Терор над Хришћанима у Ирану

Kyle Broflovski

Primećen član
Dear friends,

Thank you for your intercession for Maryam and Marzieh and your many messages of support. Please continue to remember them: Their health suffered in prison and they are still due to face a court hearing. Maryam and Marzieh have again expressed their deep gratitude to Christians around the world for praying for them. We hope to share more soon.

Celebrating Christmas in Iran : Keep it a Silent Night

Would you go to Christmas parties and celebrations if going could mean persecution?

House church Christians in Iran love Christmas and try to celebrate in anyway they can. “Christmas means so much to us because Jesus came to save us,” said one new believer recently. However, they have to celebrate without drawing attention to themselves. They gather together in small groups to celebrate Christ’s birth, some may even have a small, decorated tree to put up. One leader says, “The night before Christmas, we have a small party of usually 10 people or so. We can’t make much noise. But we fellowship together, have a time of worship and give gifts to each other.”

This Christmas pray for Iranians celebrating Christmas for the very first time. Pray they’ll be safe.

Tehran store keeper closes early to repent

J, an Iranian Christian in Tehran , recently went shopping to buy a gift in a small store. While there he had the chance to witness to another shopper. After the discussion, the other shopper thanked him and left. Meanwhile, the storekeeper had listened to the conversation and so approached J. He explained that just three weeks earlier someone else had given him a Bible. He said he was gripped by the words and thought it was so beautiful. J spent two hours explaining the Gospel. The storekeeper then went and closed the store for the day so that he could pray and repent and make Christ Lord of His life.

Please pray for this new believer to be established in the faith.

Support for the Iranian Church this Year End

Praise God for the unprecedented opportunities in Iran for church growth.

Please pray for the release of finances this year end to enable even more church growth.

You can make a donation now that will result in more lives changed.

Elam Ministries in the USA can now accept non-cash gifts such as stocks, vehicles, jewellery and other items. Click here for more details.

Thank you and Merry Christmas from Elam and the church in Iran

Finally, on behalf of the Elam team and the church, we wish to take the opportunity to thank you for your faithful partnership and support in 2009. Your prayers and support have made a huge difference in so many lives.

In His Grace,

Pray for Iran
Прича почиње тако што:

On 5 March 2009, two Iranian Christian women, Maryam Rostampour (27) and Marzieh Amirizadeh Esmaeilabad (30), had their apartments searched by Iranian security officers.

Their Bibles were confiscated along with many other items, and the women were arrested, interrogated, taken to a detention centre and subjected to sleep deprivation. Two weeks later, they appeared in court and were sent to Evin Prison, even though they have not been charged with any crime.
Dear friends,

Thank you for your intercession for Maryam and Marzieh and your many messages of support. Please continue to remember them: Their health suffered in prison and they are still due to face a court hearing. Maryam and Marzieh have again expressed their deep gratitude to Christians around the world for praying for them. We hope to share more soon.

Celebrating Christmas in Iran : Keep it a Silent Night

Would you go to Christmas parties and celebrations if going could mean persecution?

House church Christians in Iran love Christmas and try to celebrate in anyway they can. “Christmas means so much to us because Jesus came to save us,” said one new believer recently. However, they have to celebrate without drawing attention to themselves. They gather together in small groups to celebrate Christ’s birth, some may even have a small, decorated tree to put up. One leader says, “The night before Christmas, we have a small party of usually 10 people or so. We can’t make much noise. But we fellowship together, have a time of worship and give gifts to each other.”

This Christmas pray for Iranians celebrating Christmas for the very first time. Pray they’ll be safe.

Tehran store keeper closes early to repent

J, an Iranian Christian in Tehran , recently went shopping to buy a gift in a small store. While there he had the chance to witness to another shopper. After the discussion, the other shopper thanked him and left. Meanwhile, the storekeeper had listened to the conversation and so approached J. He explained that just three weeks earlier someone else had given him a Bible. He said he was gripped by the words and thought it was so beautiful. J spent two hours explaining the Gospel. The storekeeper then went and closed the store for the day so that he could pray and repent and make Christ Lord of His life.

Please pray for this new believer to be established in the faith.

Support for the Iranian Church this Year End

Praise God for the unprecedented opportunities in Iran for church growth.

Please pray for the release of finances this year end to enable even more church growth.

You can make a donation now that will result in more lives changed.

Elam Ministries in the USA can now accept non-cash gifts such as stocks, vehicles, jewellery and other items. Click here for more details.

Thank you and Merry Christmas from Elam and the church in Iran

Finally, on behalf of the Elam team and the church, we wish to take the opportunity to thank you for your faithful partnership and support in 2009. Your prayers and support have made a huge difference in so many lives.

In His Grace,

Pray for Iran

Klasicna Nigerijska sema samo Iranska varijacija z:mrgreen:

U prevodu ovo je prevara preko emaila:zelenko:
Ja sam na Facebook-u dozivio teror od Srba ekumenskog pravoslavlja zbog iznosenja svog misljenja o pokojnom patrijarhu Pavlu: stizale su mi psovacke poruke i prijetnje da cu zavrsiti u kontejneru isjecen na komade. I kome vi pricate o hriscanima u Iranu, a na svom pragu radite iste stvari?

А шта си изнео као своје мишљење?
Ne lupetaj. U Iranu je religijama koje sam naveo dozvoljeno slobodno ispovedanje vere, a to što prenosiš novinarske izmišljotine ide na tvoju dušu.

Па слободу вероисповести ти нико никада и није ускратио...само у Ирану ти ускрате живот ако ниси мухамеданац!

А да се мало потурдиш, видео би да је ово истина и да су те две жене (међу многима) затворене у казамате мухамеданског ирана због своје религије!
Ja sam na Facebook-u dozivio teror od Srba ekumenskog pravoslavlja zbog iznosenja svog misljenja o pokojnom patrijarhu Pavlu: stizale su mi psovacke poruke i prijetnje da cu zavrsiti u kontejneru isjecen na komade. I kome vi pricate o hriscanima u Iranu, a na svom pragu radite iste stvari?

imas obraz da se hvališ time da si pljuvo mrtvoga čoveka...z:cry:
само у Ирану ти ускрате живот ако ниси мухамеданац!

Ovo je potpuna izmišljotina, koja nema nikakve veze sa realnošću.
U Iranu imaš i poslanike parlamenta koji su Jevreji, pravoslavci, zoroastrijanci i za koje se zna se da su Jevreji, pravoslavci, zoroastrijanci i koji otvoreno praktikuju svoju veru.
Mr Motamed represents Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community, the largest such group in the Middle East outside Israel. Since 1906, Iran's constitution has guaranteed the Jewish community one seat in the Majlis. The Armenian, Assyrian and Zoroastrian minorities together hold another four seats.

Oni sasvim otvoreno kritikuju delovanje vlade i predsednika, baš kao i poslanici u ostalim državama sveta.

А да се мало потурдиш, видео би да је ово истина и да су те две жене (међу многима) затворене у казамате мухамеданског ирана због своје религије!

Priča je novinarska izmišljotina sa malicioznom tendencijom. Optužba protiv njih je da su podrivale vladu i poredak, a ne da su hrišćanke, što je inače standardna optužba za one koji su na platnom spisku stranih agencija i službi.
Dakle, nema veze sa hrišćanstvom, već sa politikom.
Још мало мухамеданског терора...


ЊУЈОРК, 31. децембра – Првојерарх Православне Америчке Архиепископије Цариградске Патријаршије упутио је писмо предсједнику Бараку Обами, као и другим високим званичницима у Вашингтону, у жељи да обрати њихову пажњу на положај патријарха Константинопољског Вартоломеја у Турској.

Архиепископ Амерички Димитрије обратио се предсједнику Обами, подпредсједнику Џоу Бајдену, државном секретару Хилари Клинтон, предсједнику Представничког дома Ненси Пелоси, и представнику Демократа у Сенату Харију Риду, тражећи заштиту Патријарха.

У писмима се такође тражи подршка у обезбјеђивању права Константинопољске Патријаршије у свом раду.

Архиепископ Димитрије је написао ова писма након што је Анкара изразила своје незадовољство коментарима у интервјуу на америчкој телевизији CBS, током кога је патријарх Вартоломеј описујући опхођење турских власти према себи, рекао да се често осјећа „распет“ и као „грађанин другог реда“.

Избор патријархових ријечи је изазвао негодовање у Анкари. „Сматрамо употребу аналогије са распећем изузетно несрећном… Желио бих да ово посматрам као лапсус“, казао је министар спољних послова Турске, Ахмет Давуготлу. „Не можемо прихватити поређења која не заслужујемо“.

Министар је одбацио критике да Турска дискриминише своје грађане на вјерској основи. Између осталог, патријарх Вартоломеј се већ дуго времена залаже за поновно отварање православне богословије на Халки, коју су турске власти затвориле 1971.

„Турска влада би била задовољна када би се Патријаршија угасила или иселила, али ми вјерујемо да се то неће догодити“, казао је Патријарх CBS телевизији. „За нас је ово продужетак Јерусалима и подједнако света земља. Радије ћемо остати, макар повремено били и распињани“.

Објављено од стране svetigora на 31/12/2009
јел мислиш на турску или иран?

Mislim na Iran. Dokumentarac je na engleskom - "A Cry from Iran"
Inace u pokolju pre 2.5 godine kada je cetvoro hriscanskih radnika zivo rasporeno u Turskoj, uz secenje jezika i vadjenjem ociju je stradao i jedan moj kolega. Ja ga nisam licno poznavao ali sam dosta saznao od evropskog direktora.
Mislim na Iran. Dokumentarac je na engleskom - "A Cry from Iran"
Inace u pokolju pre 2.5 godine kada je cetvoro hriscanskih radnika zivo rasporeno u Turskoj, uz secenje jezika i vadjenjem ociju je stradao i jedan moj kolega. Ja ga nisam licno poznavao ali sam dosta saznao od evropskog direktora.

Ај видећу дал могу да га овако набавим...а ако не ћу се јавим!


Ubijeno šestoro Kopta i policajac
7. januar 2010. | 10:56 | Izvor: Beta
Kairo -- U napadu na pravoslavno Badnje veče na grupu ljudi u trgovinskoj ulici u mestu Naga Hamadi u Gornjem Egiptu ubijeno je šest egipatskih Kopta i jedan policajac.

"Troje nepoznatih ljudi u automobilu otvorili su vatru na hrišćane u trgovinskoj četvrti gde su kupovali za proslavu Bozića" koji Kopti proslavljaju 7. januara, naveo je izvor iz policije. Pucnjava se dogodila u selu Naga Hamadi, u oblasti Kena koja se nalazi na oko 700 kilometara od Kaira.

Te iste osobe su takođe otvorile vatru ispred jednog manastira koji se nalazi pored istog grada, rekao je taj izvor.

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No, da se malo podsetimo i druge strane:
BAGHDAD – Iraqis seeking justice for 17 people shot dead at a Baghdad intersection responded with bitterness and outrage Friday at a U.S. judge's decision to throw out a case against a Blackwater security team accused in the killings.

"There is no justice," said Bura Sadoun Ismael, who was wounded by two bullets and shrapnel during the shooting. "I expected the American court would side with the Blackwater security guards who committed a massacre in Nisoor Square."

The guards said they were ambushed at a busy intersection in western Baghdad, but U.S. prosecutors and many Iraqis said the Blackwater guards let loose an unprovoked attack on civilians using machine guns and grenades.

"Investigations conducted by specialized Iraqi authorities confirmed unequivocally that the guards of Blackwater committed the crime of murder and broke the rules by using arms without the existence of any threat obliging them to use force," Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement Friday.


Hajde da se kladimo da na svaku priču o teroru muslimana nad hrišćanima ili Jevrejima mogu da nađem bar jednu, ako ne i dve o teroru hrišćana i Jevreja nad muslimanima. ;)
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Six Egyptian Copts killed in Christmas Eve attack
(AFP) – 1 day ago

CAIRO — Attackers in a car raked a crowd of shoppers in a south Egypt town with gunfire, killing a policemen and six Coptic Christians on the eve of their Christmas celebrations, a security official said on Thursday.

The drive-by shooting took place late Wednesday in the southern Egyptian town of Nagaa Hammadi as Copts were preparing for Christmas which they celebrate January 7 along with other Orthodox communities, the official said.

Witnesses however gave a conflicting account of the attack, saying the gunmen struck as worshippers emerged from midnight mass at the main church in Nagaa Hammadi.

"Three unidentified individuals in a car opened fire on Christians in a shopping district as they were making purchases for Christmas," the security official said, as cited by state-run MENA news agency.

Nine other Copts were wounded in the shooting, he added.

The gunmen also opened fire "in front of a convent located in an rural area" near the town, in the province of Qana, 700 kilometres (435 miles) south of Cairo, the official said.

Witnesses, cited by local officials, said the main gunman, a Muslim, is wanted by police and linked the incident to the abduction of a 12-year-old Muslim girl in November who was allegedly raped by a Coptic youth.

"The first elements of the investigation, based on testimony of people on the ground, indicate that the main shooter is a town resident identified as Mohammed Ahmed Hussein, who is wanted by the police," one official said.

In November, hundreds of Muslim protesters torched Christian-owned shops in the town of Farshut, near Nagaa Hammadi, and attacked a police station where they believed the suspected rapist was being held.

That incident was the latest in a string of sectarian tensions in 2009 between Muslims and Egypt's Copts -- the Middle East's largest Christian community who represent roughly 10 percent of Egypt's 80-million population.

Copts have complained over the years of frequent discrimination, harassment and that they are the targets of sectarian attacks. They also allege they are overlooked in top jobs in the army, police and judiciary. Related article: Copts, police clash in south Egypt

On Wednesday, the head of the Coptic minority, Pope Shenuda III, led a Christmas midnight mass at the Abbassiya church in Cairo which was attended by thousands of worshippers.

Gamal Mubarak, the son of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak who has been widely tipped as being the next head of state, was among several prominent figures who attended the mass, an AFP photographer said.
