
Dvadesetogodišnji Pedro Jones je ubio dečaka, bolje reci bebu, starog svega 17 meseci zato sto je hteo da nauči dete da se ponaša kao dečak a ne kao devojčica. Udarao ga je pesnicama po celom telu a od siline udaraca dete je zadobilo srcani udar i preminulo u lokalnoj bolnici.

A man entrusted with the care of a 17-month-old boy reportedly told authorities that he beat the child to death in a bid to "make him act like a boy instead of a little girl." The suspect allegedly also admitted, "I never struck that kid that hard before."

Pedro Jones, 20, is the boyfriend of the infant’s mother, according to an Aug. 2 report at the web site for New York television station WPIX. Jones, who is not part of the Shinnecock nation, lived on the Shinnecock Indian Reservation on Long Island, with the mother and infant child. The reservation is located on Long Island.

Jones had been left to care for the infant when the alleged fatal beating took place on the evening of July 31. A police report says that Jones struck the infant "several times throughout his body with close fists" and also seized the child by the neck.

"I was trying to make him act like a boy instead of a little girl," Jones told the police, according to the WPIX report. "A one-time mistake, and I am going to do 20 years," the suspect reportedly added.

Police arrived at the scene to find the child in cardiac arrest, media reports said. The child was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. Jones was taken into custody and is being held without bail. He has pled not guilty to a charge of manslaughter, according to an Aug. 2 report by News 12 Long Island.

"I just found out my Grandson died last night that’s all I know," Donna Collins Smith told WPIX. told PIX 11 News.

"He infiltrated my family through our trust, through the heart of my daughter and then stole the life of her child," Daniel Collins, the child’s grandfather, said. "I hope the justice system turns around and steals his."

Jones told reporters that the killing was an accident. ""I’m sorry," Jones said. "That’s my baby. I loved him to death."

Jones may face upgraded charges if the investigation indicates they are warranted. New York state law makes attack on a person because of real or perceived sexual orientation a criminal offense under hate crimes legislation. Moreover, federal hate crimes legislation also covers attacks motivated by the victim’s real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

Media sources did not specify what Jones meant by saying that the child was "act[ing like a]... little girl." But the online response indicates that the boy’s killing is being seen as an example of an anti-gay (or anti-trans) hate crime. "This is where homophobia takes you," on reader commented at GLBT news site

"American Society’s festering, unaddressed scourge of Homophobia just claimed it’s littlest victim," a reader of the news item on the case posted at wrote. "How long before we rise up as a people to exterminate this pervasive evil in our country?"

Izvor: EDGEBoston

ccc... ova gamad iz Obraza će isto to raditi po Srbiji
jeste, zli homofobičari.

jel nekom palo na pamet da je kategorija homofob rezervisan za ljude koji imaju strah od drugih ljudi, nevezano za pol, rasu i seksualno opredeljenje. Ne vredjajte homofobe, to su bolesni ljudi koji retko izlaze iz kuće. I baš me briga što je to popularan termin,.... glupi nepismeni novinari.
But the online response indicates that the boy’s killing is being seen as an example of an anti-gay (or anti-trans) hate crime. "This is where homophobia takes you," on reader commented at GLBT news site

znaci nekakve anonimne pedercine sa nekog njihovog pederskog sajta su strucno zakljucile da je ovo slucaj "homofobije"??
i mi sad kao o tome treba da diskutujemo? :roll:

Ovo dete nije zrtva homofobije nego zrtva primitivnog retarda.

... i zamislite to go*no u ljudskom obliku se drznulo da izjavi: "Nachinio sam samo ovu jednu gresku i sada cu da robijam 20 godina".

Da sam tamo neka vlast, posle takve izjave bih mu tih 20 godina preinachio u smrt cherechenjem.

Djubre jedno smrdljivo odvratno.
Ovo dete nije zrtva homofobije nego zrtva primitivnog retarda.

... i zamislite to go*no u ljudskom obliku se drznulo da izjavi: "Nachinio sam samo ovu jednu gresku i sada cu da robijam 20 godina".

Da sam tamo neka vlast, posle takve izjave bih mu tih 20 godina preinachio u smrt cherechenjem.

Djubre jedno smrdljivo odvratno. čerečenja oće odma da krepa..

bolje je vrbov prut židak i da ga cela država bije..svaki minut jedan udarac...:whistling:
Odlican je, jelda :D

Kako ne, uvek sam se divio vashoj elokvenciji kolega... :D

+ pravnoj namazanosti, ne mozete biti tuzeni zbog toga. :mrgreen:

Е, ово ти је неки Жути ....

Слатко сам се насмејао када је ово одвалила Г-ђа Колунџија ....



Znachi imamo neke specijalne... i neke specijalnije... :hahaha:

To ono na foru svi smo jednaki al' su neki jednakiji... :mrgreen:
Poslednja izmena:
Sta ovo ima veze za homofobijom.

Ima i pedera koji se bas muski ponasaju pitaj u zatvoru tvog povrerenja.

Eno ti ga neki Brazilac, vrlo zaje*an ultimate fighter prizano da je gej... i kaze bash to shto je bio gej u Brazilu (homofobichna sredina) dovelo ga je u tu poziciju... jer, da bi dokazivao svoju mushkost, stalno se tukao... brzo je postao i chlan bande, pljachkao itd... a onda ga je otkrio neki menadzer i poslao na ultimejt... i nije losh lik, prilichno dobro se bori.
