Јеврејски конгрес Русије подржава Јужну Осетију


The Jewish quarter in South Ossetia’s capital Tskhinval is the oldest of all the national communities there, but it was ruined as long ago as 1991 due to Georgian aggression, said Zinovy Kogan, head of Congress of Jewish Religious Organisations and Unions, in an interview with Osetiainfo.ru.

Osetinfo.ru: Is the Jewish Congress planning to help the victims of the conflict in South Ossetia?

Zinovy Kogan: The Russian Jewish Congress is already helping them in different ways. We have collected a number of documents and sent them to the UN for an investigation into Saakashvili’s war crimes. Witness data has been collected, it’s a big pile of documents.

Osetinfo.ru: Will the Jewish quarter be rebuilt?

Zinovy Kogan: The Jewish quarter was destroyed back in 1991, and after that almost all Jews who lived in Tskhinval left the city. Of course, it will be reconstructed, but will it go on being a ‘Jewish quarter’? For example, the synagogue will be reconstructed as a memorial to Jews who used to live on this land. Maybe it will be a synagogue, maybe it will be a museum.

Tskhinval is one of the world’s oldest cities. It’s more than 2000 years old. And the Jewish quarter is the oldest there. A legend says the synagogue is 2,600 years old. This quarter was very rich, there were markets there. You could buy whatever you wanted there whenever you wanted. The houses were so solid they saved hundreds of people who were hiding in the basements. It’s the second time the Jewish quarter has been directly fired on. This time it was exactly the same as in 1991. It’s astonishing how strong Georgian hatred is.

На б92 се само чула лаж кад је Грузија напала Јужну Осетију и Абхасију. Пропаганда запада. Српска власт ни реч подршке Русима, Абхасима и Јужним Осетима. Србождери урлају у Србији како су против нацизма, а пена им на уста излазила од беса кад је Русија помогла Јужну Осетију и Абхасију.
Pa kake to veze ima?

Pa ima . Niko nije iso . samo iz Srbije Otpor Sorosev . I poljaci imaju slicnu organizaciju , pa su im u to vreme pooduzimali pasose . Kako mislis kakve veze ima . Kad odes da agitujes , da rusis , radis prtiv nekog , zar ne treba da ocekujes kontra mere.

Nemoj samo da mi kazes da su tamo isli da ruse diktatore . Evo ti sad demonstracije protiv Sakasvilija . Nema podrusku , a jos je na vlasti . Jel sad on Diktator . Pa sto se sad ne zapute tamo da ga ruse .
