Nemci prete Vaclavu Klausu


Veoma poznat
Ah ta Evropa ravnopravnosti... :roll:

Sad je ovo sto Klaus radi - "ometanje demokratskog procesa i volje naroda", a ignorisanje referenduma u Francuskoj i Holandiji i ponavljanje u Irskoj dok se ne dobije zeljeni rezultat - to je sve ok.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

“If the president is obstructing the democratic process and opposing the decision of parliament as well as the will of the people, he is moving beyond the law and will need to face the consequences,” a German diplomat told The Sunday Times.

Jiri Oberfalzer, a member of the Czech senate and Klaus’s closest ally, said Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, had already threatened the Czechs with expulsion from the EU.

“Ideas of changing the constitution just to get rid of the president only shows how weak our young democracy is,” said Oberfalzer, a Eurosceptic.

The political hot potato now lands in the hands of the caretaker government of Jan Fischer, the prime minister.

Under the Czech constitution a president can be impeached only if he commits high treason against the country’s independence or its territorial integrity and democratic order. It is highly unlikely that parliament would pass such a measure under Fischer’s interim government.

There are other hurdles. The treaty has been approved by the Czech parliament but senators loyal to Klaus have lodged three challenges with the constitutional court, which has rejected two and is widely expected to follow suit with the third.

Opponents of the treaty hope that Klaus will be able to stall ratification until the British general election in May. David Cameron, the Tory leader, has promised a referendum if his party wins and the treaty is still unsigned.
Ah ta Evropa ravnopravnosti... :roll:

Sad je ovo sto Klaus radi - "ometanje demokratskog procesa i volje naroda", a ignorisanje referenduma u Francuskoj i Holandiji i ponavljanje u Irskoj dok se ne dobije zeljeni rezultat - to je sve ok.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

“If the president is obstructing the democratic process and opposing the decision of parliament as well as the will of the people, he is moving beyond the law and will need to face the consequences,” a German diplomat told The Sunday Times.

Jiri Oberfalzer, a member of the Czech senate and Klaus’s closest ally, said Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, had already threatened the Czechs with expulsion from the EU.

“Ideas of changing the constitution just to get rid of the president only shows how weak our young democracy is,” said Oberfalzer, a Eurosceptic.

The political hot potato now lands in the hands of the caretaker government of Jan Fischer, the prime minister.

Under the Czech constitution a president can be impeached only if he commits high treason against the country’s independence or its territorial integrity and democratic order. It is highly unlikely that parliament would pass such a measure under Fischer’s interim government.

There are other hurdles. The treaty has been approved by the Czech parliament but senators loyal to Klaus have lodged three challenges with the constitutional court, which has rejected two and is widely expected to follow suit with the third.

Opponents of the treaty hope that Klaus will be able to stall ratification until the British general election in May. David Cameron, the Tory leader, has promised a referendum if his party wins and the treaty is still unsigned.

Врше велики притисак...да се поробе европски народи..само се надам да их има још паметних..
Pa naravno da će da vrše pritisak. On je jedan čovek koji koči nešto tolike veličine.
Da, referendum je ponovljen u Irskoj. Dati su joj ustupci i onda je prihvaćen. Gde je tu problem u demokratiji? Zamislite da Tadić koči potpisivanje nekog zakona. Pa bio bi proglašen za diktatora.
Kad smo već kod ponovljenih procedura onda treba pomenuti da je i Klausova struja u parlamentu 2 puta pokretala postupak pred Ustavnim sudom.

Kačinski je potpisao, Klaus samo što nije. Može da se puše koliko želi. Podržavam pritisak Nemačke.
Pa evo upravo predsednik Klaus smatra da bi Cesi izgubili bitna prava. Zato mu i prete.
I vecina evropskih naroda je protiv lisabonskog sporazuma koji ce uspostaviti birokratsku diktaturu Brisela.

Prava neće izgubiti. Češka kao država i kao članica predaje deo suvereniteta na Uniju. To nije ništa novo, niti je skandalozno. Kao fudbalski tim, da bi čitava ekipa funkcionisala dobro pojedinci se moraju odreći dela individualnosti.
To je jedini način kojim može da funkcioniše. E sad, Česi su ušli u Uniju, niko ih nije terao, već su poleteli i sad bi kao da se bore za taj deo suvereniteta koji gube. Nije nego.
Prava neće izgubiti.

Hoce, naravno, i ceski predsednik kaze tako, a on ipak zna bolje od tebe.

To je jedini način kojim može da funkcioniše. E sad, Česi su ušli u Uniju, niko ih nije terao, već su poleteli i sad bi kao da se bore za taj deo suvereniteta koji gube. Nije nego.

Ne samo Cesi vec svi narodi Evrope - i Francuzi i Holandjani i Irci... Svi su protiv diktature Brisela.
Ah ta Evropa ravnopravnosti... :roll:

Sad je ovo sto Klaus radi - "ometanje demokratskog procesa i volje naroda", a ignorisanje referenduma u Francuskoj i Holandiji i ponavljanje u Irskoj dok se ne dobije zeljeni rezultat - to je sve ok.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

“If the president is obstructing the democratic process and opposing the decision of parliament as well as the will of the people, he is moving beyond the law and will need to face the consequences,” a German diplomat told The Sunday Times.

Jiri Oberfalzer, a member of the Czech senate and Klaus’s closest ally, said Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, had already threatened the Czechs with expulsion from the EU.

“Ideas of changing the constitution just to get rid of the president only shows how weak our young democracy is,” said Oberfalzer, a Eurosceptic.

The political hot potato now lands in the hands of the caretaker government of Jan Fischer, the prime minister.

Under the Czech constitution a president can be impeached only if he commits high treason against the country’s independence or its territorial integrity and democratic order. It is highly unlikely that parliament would pass such a measure under Fischer’s interim government.

There are other hurdles. The treaty has been approved by the Czech parliament but senators loyal to Klaus have lodged three challenges with the constitutional court, which has rejected two and is widely expected to follow suit with the third.

Opponents of the treaty hope that Klaus will be able to stall ratification until the British general election in May. David Cameron, the Tory leader, has promised a referendum if his party wins and the treaty is still unsigned.

Pa naravno da će da vrše pritisak. On je jedan čovek koji koči nešto tolike veličine.
Da, referendum je ponovljen u Irskoj. Dati su joj ustupci i onda je prihvaćen. Gde je tu problem u demokratiji? Zamislite da Tadić koči potpisivanje nekog zakona. Pa bio bi proglašen za diktatora.
Kad smo već kod ponovljenih procedura onda treba pomenuti da je i Klausova struja u parlamentu 2 puta pokretala postupak pred Ustavnim sudom.

Kačinski je potpisao, Klaus samo što nije. Može da se puše koliko želi. Podržavam pritisak Nemačke.

Па и једино Холандија зановета што се тиче приступа Србије ЕУ!

Зашто би "став већине" негде пролазио (у случају овог споразума) а негде не (у случају Холандије и Србије)? Ваљда свако има право да изнесе свој став и гледа првенствено своје интересе?

Или је то демократија са два аршина?

Ево шта Вацлав хоће и зашто "кочи":

"Predsednik Češke zatražio je juče od švedskog premijera Fredrika Rajnfelta, a danas objasnio šefu Evropskog parlamenta Ježiju Buzeku da insistira na tome da Češka poput Poljske i Velike Britanije bude izuzeta iz primene Povelje osnovnih prava koja je sastavni deo Lisabonskog sporazuma.

Klaus je objasnio da je to postavio kao uslov da potpiše sporazum i završi tako ratifikaciju u Češkoj zato što se plaši da bi u suprotnom, pozivajući se na Povelju, češke sudove mogli da zaobiđu Nemci, deportovani iz Čehoslovačke posle Drugog svetskog rata, a evropski sudovi bi naredili da im Češka vrati konfiskovanu imovinu. "češki+državni+vrh.html

Све ми се чини да Немци зато прете Вацлаву искључењем из ЕУ!

Зар не треба и Чеси да гледају интересе своје земље?

Или је то повластица само неких - "демократскијих" земаља?
Poslednja izmena:

Да ли исто подржаваш и Холандске услове Србији?

И да подржаваш и да не подржаваш, у овом случају цело наше трчаније за ЕУ шаргарепом испада још - апсурдније!

Јер, ако ми на сваки могући начин трчимо да испунимо услове ЕУ да бисмо ушли у ЕУ, у коју не можемо ући ако сви не потпишу тај споразум, шта онда МИ то радимо?
Poslednja izmena:
Притисак, пропаганда и понављање избора-саставни делови изворне демократије. Но по Њутну је неминовно да следи реакција, тако да бриге нема.
Ah ta Evropa ravnopravnosti... :roll:

Sad je ovo sto Klaus radi - "ometanje demokratskog procesa i volje naroda", a ignorisanje referenduma u Francuskoj i Holandiji i ponavljanje u Irskoj dok se ne dobije zeljeni rezultat - to je sve ok.

Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty

“If the president is obstructing the democratic process and opposing the decision of parliament as well as the will of the people, he is moving beyond the law and will need to face the consequences,” a German diplomat told The Sunday Times.

Jiri Oberfalzer, a member of the Czech senate and Klaus’s closest ally, said Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, had already threatened the Czechs with expulsion from the EU.

“Ideas of changing the constitution just to get rid of the president only shows how weak our young democracy is,” said Oberfalzer, a Eurosceptic.

The political hot potato now lands in the hands of the caretaker government of Jan Fischer, the prime minister.

Under the Czech constitution a president can be impeached only if he commits high treason against the country’s independence or its territorial integrity and democratic order. It is highly unlikely that parliament would pass such a measure under Fischer’s interim government.

There are other hurdles. The treaty has been approved by the Czech parliament but senators loyal to Klaus have lodged three challenges with the constitutional court, which has rejected two and is widely expected to follow suit with the third.

Opponents of the treaty hope that Klaus will be able to stall ratification until the British general election in May. David Cameron, the Tory leader, has promised a referendum if his party wins and the treaty is still unsigned.

A ja sam bila uverena da ćeš se ti kao dokazani Srbin služiti srpskim pismom :zcepanje:
U je*ote ovi Habsburgovci su postali opasni eto nama Novog Svetskog Poretka na vratima mogu se ocekivati lepe stvari kada bude Svetska Vlada i moneta i jedna vojska nekako mi se cini ko da su to pokusali i 1939-1945 ali nije im uspelo ili je to samo moja masta?
