Google dizajn - hakovanje ili do googla??


Zainteresovan član
Desava mi se povremeno da kada nesto ukucam na googlu i pritisnem enter, ne izlaze mi uopste rezultati. Nista kao da nije razumeo operaciju. Odmah posle toga se pojavi redizajnirana stranica googla, znaci ista kao normalna samo su boje nekako svetlije, linije su drugacije itd. I nije mi izasao rezultat pretrage vec takva stranica, ista kao normalna samo se vidi da je malo drugacija.

O cemu se tu radi? Da li se to i vama desava? Da li su upitanju neki virusi ili to google stavlja?
Sta je ovo od jutros:evil:

Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!
Return to the previous page and pick another result.
Try another search to find what you're looking for.
Or you can see the image in its own context at your own risk. For detailed information about the problems we found, visit Google's Safe Browsing diagnostic page for this site.

For more information about how to protect yourself from harmful software online, you can visit

If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google's Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center.
Advisory provided by
Sta je ovo od jutros:evil:

Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!
Return to the previous page and pick another result.
Try another search to find what you're looking for.
Or you can see the image in its own context at your own risk. For detailed information about the problems we found, visit Google's Safe Browsing diagnostic page for this site.

For more information about how to protect yourself from harmful software online, you can visit

If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google's Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center.
Advisory provided by

I meni se to jednom desilo, kada sam posetio neki nas piratski forum, tada sam koristio Chrome i poslusao sam ga. Da li je i tebi Chrome to isto rekao?
Уколико је исправан сам назив домена који желите да посетите,
а притом имате проблема са приказом саме странице, очигледно је да проблеми долазе са њихових сервера.|sr|CROATIA

A jel i vama recimo kada ulazite u google ili ukucate neku rec, izlazi u donjem levom uglu tamo gde izlaze serveri kad ukucavate nesto??? Takodje mi pise veoma cesto kada bilo sta trazim double click kao i read na istom mestu googla. Jel to normalno ili je u pitanju neki virus??
Sto bi neko rekao ,It's a Future :mrgreen:


If you have used Google Image search today you may have noticed a few changes, this is because Google has recently updated the service and I must say some of the changes are pretty impressive.
One of the most noticeable new features is the new dense tiled layout, this allows you to see more images at once, not only this but there is also a new infinite scrolling feature, which basically allows you to keep scrolling down to see more images, rather than click on different page numbers, also using the Page Up and Page Down button allows for even quicker navigation.
Another very noticeable change is the new larger thumbnails, this should make it easier for you to see the image, not only this but if you hover over a particular image it will give you a larger preview, along with more information regarding the image and quick access to similar images.
Now when you click on the image you will see the image in full size, in the background is the website that the image is hosted on, if you click on the website in the background you can see the website instantly.
My favorite changes are the type and color filtering features, if you are looking for a particular color image you can choose a particular color filter, even black and white. Also you can filter what type of images show, such as face, photo, clip art and line drawings.
Head over to Google Images Search yourself and try it out. Are you impressed?
Source: GoogleBlog

Pa da samo se to duplo sporije otvara,,,,:roll:

Nemoj pogresno da me shvatis al nisi u pravu. On izrenderuje tj. ucita slike za prvu stranicu,koja ti verovatno stane na monitor (sve zavisi koliko ti je velik), a kad skrolujes na dole onda ucitava drugu,pa dalje ako ides trecu,znaci ipak ima neki redosled otvaranja a nije nasumican. Svidja mi se mnostvo korisnih informacija koje prikazuje i ona fora bojom,kliknem na boju i on prikaze slike u toj boji.
jao jel zna bre neko kako mogu da blokiram da mi ne iskacu ove promocije i raznorazne gluposti google oglasa.
to nisam videla nikad pre do veceras.znaci ne mislim na ove textualne

mada moram priznati da ni njih do danas nije toliko bilo...

nego ove reklame sa slicicama
preplavise mi sve ovde...
u svakoj 2-3 poruci ima i po neko to sranjce i jos sto-sta drugih



Nemoj pogresno da me shvatis al nisi u pravu. On izrenderuje tj. ucita slike za prvu stranicu,koja ti verovatno stane na monitor (sve zavisi koliko ti je velik), a kad skrolujes na dole onda ucitava drugu,pa dalje ako ides trecu,znaci ipak ima neki redosled otvaranja a nije nasumican. Svidja mi se mnostvo korisnih informacija koje prikazuje i ona fora bojom,kliknem na boju i on prikaze slike u toj boji.

Ali ja nemam ADSL :(
Zaboravila sam da mi je juce reinstaliran komp. pa samim tim sam i mozilu instalirala ponovo a zaboravila sam da ubacim add-ove a pre svega ovaj
Тако је @sunchaya :ok:... то је решење за оне рекламе. Видиш, ја сам тај додатак сметнуо са ума, имам Flashblock али он није "свемоћан".
