Dali je neko upoznat sa "CARNIVAL CRUISE"


Zainteresovan član
Radnja se desava u Banja Luci!!!!
Citam ja male oglase i medju ostalim nadjoh i ovako pise:CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES raspisuje konkurs za zanimanja:Konobarice,Konobari,Pomocne sobarice,Hotel stjuardese,Kuvari,Fotografi,Pomocno osoblje!!!

Neophodno je poznavanje Engleskog jezika!!

Pa se ja malo napalio,Solidno se zna engleski,vratio se iz njemacke(bio u posjeti pa tamo komunicirao engleskim)Pa kad se vec nudi,posao ugostiteljske struke(to vec radio)zasto da ne mislim se ja.
Ali se sjeti da smo na teritoriji bivse jugoslavije,
(OVDJE GA SVAK SVAKOM)Pa valja biti oprezan!!!

Pa me zanima da li je neko cuo ista,dali je bilo toga kod vas!!!
Iako znam da je CARNIVAL CRUISE ugledna kompanija,ali malo je cudno oni traze radnike ovdje!!!Znam,jeftinija radna snaga,i to ali!!!
Jedno veliko ALI!!!!!
Ovo pise na njihovom zvanicnom sajtu:

Important Notice: Recently, we have been made aware of fraudulent advertisements that have appeared in the classified section of newspapers in certain markets around the country concerning cruise ship employment.

The advertisements, which are part of an employment scam, provide a fax number and e-mail address where applicants can send a resume to apply for a shipboard job position. Applicants are contacted via telephone, advised that they have been hired by Carnival Cruise Lines, and asked to wire money to cover the cost of a "uniform deposit," which is then pocketed by the perpetrators of the scam.

Please be advised that these fraudulent ads are in no way endorsed by or affiliated with Carnival Cruise Lines. We encourage interested persons to apply directly to Carnival Cruise Lines by following the instructions on this web-site for the specific position being offered.

Kazes da engleski solidno znas, nadam se da ces razumeti....
Ovo pise na njihovom zvanicnom sajtu:

Important Notice: Recently, we have been made aware of fraudulent advertisements that have appeared in the classified section of newspapers in certain markets around the country concerning cruise ship employment.

The advertisements, which are part of an employment scam, provide a fax number and e-mail address where applicants can send a resume to apply for a shipboard job position. Applicants are contacted via telephone, advised that they have been hired by Carnival Cruise Lines, and asked to wire money to cover the cost of a "uniform deposit," which is then pocketed by the perpetrators of the scam.

Please be advised that these fraudulent ads are in no way endorsed by or affiliated with Carnival Cruise Lines. We encourage interested persons to apply directly to Carnival Cruise Lines by following the instructions on this web-site for the specific position being offered.

Kazes da engleski solidno znas, nadam se da ces razumeti....

Ma znao sam,ali cu ipak ici na razgovor.Bas me zanima sta ce mi reci!A recicu mu sta sam procitao na sajtu o laznjacima!!!
Kompanija ima raznih i toliko ih ima da ne mozes verovati ( sto manjih- sa oko 100 brodova , sto vecih sa oko 100 prekookeanskih brodica ). Mi smo jeftina radna snaga , i samim tim nas gledaju jeftino. Pitanje je koja je tvoja cena ? Ne retko moras biti "dobar" i sa istim polom , da bi uspeo ukoliko i odplovis u nekom pravcu ! Do tada skupi jednu visemesecnu zaradu( 6 ) da bi ulozio u tu avanturu ! Srecno !
