problemcic u turbo C-u!!!

  • Začetnik teme red alert
  • Datum pokretanja
red alert:
Kako da u zadatku, koji broji broj reci u stringu, brojac ne racuna 2 pritisnuta space-a kao jednu rec! Propao sam, braco, pomagajte!!!

Da ne izmisljas toplu vodu pogledaj strtok, jedina mana je sto ce da ti upropasti originalni string, tako da ako ti je vazan taj string za kasnije racunanje jednostavno ga iskopiraj u memoriji na jos jedno mesto pa kreni sa strtok.
#include <string.h>

char *strtok(char *s, const char *delim);

char *strtok_r(char *s, const char *delim, char **ptrptr);

A `token' is a nonempty string of characters not occurring in the
string delim, followed by \0 or by a character occurring in delim.

The strtok() function can be used to parse the string s into tokens.
The first call to strtok() should have s as its first argument. Subse-
quent calls should have the first argument set to NULL. Each call
returns a pointer to the next token, or NULL when no more tokens are

If a token ends with a delimiter, this delimiting character is over-
written with a \0 and a pointer to the next character is saved for the
next call to strtok(). The delimiter string delim may be different for
each call.

The strtok_r() function is a reentrant version of the strtok() func-
tion, which instead of using its own static buffer, requires a pointer
to a user allocated char*. This pointer, the ptrptr parameter, must be
the same while parsing the same string.
