Русија даје пола милијарде долара за проширење главне џамије у Москви

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Crni Bugarin

Реконструкция Московской соборной мечети потребует полмиллиарда долларов

Москва сада има седам џамија:Москва

Једна од нових џамија у Москви:

To je normalna stvar. Tri najvece nesrece za covecanstvo i pravoslavlje uopste se odlicno uklapa u ovu sliku. Te tri zveri su: Vatikan, Rusija i Arapi. Dakle, rimokatolicnastvo, komunizam i islam.

Znači ,pa ko ostaje sunce ti poljubim ? :hahaha:A da ima Kina Indija uf sad mi je lakše bilo me preseklo :D
Umesto da podrzavas borbu protiv islama ti se smejes... Ne razumem te??? :dontunderstand:


Lad, the problem is not in Islam as a religion, but in political extremism and local conservatism, which hide their real nature behind Islam. By the way, while Bulgarian soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan, you are "fighting" only on Internet.
The plans for enlargement of the central mosque in Moscow:


:By the way, while Bulgarian soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan, you are "fighting" only on Internet.
The plans for enlargement of the central mosque in Moscow:

Na tudjoj zemlji se bore ti bugarski vojnici i ti to dobro znas ali neces priznati.
Bugarski vojnici nisu tamo zbog svojih interesa vec zbog americkih... :rtfm:
Na tudjoj zemlji se bore ti bugarski vojnici i ti to dobro znas ali neces priznati.
Bugarski vojnici nisu tamo zbog svojih interesa vec zbog americkih... :rtfm:


Now I understand your point. Obviously you prefer the Bulgarian soldiers to fight on the Bulgarian territory with the Bulgarian Muslim population just as you did in Bosnia and Kosovo in 1990's.

Now I understand your point. Obviously you prefer the Bulgarian soldiers to fight on the Bulgarian territory with the Bulgarian Muslim population just as you did in Bosnia and Kosovo in 1990's.

Nisi shvatio...
Povecan je broj muslimana u Bugarskoj a vi po tom pitanju nista ne radite sto je greska...
Jel se sada razumemo?
Nisi shvatio...
Povecan je broj muslimana u Bugarskoj a vi po tom pitanju nista ne radite sto je greska...
Jel se sada razumemo?


Well, whether it is true that the number of Muslims in Bulgaria is increasing or not, what should we do with them, may be we have to do something in the style of the notorious events in Srebrenica?

Well, whether it is true that the number of Muslims in Bulgaria is increasing or not, what should we do with them, may be we have to do something in the style of the notorious events in Srebrenica?

You know what hapend in Srebrenica??? It is very strange why you wasn't a witness in Haague. You, all-knowing gypsy woman with a ball.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
