A sad story :'(


Eo ovo sam nasao na net i procitao...i stvarno je tuzno :(
btw:Teks je na ENG,s'obzirom da vecina znaju ENG. nadam se da nece biti problem da razumete.Ako ne valjda,prevescu :)

Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park one night....

Daniel: I guess we are the left over's in this world.

Jasmine: I think so... All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world without any special person in our lives.

Daniel: Yup I don't know what to do.

Jasmine: I know! We'll play a game.

Daniel: What game?

Jasmine: I'll be your girlfriend for 30 days and you will be my boyfriend.

Daniel: That's a great plan in fact I don't have anything to do for the following weeks...

DAY 1: They watch their first movie and they both touched in a romantic film .

DAY 4: They went to the beach and had a picnic...Daniel and Jasmine had their quality time together.

DAY 12: Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they rode on a Horror House....Jasmine was scared and she touched Daniel's hand but she touched someone else's hand and they both laughed... .

DAY 15: They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said: "My darlings, Please don't waste the time of your life... spend the rest of your time together happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's eyes.

DAY 20: Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill and they saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled something.

DAY 28: They sat on the bus and because of a bumpy road Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by accident.

DAY 29:
-11:37pm Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where they first decided to play this game...
Daniel: I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want any drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the road.

Jasmine: Apple Juice that's all.

Daniel: Wait for me....

-20mins later... a stranger approached Jasmine.

Stranger: Are you a friend of Daniel?

Jasmine: Why yes? What happened?

Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over Daniel and he is critical in the hospital.

-11:57pm the doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter.
Jasmine, these past few days, I realized you are a really cute girl and I am really falling for you. Your cherished... smile you were everything when we played this game... Before this game would end...I would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life.... I love you Jasmine... . Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:

"Daniel! I don't want you to die... I love you...Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love you! You cannot do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12 Daniel's heart stop beating. It was the 30th day.

...... Always love your loved ones and show them how you feel before it is too late... You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace...
THE END :''(
Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over Daniel and he is critical in the hospital.

-11:57pm the doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter.
Jasmine, these past few days, I realized you are a really cute girl and I am really falling for you. Your cherished... smile you were everything when we played this game... Before this game would end...I would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life.... I love you Jasmine... . Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:

"Daniel! I don't want you to die... I love you...Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love you! You cannot do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12 Daniel's heart stop beating. It was the 30th day.

...... Always love your loved ones and show them how you feel before it is too late... You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace...
THE END :''(
Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over Daniel and he is critical in the hospital.

-11:57pm the doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter.
Jasmine, these past few days, I realized you are a really cute girl and I am really falling for you. Your cherished... smile you were everything when we played this game... Before this game would end...I would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life.... I love you Jasmine... . Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:

"Daniel! I don't want you to die... I love you...Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love you! You cannot do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12 Daniel's heart stop beating. It was the 30th day.

...... Always love your loved ones and show them how you feel before it is too late... You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace...
THE END :''(

Stranac:Pijani vozac je pregazio Daniela koji je u kriticnom stanju,u bolnici.
11:57pm Doktor izlazi iz sobe za hitneslucajeve i predaje Sok od jabuke i pismo.
"Jasmina,ovih nekoliko skorasnjih dana,shvatio sam da si jedna slatka devojka i u koju sam se zaljubio.Tvoj dragoceni...mi je bio sve dok smo se igrali ove igre...Pre nego sto se zavrsi...Voleo bih da mi budes devojka do kraja zivota....Volim te Jasmine... .Jasmin je stegla papir i povikala.

"Daniel! Ne zelim da umres...Volim te...Secas se one noci kad smo videli meteor,Nesto sam(e sad da ne kazem mumlala xD)saptala...Saptala sam da zelim da budemo zajedno zauvek i da se ova igra nikad ne zavrsi.Molim te ne ostavljaj me Daniel... Volim te!Ne mozes da mi uradis ovo!"

Sat je otkucao 12 Danielovo srce je prestalo da kuca.Bio je to 30ti dan.
..... Uvek volite voljene i pokazite im sta osecate pre nego sto bude kasno...Nikad necete znati kada ce otici iz vaseg zagrljaja...
KRAJ :''(

Nadam se da razumes,mozda nisam bas dobro preveo al eto :)
msm,sve je to tuzno,ali me ovako napisano nije dirnulo.
kao raspored casova.
xaxaxa soooo coooold :\
Maria Mancini, сада смо је збунили: ја сам јој сугерисао да му ништа не натура за читање а ти, супротно, препоручујеш јој које књиге да му да да чита. Откуд знаш да га ове књиге неће баш одбити од читања? (Ниједну од тих књига нисам читао.) Друго, како то да неко ко се тек у тридесет и некој први пут сусрео са Горским вијенцем, одједном чита са одушевљењем Џојса, Кафку и друге. И како то да неко ко је завршио Технички факултет није чуо за Горски вијенац, ваљда је ишао у школу? Да се он није фолирао?

LOL Pogresno skretanje xD
