Microsoft Word pomoc?


Zainteresovan član
Da li je moguce u vordu izbrisati dokument iz liste recent files opened. To je ono kad stisnete file pa ispadne padajuci meni i u njemu koji su fajlovi zadnji radjeni. Da li ih je moguce obrisati odatle? Hvala :);)
U Word-u 2007:
1. Click on Office button, and then click on Word Options in the bottom of Office Menu.
2. Go to the Advanced tab.
3. Scroll down to the Display section.
4. Set the value for Show this number of Recent Documents: to 0 (zero).
5. Click OK button.
6. Repeat steps above again for each and every Word 2007 that .
The “Recent Documents” list will appear blank forever.

1. Run Registry Editor (regedit).
2. Navigate to the following registry key:
If “Explorer” is not existed, create a new Key for “Explorer”.
3. Create a DWORD value with the key NoRecentDocsHistory and set the value to 1.
All “Recent Documents” list will not be saved and all display will turn blank.
