Bugarski ministar u poseti Izraelu pruža punu podršku (i u vezi događaja oko konvoja)


Ministar Nikolaj Mladenov:

Bulgaria’s FM “EU doesn’t understand what Israel is up against”
Bugarski ministar inostranih poslova “EU ne razume protiv cega je Izrael”


Evropski ministri inostranih poslova nemaju uvek pravo razumevanje protiv cega je Izrael, rekao je bugarski ministar inostranih poslova Nikolaj Mladenov.

Bugarska, zemlja od nekih osam miliona ljudi, je medju onima koje najvise podrzavaju Izrael unutar EU. Zapitan zasto je naveo ove komentare u vreme kada se Izrael suocava sa povecanom medjunarodnom izolacijom, Mladenov – koji je postao bugarski ministar inostranih poslova u januaru, sledeci sest meseci duznosti kao ministar odbrane, je rekao, “Zato sto ja mislim to je za sta su prijatelji, da budem sa nasim prijateljima kada su u nevolji”.

Pod “nevoljom,” Mladenov je rekao da on podrazumeva ono sto je bila tekuca “dramaticna izmena u celoj strateskoj situaciji u regionu.”

Izrael, on je rekao, treba da “radi bolje” na objasnjenju Evropljanima njegove pozicije. “I ovo je razlog zasto sam dosao ovde. Zeleo da vidim na terenu – posle dogadjaja oko konvoja i svega – poglede izraelske vlade, kako ona vidi ovo.

Mladenov je rekao da “mnoge zemlje su izgubile osecaj na tesko bezbedosno okruzenje u kojem Izrael zivi. Kaze se da ‘se prepoznaju legitimne bezbedonosne brige’ ali se cudim da li mi znamo sta stoji iza ovih reci”.
‘EU doesn't understand what Israel is up against'


07/02/2010 03:17

Bulgaria’s FM laments ‘lost’ European sensitivity to Israel’s security challenges.

Talkbacks (29)

European foreign ministers do not always have a fair understanding of what Israel is up against, and Turkey reacted “a little bit too strongly” to the Gaza flotilla episode, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov said this week in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.

Mladenov, whose country of some eight million people is among the most supportive of Israel inside the EU, made his comments on Wednesday, shortly before completing a three-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. During this visit, Mladenov made extremely friendly public comments about Israel at a time when such comments from foreign ministers around the world are anything but the norm.

For instance, on Tuesday, in a meeting with President Shimon Peres, he said, “We are lucky that the majority of Bulgarian Jews were saved [during the Holocaust] and were able to go on to build Israel. This [history] creates a strong, emotional connection and responsibility on our part to ensure Israel’s safety and its future.”

Asked why he made these comments at a time when Israel was facing increasing international isolation, Mladenov – who became Bulgaria’s foreign minister in January, following a six-month stint as its defense minister – said, “Because I think that is what friends are for, to be with our friends when they are in trouble.”

By “trouble,” Mladenov said he meant that there was currently a “dramatic shift in the entire strategic situation in the region.”

“We’ve seen a statement over the last couple years by Iran that it wants to erase Israel from the face of the earth,” he said. He added that the troubles Israel faced also included a “faltering Middle East peace process” and a situation in the South where the disengagement from the Gaza Strip led to a constant barrage of Kassam rockets on the western Negev.

Israel, he said, needed to “work better” on explaining its position in Europe. “And this is one of the reasons why I came here. I wanted to see on the ground – after the flotilla and everything – the views of the Israeli government, how it sees a way out of this.”

Asked if there was a fair understanding among his colleagues in the EU of what Israel was up against, Mladenov replied, “Not always, no. I’m being quite honest – no. I think sometimes we tend to oversimplify things in Europe, perhaps because war and confrontation and terrorism are not something that is a daily threat to many in Europe.”

Mladenov said that “many countries have lost the sensitivity to the difficult security environment in which Israel lives. We often say that ‘we recognize Israel’s legitimate security concerns,’ but I sometimes wonder if we all know what stands behind these words.”

Mladenov, who in 2006 spent time in Iraq as an adviser to the Iraqi parliament, said he had experience living in this part of the world and had a “fair idea of what it means to see someone blow themselves up in the middle of the street and stuff like that.

“I think we should be a little more sensitive to the fact that this is a very tough environment, and that Israel needs to be alert at every single moment in order to be able to protect its security and the security of its people,” he said.

Mladenov said it was important for people to understand Israel’s security concerns, and what it was like living in a place like Sderot under the Kassam threat, or “what does it mean to live in constant fear that somebody might decide to blow themselves up in the street, or what does it mean to live in the fundamental fear that there is a another country in the world that says it wants to destroy you as a country.”

Having said that, the Bulgarian diplomat added that providing security for one’s own people “doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t look a little bit beyond the horizon and see what is the framework in which you can resolve this conflict in the longer run,” and that it was important to consider the difficulties facing the Palestinians as well.

Asked to explain what some have described as an east-west split on Israel inside the EU, with Israel’s greatest supporters – the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria – coming from Central or Eastern Europe, and its greatest critics – Ireland, Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, Greece – coming from Western Europe, Mladenov said one reason was simply that for Central and Eastern European countries that emerged from communism, the relationship with Israel was new.

“This relationship was banned under communism, so there is an interest in developing it,” he said. He also said there was “a bit of a guilt feeling in Central and Eastern Europe, because in many countries, what happened in the Holocaust was not addressed in the way it was addressed in Germany, for example.”

As Turkey’s neighbor to the north, Bulgaria is carefully watching developments inside that country, and Mladenov – asked to explain how Sofia viewed Ankara’s shift under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan – said he did not think Turkey’s current search for a “new and more active role in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Balkans” had to do with a feeling of being rejected by the EU.

“I think the relationship between Europe and Turkey is very strong, and will continue to be strong, because Turkey is one of the most fundamental partners we have,” he said. “I would like to see more alignment and coordination between what Europe does and what Turkey does in the region, so that we don’t end up going in different directions, but actually are working in the same direction on a number of issues and conflicts that exist.”

Mladenov said that regarding the “whole situation with the flotilla,” Turkey “reacted a little bit too strongly.”

Asked to explain, he replied, “Too strong in the sense that I’m not sure to what extent it serves the interest of the Palestinians.”

The Turks, he was reminded, have said that this helped the Palestinians because now more goods are being allowed into Gaza.

Mladenov replied that the process of changing the “regime on getting goods in and out of Gaza” was something that had been under discussion for “quite some time. I don’t think people should have died for that.”

The Bulgarian foreign minister tiptoed around the question of whether he felt Israel’s naval blockade on Gaza was legitimate, saying this was a decision Israel had to make based on its own security. He did say, however, that it was important to allow the access of goods in and out of Gaza to develop the economy there, which in turn would create “a bigger constituency in support of peace, because people will see the benefits of that peace emerging.”

Mladenov also avoided a direct answer when asked whether Israel had approached Sofia about conducting IAF exercises over Bulgaria to make up for Turkey’s refusal now to allow Israeli military planes in its airspace. He said Bulgaria and Israel have “very good security and defense cooperation, and that an Israeli-Bulgarian defense cooperation memorandum was signed earlier this year.”

As to whether that memorandum included an agreement for IAF training in Bulgaria, he said, “I would imagine that it would include a lot of things.”

Asked whether the investigative committee Israel set up to look into the flotilla episode was sufficient, Mladenov, echoing the consensus European position, said it was too early to tell, and that this would depend on how the committee performed its work.

Ministar Nikolaj Mladenov:

Bulgaria’s FM “EU doesn’t understand what Israel is up against”
Bugarski ministar inostranih poslova “EU ne razume protiv cega je Izrael”


Evropski ministri inostranih poslova nemaju uvek pravo razumevanje protiv cega je Izrael, rekao je bugarski ministar inostranih poslova Nikolaj Mladenov.

Bugarska, zemlja od nekih osam miliona ljudi, je medju onima koje najvise podrzavaju Izrael unutar EU. Zapitan zasto je naveo ove komentare u vreme kada se Izrael suocava sa povecanom medjunarodnom izolacijom, Mladenov – koji je postao bugarski ministar inostranih poslova u januaru, sledeci sest meseci duznosti kao ministar odbrane, je rekao, “Zato sto ja mislim to je za sta su prijatelji, da budem sa nasim prijateljima kada su u nevolji”.

Pod “nevoljom,” Mladenov je rekao da on podrazumeva ono sto je bila tekuca “dramaticna izmena u celoj strateskoj situaciji u regionu.”

Izrael, on je rekao, treba da “radi bolje” na objasnjenju Evropljanima njegove pozicije. “I ovo je razlog zasto sam dosao ovde. Zeleo da vidim na terenu – posle dogadjaja oko konvoja i svega – poglede izraelske vlade, kako ona vidi ovo.

Mladenov je rekao da “mnoge zemlje su izgubile osecaj na tesko bezbedosno okruzenje u kojem Izrael zivi. Kaze se da ‘se prepoznaju legitimne bezbedonosne brige’ ali se cudim da li mi znamo sta stoji iza ovih reci”.
Од свих европских држава једино су Данска и Бугарска сачувале све своје Јевреје ономад, пред нацизмом.

(Можда и ту лежи нека од квака...? :think: ).
Од свих европских држава једино су Данска и Бугарска сачувале све своје Јевреје ономад, пред нацизмом.

(Можда и ту лежи нека од квака...? :think: ).

Одакле ти тај податак? Колико ја знам немачке трупе су одседале кроз бугарску више пута у периоду 1938 - 1944.
od kad to srbi brinu za ratova sa bugare:confused:

jedan srpski vojnik je rekao bugarima-najvise mrzim vas pa onda austrijance pa turaka

Не разумем шта хоћеш да кажеш. Прави срби нису бринули ни за ратове са Атлантским савезом а камо ли са бугарима. Хоћу да кажем да су оружани сукоби у оба светска рата између бугара и срба били режирани од стране јеврејске међународне мафије.
Dok se Mladenov seta po Izraelu i pruza punu podrsku
dotle Evropska unija izdaje drugo i kako kaze poslednje upozorenje Bugarskoj.


Evropska komisija se sprema za pocetak za tri nove prekrsajne procedure protiv Bugarske.

ne brini jusufe

danas je saopsteno da Bugarska definitivno je dobila nuklearnu centralu,Juzni tok i Nabuko

a evropska neka nam sugerira gde su nam greske

ti samo ne brini
Dok se Mladenov seta po Izraelu i pruza punu podrsku
dotle Evropska unija izdaje drugo i kako kaze poslednje upozorenje Bugarskoj.


Evropska komisija se sprema za pocetak za tri nove prekrsajne procedure protiv Bugarske.


Lad, these are regular warnings of the EU commission:

Bulgaria is among a total of 20 member-states (out of 27) officially warned by the Commission with referral to the EU Court of Justice on failure to comply with EU-rules on energy markets.


Such things happen every two or three months with many EU members, this is how EU works.

Шта је смешно. Колико ја знам, а види се ти не знаш, Карађорђевиће су кроз историју врбовале масонске организације више пута. Рат са Хитлером је њихово масло, а и верује се (иако није доказано) и рат са Аустроугарском. У оба рата је долазило до оружаних сукоба са бугарима који су једва чекали да нас неко нападне да и они могу да се мало огребу за неки део наше територије.
Crni Bugarin
Nisi uopste razumeo poentu, zato se tako cerekas.

EU je ljuta na Bugarsku iz mnogo razloga, dao sam samo jedan primer.

Medjutim, u skladu sa temom, da li zelis da postavim da se EU uopste ne svidja sto je Bugarska suprotna oficijelnoj politici EU po pitanju Izraela, skoro sve EU zemlje su osudile Izrael, neke su uvele sankcije a Bugarska pruza punu podrsku, mislim da tvoj zemljak Bugarash u ovom slucaju bolje shvata situaciju.
Шта је смешно. Колико ја знам, а види се ти не знаш, Карађорђевиће су кроз историју врбовале масонске организације више пута. Рат са Хитлером је њихово масло, а и верује се (иако није доказано) и рат са Аустроугарском. У оба рата је долазило до оружаних сукоба са бугарима који су једва чекали да нас неко нападне да и они могу да се мало огребу за неки део наше територије.

See, in 1941 there was not Yugoslav-Bulgarian military conflict, in the spring of 1941 the Bulgarian army didn't participate in the German aggression against Yugoslavia. This is the first funny thing in your statement.
Шта је смешно. Колико ја знам, а види се ти не знаш, Карађорђевиће су кроз историју врбовале масонске организације више пута. Рат са Хитлером је њихово масло, а и верује се (иако није доказано) и рат са Аустроугарском. У оба рата је долазило до оружаних сукоба са бугарима који су једва чекали да нас неко нападне да и они могу да се мало огребу за неки део наше територије.

rat sa Hitlera e zasluga britanaca koji su pomogli da dignu deo naroda protiv jugoslovenska vlast koja je stupila sa Hitler u saveznistvo
Crni Bugarin
Nisi uopste razumeo poentu, zato se tako cerekas.

EU je ljuta na Bugarsku iz mnogo razloga, dao sam samo jedan primer.

Medjutim, u skladu sa temom, da li zelis da postavim da se EU uopste ne svidja sto je Bugarska suprotna oficijelnoj politici EU po pitanju Izraela, skoro sve EU zemlje su osudile Izrael, neke su uvele sankcije a Bugarska pruza punu podrsku, mislim da tvoj zemljak Bugarash u ovom slucaju bolje shvata situaciju.


Really? Lad, don't be funny, this "threat" is only one regular procedure, it occurs in many similar cases with many EU members. EU is not "angry" at anyone, this is usual practice...
rat sa Hitlera e zasluga britanaca koji su pomogli da dignu deo naroda protiv jugoslovenska vlast koja je stupila sa Hitler u saveznistvo

Рат са Хитлером је заслуга јевреја који су имали само британска држављанства. План је био да се што више Хитлер истроши на Балкану да им се не би искрцао на Британско полуострво јер би освајањем Енглеске озбиљно угрозио јеврејски светски поредак. Наравно они који су оборили власт (пучисти) су после побегли у Британију и оставили народ да се бори и гине за њихове власнике.

Really? Lad, don't be funny, this "threat" is only one regular procedure, it occurs in many similar cases with many EU members. EU is not "angry" at anyone, this is usual practice...

Mozes da se smejes samo svom ministru Mladenovu koji je zabio Bugarskoj veliki autogol.

Tvoj zemljak Bugarash ga je dobro nazvao idiot.

Idi po forumima sirom Evrope, videces kako Mladenova Evropljani nazivaju zbog podrske Izraelu, o turskim forumima bolje i da ne pricam, Bugarska je u sve tezoj situaciji.
See, in 1941 there was not Yugoslav-Bulgarian military conflict, in the spring of 1941 the Bulgarian army didn't participate in the German aggression against Yugoslavia. This is the first funny thing in your statement.

Под бугарском окупацијом југа и истока србије је долазило до сукоба између бугарске војске и српских ослободилачких покрета.
Mozes da se smejes samo svom ministru Mladenovu koji je zabio Bugarskoj veliki autogol.

Tvoj zemljak Bugarash ga je dobro nazvao idiot.

Idi po forumima sirom Evrope, videces kako Mladenova Evropljani nazivaju zbog podrske Izraelu, o turskim forumima bolje i da ne pricam, Bugarska je u sve tezoj situaciji.


Lad, I understand you don't know anything about the EU, but at least try to learn something. In 2009 the European Court of Justice completed 588 similar cases.


Honestly, I don't care about the Turkish reaction. I'm afraid the biggest auto goal was made by the ruling Turkish Islamic party.

Lad, I understand you don't know anything about the EU, but at least try to learn something. In 2009 the European Court of Justice completed 588 similar cases.


Honestly, I don't care about the Turkish reaction. I'm afraid the biggest auto goal was made by the ruling Turkish Islamic party.

Tim tvojim cerekanjem sebe dezavuises kao bilo kakvog ozbiljnog sagovornika, tako samo klinci rade.

Medjutim tvoj zemljak je Bugarash je ozbiljniji, za Mladenova nema druga rec nego:

