Instalacija WINDOWS XP-a

File Alocation Table ili FAT je nekad bio primarni protokol za čuvanje podataka na HDu. Međutim, zamenio ga je NTFS - New Technology File System, koji nudi dodatne mogućnosti kao zaštita podataka, a to ga čini pogodnim za mrežne diskove, jer je moguće postići administraciju pristupa fajlovima ili delovima diska.

Razlika je velika.
Osnovno je da su Windows-i od 95 do Me koristili FAT 32, a Windowsi 2000 i XP, pošto su NT bazirani, imaju NTFS bazirani format, ali su zbog velikog uticaja Win9x, zadržali i FAT32.
Windows Vista ukida podršku za FAT32, osim u slučaju flash diska...
Postoji još par formata kao što su FAT(16), koji je koristio MSDOS, zatim HPFS koristi OS/2 i eCS, onda JFS koji koristi eCS, BFS koji je srodan sa JFS, a koristio ga je BeOS i novija varijanta JFSa, koju trenutno ne mogu da se setim, a koriste je ZETA OS i SkyOS i NFS(+) koju koristi Apple Macintosh...

BTW, virusi su terorisali fajlove na FAT diskovima. Sad je malo bolja situacija.

Developer Microsoft
Full name NT File System
Introduced July 1993 (Windows NT 3.1)
Partition identifier 0x07 (MBR)
EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (GPT)
Directory contents B+ tree[1]
File allocation Bitmap
Bad blocks $badclus
Max file size 264 bytes (16 EiB) minus 1 KiB [2]
Max number of files 4,294,967,295 (232-1)[2]
Max filename length 255 UTF-16 code units[3]
Max volume size 264 − 1 clusters [2]
Allowed characters in filenames In Posix namespace, any UTF-16 code unit (case sensitive) except U+0000 (NUL) and / (slash). In Win32 namespace, any UTF-16 code unit (case insensitive) except U+0000 (NUL) / (slash) \ (backslash) : (colon) * (asterisk) ? (Question mark) " (quote) < (less than) > (greater than) and | (pipe) [3]
Dates recorded Creation, modification, POSIX change, access
Date range 1 January 1601 – 28 May 60056 (File times are 64-bit numbers counting 100-nanosecond intervals (ten million per second) since 1601, which is 58,000+ years)
Date resolution 100ns
Forks Yes (see Alternate data streams below)
Attributes Read-only, hidden, system, archive, not content indexed, off-line, temporary, compressed
File system permissions ACLs
Transparent compression Per-file, LZ77 (Windows NT 3.51 onward)
Transparent encryption Per-file,
DESX (Windows 2000 onward),
Triple DES (Windows XP onward),
AES (Windows XP Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 onward)
Storage Yes
Supported operating systems Windows NT family (Windows NT 3.1 to Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7)

Developer Microsoft
Full Name File Allocation Table
(12-bit version) (16-bit version) (32-bit version)
Introduced before 1980 (Microsoft Disk BASIC) November 1987, (Compaq DOS 3.31) August 1996 (Windows 95 OSR2)
Partition identifier 0x01 (MBR) 0x04, 0x06, 0x0E (MBR) 0x0B, 0x0C (MBR)
-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (GPT)
Directory contents Table
File allocation Linked List
Bad blocks Cluster tagging
Max file size 4 GB minus 1 byte (or volume size if smaller)
Max cluster count 4,077 (212-19) 65,517 (216-19) 268,435,437 (228-19)
Max filename size 8.3 filename, or 255 UTF-16 characters when using LFN
Max volume size 32 MB 2 GB
4 GB with 64k clusters (not widely supported) 2 TB
8 TB (with 32KB clusters)
Dates recorded Creation, modified, access (accuracy to day only)
(Creation time and access date are only available when LFN support is enabled)
Date range January 1, 1980 - December 31, 2107
Date resolution 2 s
Forks Not natively
Attributes Read-only, hidden, system, volume label, subdirectory, archive
Permissions No
Transparent compression Per-volume, Stacker, DoubleSpace, DriveSpace No
Transparent encryption Per-volume only with DR-DOS No

