Rafael Nadal

family affair
Translated by Reyes only for www.vamosbrigade.com

Nadal (Foto: EFE)

May 31st.- I write you from Paris one more day.

The good news for me are that my parents arrived yesterday. By surprise! But I'm so glad about that and that they are here. Carlos Costa told me about that only one day before.

They do not use to come to many tournaments and the truth is that they are a big support. I like them to come to some tournaments. Last night we three wre having dinner as well as Rafa Maymo in the Napoletano. Chela and his team were also in the same restaurant. Everyday comes somebody.

On saturday I had a quite day, the first one I'm not focused on playing a match. It's a little bit odd because in Grand Slams the normal thing is to have a day off to go to the site only to train and get ready for the following day. With all the rain and delayed matches I've been there the wholoe week playing or waiting to do it.

So, on saturday I heve gone there only to train and to do an interview Benito has sheduled for me. Lately we call him Dynamite.com. Francis Roig began doing that in the USA march tour and we keep on calling him in that way.

After the interview, I went out to have lunch with my parents. Rafa Maymo stayed at the tournament site because he needed to so some internet job, so it has been a close and family lunch. I point out this fact because he use to come with me everywhere.

Many people ask me about my favourite city. I always say Paris is one of them. It is not that I know it much by my years here in Roland Garros. We don't have much time to visit the city. In fact I know the city when I came with my parents and my sister some years ago as tourists. That's how we enjoy the cities the most.

But when we are playing tournaments we don't enjoy much about them because we don't have free time. Sometimes we go to visit some place but not with touristics purpose. It's too exhausting and we cannot so it. How many of you in a touristic trip arrives at the hotel tired? So, imagine that together with the fact that you have to be ready to play a three, four or even five hours match!

OK, I must leave now. Tomorrow, in the blog, I will tell you about how the PlayStation games are going as well as how they were.

1 May 08 'Las ampollas están bajo control'
El consultorio de Nadal
© Translated by nou.amic for www.VamosBrigade.com

"The blisters are under control"

1.- Congratulations on your win! Now you're into the last sixteen! However, there's something that worries me a lot (and you, too, I suppose). I'm referring to the blisters on your feet. Do you think they'll allow you to play at your normal level this tournament? Thanks.

Thank you very much. Don't worry about the blisters. For the time being they're under control. I stopped yesterday as a precaution because the sticking plaster moved and I stopped to avoid getting them. At the moment everything's fine and let's hope it continues like that. Thank you very much for your concern.

2.- Hola Rafa. I'm from Madrid and I follow all your matches. I love watching you play and seeing you transmit that competitive spirit by fighting for every point. It's amazing! During these three matches at Roland Garros I've noticed you take two bags out on court with you, the Babolat one, which I suppose is the one you've always had for your racquets, and another Nike one. Can you tell me what you carry in them? All the best, champion! Kisses.

Everybody in my team asks me that.. They are really heavy, especially the Babolat one because, as well as the six racquets, I have everything in it: wallet, iPod, coins, old passes, etc. In the Nike one I have clothing and shoes for if I have to change. Normal things for me...

3.- Dear Rafa, I don't know if what I want to ask is a 'state secret': What type of racquet string do you play with and what tension do you use? The best of luck!

I play with a type of stringing cord that practically nobody uses but it suits me fine. The tension depends on the tournament and the surface. I usually use a tension of between 24.5 and 25 kgs.

4.- Hi Rafa, congratulations for your match with Nieminen. How do you put up with the hounding we fans subject you to? I saw for myself in Bremen that you are very nice to people, you never say no to a photo or an autograph (by the way, thanks for signing one for me), but deep down it must be really tiresome not to have a minute's peace, is it not? Thanks.

No hounding. It's all OK, the reverse. I think people are very affectionate and respectful towards me. I can't complain. What I do ask is that people understand when I can't for some reason. I'm sure to come back and sign later. Thank you very much indeed..

5.- Hello Rafa. I have the feeling nobody is going to stop you this year, and I hope it'll be like that. Although it looks as if the weather and the rain are not on your side. One odd thing stands out, though it's pure chance: first Bellucci, second Devilder and third Nieminen, all lefties, and that's what my question is about. It's a complication for a righthander to play a southpaw, but is it complicated for a leftie to play another leftie? Could it affect you to have played three lefthanders in your first three matches?... added to the intervals there have been with play suspended by rain. Thanks and good luck champion. Gustavo.

And you forgot that I now play Verdasco who is also a lefthander. They say that it does have an influence on righthanders, and, in theory, it should also affect us when they serve out wide, but it's not like that. It is really odd that I've had four matches in a row against lefties. It must be a record.
Briljantni Nadal izjednačio Borgov rekord!

Španac Rafael Nadal pobednik je Rolan Garosa, drugog Gren slem turnira u sezoni. On je u finalu savladao prvog tenisera sveta Rodžera Federera rezultatom 6:1, 6:3, 6:0 za samo 1 čas i 48 minuta igre. Maljorčanin je tako izjednačio rekord Bjerna Borga po broju uzastopno osvojenih titula u Parizu, pošto je slavio četvrti put u nizu. Bila je ovo Nadalova 28. pobeda zaredom na Garosu, a još nema nijedan poraz. Jači otpor Federer je pružio jedino u drugom setu, ali je Rafael bio superioran u ostatku meča i na veličanstven način okončao dve najbolje teniske nedelje u životu.

Koliko je Nadal bio dominantan, najbolje možemo videti iz statistike – Španac je imao 46 direktnih poena i 7 neiznuđenih grešaka, a Rodžerov odnos bio je 31:35

Meč je počeo servisom Federera i nije bilo, fudbalskim žargonom rečeno, početnog ispitivanja snaga. Švajcarac je svom snagom zabio dve loptice u mrežicu, a Nadal je karakteristično klizao po terenu i od starta pružao maksimum.

Ključni udarac u prvom setu bila je Špančeva bekhend dijagonala. Rodžer je forsirao tu stranu rivala i tako pokušavao da pripremi situaciju za ’viner’, ali umesto toga su obično sledili kontraudari kojima je Nadal pravio direktne poene.

Maljorčanin je u svakom gemu na servis Federera imao brejk loptu. Prvi teniser sveta se jednom provukao preciznim servisima, ali u ostalim siutacijama nije imao rešenja – 6:1 za 32 minuta igre.

Krajem prvog i početkom drugog seta Federer je češćim izlascima na mrežu pokušao da promeni ritam, ali je uspešno završio samo 3 od 11 juriša napred. Bilo je 2:0 za Nadala (dva velika auta Rodžera iz forhenda), kada je Švajcarac zaigrao znatno bolje. Odigrao je nekoliko briljantnih kratkih dijagonala i forhendom i bekhendom, a zatim je savršeno izveo tri štop-voleja. Vredi reći da je Rodžer tek pri brejk lopti u četvrtom gemu uzeo prvi poen posle drugog servisa.

Samopouzdanje se povratilo Federeru, koji je ulazio u teren i uspešnije rešvao poene. Prelomna tačka drugog seta bio je sedmi gem, kada je Švajcrac imao brejk loptu. Igrao se dug poen, Nadal je posle duže razmene skratio lopticu, Federer je stigao na vreme, ali je bekhednom poslao lopticu u mrežu.

Federer je u narednom gemu spasao tri brejk lopte po istom principu - servis u dalju stranu, snažna paralela i potom realizacija. Ipak, Nadal je iskoristio četvrtu brejk loptu, ’pročitao’ je volej protivnika i paralelom došao do gema, a potom bez imalo problema i do vođstva od 2:0 u setovima.

Nadal je bio nemilosrdan, potpuno skoncentrisan u svakom trenutku, odlično se kretao i skoro uvek birao pravo rešenje (’pasing’ spinom, besprekorna forhend paralela...).

Španac je u istom tempu nastavio i u trećem setu, a Federer je potpuno klonuo duhom i izgubio koncentraciju. Nadal pravi brejk već na početku i ne prepušta rivalu nijedan gem.;)
Ma prosto divno to će biti moguće kada se Fed penzioniše.... a do tada te ne sanjaj realnost je drugačija! Jenini ko može da parira Rafi u finalu je Federer, njihova finala su praznik za oči.
Ako Rafa kojim slučajem izgubi 2-gu poziciju to će biti zahvaljujući ATP-u i njegovoj povredi tj. onom čudu zbog kojeg je izgubio. Da su ljudi iz ATP normalni ko što nisu sve bi bilo drugačije i on nebi bio u ovoj poziciji u kojoj je sada pred gubitkom drugog mesta.
Mada sve je moguće na početku ove god. Rafa je umalo postao br.1 delilo ga je 400 poena a sada 1400 a Fed ni neigra kao nekad!

Ovo finale Roland Garosa i nije bilo neki praznik.Ja sam navijala za Nadala kao i uvek al ne znam sta se desilo Federeru..
:rotf:...pa jeste,al stvarno je pravio neverovatne greske!
Nego jel ima neko onu listu sa poenima,ja sam corava ne mogu da je nadjem?
na www.atptennis i www.sonyericssonwtatour.com mozes naci svaku bitnu informaciju... ;)

evo ti odatle:
atp rankings- http://www.atptennis.com/3/en/rankings/ ,
i wta rankings- http://www.sonyericssonwtatour.com/2/rankings/singles_numeric.asp ...

a imenjak je vec ubacio negde poene prve 4ice, a ja prvih 10 devojaka... al evo jos ovaj put...

atp rankings

wta rankings

e bas sam divan... :D ........ samo da ne ucim :-D
Poslednja izmena:
Ma i to da li ce preteci rafu posle Vimbldona je jako relativno...Cudo jednos a tim GSovima...napravis korak nazad i nema te nigde...Meni je drago sto Federer moze da spadne sa prvog mesta samo ako ispadne u prvom kolu a Rafa ga osvoji,sto je samo u domenu teorije verovatno. Zvucacu zlobno,ali sto bih voleo da se i Rafi i Noeltu desi neki Rodik ili tako neki bum bum igrac,Nalbandijan,pa da ispadnu u osmini,cetvrtfinalu...Ih... ;)
ja moram ovde da cestitam velikom RAFI na sjajnom osvajanju Rolan Garosa toliko ubedljivo,svaka mu cast...kad covek pogleda sta je uradio Federeru,onda se vidi da mu je mec sa Novakom bio najtezi na turniru,tacnije jedini je Novak imao set loptu protiv Rafe,to me jedino hrabri...Nadal je toliko unistio Federera da je to bilo tuzno gledati.sad cekamo Vimbldon

preuzeto sa B92
Pitanje postavljeno Rafi u Queensu, pa zašto ga to pitaju , očito novinari žele spojiti Rafu i Anu :lol:

Q: your wife won the women's final are you happy to win as a couple
NADAL; My wife! I'm not married...
Q: I mean your girlfriend Ana
NADAL; She's not my wife, she's not my girlfriend next question please...

