"SVALI" - Iluminati kreirali ekonomsku krizu!

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Za one koji ne znaju ( a verujem da niko na ovom pdf ne znaz:mrgreen:), 'SVALI" je osoba koja je odmetnuti pripadnik iluminata i koja je javno progovorila o njihovim planovima za covecanstvo, krijuci se iza ovog konspirativnog imena. Evo sta je ta osoba rekla pre 10-tak godina:

At this time, it is important to be aware that an illuminati defector known as "Svali" said she was taught that the "end of the world" scenario involved an economic collapse. Remember the Illuminati is a Masonic cult founded and funded by the central bankers who own the Fed. Here is her full testimony given about ten year ago.

"Want to hear the end of the world scenario the Illuminati taught me? It was cult propaganda, but this is how they believed the New Order would be ushered in:

There will be continued conflict in the Mideast, with a severe threat of nuclear war being the culmination of these hostilities. An economic collapse that will devastate the economy of the US and Europe, much like the great depression.

One reason that our economy continues limping along is the artificial supports that the Federal Reserve had given it, manipulating interest rates, etc. But one day, this won't work (or this leverage will be withdrawn on purpose) and the next great depression will hit.

The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide. Europe will stabilize first, and Germany, France and England (surprise) will have the strongest economies, and will institute through the UN an international currency. Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.

Peacekeeping forces will be sent out by the UN and local bases to prevent riots. The leaders will reveal themselves, and people will be asked to make a pledge of loyalty during a time of chaos and financial devastation.

Doesn't sound pleasant, does it? I don't know the exact time frame for all of this, and wouldn't want to even guess. The good news is that if a person is debt-free, owes nothing to the government or credit debt, and can live self sufficiently, they may do better than others. I would invest in gold, not stocks, if I had the income. Gold will once again be the world standard, and dollars will be pretty useless (remember after the Civil War? Our money will be worth about what confederate money was after the collapse).

All this said, it could just be cult propaganda taught to me and others to frighten us. It may be that none of this will happen. I sincerely hope not. I also strongly believe that God is able to stay the hand of the wicked, and to take care of our nation and others, if we turn to Him."


That noted, let's remember the words of Denis Healey, former British Defence Secretary and Secretary of the Exchequer: "World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings."

I think we are in for a recession, maybe even a Depression but I don't think the Illuminati is ready to declare their New World Order just yet. However, this could be part of a larger scenario leading to World War Three, similar to the role the Great Depression played as a precursor to World War Two.

The Illuminati goal is to torture the human race until we cry out to them for world government, anything to stop the pain.


Za neverne Tome dodatak...

Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy

October 14, 2002

..a ti si na engleskom govornom podruchju pa nam plasirash tekstove na engleskom..uostalom imash ovo na gomili sajtova koji se bave tim zaverama, promenama stanja svesti, prosvetljenjem i slichnim instant reshenjima za spashavanje sveta..prekopiraj sa njih u sr-hr verziji pa da se svi zajedno zabrinemo za sudbinu chovechanstva..
I ti sajtovi su legitiman izvor?

Iza gomile tih sajtova stoje potencijalno poremeceni ljudi.

Da, ima tajnih drustava. Verovatno postoje i zavere, ali zar stvarno mislite da informacije o tome cure tek tako?

Ako zavere i tajna drustva postoje, onda su takvi sajtovi rasadnik za dezinformacije i gluposti, koji cak i istinite informacije utope u more lazi.
..a ti si na engleskom govornom podruchju pa nam plasirash tekstove na engleskom..uostalom imash ovo na gomili sajtova koji se bave tim zaverama, promenama stanja svesti, prosvetljenjem i slichnim instant reshenjima za spashavanje sveta..prekopiraj sa njih u sr-hr verziji pa da se svi zajedno zabrinemo za sudbinu chovechanstva..
**** ga,u pravilniku piše da postovi mogu da se postavljaju i na engleskom.Znači,instalirajte i neki srpsko engleski rečnik za pomoć.Ja se skoro iznenadio kad sam video šta piše.Još malo pa će nam engleski biti drugi jezik.z:((
У праву је. Дај на српском. Нисмо сви у школи учили енглески језик нити живели у Енглеској.

Ukratko: "SVALI" predvidja ekonomski kolaps Amerike i Evrope nalik onom tridesetih godina proslog veka i kolaps hipotekarnog trzista i bankrot njegovih banaka, te paniku na finansijskom trzistu koja ce se simultano siriti celim svetom, sto upravo imamo priliku da gledamo...i to sve u reziji Iluminata...
Ukratko: "SVALI" predvidja ekonomski kolaps Amerike i Evrope nalik onom tridesetih godina proslog veka i kolaps hipotekarnog trzista i bankrot njegovih banaka, te paniku na finansijskom trzistu koja ce se simultano siriti celim svetom, sto upravo imamo priliku da gledamo...i to sve u reziji Iluminata...

to i ja, neclan, predvidjam, prvo u srbiji pa u eu i onda zemlje natoa,

engl citam, al me smaraju neki textovi, dajte ukratko
I ti sajtovi su legitiman izvor?

Iza gomile tih sajtova stoje potencijalno poremeceni ljudi.

Da, ima tajnih drustava. Verovatno postoje i zavere, ali zar stvarno mislite da informacije o tome cure tek tako?

Ako zavere i tajna drustva postoje, onda su takvi sajtovi rasadnik za dezinformacije i gluposti, koji cak i istinite informacije utope u more lazi.

A sta je za tebe legitiman izvor?
**** ga,u pravilniku piše da postovi mogu da se postavljaju i na engleskom.Znači,instalirajte i neki srpsko engleski rečnik za pomoć.Ja se skoro iznenadio kad sam video šta piše.Još malo pa će nam engleski biti drugi jezik.z:((

..ma chitao sam to prevedeno na nekim "alternativnim" sajtovima josh pre par godina..mogu da chitam i na engleskom, al' mi naporno brate..a i treba da prochitash sva j"javljanja" da bi shvatio kakva je to sprdachina
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
