Караџић није злочинац


Primećen član
У интервју Drentse Courantu 1997 јасно је да Караџић не може бити гоњен као злочинац.

Делови из интервјуа:

WHEN DID YOU REALIZE that war in Bosnia was inevitable?

"That started with the referendum on independence. That was constitutionally illegal since questions of ethnic groups had to be dealt with on the basis of consensus and not on the basis of a majority. On the second day of the referendum there was an attack on a Serb wedding. But the real trigger was Izetbegovic announcing a full mobilization on April 4 1992. He could not do that without Serb consent, but he did it all the same."

"I telephoned him directly and told him: 'You are making a terrible mistake. Why do you do it. You know what will happen when the Muslims take to arms. The Croats will take to arms. And you know how the Serbs will react.' He agreed but he said it was too late to reverse the decision. That night terror reigned in Sarajevo. The night of April 4 until the morning of April 5 1992. Then the Muslims started the war and we were never able to stop it."

THE MUSLIMS SAY THAT the Yugoslav Federal Army (YNA) was dominated by the Serbs and sent by Belgrade. They had very good reasons to be afraid of the YNA, especially after what happened in Croatia.

"The Yugoslav Federal Army was not be trusted. They had at times tried to create a buffer between us and the Muslims but they rarely helped us. They themselves were constantly under attack and they were busier retreating than helping us. Moreover: the army saw us as nationalists and anti-communists. To them there was no difference at all between Izetbegovic, Tudjman and Karadzic.We did not have an army during the first six weeks. On May 20 1992 the Yugoslav army left Bosnia. Only then we formed our own command structure. I was elected president of the Bosnian Serbs on may 12 and only thereafter Radko Mladic was appointed commander in chief. But he was a general without an army. It took us the remainder of 1992 to get control over all sorts of different groups fighting all over the place. It was my first act as president. From June 13 they had to join within three days or they would be seen as, and prosecuted as, criminals."

BUT WITH THIS YOU concede that you knew what happened. That all over Bosnia Serbs were murdering.

"Of course. But I can prove that ethnic cleansing was not a political target. War crimes were prohibited from the beginning. Strictly prohibited. And I repeated that order many times. I am reasonably sure that the commanders in the field did not allow war crimes, or worse: gave orders to commit them. I dare to take responsibility for what the army and the police have done. But I cannot take responsibility for what citizens have done to each other. That was World War II continued. Old feuds and revenge was taken. It was chaos, nothing but chaos. It was literally citizens against citizens. Families that had killed during the war did so again, or just the reverse. I did not condone it. War criminals must be brought to justice. That was a very strict order."

PERHAPS YOUR ORDERS WERE were not very clear at the time?

"We brought five thousand people to justice, 4500 of them were Serbs. Our courts convicted them."


"I have not seen all the convictions. But I know there are penalties of ten, fifteen, sometimes even more years imprisonment. There have been four death penalties. I know of a case in Pryedor where a group of Muslims had paid to be smuggled to Yugoslavia and were killed. Our people have taken their money. Was this ethnic cleansing? No, because they wanted to leave Bosnia. Was this murder? Yes, because they were all killed and our people who were guilty of this have been sent to prison for twenty years. We insisted that criminals had to go to jail although we could use every man."

HAVE YOU BEEN convicted?
"Yes. By people of my own party who accused me of being too soft."

HOW CAN YOU JUSTIFY the constant shelling of Sarajevo?

"There were tens of thousands Muslim soldiers in Sarajevo. They shelled the Serbian parts of the town. During a press conference UN-general McKenzie was asked: 'Why do the Serbs shoot at schools and hospitals?' His answer was: 'Why do Muslims place artillery and guns near schools and hospitals?' Every soldier knows you have the right to fire back when you are fired at."

BUT THE SHELLING OF of the marketplace and the bread line in Sarajevo, with as a result the horrible pictures which shocked the world; nobody can justify that.

"It is very clear what has happened there. The Muslims have done that themselves to show the world how the Serbs slaughtered innocent citizens. They have done that several times. What happened when the pope paid a visit to Sarajevo recently? Along the road the Pope mobile was supposed to go, 25 anti-tank mines were discovered."

"Of course the Serbs were blamed. But how on earth could the Serbs get a truck with 25 anti-tank mines into a city that is dominated by the Muslim army? The Muslims were able to detonate the mines within twenty minutes. I assure you: our experts would have needed at least two hours to do the same. It was a set-up. A game they have played over and over again and the world believes it. When they needed their 'No-fly Zone' they shot an Italian helicopter down. It was deep in Muslim territory, but the Serbs got the blame and they got their No Fly Zone."

HAVE YOU ORDERED TO attack the safe haven Srebrenica?

"Srebrenica has never been a safe-haven."

"It never was. And if you don't believe me why don't you ask former UN-secretary-general Boutros Ghali. He told me more than once that Srebrenica was a Muslim stronghold and that nearby Serbian villages were constantly attacked. During the last months of the enclave every day a Serb was killed by attacks. A total of 1260 Serbs killed. The UN knows. The Dutch commander of the Dutch UN troops in Srebrenica knows."

He produces a pile of documents with long lists of casualties near Srebrenica.

"Here. April 1992, may 1992, June 1992. All killed. And this document is an order of Muslim-commander Naser Oric of Srebrenica in which he orders a sabotage-attack with the names of those who had to carry out the mission. They have been decorated but they should be prosecuted for war crimes. And these are the religious instructions Muslim clergy gave to the troops before they attacked."

BUT THAT IS NOT a crime. All combatants do that, catholics, protestants, Muslims.

"Of course that is not a crime. But it shows there was a holy war. A Jihad. There are many documents which show that a complete division of the Muslim army was in Srebrenica. There was no question of a demilitarized zone. The Muslims never had the intention to turn Srebrenica into a safe-haven. It was vital to their army that they could continually attack us from Srebrenica. It meant that we had to keep many soldiers there to resist them. Soldiers we could not use around Sarajevo. And we could not allow that our people were being killed from a so-called safe-haven. IT JUST HAD TO STOP."

AND SO YOU ORDERED: Attack Srebrenica.

"There was no need to. There was a permanent order to attack. Every attack was answered with a counter attack. And so it happened in the beginning of July 1995. We counter attacked and suddenly we could move forward. Because, as it later appeared, Izetbegovic had ordered his army to leave Srebrenica."

SO YOU SAY: We stumbled into Srebrenica by accident?

"It was not a planned attack. We could not deploy new troops. Our problem has always been that we had to fight on a very long front of thousands of kilometers with too few troops. In Srebrenica there were 9000 Muslim troops. It would have taken us at least 40.000 men to drive them out. We did not have them. When we took Srebrenica we were at least as surprised as everybody else. If the Muslim army had not left the enclave we could never have taken it. Military impossible. Only later we learned that a large part of the Muslim troops were ordered to break out and try to reach Tuzla. The Muslims themselves have given up Srebrenica."

Цео интервју:

Тражење да се испоручи Караџић и Младић је ван памети. Вероватно ни нису у Србији, нити у БиХ. Уместо да их Српска армија штити и чува као воду на длану. Наша власт каже западу да су у Србији и пљује по Србима кад год им се укаже прилика.
Poslednja izmena:
Karadzic dobio pare na pokeru sa Karingtonom i Ovenom.Ova dvijica cak pisali i cekove (pojedinci pricaju da je i Elizabeta II igrala;isto se zaduzila)........................e ti sad vidi,sta bi se desilo da se on toga seti i svoje pare zatrazi + cekove pokaze, pred kamerama CNN-a.
Тражење да се испоручи Караџић и Младић је ван памети.

Nije nego je po zakonu Republike Srbije.
Priznali smo haski tribunal, obavezali se da saradjujemo, doneli Zakon o saradnji za haskim tribunalom itd itd itd.

Znaci nije van pameti, nego lepo po slovu zakona.

Eh da, da ne bude zabune, to nije radio DS, vec je prvi Sloba poceo....
Pa što se ne preda kao Srpski Heroj Šešelj, pa da gledamo prenos

Pa ako nije neka ode i dokaze to.

Da, na sud pa neka isto pricasudijama, a ne novinarima...

Ево троје за сад... Мада су нешто умеренији него иначе. Људмила, нису они идиоти, знају они да ако оду у Хаг неће никад изаћи одатле...
opasan koskar,sve pare od ljudi kod njega, znaci...sto bi reko,zile,student politickih nauka u filmu ni na nebu ni na zemlji

koliko ja znam o karadzicu...a znam,pomalo,cuo sam dok sam bio u bosni,da je bio direktor neke firme pre rata,da je proneverio neke pare,da su ga zbog toga zgembali u zatvor cak
znaci,klasican prevarant i crnogorski tip direktora
onda se bacio u politiku,i verovatno je opet mogao dobro da zaradi ali ga je pretekao rat,naao se u pogresno vreme na pogresnom mestu
nije uopste bio tip lidera za ratne uslove....i sve je prepustao milosevicu da odlucuje,dok je bio premazan glumac vec,kao i svaki takav politicar,i stvarao laznu sliku,kako toboze rep.srpska jeste nezavisna i samostalno donosi odluke,plus prkosi milosevicu i celom svetu
generalno,jedan crnoberzijanac,protiv cije se politicke postave pobunila vojska iz zapadnog dela bosne,i naoruzana usla u banja luku da resi stvar sa politickim vrhom u banja luci
sumnja se da je trgovao oruzjem sa muslimanima,petljao sve i svasta
generalno,prevarant......mladic je vec nesto drugo
simbol rata i otpora u rep.srpskoj nije rasho...vec ratko
ratko ga je procitao vrlo brzo,i nije ga bas voleo,ali ga je kao vrhovnog komandanta postovao
Ево троје за сад... Мада су нешто умеренији него иначе. Људмила, нису они идиоти, знају они да ако оду у Хаг неће никад изаћи одатле...

Pa nije da smo umereniji, prosto ne mogu da uprem u nekoga prstom i kazem da je ratni zlocinac a da pritom nisam bila tamo i ne znam sta se desavalo. Lako je za nekoga reci da je lopov i toga se ne ustrucavam ali ipak su ratni uslovi nesto malo kompleksnije da bi mogli tek tako da kvalifikujemo ljude. Ne znam, po meni je nefer da ceo narod drzi kao svoje taoce i da nas ovi ucenjuju (tim pre ako nije kriv) a opet razumem i njega kao pojedinca, svako je sebi najvazniji. Zapetljano mnogo ... najpametnije je da ga ovi jure, on da se sklanja pa sta mu Bog da :lol:
samo ti meni objasni kako je to šešelj heroj, a predao se, a mladić je isto heroj, a beži:mrgreen:

Као не знаш зашто је Шешељ отишао:rolleyes:. Отишао је као задњи Србин да уништи трибунал. Пуно пута је објављивано, али ти као шатро си заборавио.
Што се постављају овакве теме када сви ми знамо да је Караџић Радован био
пред. Републике Српске, а то значи велики државник .
Он је само један ох јунака који је ушао у нашу богату историју.

Што се постављају овакве теме када сви ми знамо да је Караџић Радован био
пред. Републике Српске, а то значи велики државник .
Он је само један ох јунака који је ушао у нашу богату историју.


