Obama okružen Klintonovim ljudima, izbori su samo farsa u DžuEsEj


Ističe se
...samo se smenjuju predsednici koji nemaju nikakvu ulogu osim ulogu statiste,dakle, nista novo u DžuEsEj ( za slucaj da je neko pomislio da ce Barki doneti nesto novo i netipicno za dosadasnje vlade Amerike )

Obama’s chief of staff, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel, was a top aide during Bill Clinton’s presidency and the president-elect is seriously considering naming Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers to the same post. Among Emanuel’s recent accolades is that he served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac when the agency misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors.

Summers was among Obama’s top economic advisers during the lengthy presidential campaign, even though he was practically forced to resign as president of Obama’s alma mater—Harvard—after making incendiary sexist comments about female scientists and the senator claims to be a women’s right advocate.

Other top Obama advisory board members heading the White House transition team include Clinton’s Environmental Protection Agency head (Carol Browner), Clinton’s Commerce Secretary (Michael Froman) and Clinton’s Transportation and Energy secretary (Federico Pena).

Practically all of Obama’s coveted and highly touted economic team consists of loyal Clintonites, including a disgraced Treasury Deputy Secretary— Roger Altman—ousted for lying to Congress to cover up a record-keeping scandal. The rest of the crew includes another Clinton Treasury Secretary (Robert Rubin), chief economist (Laura Tyson) and National Economic Council director (Gene Sperling).


Does this mean that Obama will abandon his infamous change motto and that his presidency will instead be a rerun of Clinton's?
...samo se smenjuju predsednici koji nemaju nikakvu ulogu osim ulogu statiste,dakle, nista novo u DžuEsEj ( za slucaj da je neko pomislio da ce Barki doneti nesto novo i netipicno za dosadasnje vlade Amerike )

Obama’s chief of staff, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel, was a top aide during Bill Clinton’s presidency and the president-elect is seriously considering naming Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers to the same post. Among Emanuel’s recent accolades is that he served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac when the agency misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors.

Summers was among Obama’s top economic advisers during the lengthy presidential campaign, even though he was practically forced to resign as president of Obama’s alma mater—Harvard—after making incendiary sexist comments about female scientists and the senator claims to be a women’s right advocate.

Other top Obama advisory board members heading the White House transition team include Clinton’s Environmental Protection Agency head (Carol Browner), Clinton’s Commerce Secretary (Michael Froman) and Clinton’s Transportation and Energy secretary (Federico Pena).

Practically all of Obama’s coveted and highly touted economic team consists of loyal Clintonites, including a disgraced Treasury Deputy Secretary— Roger Altman—ousted for lying to Congress to cover up a record-keeping scandal. The rest of the crew includes another Clinton Treasury Secretary (Robert Rubin), chief economist (Laura Tyson) and National Economic Council director (Gene Sperling).


Does this mean that Obama will abandon his infamous change motto and that his presidency will instead be a rerun of Clinton's?
Znači kao Koštunica posle Miloševića?
ne samo sto je okruzen klintonovim ljudima, vec je tu i brzezinski. ovi neocon su za njega mala maca.

uzgred, na svom prvom govoru posle izbora, posle raznih slatkorecivih izraza punih nade i vere u promene i bla bla bla, upitan u vezi njegovog obecanja da ce zapoceti razgovore sa iranom na low level i kakav je njegov odgovor bio posle cestitki ahmedinedzdada, obama je otprilike odrecitovao bushovu pricu o iranu koji podrzava teroriste, pravi nuklearno oruzije i preti izraelu da ce ga izbrisati sa mape. sve laz do lazi naravno, upuceni znaju, zna i cia, al sta da se radi.
Posle pojavljivanje Obame na AIPAC konferenciji i najvecim budalama je trebalo biti jasno ko vuce konce, (a i usi, nisu dzaba klempave).
odgledah neku crnkinju posle izbora, zena puna nade, kaze obama ce joj pomoci da vrati dugove... valjda ce da joj posalje cek ili sta.
needukovana, sposobna da radi za 7-8 dolara po satu, navucena na jeftin kredit koji je posle otisao na 8-9 posto kamate.
cemu se ona nada, da se rodi ponovo i da joj obezbede bolju skolu?
...samo se smenjuju predsednici koji nemaju nikakvu ulogu osim ulogu statiste,dakle, nista novo u DžuEsEj ( za slucaj da je neko pomislio da ce Barki doneti nesto novo i netipicno za dosadasnje vlade Amerike )

Obama’s chief of staff, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel, was a top aide during Bill Clinton’s presidency and the president-elect is seriously considering naming Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers to the same post. Among Emanuel’s recent accolades is that he served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac when the agency misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors.

Summers was among Obama’s top economic advisers during the lengthy presidential campaign, even though he was practically forced to resign as president of Obama’s alma mater—Harvard—after making incendiary sexist comments about female scientists and the senator claims to be a women’s right advocate.

Other top Obama advisory board members heading the White House transition team include Clinton’s Environmental Protection Agency head (Carol Browner), Clinton’s Commerce Secretary (Michael Froman) and Clinton’s Transportation and Energy secretary (Federico Pena).

Practically all of Obama’s coveted and highly touted economic team consists of loyal Clintonites, including a disgraced Treasury Deputy Secretary— Roger Altman—ousted for lying to Congress to cover up a record-keeping scandal. The rest of the crew includes another Clinton Treasury Secretary (Robert Rubin), chief economist (Laura Tyson) and National Economic Council director (Gene Sperling).


Does this mean that Obama will abandon his infamous change motto and that his presidency will instead be a rerun of Clinton's?

Pa sta je ovde sporno ?

Koliko vidim ovde se spominju "Klintonovi ljudi" iz sfere ekonomije, a da sam i sam na mestu Obame pozvao bi iste u svoj tim. Klinton je nasledio unistenu ekonomiju od Kretena Busa Prvog, da bi ojacao americku ekonomiju i ostavio surplus od nekih 700-800 MILIJARDI DOLARA Kretenu Busu Drugom koji je sve to razyebao i jos zaduzio drzavu koji TRILION $.

Sto se tice vremena Klintonovog mandata i americke ekonomije u to vreme, covek je bio KING :super:
Svi ljudi koji se pominju u ekonomskoj sferi i koji će biti članovi Obamine administracije su pre svega povezani s Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateralnom komisijom i/ili Federalnim rezervama - tako da je to značajniji zajednički imenitelj, od toga da li su pripadali nekoj prošloj demokratskoj ili republikanskoj administraciji. Paul Volker koji se pominje kao mogući šef Trezora je jedan od osnivača Trilateralne komisije i bivši guverner za vreme Reganove administracije.

Bil je bio posebno vešt s onom taktikom da "statistika nacrta šta poželiš"... Glass Steagall Act je definitivno opozvan za vreme Klintona, gomila ovoga što se dešava ne bi bila moguća da je taj zakon nastao za vreme Velike depresije ostao na snazi. Lawrence Summers je bio jedan od glavnih lobista za opoziv. Timothy Geithner , isto bivši član Klintonove administracije je sada u Fedu, a sarađivao je sa Kisindžerom i bio u IMF-u. Larry Summer - proteže Davida Rokfelera, World Bank, Trezor 1999...
..ko je uopshte pomislio da ce se neshto promeniti? molimo se bogu samo da ne pojachaju jahanje.

Promenice se u smislu, da ce u obaminom mandatu , jos vise da ih bole qita za ove prostore, i da ce evrpopa u potpunosti preuzeti odgovornost za kosovo, bosnu , makedoniju , srbiju .............

ameri imaju vecih briga , i ozbiljnijih izazova od kosova i balkana..........
Promenice se u smislu, da ce u obaminom mandatu , jos vise da ih bole qita za ove prostore, i da ce evrpopa u potpunosti preuzeti odgovornost za kosovo, bosnu , makedoniju , srbiju .............

ameri imaju vecih briga , i ozbiljnijih izazova od kosova i balkana..........

da ali ce sa svojim banana saveznicima itekako da se pregrupishu, dogovore dilove itd.(Albanci,Muslimani..).. ako treba neshto da se zapali, ubije, destabilizuje.. neka droga, neshto...
U poslednje dve decenije je bilo upravo suprotno - republikanske administracije su više pažnje poklanjale Bliskom istoku, a demokratske Balkanu.

Prava stara Evropa bi više volela da "preuzme odgovornost" za američke pudlice u svom sastavu (hint Poljska) pa tek onda za balkanske banana države.

Mada, slažem se da će sada imati previše problema, ali uvek ostaje pitanje kako će ih rešavati, jer izolacionizam nije nešto čemu su skloni...
