Predsednik Mahmud Abas predao zahtev za priznanje drzave Palestine u granicama 1967


Istorijiski dan:

Abas podneo zahtev da Palestina uđe u UN

Palestinski predsednik Mahmud Abas predao je danas Ujedinjenim nacijama zvanični zahtev za priznanje države Palestine, čemu se protive SAD i Izrael

NJUJORK - Palestinski predsednik Mahmud Abas predao je danas Ujedinjenim nacijama zvanični zahtev za priznanje države Palestine, čemu se protive SAD i Izrael.

Abas je zahtev upućen Savetu bezbednosti UN za prijem Palestine u UN kao države članice predao danas generalnom sekretaru UN Ban Ki-munu s kojim se sastao u sedištu UN u Njujorku.

Zvanična predaja zahteva smatra se istorijskim činom na koji su godinama čekali milioni Palestinaca.



Ako elita zeli da uvede Izrael u rat ovaj zahtev Palestine ce proci

Izraelski mediji su u stanju pripravnosti.

Prenose Abasove reci:

Mi necemo priznati jevrejsku drzavu.

"They talk to us about the Jewish state, but I respond to them with a final answer: We shall not recognize a Jewish state," Abbas said in a meeting with some 200 senior representatives of the Palestinian community in the US, shortly before taking the podium and delivering a speech at the United Nations General Assembly.,7340,L-4126571,00.html
doista historijski dan...pratila sam vecim dijelom njegov govor...izvrsno, i sto je najinteresantnije frenetican aplauz ....i kvintet je vec odradio plan (odnosno prijedlog) za rjesenje problema
1. u roku od mjesec dana pocetak pregovora
2. u roku od 3 mjeseca prvi rezultati u manje 2teskim" pitanjima
3. nakon 6 mjeseci (u Moskvi) postizanje dogovora o sigurnosti, granicama i povratku izbjeglica (kao i evtl. promjeni odnosno zamjeni teritorija)
4. implemenatacija dogovorenog i konacno rjesavanje toga pitanja...
izrazito optimisticno ali i moguce
odgovor Netanahua blazi nego sto sam ocekivala, on pruza ruku pomirenja palestinskom narodu, ali
SAD će staviti veto. Onaj devojhebač Abas želi samo skrenuti pozornost na sebe .

Veto pre je izraz nemoci nego nekakve snage.

USA su u austerity measures, a idu ka double-dip recession i sve manje mogu da pomognu savezniku.

Vec napisah: izraelski medijui su u stanju pripravnosti.

Moze li Izrael opstati?

Can Israel Survive?

The country has never been in more danger.

Zemlja nikad nije bila u vecoj opasnosti
Jебеш деценију ако нису ратовали Јевреји и Арапи

Pa mozes citati sta pisu izraelski mediji, kako pripremaju javno mnjenje:

America is $16 trillion in debt. We are tired of three wars.The Obama administration initially thought putting a little light between Israel and the United States might coax Arab countries into negotiating a peace. That new American triangulation certainly has given a far more confident Muslim world more hope — but it is hope that just maybe the United States cannot or will not come to Israel’s aid if Muslim states ratchet up the tension.

It is trendy to blame Israeli intransigence for all these bleak developments. But to do so is simply to forget history. There were three Arab efforts to destroy Israel before it occupied any borderlands after its victory in 1967. Later, it gave back all of Sinai and yet now faces a hostile Egypt. It got out of Lebanon — and Hezbollah crowed that Israel was weakening, as that terrorist organization moved in and stockpiled thousands of missiles pointed at Tel Aviv. Israel got out of Gaza and earned as thanks both rocket showers and a terrorist Hamas government sworn to destroy the Jewish state.

The Arab Middle East damns Israel for not granting a “right of return” to Palestinians who have not lived there in nearly 70 years. But it keeps embarrassed silence about the more than half-million Jews whom Arab dictatorships much later ethnically cleansed from Baghdad, Damascus, and Cairo, and sent back into Israel. On cue, the Palestinian ambassador to the United States again brags that there will be no Jews allowed in his newly envisioned and American-subsidized Palestinian state — a boast with eerie historical parallels.

By now we know both what will start and what will deter yet another conflict in the Middle East. In the past, wars broke out when the Arab states thought they could win them and stopped when they realized they could not.

But now a new array of factors — ever more Islamist enemies of Israel such as Turkey and Iran, ever more likelihood of frontline Arab Islamist governments, ever more fear of Islamic terrorism, ever more unabashed anti-Semitism, ever more petrodollars flowing into the Middle East, ever more prospects of nuclear Islamist states, and ever more indifference by Europe and the United States — has probably convinced Israel’s enemies that finally they can win what they could not in 1947, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, and 2006.

So brace yourself. The next war against Israel is no longer a matter of if — only when. And it will be far more deadly than any we’ve witnessed in quite some time.
Poslednja izmena:
Naravno London je napao palestinski zahtev za priznanje Palestine, licno Toni Bler.

Bler napada zahtev Palestine za priznanjem kao 'duboko konfrontacioni'

Blair attacks Palestinian bid for state recognition as 'deeply confrontational'

Tony Blair has today cautioned against Palestinian statehood

Toni Bler je danas upozorio protiv palestinske drzavnosti

