Tupac Shakur o Masonima


Primećen član
The Don Killuminati, the title 2Pac used for his album the 7day theory, which has for long remained a mystery in meaning. Here I plan to explain my theories on this title.
The don, in italian terms, is like the leader or head man.

People have thought of the killuminati as of another way of spelling calumniate. Calumniate means to make false or slanderous statements. I don't believe that as the meaning of the title, instead I believe 2Pac was refering to the Illuminati in his title. Kill + illuminati meaning against the illuminati.

So, was 2Pac refering to himself as the leader against the illuminati?
Well what is the illuminati? You have probably heard alot of rappers mention it, even Puff Daddy in his -- well I don't know the song name but one video he is running from the New World Order. The Illuminati is The New World Order - they want to create a worldwide government, are into deep-seated racism, etc

The 7 Day Theory is the final album finished before 2Pac's death and the first to be released after his death. Shakur had complete creative input on the album from the name of the album to the cover which Tupac chose to symbolize how the media has crucified him. The album was completely finished in a total of seven days during the month of August of 1996[1]. The lyrics were written and recorded in only three days and mixing took an additional four days. These are among the very last songs he recorded before his fatal shooting on September 7th, 1996

2PAc was shot on SEpt. 7th.
He died on 13th of september 96.
The same 13th as pyramid on US dollar bill has 13 layers of bricks, the eagle 13 feathers 13 leaves and 13 lances
Lisbony treaty was signed on 13th December 07.

i tako ima JOsip Broz Tito 13 slova:D

najveci expert svih vremena za masoneriju...zato je i ubijen
Jou(upire prstima ka licu ko da mu je shaka pishtolj)
Derer moje je mišljenje da on nije bio expert nego su njega lansirali Masoni a sa njim Rap.
kako je možno da ljudi-crnci, koji prije 100 godina nisu bili niko i ništa a sada ima jih svuda a rap je NO 1 promoted music.
Kako s emože zvati rap hip hop reagge afro-music ako 80 % svih artista u stvari su mulati i ne crnci?
jay z
michael jackson
bob marley
kako može da Rockfeller koji je javno psovao crnce u 1920 u 60s financira organizacije za promocijo afroamerikanca? finansira eugenics programs ima najjači arhiv afro američke povjesti i financira Population control?
Ја прочитала прву реч ''Тупац'' и помислих ''о Боже каквог ли имена, гарант прича нешто паметно''...кад не лези враже...неко се шали са Тупаком покојником...мада, кад мало размислим, ово ''Тупак'' још боље звучи, баш у духу нашег језика.
Derer moje je mišljenje da on nije bio expert nego su njega lansirali Masoni a sa njim Rap.
kako je možno da ljudi-crnci, koji prije 100 godina nisu bili niko i ništa a sada ima jih svuda a rap je NO 1 promoted music.
Kako s emože zvati rap hip hop reagge afro-music ako 80 % svih artista u stvari su mulati i ne crnci?
jay z
michael jackson
bob marley
kako može da Rockfeller koji je javno psovao crnce u 1920 u 60s financira organizacije za promocijo afroamerikanca? finansira eugenics programs ima najjači arhiv afro američke povjesti i financira Population control?

to je zato shto su svi crnci maskirani reptili
Derer moje je mišljenje da on nije bio expert nego su njega lansirali Masoni a sa njim Rap.
kako je možno da ljudi-crnci, koji prije 100 godina nisu bili niko i ništa a sada ima jih svuda a rap je NO 1 promoted music.
Kako s emože zvati rap hip hop reagge afro-music ako 80 % svih artista u stvari su mulati i ne crnci?
jay z
michael jackson
bob marley
kako može da Rockfeller koji je javno psovao crnce u 1920 u 60s financira organizacije za promocijo afroamerikanca? finansira eugenics programs ima najjači arhiv afro američke povjesti i financira Population control?

у првој реченици постоји танани додир са стварношћу, али врхунски сакривен

ддаклем, њега су лансирали масони...
е, дал су масони ил су рептили ил ко већ ал неки де бе јесте
ал не реп
овог и његове следбенике је направио де бе да би скренули пажњу са правог, животног репа, паблик енеми - мос деф

ови подметнути, гангстери, тупаци, бигији, догији, фифтији и остала говна, промовишу паре, кхурве, кола, курце палце и то...потрошачко друштво

и ето, ђеца се баве тим питањима уместо љубављу, јединством, једнакошћу...
kad neko nema pojma onda nek se pravi pametan.
2pac je bio i ostao upamcen po svojim recima i delima,izmenio je citavu kulturu..bio je svoj covek i ubili su ga oni ljubomorni i zeljni moci
imate vise delova pa pogledajte da vidite o cemu je rec:

The Don Killuminati, the title 2Pac used for his album the 7day theory, which has for long remained a mystery in meaning. Here I plan to explain my theories on this title.
The don, in italian terms, is like the leader or head man.

People have thought of the killuminati as of another way of spelling calumniate. Calumniate means to make false or slanderous statements. I don't believe that as the meaning of the title, instead I believe 2Pac was refering to the Illuminati in his title. Kill + illuminati meaning against the illuminati.

So, was 2Pac refering to himself as the leader against the illuminati?
Well what is the illuminati? You have probably heard alot of rappers mention it, even Puff Daddy in his -- well I don't know the song name but one video he is running from the New World Order. The Illuminati is The New World Order - they want to create a worldwide government, are into deep-seated racism, etc

The 7 Day Theory is the final album finished before 2Pac's death and the first to be released after his death. Shakur had complete creative input on the album from the name of the album to the cover which Tupac chose to symbolize how the media has crucified him. The album was completely finished in a total of seven days during the month of August of 1996[1]. The lyrics were written and recorded in only three days and mixing took an additional four days. These are among the very last songs he recorded before his fatal shooting on September 7th, 1996

2PAc was shot on SEpt. 7th.
He died on 13th of september 96.
The same 13th as pyramid on US dollar bill has 13 layers of bricks, the eagle 13 feathers 13 leaves and 13 lances
Lisbony treaty was signed on 13th December 07.

i tako ima JOsip Broz Tito 13 slova:D

evo deo pesme,vezan za iluminati : 2pac-they dont give a f.uck about us

And if I choose to ride
Thuggin' till the day I die
Cause they don't give a f.uck about us
But when I start to rise
A hero in they children's eyes
Now they give a f.uck about us
evo deo pesme,vezan za iluminati : 2pac-they dont give a f.uck about us

And if I choose to ride
Thuggin' till the day I die
Cause they don't give a f.uck about us
But when I start to rise
A hero in they children's eyes
Now they give a f.uck about us
And if I choose to ride
Thuggin' till the day I die
Nobody gives a f.uck about us
But when I start to rise
A hero in they children's eyes
Now they give a f.uck about us

da,isto sam tako cula da je i mj mason,zbog one smice
