Џорџ Сорош: Америци предстоји класни рат


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George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War

Jan 23, 2012 12:00 AM EST

'The situation is about as serious and difficult as I've experienced in my career.' Plus, an exclusive interview with IMF chief Christine Lagarde, who issues a dire warning for Europe.

You know George Soros. He’s the investor’s investor—the man who still holds the record for making more money in a single day’s trading than anyone. He pocketed $1 billion betting against the British pound on “Black Wednesday” in 1992, when sterling lost 20 percent of its value in less than 24 hours and crashed out of the European exchange-rate mechanism. No wonder Brits call him, with a mix of awe and annoyance, “the man who broke the Bank of England.”

Soros doesn’t make small bets on anything. Beyond the markets, he has plowed billions of dollars of his own money into promoting political freedom in Eastern Europe and other causes. He bet against the Bush White House, becoming a hate magnet for the right that persists to this day. So, as Soros and the world’s movers once again converge on Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum this week, what is one of the world’s highest-stakes economic gamblers betting on now?
He’s not. For the first time in his 60-year career, Soros, now 81, admits he is not sure what to do. “It’s very hard to know how you can be right, given the damage that was done during the boom years,” Soros says. He won’t discuss his portfolio, lest anyone think he’s talking things down to make a buck. But people who know him well say he advocates making long-term stock picks with solid companies, avoiding gold—“the ultimate bubble”—and, mainly, holding cash.

He’s not even doing the one thing that you would expect from a man who knows a crippled currency when he sees one: shorting the euro, and perhaps even the U.S. dollar, to hell. Quite the reverse. He backs the beleaguered euro, publicly urging European leaders to do whatever it takes to ensure its survival. “The euro must survive because the alternative—a breakup—would cause a meltdown that Europe, the world, can’t afford.” He has bought about $2 billion in European bonds, mainly Italian, from MF Global Holdings Ltd., the securities firm run by former Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine that filed for bankruptcy protection last October.

Has the great short seller gone soft? Well, yes. Sitting in his 33rd-floor corner office high above Seventh Avenue in New York, preparing for his trip to Davos, he is more concerned with surviving than staying rich. “At times like these, survival is the most important thing,” he says, peering through his owlish glasses and brushing wisps of gray hair off his forehead. He doesn’t just mean it’s time to protect your assets. He means it’s time to stave off disaster. As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of “evil.” Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties. The global economic system could even collapse altogether.

“I am not here to cheer you up. The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career,” Soros tells Newsweek. “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse. The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”
Soros’s warning is based as much on his own extraordinary personal history as on his gut instinct for market booms and busts. “I did survive a personally much more threatening situation, so it is emotional, as well as rational,” he acknowledges. Soros was just 13 when Nazi soldiers invaded and occupied his native Hungary in March 1944. In only eight weeks, almost half a million Hungarian Jews were deported, many to Auschwitz. He saw bodies of Jews, and the Christians who helped them, swinging from lampposts, their skulls crushed. He survived, thanks to his father, Tivadar, who managed to secure false identities for his family. Later, he watched as Russian forces ousted the Nazis and a new totalitarian ideology, communism, replaced fascism. As life got tougher during the postwar Soviet occupation, Soros managed to emigrate, first to London, then to New York.

Soros draws on his past to argue that the global economic crisis is as significant, and unpredictable, as the end of communism. “The collapse of the Soviet system was a pretty extraordinary event, and we are currently experiencing something similar in the developed world, without fully realizing what’s happening.” To Soros, the spectacular debunking of the credo of efficient markets—the notion that markets are rational and can regulate themselves to avert disaster—“is comparable to the collapse of Marxism as a political system. The prevailing interpretation has turned out to be very misleading. It assumes perfect knowledge, which is very far removed from reality. We need to move from the Age of Reason to the Age of Fallibility in order to have a proper understanding of the problems.”


kad soros kaze da je crno crno, crno mora da je belo.
ne veruj chivutinu, njegov patern decepcije je 20 metra dugacak u papiru.

pre neki dan rece kako je sa ponosom kupio americke obveznice.
najstariji trik iz knjige, posedujes nesto sto je izgubilo vrednost, i posto si pomucu medija objavio kako si kupio to i to, masa pocne da kupuje i chifta proda chim cena ode gore.
klasichan pump and dump.

chile je u gubitku pa je malo neurozan.
Poslednja izmena:
У Америци је почело драстично смањивање средње класе. Долази веома брзо да веома великог класног размимоилажења. Средња класа се највећим делом претвара у сиромашну а тек неких 3-4% одлази у богату. Самим тим ствара се све већа критична маса сиромашних. Пре неких 5-6 година они сами су помињали неку цифру од тридесетак милиона бескућника а прошле године су изнели податак да их је преко 60 милиона што значи да је већ сада сваки пети Американац пуки сиромах и да се цифра у веома кратком периоду дуплирала.

На граници према Мексику сваке године у обрачунима погине 27.000 највише Мексиканаца али и не мали број Американаца што значи да се на југу Америке води већ прави рат а популацију од неких 140 милиона Мексиканаца у Америци чини све нервознијом и веома је могуће да ће оних 20-так окупираних мексичких држава веома брзо доћи у ситуацију да кажу збогом Америко а да их поново врате у тор остале државе ће морати да плате милионским жртвама јер ипак 140 милиона незадовољних Мексиканаца неће бити тек тако једноставно поново окупирати.

Ово горе су само две обичне чињенице, поред мора сличних, које можда не значе много али кажу да се у САД-у муља и тле подрхтава и да је само питање дана или месеца када ће да прокључа.

Наравно када ту прокључа цео цивилизовани свет ће да одахне јер ипак је далеко боље и безболније да се дивљаци истребе сами међу собом него да да их у цивилизацијске оквире приведе највећи део човечанства који не треба да испашта зато што варвари са запада нису научили још ни једну цивилизацијску лекцију.
Nije Soros jedini koji predvidja velike probleme i nemire. Jucer je poceo ekonomski forum u Davosu, ima preko dve i po hiljade ucesnika (Schwab, Soros, Gates......; osnovni ton foruma je da je dosao kraj ovakvog kapitalizma, da ce doci do sukoba, da ce se prva Grcka odvojiti od EU, da je unistena socijalna pravda itd.



Ivan Marovic, Serbia and Montenegro
“Along with a group of other Serbian student leaders, Marovic formed the OTPOR (“Resistance”) movement in 1998. OTPOR used popular protest and peaceful provocation to build anti-Milosevic support in the 1999-2000 period. Although OTPOR started by mobilizing young people, it quickly expanded into a mass movement with members from all sectors of society. As one of the most visible leaders of OTPOR, Marovic best represented the common youth of Serbia and organized rallies and marches in the lead-up to the September 2000 election that ousted the Milosevic regime. After 2000, OTPOR focused on building democratic society in Serbia and opposing corruption. OTPOR has become a model for resistance movements in other countries, including Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus and Albania.”
The thing they will not tell you about Mr. Marovic and his good friend Srdja Popovic, who were the leaders of OTPOR, is that that organization and they were all sponsored by the CIA. Their handler was William Montgomery, who was coordinating their actions from the CIA Headquarters for Southern Europe in Budapest, Hungary. Wm. Montgomery later became U. S. Ambassador in Post Milosevic Serbia.

čiji savetnik je Montgomeri ???

čiji savetnik je Montgomeri ???

Istoj grupi pripada i Vuk Jeremic:

Vuk Jeremic, Serbia
Jeremic graduated from Queen’s College in 1998 with a BA in Theoretical and Experimental Physics. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Quantitative Finance at Imperial College, University of London. He worked as an analyst at Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in London, and was an advisor to the Federal Minister of Telecommunications of Yugoslavia. An active participant in the OTPOR! Resistance movement of Yugoslav students, he also co-founded the Organization of Serbian Students Abroad. Jeremic obtained a Master’s in Public Administration and International Development from the Kennedy School of Government in 2003. After graduation, he served as the Serbian defense minister's special envoy for Euro-Atlantic Affairs at the Ministry of Defense and as the senior advisor to the President of Serbia. In May 2007, he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia.
Poslednja izmena:
Ono za sta Soros nema tacan termin, a desava se u SAD je obrusavanje koncepta libaralnog kapitalizma, laisse-faire filozofije, sistema u kome mali procenat debeloguzih mesetara moze finansijskim mahinacijama da upropasti cele drzave, sistema kome ajfone i ajpede proizvode modrni robovi u Kini, koje bude u po noci kad stigne materijal, koji rade po 12 sati i zive u fabrikama radeci za 100 eur mesecno, sistema koji je 60 godina podgrevao san da svako moze postati milioner i da je na korak od toga....da svako moze imati sve, ali sa omcom oko vrata u vidu pet hipoteka i tako dalje i tako dalje

Onaj sistem kapitalizma koji ce mozda opstati bice Nemacki. Americki ce se obrusiti kao kule bliznakinje, jer vise nema gde da tera. Sve je granice presao i iz svake suve drenovine iscedio je sve sto je mogao. Mozda da ga pokrene samo novi ogromni svetski rat. I toga se treba bojati
U čemu je razlika - naravno, ako ih ima (mis'im ...) .....Komparativna analiza, ovo,ono .....
Najvolijem eXperte .... :zroll::zroll::zroll:

Pa i ja najvolem vas koji imate svo vreme ovog sveta da na ebenim forumima raspravljate uzduz i popreko i neiskazano se koorchite svojim expertskim znanjima, pa ipak napisem sta mislim.

A bas da ti pisem doktorske radove na temu, nemam ni vremena ni volje
Uostalom, nebi ni vredelo, jer slutim da bi me intelektualno porazio i posramio, pa ipak, da izbegnem takvo javno sramocenje, dozvoli mi, o mocni Guru, da se povucem i nadalje zivim u sramoti svog neznania
Ima ovde Mile saKlise jednu temu u kojoj je jasno da je već ozakonjeno formiranje vojnih kampova u koje bi vlada (vojsk, policija i tajne službe) trpala "nestašne" amerikance bez da im se da ono neprikosnoveno pravo na advokata niti da se uhapšenima predoči zašto su uhapšeni. Znači, Kim il Sung je mala beba za ovo što se sprema.

Amerikancima želim da propadnu koliko god to može. Nek nestanu. Zaslužili su svojim zločinima koje su činili po celom svetu. Od WWII do danas nema većih tirana. Nek crknu.
Да ли су ови наводи тачни?

Putin vs Soros
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday January 24, 2012

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (left) vs financial terrorist George Soros

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the Russian Federation and its Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has issued an arrest warrant for noted financial terrorist and Hungarian bank dick, George Soros.

Russian Intelligence has fingered Soros for using cross-collateralized compounded Swedish and Danish foreign currency derivatives for the purpose of an attack on the Russian stock market.

Note: Soros use of these cross-collateralized compounded derivatives utilizing Luxembourg banks violates the terms of the Basil II European Union banking agreement.

Item: Both the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and European INTERPOL are preparing a "Red Notice" against not only Soros but Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate financial stooge Marc Rich and his Swiss-based Richfield Commodities Brokerage firm.

Putin has also recently confronted Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and told him that the Russian Federation will no longer tolerate the use of individuals like George Soros and Marc Rich in massive foreign currency derivative fraud that is destabilizing the world economy.

In other words, folks, there will be NO backdoor QE3 using derivatives tied to George Soros and Marc Rich.

P.S. We can also divulge that the government of Greece has joined John Hancock insurance company in a class action lawsuit against the criminal U.S. banking giants Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan.

The class action lawsuit accuses both Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan of fraudulent sales practices in the marketing of bogus mortgage-backed securities from the year 2003 to 2007.

Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan sold these bogus financial instruments to the government of Greece while at the same time they were actually shorting these financial instruments in offshore hedge funds on the Isle of Man and the Cayman Islands.

P.P.S. At this hour the government of Greece is ready to leave the European Union and try to save their nation similar to that which took place in Iceland.

P.P.P.S. This is a direct warning to the privately owned, criminal Federal Reserve:

Any attempt to 'bail out' Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan and their bogus credit claims against the nation of Greece using U.S. Taxpayers money will lead to a major response by the U.S. Military.

In closing, a direct message to alleged pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro:

When you signed the TREASONOUS, UN-Constitutional National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which permanently shredded the U.S. Constitution, you declared war on the American People and forfeited any chance of an alleged re-election.

Patriotic members of the U.S. Military, in association with U.S. Treasury agents, will soon present evidence to major U.S. Flag Officers showing the BILLIONS of dollars of bribes and kickbacks that Obama, both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the neo-Nazi Bush Family, and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, have parked in the Cayman Islands.

These are all proceeds and commissions accrued from the illegal sale and marketing of these mortgage-backed securities.
Nije Soros jedini koji predvidja velike probleme i nemire. Jucer je poceo ekonomski forum u Davosu, ima preko dve i po hiljade ucesnika (Schwab, Soros, Gates......; osnovni ton foruma je da je dosao kraj ovakvog kapitalizma, da ce doci do sukoba, da ce se prva Grcka odvojiti od EU, da je unistena socijalna pravda itd.


unistenje "socijalne pravde" je unistenje SAD?

ne veruj chivutima, upravo njihova "socijalna pravda" je ilovacha koja cheka SAD.
