Бугарска може да одигра важну улогу у блискоисточном мировном процесу

Министар иностраних послова Николај Младенов који борави у дводневној посети Дамаску је примљен од председника Сирије Башара ал-Асада. На разговорима ал-Асад и Младенов су изразили узајамну жељу за развојем билатералне сарадње. Размотрена је и напета ситуација у региону и улога коју Бугарска може да одигра у блискоисточном мировном процесу, јер поседује искуство као држава немирног у недалекој прошлости Балкана. Младенов је навео да је успостављање мира на Блиском Истоку важно како за Европу, тако и за цео свет. Он је такође изјавио да Европа треба да буде активнија у настојању да се тамо успостави мир. Младенов је пренео председнику Асаду и позив бугарског председника Георгиха Прванова да посети нашу земљу.

Министар иностраних послова Николај Младенов који борави у дводневној посети Дамаску је примљен од председника Сирије Башара ал-Асада. На разговорима ал-Асад и Младенов су изразили узајамну жељу за развојем билатералне сарадње. Размотрена је и напета ситуација у региону и улога коју Бугарска може да одигра у блискоисточном мировном процесу, јер поседује искуство као држава немирног у недалекој прошлости Балкана. Младенов је навео да је успостављање мира на Блиском Истоку важно како за Европу, тако и за цео свет. Он је такође изјавио да Европа треба да буде активнија у настојању да се тамо успостави мир. Младенов је пренео председнику Асаду и позив бугарског председника Георгиха Прванова да посети нашу земљу.


'Bulgaria shares warm ties with Israel'

06/29/2010 19:37

Bulgarian FM Nikolay Mladenov calls visit the sign of a "true friend."

Talkbacks (15)

The relations between our countries come from an emotional connection, not our economic interests, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov said to President Shimon Peres during a meeting on Tuesday.

"I came to visit in order to underline that true friends are not only friends when it suits them, but during the true hour of need," Mladenov said.

He continued to say that the close ties with Israel stems from a shared history during World War II. "We are lucky that the majority of Bulgarian Jews were saved and were able to go on to build Israel. This [history] creates a strong, emotional connection and responsibility on our part to ensure Israel's safety and its future."

"As members of the European Union and NATO, we want to have a better understanding of your standpoint. We want to help advance the peace process because Israel's security effects Europe and Bulgaria's security," the Bulgarian foreign minister asserted.

"Israel's prosperity influences all of us," he continued, "Sofia and Tel Aviv are not that far apart from each other."

"We share [Israel's] worries regarding certain aspects of the situation. Particularly regarding Iran's nuclear program," Mladenov exclaimed.

"We believe that the UN and EU's sanctions need to be properly understood in Teheran, and the proper way to dole out the sanctions is not to close the door, but rather to call for a complete and open negotiation regarding the character of Iran's nuclear plan. Everything needs to be laid out on the table, and we need to implement the UN Security Council's decisions and impede their uranim enrichment program," he added.


Bulgarian teacher to be posthumously honored by Yad Vashem

06/28/2010 04:44

Vladimir Kurtev disappeared after the war, and his fate is unknown – although it is believed that he may have been murdered by the Bulgarian communist authorities.

More than 67 years after Vladimir Kurtev made a bold attempt to save the Jews of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Thrace, he will be posthumously honored at Yad Vashem on Monday as a Righteous Among the Nations.

Since Yad Vashem’s founding in 1953, more than 22,200 men and women from 45 countries have been accorded the honor, which is bestowed upon those who helped save Jews, at their own personal risk, during the Holocaust.

Born in Pleven, Bulgaria in 1888, Kurtev was a teacher in the city of Kyustendil, and maintained strong ties with leaders of the city’s Jewish community.

He was also a member of a revolutionary Macedonian movement, which espoused the independence of Macedonia from Turkey, and later adopted a pro-Bulgarian stance. Several of Kyustendil’s Jews were members of this movement.

On February 22, 1943, an agreement was signed between the Bulgarian Commissioner for Jewish Questions, Alexander Belev, and Theodor Dannecker, a representative of SS Commander Adolf Eichmann, regarding the deportation of 20,000 Jews from Bulgaria. The agreement was authorized by the Bulgarian government on March 2, and two days later, preparations were made for the deportation of some 12,000 Jews from Macedonia and Thrace, which were under Bulgarian rule.

Rumors about the impending deportations reached the Jews of Kyustendil, and the community received an order from a representative of the Commissioner to prepare supplies for the Jewish deportees.

The city’s Jews together with non-Jewish public figures felt impelled to act, and on March 8, a four-man delegation, comprised of all non-Jews, set out for the Bulgarian capital of Sofia in an effort to revoke the decree.

Kurtev was one of the four delegates, along with Asen Suichmezov, Petar Mikhalev and Ivan-Christov Momchilov. A larger delegation had initially been scheduled to depart, but some of the members backed out, reluctant to take such drastic action.

As the delegates left for Sofia on the train, an empty train car designated for the deportees already stood waiting at the Kyustendil train station.

Immediately upon their arrival in Sofia the following morning, the delegates met with deputy Speaker of Parliament Dimitar Peshev, who did all he could to cancel the deportations, and was removed from his post as a result.

Kurtev, Peshev and Mikhalev then met with Minister of the Interior Petur Gabrovski and demanded that he call off the deportations. When Gabrovski attempted to deny the existence of the deportation plans, Kurtev retorted that he had heard about them with his own ears, and threatened the minister with Macedonian “sanctions” if the edict wasn’t revoked.

The efforts of the delegation, as well as other actions taken by the head of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan (Bishop) Stephan and others, paid off, and a directive was issued to release the arrested Jews from the provincial towns of old Bulgaria, and to refrain from making additional arrests.

The deportation of the Jews of Macedonia and Thrace continued, however, and by the end of the same month, more than 11,000 Jews had been sent to the death camps.

Metropolitan Bishops Stefan and Kiril were recognized by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations in 2001. Dimitar Peshev and three of the four delegates were recognized in 1973 and in 1991, and received the medal and certificate of honor in their lifetimes.

Kurtev, however, disappeared after the war, and his fate is unknown – although it is believed that he may have been murdered by the Bulgarian communist authorities.

With the assistance of the Israeli embassy in Sofia, relevant documents were obtained from the archives in Bulgaria, and the recognition process was finally completed. On May 3, 2010, the Commission for the Designation of the Righteous Among the Nations decided to award Vladimir Kurtev the title of Righteous Among the Nations, and on Monday, a ceremony marking the award will take place at Yad Vashem.

Kurtev’s granddaughter, Jasmin, will receive the medal and certificate of honor on his behalf.

The ceremony is also scheduled to take place in the presence of Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolai Mladenov, Bulgarian Ambassador to Israel Dimitar Tsanchev, and the Chairman of the Israel-Bulgaria Friendship Association, Dr. Moshe Mossek.

The medal and certificate will be presented by Avner Shalev, Chairman of Yad Vashem.

Aircrafts of the Israeli Air Force over Bulgaria in the last few months:



-nasiromasnija clanica EU
-najkorumpiranija zemlja u EU
-jedna od najneuspesnijih zemalja u tranziciji (rame uz rame sa Moldavijom, Albanijom,...)

Jedini bitniji projekti kojima Bugarska moze da se pohvali u poslednje vreme su gradnja gasovoda Juzni tok i gradnja nuklearne elektrane Belene i nista vise.
Министар иностраних послова Николај Младенов који борави у дводневној посети Дамаску је примљен од председника Сирије Башара ал-Асада. На разговорима ал-Асад и Младенов су изразили узајамну жељу за развојем билатералне сарадње. Размотрена је и напета ситуација у региону и улога коју Бугарска може да одигра у блискоисточном мировном процесу, јер поседује искуство као држава немирног у недалекој прошлости Балкана. Младенов је навео да је успостављање мира на Блиском Истоку важно како за Европу, тако и за цео свет. Он је такође изјавио да Европа треба да буде активнија у настојању да се тамо успостави мир. Младенов је пренео председнику Асаду и позив бугарског председника Георгиха Прванова да посети нашу земљу.


umesto što glume neke kanove i osvajače bugari treba da se vrate hristu. njihov glavni neprijatelj je turska, ne srbija makedonia i grčka. problem je što njih kao narod niko ne pita mnogo, vlast im je u rukama stranih plaćenika kao i kod nas. međutim, mi se još nadamo jer smo se probudili i shvatili neke stvari, čak i deo naše vlasti je shvatio neke stvari i otreznio se, oni još spavaju.
