Soros’s Network in Serbia


Soros’s Network in Serbia

In Serbia, this grey eminence is preparing the ground for Nathaniel Rothschild and is an important creator of the political, legal, economic, cultural and media image of Serbian society. On his way to the achievement of his goals he is seeking to drive out the Serbian Orthodox church, the Serbian language, the Cyrillic alphabet, Serbian history, nationalism... He spun the network of his influence way back in 1990s through the “Open Society Fund”, :Humanitarian Rights Fund”, “Helsinki Committee”, “Belgrade Circle”, “European Movement”, “Centre for Anti-War Action”, “NUNS”, “ANEM”, “OTPOR”...
Today, all the leading NGOs are branch offices of the Rothschilds and are entrusted with not only attaining the greatest political influence possible, but also with the psychological shaping of the nation. By constantly pinning on the Serbian people accusations for genocide, criminal mentality and collective guilt, these phantom organizations aim at creating the feelings of fear and guilt in people. These feelings are supposed to materialize as indifference to a piece of land, to driving Serbs out of their land or, in other words, to colonization. This is also done in the form of liberalism which is supposed to reach metastasis in state institutions, in the family, the nation, tradition, culture, and thus ensure a clear passage for Rothschild empire.
In addition to the abovementioned organizations, very active participants in this offensive are “Yucom”, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, the Civil Initiative, the Centre for Cultural Decontamination, Women in Black, the Youth Initiative... Advocates of this anti-Serb hysteria are Sonja Biserko, Natasa Kandic, Vuco, Borka Pavicevic (the wife of the lawyer Nikola Barovic), Miljenko Dereta, Vojin Dimitrijevic, Srdja Popovic, Mirko Djordjevic, Biljana Srbljanovic, Zoran Ostojic, and the journalists Petar Lukovic, Teofil Pancic, as well as all the other infamous vedettas of Soros’s. Soros also pushes anti-Semitism, which is then ascribed to the “xenophobic Serbian society”. Those in charge of this are Filip David, Jovan Byford, Laszlo Sekel... Various “incidents”, threatening letters, desecrating of monuments, graffiti are all parts of this plan. We should not disregard the fact that the Open Society Fund supports (both financially and ideologically) the organizations advocating gay rights (Labris, Queeria, Gay Serbia...).
Sonja Bisreko, instigator of hatred against Serbs Marketing and the media and logistic support to this subversive project are ensured through “independent” media, such as B92, Studio B, TV Pink, TV Panonija, ANEM (the TV stations Devic, RTV Globus, RTV M+, RTV Kraljevo, RTV Nisava, RTV Pancevo, RTV Spektar, RTV Trstenik, the radio stations Radio 021, Bum 93, Radio Sombor, Radio Index, Radio Subotica, Radio Pirot, Radio Ozon...), the “Free Europe” radio... The cable TV network SBB and the satellite television TOTAL TV which are expanding, are also owned by Soros. The production companies VIN and PG Network contribute to the information unity. The Media Centre provides additional publicity to the so-called NGO sector.
In addition to the electronic media, Soros’s list includes the newspapers and magazines Danas, Vreme, Evropa, Republika, the association of independent local media “Local Press” (the newspapers Pancevac, Kikindske, Vranjske novine, Nasa rec...), the publishing houses Samizdat, Dan graf, Stubovi culture, Fabrika knjiga, Klio, Aleksandrija pres; the book distributors Bookbridge, Beopolis... He also controls the information agency Sense and the two leading information agencies in Serbia – Beta and Fonet. At the same time these agencies are branch offices of AP (Associated Press) and Reuters, which have been owned by the Rothshilds ever since 19th century. Sorosz has also infiltrated cultural and educational institutions, theatres, the National Library, the Historical Archives, SANU (Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences)...He has gathered around himself a large group of actors, directors, playwrights, musicians, writers, scientists, analysts, former diplomats, who assist him in animating more and more followers.
Two Gorans – Markovic (whose mentor is Bernard Levi, a great friend of Bernard Coushner’s) and Paskaljevic, satanize Serbs at film festivals. We should also mention the following educational organizations of Soros’s: the Union University, the Alternative Academic Education Network (AAOM), the Belgrade Open School, the Centre for Women Studies (which sprung out of the feminist group “Woman and Society”)... They recruit future Sorosz’s mercenaries. The centre for the improvement of legal studies – Human Rights Watch (HRW) is also present. CESID and all the other polling organizations are in the same camp.

ko razume shvatice a mene mrzi da prevodim..naucite jezik neprijatelja;)

Kako li se ovo čita, majku mu... :think: :lol:

Izgleda da je ovo neka Srbenda pisala.
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Stara priča, prežvakana, odraz nesposobnosti nekih ljudi da shvate da postoje i oni koji misle drugačije.
Čim se pojavi neko ko zaboravi da spomene ognjišta, bitke, vojskovođe, srpski ponos, inat, poštenje i sl., automatski je strani plaćenik i obavezno radi na podrivanju sistema i uništenju Srbije.

Kao da već nije očigledno kakva je politika zapravo dovela do destrukcije.
Vec sam video neke koji misle drugacije o genocidu nad Srbima od strane hrvata . Takodje postoje oni , koji negiraju Ausvic . Zatim , video sam negde na internetu , da postoji grupa Danaca , koja se zalaze da se donja granica seksualnog opstenja sa maloletnicima spusti ispod 9 godina . A eto , i ova sosrseva gomila imbecila misli drugaije . neki za lovu , a neki , jednostavno jer su komunisti , Jugosloveni, ili ko zna sve kakvi mondijalisti .
Spaja ih ljubbav prema plemenima s juga i prema Hrvatima i Hrvatskoj .
Kako li se ovo čita, majku mu... :think: :lol:

Izgleda da je ovo neka Srbenda pisala.
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Stara priča, prežvakana, odraz nesposobnosti nekih ljudi da shvate da postoje i oni koji misle drugačije.
Čim se pojavi neko ko zaboravi da spomene ognjišta, bitke, vojskovođe, srpski ponos, inat, poštenje i sl., automatski je strani plaćenik i obavezno radi na podrivanju sistema i uništenju Srbije.

Kao da već nije očigledno kakva je politika zapravo dovela do destrukcije.

misle drugacije je u redu al misle lose svojoj zemlji nije u tesko je radzdvojiti obmanu,,
meni je sve ovo poznato iz drugih ..izvora..tako da je SVE tacno osim mozda spomena ovih rotshilda..
Vec sam video neke koji misle drugacije o genocidu nad Srbima od strane hrvata . Takodje postoje oni , koji negiraju Ausvic . Zatim , video sam negde na internetu , da postoji grupa Danaca , koja se zalaze da se donja granica seksualnog opstenja sa maloletnicima spusti ispod 9 godina . A eto , i ova sosrseva gomila imbecila misli drugaije . neki za lovu , a neki , jednostavno jer su komunisti , Jugosloveni, ili ko zna sve kakvi mondijalisti .
Spaja ih ljubbav prema plemenima s juga i prema Hrvatima i Hrvatskoj .

ima i onih koji misle drugacije..da mi zivimo u matrixu odavno:lol:
Možda i jeste SVE tačno, ali ako jeste - čisto da pitam - Kako to da sprečimo, izbegnemo?
pa vise ne mozemo da sprecimo jel se vec desilo..
kad smo pokusavalid a sprecimo imali smo demonstracije ..i ko zna sta sve..srecom po ljude srbija nije kina pa da pogazi tenkovima budale koje demonstriraju za americke i NATO interese..a veruju da kao rade nesto ZA SEBE
dobili smo sto ste trazili..pojedincima je dobro..nasi naroda je samo bilo ..gore..
meni ne smeta to sto ste trazili nego sto ste u sve to uvukli i nas koji sad i mi snosimo posledice

sve sto ja danas mogu da radim je da ne prihvatam ono sto mi se servira

za ostalo je zahvaljujuci vama 5og oktobra zalost postalo ..kasno
Kako li se ovo čita, majku mu... :think: :lol:

Izgleda da je ovo neka Srbenda pisala.
Daj link.


Stara priča, prežvakana, odraz nesposobnosti nekih ljudi da shvate da postoje i oni koji misle drugačije.
Čim se pojavi neko ko zaboravi da spomene ognjišta, bitke, vojskovođe, srpski ponos, inat, poštenje i sl., automatski je strani plaćenik i obavezno radi na podrivanju sistema i uništenju Srbije.

Kao da već nije očigledno kakva je politika zapravo dovela do destrukcije.
Већ 10 година нека друга политика је на делу. Ако ниси знао ... ''демократија'' нам је дошла и цвета. А ових 10 година, ДС води главну реч. И у влади Коштунице ДС је имао већину министара ... а влада доноси одлуке консензусом. Значи, ДС је увек могао да опструира, увек да буде како она хоће .... што је резултирало да коштуњави поднесе оставку.

И ? За ових 10 година какве и колике благодети смо доживели ... и осетили на својој кожи? Треба ли о томе да елаборирам?

А што се тиче другачијег мишљења - то је нормално. Само није нормално да то другачије мишљење буде искључиво отворено уперено против Србије и Срба. То указује само на једно - да је у питању плаћено другачије мишљење .... и то дебело !
Већ 10 година нека друга политика је на делу. Ако ниси знао ... ''демократија'' нам је дошла и цвета. А ових 10 година, ДС води главну реч. И у влади Коштунице ДС је имао већину министара ... а влада доноси одлуке консензусом. Значи, ДС је увек могао да опструира, увек да буде како она хоће .... што је резултирало да коштуњави поднесе оставку.

И ? За ових 10 година какве и колике благодети смо доживели ... и осетили на својој кожи? Треба ли о томе да елаборирам?

А што се тиче другачијег мишљења - то је нормално. Само није нормално да то другачије мишљење буде искључиво отворено уперено против Србије и Срба. То указује само на једно - да је у питању плаћено другачије мишљење .... и то дебело !

ma kamo srece da su svi palceni..nego masa to radi za dz...neki jesu nasim parama phe mnogi nemaju ama bas nista od toga..osim svoje zablude
Soros’s Network in Serbia

In Serbia, this grey eminence is preparing the ground for Nathaniel Rothschild and is an important creator of the political, legal, economic, cultural and media image of Serbian society. On his way to the achievement of his goals he is seeking to drive out the Serbian Orthodox church, the Serbian language, the Cyrillic alphabet, Serbian history, nationalism... He spun the network of his influence way back in 1990s through the “Open Society Fund”, :Humanitarian Rights Fund”, “Helsinki Committee”, “Belgrade Circle”, “European Movement”, “Centre for Anti-War Action”, “NUNS”, “ANEM”, “OTPOR”...
Today, all the leading NGOs are branch offices of the Rothschilds and are entrusted with not only attaining the greatest political influence possible, but also with the psychological shaping of the nation. By constantly pinning on the Serbian people accusations for genocide, criminal mentality and collective guilt, these phantom organizations aim at creating the feelings of fear and guilt in people. These feelings are supposed to materialize as indifference to a piece of land, to driving Serbs out of their land or, in other words, to colonization. This is also done in the form of liberalism which is supposed to reach metastasis in state institutions, in the family, the nation, tradition, culture, and thus ensure a clear passage for Rothschild empire.
In addition to the abovementioned organizations, very active participants in this offensive are “Yucom”, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, the Civil Initiative, the Centre for Cultural Decontamination, Women in Black, the Youth Initiative... Advocates of this anti-Serb hysteria are Sonja Biserko, Natasa Kandic, Vuco, Borka Pavicevic (the wife of the lawyer Nikola Barovic), Miljenko Dereta, Vojin Dimitrijevic, Srdja Popovic, Mirko Djordjevic, Biljana Srbljanovic, Zoran Ostojic, and the journalists Petar Lukovic, Teofil Pancic, as well as all the other infamous vedettas of Soros’s. Soros also pushes anti-Semitism, which is then ascribed to the “xenophobic Serbian society”. Those in charge of this are Filip David, Jovan Byford, Laszlo Sekel... Various “incidents”, threatening letters, desecrating of monuments, graffiti are all parts of this plan. We should not disregard the fact that the Open Society Fund supports (both financially and ideologically) the organizations advocating gay rights (Labris, Queeria, Gay Serbia...).
Sonja Bisreko, instigator of hatred against Serbs Marketing and the media and logistic support to this subversive project are ensured through “independent” media, such as B92, Studio B, TV Pink, TV Panonija, ANEM (the TV stations Devic, RTV Globus, RTV M+, RTV Kraljevo, RTV Nisava, RTV Pancevo, RTV Spektar, RTV Trstenik, the radio stations Radio 021, Bum 93, Radio Sombor, Radio Index, Radio Subotica, Radio Pirot, Radio Ozon...), the “Free Europe” radio... The cable TV network SBB and the satellite television TOTAL TV which are expanding, are also owned by Soros. The production companies VIN and PG Network contribute to the information unity. The Media Centre provides additional publicity to the so-called NGO sector.
In addition to the electronic media, Soros’s list includes the newspapers and magazines Danas, Vreme, Evropa, Republika, the association of independent local media “Local Press” (the newspapers Pancevac, Kikindske, Vranjske novine, Nasa rec...), the publishing houses Samizdat, Dan graf, Stubovi culture, Fabrika knjiga, Klio, Aleksandrija pres; the book distributors Bookbridge, Beopolis... He also controls the information agency Sense and the two leading information agencies in Serbia – Beta and Fonet. At the same time these agencies are branch offices of AP (Associated Press) and Reuters, which have been owned by the Rothshilds ever since 19th century. Sorosz has also infiltrated cultural and educational institutions, theatres, the National Library, the Historical Archives, SANU (Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences)...He has gathered around himself a large group of actors, directors, playwrights, musicians, writers, scientists, analysts, former diplomats, who assist him in animating more and more followers.
Two Gorans – Markovic (whose mentor is Bernard Levi, a great friend of Bernard Coushner’s) and Paskaljevic, satanize Serbs at film festivals. We should also mention the following educational organizations of Soros’s: the Union University, the Alternative Academic Education Network (AAOM), the Belgrade Open School, the Centre for Women Studies (which sprung out of the feminist group “Woman and Society”)... They recruit future Sorosz’s mercenaries. The centre for the improvement of legal studies – Human Rights Watch (HRW) is also present. CESID and all the other polling organizations are in the same camp.

ko razume shvatice a mene mrzi da prevodim..naucite jezik neprijatelja;)

:dontunderstand: :sad2:
Verovatno cika Soros finansira i Obraz,Naci Stroj,Srpske Dveri...:per:
Odakle njima toliki novac?:think:

Zanimljivi podaci o vezama G17+ i Nacionalnog Stroja:

Posle 6:00

Pazi kako je tip iz ,,Dveri” uzvrpoljio nevladinu gospodu kad je rekao da se čitava priča o nacizmu i fašizmu u Srbiji ustvari najviše isplati njima, jer na ime toga dobijaju lovu iz stranih fondova :per:

Posle 4:00

Inače, cela emisija je odlična, bez obzira na političko opredeljenje. Informativno za sve.

Mozda gresim, i mozda su samo namazaniji (na stranu to sto piche stu antikomunisticku pricu, da ne budem pristrasan), ali ja imam utisak da ,,Dveri" nekako silom guraju u isti kalup sa ,,Obrazom" i ,,Strojem".

Za druge ne znam, ali kad su finansije u pitanju, kao sto rekoh, izgleda da je Stroj dobro povezan sa demokratama, Dveri su pretpostavljam u igri sa SPC, dok se Obraz verovatno oslanja na nasu dijasporu (tipa pokojni Kavaja i sl.) i ruske istomisljenike:

