Hi ________

I am usually suspicious of those who believe the world is jealous of them. More likely there is, in a nice person as yourself, a resulting behavior that is self-re-enforcing, where your belief that another is jealous, initiates an unvoiced act of contempt, usually very subtle, like a facial expression, movement of the body, towards the one you think is jealous of you. This results in a return set of expressions and motions that enforce your belief. And in a sneaky way, this belief can be magical thinking that is quite effective in protecting us.

Anyway here’s a nice answer from Psychology Today that is worth a read. “Well, first of all, congratulations. If jealousy is aimed at you, it probably means someone thinks you have something valuable in your life: high grades, a wonderful girlfriend or an excellent job--something that he or she probably lacks. There are many schools of thought on jealousy, but here's one way to look at it. Imagine you have tried repeatedly to sink a basket from the foul line but have missed every time. After a while, you begin to feel angry; you might even curse the court and slam the ball on the ground. This is a common way we respond when we fail. You'd also feel hostile toward someone who walked around holding up a sign that read "Gary Stinks at Basketball,' because he or she would be calling attention to your failings. To your jealous friend, you are walking around with such a sign. The mere sight of you is a reminder of his or her failings. What's your friend jealous of, anyway?”

What say you?

Evo tog posta. :P
Jedini vid ljubomore koji sam uspela da primetim je onaj u školama ili fakultetima gde dežurna pametnica razreda ili grupe olajava sve redom i ljubomoriše zato što joj nikako ne polazi za rukom da, i pored svoje ogromne pameti, dobije dobre ocene.
Na fakultetu moje ocene su prilično visoke. Prema rečima dežurne pametnice to je zato što me profesori i lektori vole; ne zato što sam pametna. (ovo poslednje nije kazala, ali verujem da je to nastavak rečenice.) :D :D
xmm... neam pojma,,,, nikad nisam o tome razmishljala... mozhda... nisam sigurna...
moj drug je mozhda ljubomoran na mene... naravno ne zbog lepote...
ja nisam ni na koga ljubomorna i nema potrebe...
Naravno da ne... :roll: Glupo je razmishljati o tome, da li je neko ljubomoran na tebe. Patetichno... Da je u pitanju zavist, pa ajde, al dodje na isto. Hvala ne, ne bih nikad volela da mi neko zavidi. To je strashno... Samo pacenici i osobe nikakvog samopouzdanja mogu to da zele. :roll:
Naravno da ne... :roll: Glupo je razmishljati o tome, da li je neko ljubomoran na tebe. Patetichno... Da je u pitanju zavist, pa ajde, al dodje na isto. Hvala ne, ne bih nikad volela da mi neko zavidi. To je strashno... Samo pacenici i osobe nikakvog samopouzdanja mogu to da zele. :roll:

Evo ga.....
Taj rad......
To je isto onako, riba se sredi, nalicka, napicka, pa izadje u grad i ne gleda da li je frajeri primecuju (shto je sasvim normalno), nego gleda da li je ribe odmeravaju! :roll:
