Naučnici potvrdili: liberali najhrabriji

Ма, ово је невиђена глупост... :lol:

Овај човек је то најбоље описао (у истом чланку):

>>But Jon A. Krosnick, a political science professor at Stanford University, said it was impossible to draw any conclusions from a study with so few people all drawn from a small Midwestern town. What’s more, it’s just too squishy interpreting people’s reactions.

“I don’t believe any of this,” he said. “The people who are most scared are less in favor of gun control. Why wouldn’t they be more in favor? Because they need guns to fight the bad guys? You can make up a story in either direction.”<<

А и ови амерички научници изгледа исцрпли све остале научне дисциплине па се бацили на пропагирање либерала? :lol:
Мада, нигде и не видех да се ради о научницима већ о "групи истраживача"...
Ma, vezali su ih za aparate, i utvrdili elektronikom. Ostalo je teorija... Ali to... To su dokazi. :)

" In an initial experiment, subjects were shown a series of images that included a bloody face, maggots in a wound and a spider on a frightened face. A device measured the electrical conductance of their skin, a physiological reaction that indicates fear.

In a second experiment, researchers measured eye blinks – another indicator of fear – as subjects responded to sudden blasts of noise.

Compared with staunch liberals, people with strongly conservative views were three times more fearful after factoring out the effects of gender, age, income and education, which can all affect political attitudes. "

A tri puta vishe je tri puta vishe. :)
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Изгледа да још ниси стигао до овог дела, па ћу га нагласити још једаред :cool:

>>But Jon A. Krosnick, a political science professor at Stanford University, said it was impossible to draw any conclusions from a study with so few people all drawn from a small Midwestern town. What’s more, it’s just too squishy interpreting people’s reactions.

“I don’t believe any of this,” he said. “The people who are most scared are less in favor of gun control. Why wouldn’t they be more in favor? Because they need guns to fight the bad guys? You can make up a story in either direction.”<<
Prochitao sam ceo chlanak, a i tvoj post. Nema potrebe da mi se govori dva puta. :cool:
Ovaj, znash kako, tachno je to da je grupa ( uzorak ) bash mala ( statistichki gledano ), ali se to ne vazi u ovom sluchaju, jer nije u pitanju anketa ili upitnik, vec ispitivanje mashinama, na koje se ne moze uticati. Nije tachno da je previshe " squishy " ( ovo mu dodje nepouzdano, nepostojano, bem li ga tako neshto ) interpretirati ljudske reakcije. Ta logika mu onda direktno osporava i detektor lazi, a isti ne greshi u 95% sluchajeva. A ovo poslednje, shto si boldovao, je bezveze i poptuno subjektivno. Choveku nije jasno zashto ljudi koji se najvishe plashe najvishe podrzavaju status quo shto se tiche prodaje oruzija. Pita se on, zashto oni ne bi bili za pojachanu kontrolu prodaje oruzija? I shta ce im oruzije, da se bore sa loshim momcima? E, to je Majkl Mur odlichno objasnio u dokumentarcu " Bowling for Columbine " ( Ako nisi, odgledaj, odlichan je film, Ameri ti postanu malo jasniji. :ok: ). Njima ( ubogim kukavcima ) je oruzije trebalo zbog Indijanaca, pa zatim zbog Crnaca... Ma, bre, josh se od detinjstva vidi ko je ****, a ko ne. A uvek je najgora **** bio onaj ko na ferku dodje sa nozem. A ima i ona fora sa grupom dece... Postavish im par pitanja, i tachno znash ko se plashi mraka, a ko ne. :cool:
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