Sta bi Srbija trebalo da uradi kada bi se Istra pripojila Italiji ili Sloveniji?

Sta Srbija treba da uradi?

  • Da odmah prizna otcepljenje Istre

  • Ne treba priznati

  • Ne zanima me

  • Sve u inat Hrvatima

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
Nisam znala da bilo ko u Italiji razmišlja o dobijanju novog regiona, a valjda se i Italijani nešto pitaju...ili treba da urade u takvom nenadanom slučaju. O čemu pričate?

Pa kad ne pratis politiku i ne znas za koncept Italia irredenta ;)

In 2004, the vice-president of Italian government, Gianfranco Fini, told to Croatian journalists on 51. gathering of the association of the Italians who went away from Yugoslavia after WWII, in Senigallia, that "...from the son of an Italian from Fiume...I've first time learned that those areas were and are Italian, but not just because of that that in certain historical moment our armies have planted Italians there. That country was Venetian, and before that Roman". Carlo Giovanardi, minister for the relations with Parliament in Berlusconi's government, coldly confirmed Fini's words, saying "...that he told the truth"..

In 2005, on 52. gathering of the same association, Carlo Giovanardi also told, that "Italy'll execute cultural, economical and touristic invasion in order to 'reconstruct the Italianhood of Dalmatia' ", while participating on round table, together with neofascist and irredentist persons, discussing about the topic "Italy and Dalmatia today and tomorrow" (note: organizers intentionally evade the noun "Croatia" in title). Giovanardi later declared that he had been misunderstood.
Do yaya je Istra pogotovo unutrasnjost, bolje je da za sada ostane u Hrvatskoj posto ne treba cimanje oko viza i jos svi razumeju srpski ,nije toliko skupo ,more cisto,klima umerena , hrana odlicna prsut,pazinski sir ,pasta sa tartufima i domace belo vino iz Medulina milina jedna ,sad mi pade na pamet od ove teme da bi neka ekskurzija mogla da se organizuje :)
Никако се не може поредити Каталонија са Косовом,као ни Шпанија са Србијом.Јер и Каталонија и Косово су окупирани.Каталонија од Кастиљанаца а Косово од Шиптара.
Ако народ Истре одлучи да треба да се одвоји од Хрватске,то свакако треба поздравити.Узгред,пријатељ ми је пре неки дан био у Пули и гледао утакмицу између Хрватске и Турске.Каже,навијао сам са овим Истранима за Турску.Каже да је много људи навијало против Хрватске.
Do yaya je Istra pogotovo unutrasnjost, bolje je da za sada ostane u Hrvatskoj posto ne treba cimanje oko viza i jos svi razumeju srpski ,nije toliko skupo ,more cisto,klima umerena , hrana odlicna prsut,pazinski sir ,pasta sa tartufima i domace belo vino iz Medulina milina jedna ,sad mi pade na pamet od ove teme da bi neka ekskurzija mogla da se organizuje :)
i medovaca ledena iz zamrzivaca :super:

(inace kakva nezavisnost,niti italijani trenutno traze istru,niti istra trazi nezavisnost,o cemu se radi ovde :eek: )
У другој половини 19. века дошло је етничких конфликта, јер су италијански покрети желели да уједине Трст и Истру са Италијом, док су Словенци и Хрвати желели да се уједине са осталим јужним Словенима. Конфликт је био и класног карактера, јер су Италијани живели углавном у градовима, док су Словенци и Хрвати живели у сеоским подручјима Истре.

По завршетку Другог светског рата Истра је постала део Социјалистичке Федеративне Републике Југославије. Партизани су 1945. побили многе Италијане бацивши их у фојбе. Говори се о хиљадама бачених у крашке јаме {}. У првих неколико година након рата је Истру напустило неколико десетака хиљада становника (око броја још увек не постоји сагласност међу историчарима), махом Италијана, који се деле на „езуле“ и „оптанте“. Езули су избеглице које су отишле одмах након рата, а оптанти су они који су одабрали (оптирали) да оду из Југославије, а Италија се обвезала да ће бринути за њих. Велики број људи који су одлазили из Истре само су се привремено задржавали у Италији и касније кретали у друге земље.

Пула је била већински италијански град. Између децембра 1946. и септембра 1947. град је напустило 28.000 од 32.000 становника.

evo malo pozadine...
Fiore: Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia Are Italian
Roberto Fiore, European Parliament member, former terrorist and Fascist Forza Nuova leader, is tied to Jorg Haider and Vojislav Seselj.

Lajla Mlinarić
Armando Černjul

Croatian media have written abundantly about Roberto Fiore, a 49-year-old Italian politician, a former terrorist and convict who recently became a member of the European Parliament and is a father of ten. Apart from the Croatian public having learnt about his stances regarding cleaning the streets of Italy of prostitutes, his hatred towards emigrants, and especially his stance that the Romani in Italy should not be given state flats, it was denied a part of his political biography in which he fought against drugs, abortion and the neo-Fascist environment that is certainly interesting for the republics of the former Yugoslavia, especially Croatia.

Who is Roberto Fiore? Although the Forza Nuova (New Power) secretary wrote on his web site thathe had founded the Forza Nuova political movement on September 29, 1997 with Masimo Morsello, certain people who are well acquainted with the neo-Fascist movement in Italy believe that Francesco Mangiameli, Roberto Fiore and Gabriele Adinolfi founded in 1979 an organisation they named “Terza Posizione” (Third Position). On December 14 of that same year, Digos (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) arrested three members of the organisation in the Roma headquarters, on whom large amounts of hand grenades were found. The police and members of the financial guard also confiscated stolen and forged documents, weapons and several types of explosives. After the incident, Fiore and Adinolfi left the organisation to be run by the extreme Giorgio Vale and the two, instead of being convicted and placed behind bars in September 1980, fled the country where they later founded various companies, including those dealing in tourism and the organisation of concerts. Among the founders was also Morsello, a singer and song writer, who claimed to be a Catholic and fascist. Allegedly the Italian extremist right wingers founded the Forza Nuova movement in London. It was a new fascist movement that found refuge in the racist British National Party. They even liaised with extremists in Lebanon where they visited paramilitary camps that were frequented by extreme Italian neo-Fascists and reporters (one of them is working for the ‘Il Giornale’ daily which is owned by Paolo Berlusconi, the brother of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi), who tried to undermine Croatia and Slovenia for years.

Not so long ago Fiore wrote that him and Morsello in 1997 founded Forza Nuova under the patronage of Arcangelo, that is, San Michel Arcangelo, the protector of the Iron Guard in Codrean, the leader of fascism in Rumania.

Forza Nuova, whose members were captivated by fascist dictator Mussolini, was active in Italy in early 1999 in ten Italian regions, the most famous being Sicily, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Lazio and others, although they took part in several events even before that time. The following year new chapters were formed in the regions of Marche, Umbria, Friuli Venezia Giulia. In this region, with the seat being in Trieste where neo-irredentists and neo-fascists are in a state of flux, the Forza Nuova held its first organised actions in 1998, including manifestations against immigrants, bilingualism, for court proceedings against former Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito’s ‘infoibators’ (foiba victims) and especially against a Croatian partisan and anti-fascist, Oskar Piskulic, from Croatia’s city of Rijeka who was tried in Rome.

The members of Forza Nuova supported Austria’s right winger Jorg Haider who also came to Trieste to meet with right-wingers. In April 1999 a group of delegates that included Paolo Koratossidis and Riccardo Baggio from Padova and Luciano Fragasso from Vasto travelled to Belgrade in Yugoslavia vie Trieste where they were to meet the Chetnik leader and head of the Radical Party, Vojislav Seselj. But during NATO bombing they were stopped at the Serbian border and returned to Italy. So nobody in Italy is surprised that Fiore and his subordinates voiced their disagreement with Kosovo’s independence.
Against Students with Metal Bars

After a round-table on crimes in Istrian foibas that was to take place in Rome this May was postponed, and at which Roberto Fiore was to speak, four members of the Forza Nuova party jumped out of their cars near the La Sapienza university on May 27 and attacked a group of students who had been putting up posters in protest of the round-table organised by the neo-fascists. They attacked the students with metal bars, wooden nightsticks and knives. Four students, two of whom were neo-fascists and two of whom were left-wingers, ended up in hospital with injuries and six were arrested.

The Forza Nuove commander, as they call Fiore, had a big plan eight years ago to organise, along with his closest associates in London, a rally of the black international in Trieste. Italian and other media reported about this profusely. Many famous people voiced their disagreement with the rally, so the fascist march on Trieste was cancelled.

Fiore and Forza Nuova are famous for being the most extreme and loudest critics of Croatia and Slovenia (along with their allies from Fiamme Tricolore which Fini and his comrades left and founded Alleanza Nazionale), especially every February when the Remembrance Day on the exodus and victims of foibas is being marked. And while Fini and his post-fascists shout that Croatia’s Istria, Rijeka and Dalmatia would one day again be Italian, ‘comandante’ Fiore and Forza Nuova marked Remembrance Day this year under the motto: ‘Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia sempre solo Italia’ (Istria, Riejka and Dalmazia Always Only Italia). At football stadiums, especially in Trieste, they shout derogatory statements against Croatian and Slovene spectators, as well as against Italian spectators who do not share their fascist, military opinions.

evo zahteva chlana Evropskog parlamenta da se Italijanima vrati Istra
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