Angel Beats!

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Angel Beats! takes place at a high school in the afterlife in a Purgatory between Heaven and Earth where students learn to give up any lingering attachments they still have from life before finally going to Heaven. While the injuries or cause of death is gone, those in the afterlife school can still feel pain or other things as they did when they were alive, as well as dying again, only to awaken with no injures several minutes later. The story follows the main protagonist Otonashi, a boy who lost his memories of his life after dying. Upon awakening in the afterlife, he meets a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) (死んだ世界戦線?, lit. Afterlife War Front), an organization she founded and leads which fights against God for the cruel fates the SSS members experienced in life. Their only enemy in the world is the school's student council president Angel, a being with supernatural powers who is in charge of keeping the status quo and the fight against the SSS. Anyone who follows Angel's orders and behaves like a normal student at the school will eventually disappear and pass on to Heaven, although those who fulfill something they were unable to do in life will also pass on.
In the SSS, there are two sub-divisions which help in the SSS's operations against Angel. The first is a four-girl band named Girls Dead Monster whose objective in the SSS is to cause a diversion from other activities the SSS is engaged in, while on the surface appearing to be a normal all female band. This includes distracting Angel and a large number of "normal" students and teachers at the school Yuri deems "non-player characters" as they are not human, but look and act the part. Another organization in the SSS is the Guild, located far below the surface of the afterlife world, which serves to supply the weapons the SSS uses against Angel. Anyone in the afterlife is able to create anything out of dirt that they had memories of in life, and the Guild uses this ability to mass produce weapons.
Anime je on-going i do sada su izasle 4 epizode. :D
Odgledao sam prvu epizodu i izgleda dobro. :D
wth ... prema ovom videu sta sam video izgleda previse "natrpano"... mislim magije,macevi,pistolji,puske,snajperi ... i Glavnja radnja je u skoli :lol: . Moram da priznam da mi se svidja animacija :ok:
Ne, anime je stvarno extra, samo još da skinem 4. epizodu i pravim AMV. Nego, mrzi me da tražim, zna li neko kako će izlaziti nove epizode tj. u kom vremenu i u kom danu, u kojoj nedelji bla bla bla... Tako nešto.
Mrzi me da gledam 0_0 :D

Svi koji umru stvore se u drugom životu(afterlife) i tamo žive normalno, ali je fora u tome što tamo ima nega organizacija koja non-stop menja ime( ,,Like hell i am dead Batlefront" i druga šašava imena. :lol: ) i ona se pori protiv anđela koji ima neke specialne moći, žele da ga ubiju da bi taj svet ostavili samo za sebe. Bore se svakojakim oružijima, puške, snajperi, pištolji, noževi, nešto nalik koplju... A anđel stvara svoja oružija. I u tom svetu ništa ne smeš da radiš po pravilima, ako to uradiš, bićeš izbrisan sa planete... Tamo nikada ne možeš da umreš, udare te u mozak, onesvestiš i posle si OK. Čak i da te iseckaju na 100 komadića i da ih razbacaju po celom fudbalskom igralištu bićeš sasvim dobro posle malo vremena. :mrgreen:
Ti vidi, preporučujem svima. :)
