"Svetska kriza pogadja sve zemlje"


Veoma poznat
... opravdanje je kojeg se spremno prihvatio i nas nesposobni, lopovski rezim.
Naravno nije bas tako, i nisu sve zemlje pogodjene krizom.

What bear market? Stocks are up in Brazil, Taiwan

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- In Shanghai, Santiago, Taipei and Tel Aviv, the bear market has hardly crossed investors' paths this year, with benchmarks in these and 10 other emerging markets outshining their U.S. counterparts since November.

Country Performance since
*Nov. 21
Brazil +16%
Argentina +14%
China +10%
Indonesia +10%
Colombia +8.3%
Thailand +8%
Taiwan +6.4%
S. Korea +5.1%
Israel +5%
Philippines +3.1%
Malaysia +2.6%
Morocco +2.4%
Turkey +2.2%
Chile +1.7%

Driving this outperformance, investors have bet that economies which rely heavily on exports and commodities are poised to benefit first when the global economy starts to recover.
"Investors are looking to these markets [to signal] when the global economy will get back on track," said Bruce Zaro, chief technical analyst at Delta Global Advisors, an investment firm headquartered in Huntington Beach, Calif.

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