifications which were built, torn down and subsequently rebuilt over hundreds of years. The present-day archaeological and historical site is surrounded by the most attractive city park, bearing the old Turkish name of this place - Kalemegdan.

Негде сам прочитао да је Сингидунум добио име по неком племену Синга или Синги. А због овог дунум то племе је ваљда келтско...

Али има нешто што је мало чудно. Наиме, углавном сви поистовећују Сингидунум и Београд, међутим изгледа да су то два различита места. Сингидунум је био мало ниже низ Дунав у односу на данашњи Београд. Имам текст у компу о томе и чим га нађем постављам, а сам сам видео на једној старој карти два локалитета, Сингидунум и Београд. И ево сад се уби прегледавајући запамћене сајтове са старим картама, па чим је нађем, такоће постављам и њу...
Taurunum blizu Singidunuma je dobio ime po tauru, tj. po biku. Tarija je Krim, pradomovina Kimbra koji su po mnogim istoricarima Sebri. Zanimljivo je da u imenu Taurunum ovog grada ima samo -unum, a nema -dunum? Unum je latinsko a dunum keltsko i po znacenju nisu slicni. Da nije postojao keltski Taurdunum koji je postao rimski Taurunum?
Od Taura je i ime keltskog plemena Taurisci.
Poslednja izmena:
Taurunum blizu Singidunuma je dobio ime po tauru, tj. po biku. Tarija je Krim, pradomovina Kimbra koji su po mnogim istoricarima Sebri. Zanimljivo je da u imenu Taurunum ovog grada ima samo -unum, a nema -dunum? Unum je latinsko a dunum keltsko i po znacenju nisu slicni. Da nije postojao keltski Taurdunum koji je postao rimski Taurunum?
Od Taura je i ime keltskog plemena Taurisci.

Не. Таурунум је ваљда по бику... и ради се о Земуну... Ја мислим да је овај Сингидунум о коме ја говорим мало низводније. Тражим карту, кад је нађем поставићу је...
Ево нашао сам текст и ставићу га као атачмент. Не могу копи пејст из ворда, добијем нешто са много квачица...Текст је од Др. Бранка Б. Гавеле и има наслов "Протоисторијски и Антички Сингидунум".

Не може. Превелико је за атачмент. Покушаћу да га нађем на нету па ћу поставити линк.

Ево линк...

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Напокон нашао сам је...

На овој карти се лепо види да су Београд и Сингидунум два одвојена локалитета. Ево исечак...


А цела карта на линку:


Пуни наслов карте:

Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum, sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus praedecessoribus descriptio. Auctore Guillelmo Del'Isle e Regia Scientiarum Academia, ad novam editionem Libri Constantini Porphyrogeniti de Administrando Imperio quae prodit studio Anselmi Bandurii, Monachi Benedictini Ragusini Melitensis cum ejus dem note et animadversionibus. (Paris : Guillelmo Del'Isle, 1715?).


Anselmo Maria Banduri (1675-1743)
Напокон нашао сам је...

На овој карти се лепо види да су Београд и Сингидунум два одвојена локалитета. Ево исечак...


А цела карта на линку:


Пуни наслов карте:

Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum, sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus praedecessoribus descriptio. Auctore Guillelmo Del'Isle e Regia Scientiarum Academia, ad novam editionem Libri Constantini Porphyrogeniti de Administrando Imperio quae prodit studio Anselmi Bandurii, Monachi Benedictini Ragusini Melitensis cum ejus dem note et animadversionibus. (Paris : Guillelmo Del'Isle, 1715?).


Anselmo Maria Banduri (1675-1743)

Po ovoj karti Singidunum nije na uscu, nego otprilike na Avali.Da to nije na mjestu bivse tvrdjave Zrnov?
Ево још једне карте на којој приказан Снгидунум много даље од ушћа Саве у Дунав. Овде, на ушћу није уписан Београд, уписан је само Земун, а Сингидунум је јасно и недвосмислено дистанциран од ушћа.

Да ли су Београд и Сингидунум исти град (насеље) с обзиром да је Сингидунум на ове две карте приказан знатно даље од ушћа, а требало би да је на ушћу.
Такође и ушће је јасно приказано у једном случају као локација Београда (не Сингидунума) а у другом случају је такође јасно приказано као локација Земуна али не и Сингидунума..


Europae in qua Raetia, Pannonia, Noricum, Liburnia, Dalmatia, Cum Italiae parte
Аутор: Mercator, Gerard

Цела карта на:
Poslednja izmena:
Ево још једне карте на којој приказан Снгидунум много даље од ушћа Саве у Дунав. Овде, на ушћу није уписан Београд, уписан је само Земун, а Сингидунум је јасно и недвосмислено дистанциран од ушћа.

Да ли су Београд и Сингидунум исти град (насеље) с обзиром да је Сингидунум на ове две карте приказан знатно даље од ушћа, а требало би да је на ушћу.
Такође и ушће је јасно приказано у једном случају као локација Београда (не Сингидунума) а у другом случају је такође јасно приказано као локација Земуна али не и Сингидунума..


Europae in qua Raetia, Pannonia, Noricum, Liburnia, Dalmatia, Cum Italiae parte
Аутор: Mercator, Gerard

Цела карта на:

Po ovoj karti Singidunum je negdje izmedju usca Morave i usca Save. Zanimljivo!?

Pogledao sam cijelu kartu i ovaj "kartograf| Dalmaciju biljezi juzno od Skadra, sto je bez veze. Tako ovu kartu mozemo otpisati.
Poslednja izmena:
Koliko teorija o imenu jednog grada.Ja sam cak negde procitao da to singi znaci lav.
Mada mi je verovatnije da znaci beo,samo ne znam iz kog jezika je to poteklo.

Na jeziku Sika, sing znači lav, a to je i najčešće prezime ljudi iz tog naroda iz Indije i Pakistana...

Inače ima i teorija da je ime Beograda nastalo po nekom Beloju, vođi Slovena iz vremena savezništva sa Avarima i još nekoliko teorija...

Inače, ovo um je latinski sufiks... gradovi koje su osnovali Skordisci su se zvali Singidun i Taurun...
Poslednja izmena:
Данас у Ирској, на ирском језику неки градови носе Дун у називу:

Dungannon (from Irish: Dún Geanainn, meaning "Geanann's stronghold")

Dún Laoghaire ...From 1821 to 1921 it was officially called Kingstown.

Dundalk (from Irish: Dún Dealgan meaning "Dalgan's stronghold")

И још неки: Dunboyne, Duncannon, Duncormick, Dundalk, Dunderrow, Dundrum (Dublin), Dundrum (Tipperary), Dunfanaghy, Dungarvan, Dungloe, Dungourney, Dunkineely, Dún Laoghaire, Dunlavin, Dunleer, Dunmanway, Dunmore, Dunmore East, Dunquin, Dunshaughlin
Kelti Skordici sagradili su Singidunum. Dunum je utvrdjenje, a sta znaci singi? Kako je i kad Singidunum postao Beograd?
Singidunum je uvek bio Beograd, zato što je izvedena jedna glupa metateza od snigi na singi. Svi izvorni indoevropski jezici imaju istu reč za sneg, konkretno za keltski je to snig, i u svima je sneg personifikacija i sinonim za belinu.
Dunum nije samo utvrđenje, odnosno originalno značenje je zemlja na uzvišenju, Frigijci su odlaskom sa Balkana ovu reč odneli u Anadoliju, ona se vratila kao dulum.
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