Rafael Nadal

svaka cast Rafi stvarno je dobar covek i ja navijam za Rafu kao i za Noleta i voleo bi da njih dvojica stalno igraju u finalima,eto nek sad Rafa osvoji Hamburg i Rolan Garos,pa onda Nole Vimbldon,to bi bilo bas lepo

a sto se tice ove izjave Rafe tesko da Novak moze pre Vimbldona da prestigne Rafu,jer ja sam siguran 100% da Rafa osvaja Rolan Garos,ali videcemo ja obojici zelim jos mnogo uspeha i trofeja i voleo bi da se njih dvojica smenjuju na prvom mestu ATP liste...
Ma prosto divno to će biti moguće kada se Fed penzioniše.... a do tada te ne sanjaj realnost je drugačija! Jenini ko može da parira Rafi u finalu je Federer, njihova finala su praznik za oči.
Ako Rafa kojim slučajem izgubi 2-gu poziciju to će biti zahvaljujući ATP-u i njegovoj povredi tj. onom čudu zbog kojeg je izgubio. Da su ljudi iz ATP normalni ko što nisu sve bi bilo drugačije i on nebi bio u ovoj poziciji u kojoj je sada pred gubitkom drugog mesta.
Mada sve je moguće na početku ove god. Rafa je umalo postao br.1 delilo ga je 400 poena a sada 1400 a Fed ni neigra kao nekad!
meni je veoma drago da se njih dvojica jako postuju... Rafa je uvek imao samo reci hvale za Fedju a verujem i da je mnogo naucio iz meceva kojih je vec bilo puno (tek ce ih biti)

opet kazem,Rafu nije briga za ovom suludom ATP lestvicom a prvo mesto donelo bi mu samo nepotrebne brige i pritisak. njega ceka jos nekih 2 meseca vrhunskog tenisa a onda pravac rajsko ostrvo i uzivanje. svestan je da je ovo sto je do sada ucinio ravno nadrealnom ali ne stvara neku pompu oko toga
Ma neverujem da mu nije u opšte bitno da li će biti 2-gi ili 102-gi na listi.
Želi on drugu ali i prvu poziciju to je normalno! Kako da mu ne bude krivo da nešto što je stvarao godinama ode za jedan mesec!
Ne želi to da iznese u novine ali sigurno da mu je krivo, on se prvi bunio zbog rasporeda na šljaci! A i igra sve turnire zbog poena da ih odbrani da ostane na 2-gom mestu i da se pripremi za RG.
pa 102. bas i ne bi voleo da bude ali ce i sa jednom rukom uvek biti u prvih tri :wink:

dzabe mu je da se buni,niko to ne slusa. oni prave onako kako im odgovara a igrace ko sisa

Hamburg mi i nije vazan ali je osvajanje novog RG-a zaista moranje
Rafa je već jednom nogom u finalu.
Druge titule može da osvoji ali i nemora RG je prioritet.
Drugi igrači imaju kompleks sa njim na šljaci još kada se igra na RG!
Mali je broj onih koji bi mogli da ga poraze.
potpuno zdravog Rafu mozes pobediti jedom u 100 meceva,to je jasno svima

nadam se da ce zavrsiti ovaj turnir bez fizickih problema i lepo se odmoriti za turnir zivota. ne treba zaboraviti da je prosle godine drzao i Vimbldon jednom rukom ali na to cu misliti rasterecen kada me obraduje novom titulom u Parizu
Blondie sto je po tebi nerealno da se Nadal i Djokovic smenjuju na prvom mestu?nisam ja rekao kad ce se to desiti ali kad tad to ce biti realnost.i jos nesto ja mislim da vi ipak malo potcenjujete Novaka on je po meni jedini teniser koji moze da parira Nadalu i Federeru sto dokazuje pogotovo u ovoj godini...
potpuno zdravog Rafu mozes pobediti jedom u 100 meceva,to je jasno svima

nadam se da ce zavrsiti ovaj turnir bez fizickih problema i lepo se odmoriti za turnir zivota. ne treba zaboraviti da je prosle godine drzao i Vimbldon jednom rukom ali na to cu misliti rasterecen kada me obraduje novom titulom u Parizu

Uh..........i ja jedva cekam da widim kako ce Rafa da ih razbije!:D
svakako je nadal vs fedja praznik za oci, ali je meni podjednako velik praznik i mec sa noletom u kombinaciji... trenutno je novak ravnopravan sa ovom dvojicom- ne po titulama, ali po igri- da... piznali to ili ne... a ako ce atp biti kriv za rafin pad na listi, bice i velika britanija koja je noleta osakatila na vimbldonu prosle godine, cak i vise nego rafu. hocu da kazem, okolnosti su takve kakve su- i predstavljaju posebnu vrstu protivnika za tenisere... fedja i rafa mogu da se zale na po neki turnir, ali novak na svakom od njih mora u 1/2f da igra protiv jednog od njih... i kada se pored toga opasno priblizi drugoj poziciji, i nije neka fora okriviti jedan turnir koji je rafa izgubio, posto je resio da osvoji 5 zaredom, a u 6 nedelja! rekao bih da je rafa napravio gresku sto je isao u barselonu da je brani, dok su fedja i nole odmarali- ali ga razumem jer je ipak to spanski turnir koji nije zahvalno preskociti....
potpuno zdravog Rafu mozes pobediti jedom u 100 meceva,to je jasno svima

nadam se da ce zavrsiti ovaj turnir bez fizickih problema i lepo se odmoriti za turnir zivota. ne treba zaboraviti da je prosle godine drzao i Vimbldon jednom rukom ali na to cu misliti rasterecen kada me obraduje novom titulom u Parizu

Tacno. Ne postoji teniser fizicki spremniji od njega, a u poslednjih godinu dana je nevidjeno popravio servis, volej i igru na ostalim podlogama.
A jeste li primjetili, u jucerasnjem mecu protiv moje, koliko puta je rafa mogao da trazi
popravku, odnosno i sam je vidio da je lopta bila u polju, ali nije htio da prekida mec,
odnosno svoj tempo, posto mu je super krenulo!
To mi se mnogo svidja kod njega!...........
A jedino sto me nervira kod njega je sto svaki cas vadi gaće u dupeta........
Au brate, ruke ce mu se uzmrditi!:mrgreen:

@ Strelice,
U popunosti se slazem sa tobom!
A jeste li primjetili, u jucerasnjem mecu protiv moje, koliko puta je rafa mogao da trazi
popravku, odnosno i sam je vidio da je lopta bila u polju, ali nije htio da prekida mec,
odnosno svoj tempo, posto mu je super krenulo!
To mi se mnogo svidja kod njega!...........
A jedino sto me nervira kod njega je sto svaki cas vadi gaće u dupeta........
Au brate, ruke ce mu se uzmrditi!:mrgreen:

@ Strelice,
U popunosti se slazem sa tobom!

Rafa najredje od svih tenisera trazi korekciju odluke sudija. Ne znam statisticki, ali mislim da i elektroniku najredje koristi (mislim "oko sokolovo"). Svakako redje od Federera koji je bio najveci protivnik elektronike.
Ne smem da komentarisem za juce, bice spam, a?
Rafa najredje od svih tenisera trazi korekciju odluke sudija. Ne znam statisticki, ali mislim da i elektroniku najredje koristi (mislim "oko sokolovo"). Svakako redje od Federera koji je bio najveci protivnik elektronike.
Ne smem da komentarisem za juce, bice spam, a?
ma ako drobimo i o godinama starim mecevima, zasto ne bismo i o jucerasnjem klasiku? :)
Original postavio nordic_warrior
ma Rafa je mnogo gotivan lik,stvarno bih voleo da nekad popijemo neko pivo zajedno. tesko ce naci veceg fana od mene

I od mene brate!....................Citava zgrada bruji kada Rafa igra!:super:
Ali sto ces, i to se mora!;)
Poslednja izmena od moderatora:
Rafitov blog na RG

8 de mayo- They told me to start the blog when the tournament began, but the frustration of not having played the first round made everything complicated. I have been waiting two days to play. Yesterday I went out finally to play but only played for a few minutes. I played less than how long I usually practice for. A disaster.

You may think then that I have had a lot of time to write and that I should have already written my first blog. But the reality is that it is not like this. You’re always waiting to go out and you always have to be ready to play. Yesterday, for example, I was almost ready to play and they gave me the jersey of Pau Gasol. The photo and interview were less than five minutes, but I had to be alert just in case they would call me out to play.

I’ll explain it to you: You have to be ready at all times. In theory, I played the second match at 11 in the morning. I left the hotel at 8:30 A.M., because you have to prepare, warm-up, and be ready at 11 A.M. I didn’t play at 11 exactly, but you have to be ready because if something happens and a player retires in the match before yours, they will call you and you have to jump to the court or they’ll disqualify you. Anyway, we got to the tournament and it did not stop raining. You’re waiting for them to give you a court to practice on so that you can warm-up. It was a disaster like I said. I even sent someone to the hotel to get the ‘Playstation’ just in case we had time to play. But in this case, we could not play. You’re there just waiting.

28 May 08 'Mala suerte'
El consultorio de Nadal
©Translated by nou.amic for www.VamosBrigade.com

"Bad luck"

1.- Hola Rafa, we are eagerly waiting for your Roland Garros 2008 debut. How does this rain affect your concentration and your daily routine in Paris? Good luck, champ!!! Borja (Madrid).

To tell the truth, it's almost unbearable. It reminds me a lot of last year, at the beginning, and above all of Wimbledon. Yesterday I played just 7 minutes at 7.30 in the evening after having left the hotel at 8.30 in the morning. Just imagine. I also warmed up for 17 minutes at 3 pm. But it's true that it's the same for both players, so OK. It's what there is.

2.- Hello Rafa, in the first place I'd like to thank you for the way you give your all and fight, which has taken me back to memories of the times of Connors and McEnroe. I'd like to know how you see yourself in the second part of the year after Wimbledon. Do you think you'll be able to reach number one at the end of the year?

First we're going to see how we finish this first part of the year, right? I hope everything goes well. This year has been the best I've ever had. You just have to look at the points I've obtained and my consistency at all the tournaments, except Rome. If only everything goes well, as I say, and I continue like this in the second part of the year. As for the number one, that's not something I look at. We'll see later how everything goes.

3.- Hi Rafa, how do you take what they're calling the "Djokovic threat"? In theory, as you point out, he might pass you at some point in the year, but, despite that, you'll be out to catch him. However, I think that even if he passes you this year, it will be very difficult next year for Djokovic to obtain the same results. Does the topic exasperate you or is it something you don't lose any sleep over?

Djokovic is playing very well and is a complete player. But Federer is in front and in the race we're there, right there. It's a very good year, especially for the fans. As I say, we'll see how it all ends. I hope things go well for us.

4.- Hello Rafa, first I'd like to wish you much luck for the tournament and then ask you a couple of questions: Don't you think it's a bit unfair that they brought Federer's match forward a day when in fact most of those in his part of the draw were playing on Tuesday? Can you give your evaluation of the part of the draw you're in? Regards and the best of luck, champion. Emilio Javier Navarro.

Hola Emilio, thanks a lot. I don't think they knew it was going to rain and give him an advantage. That is being really evil minded. I think things turned out like that and it's just bad luck. Now we'll have to see how we in the bottom half of the draw can catch up on matches. As well as the players, the organizers are the most badly affected. It's a matter of luck. It could also be said that I benefitted by starting later and having more rest days. It's all relative. But yes, of course, now I would have liked to start.

5.- Hola "Don" Rafael. Many of us in Spain admire you for being a champion both on and off the court. Would you mind telling me (in order) which you would prefer to win most: your fourth Roland Garros, the Davis Cup or the gold medal in Beijing? Thank you very much and good luck.
Thank you very much. In chronological order: Paris, Wimbledon, the Olympics and the Davis Cup (hehehehehehe). They're all important, so, for the moment, Roland Garros. Then we'll see. But, of course, I would love all of these you've mentioned.
I got wrong at the press room
Translated by Reyes only for www.vamosbrigade.com

Nadal serves in yesterday's Belluci match. (AP)

May 29.- Hello everybody.

Firts of all I want to apologise myself because this blog's entry arrives a bit late. Yesterday, when I came back to the hotel and I began to write the blog, I was told that they had some internet problems. It was not only in the hotel we are staying but in some other ones too. It should be true because some other players had the same problem.

I want also to say that on wednesday I got brong at the press conference. I said something I didn't want to, or better to say, I explained myself badly when I said I was out of place here. I was joking about the match scheduled issue and the fact I had to play dalayed due to the rain. Sometimes is difficult to express the things. I didn't want to say what I said or at least I didn't want it to sound too strong.

It would be too long to explain all here in this blog. I did it already at the press conference, but the journalits only pointed out with the sentences which sound the most, as normal. I know all these things but I didn't pay attention to what I was saying. The fact is that tomorrow I will play (today one you'll read this) and if I win I will have to play also on friday in order to make up the two days of rain. Other players have already played their second round matches, the will rest today, and tomorrow they'll play third round. Something didn't work as it should, but, anyway I can do nothing. I understand that tournament try to give spectacle with the players to the public. Everything OK.

Many people have asked me about what I did these two past rainy days and the answer is not so much. From monday, we left the hotel at about 8:30 am and we arrived early at the tournament. It was the same everyday. as I said in yesterday post we have to be ready. When you leave the hotel and you know it's rainning it's a terrible feeling. You think: why I go there if it will be rainning all day?

But it's necessary to go ther and get ready in case the rain stops by chance. Anyway, we are used to and if you take it with humour, we are getting ready to Wimbledon, jajaja.

Thank you everybody.

Painful massages
Translated by Reyes only for www.vamosbrigade.com

Rafa Nadal. (Foto: AFP)

May 30th.- Hello everybody. Here we are in Paris one more day, waiting to go out to have some dinner and come back early to the hotel to prepare tomorrow’s match. In these blog entries I haven’t told you yet much about non tennis issues. I used to told you how do I get ready for a match, when I go out to the site, and so on. So, today, I’m going to tell you about the restaurant we use to go to have dinner almost everyday. It’s a small restaurant/ pizzeria which is called “Restaurante Napoletano”. Wonderful. The have the best pizza in Paris as well as their pasta, the ones I use to have always. They cook the pasta really well. White pasta with prawns and mushrooms. The same I cook in Wimbledon but they cook it better.

I was told by Vittorio Selmi, who works for ATP about this restaurant. Vitto is a man who is working for tennis for 30 years and he knows absolutely everything about this sport. Lately he is living hard days and I would like to send him also from here a greeting as well as a big hug. Everyday when we arrive at the restaurant we remind him and talk about him. Cheer up, Vitto!

Yesterday, as usual, we went to the reaturant at 9 pm. If I’m scheduled to play early (first or second match), we used to go at that time, but if I’m scheduled later we go by 9.30 pm. Yesterday, because of the rain stop we had for more than an hour, we left the club to reach the hotel at about 7.30 pm. Tomorrow we will leave the hotel to go to the club at about 8.30 am.

I was telling you that when I come back to the hotel we have to do more tennis work. Rafa Maymo, the physiotherapist who travels with me to every tournament, gives me massages to recover for the next day. Maybe some of you could think that it’s a good thing a massage, isn’I it? . indeed no. They are not that kind of massages to relax. Is a sport one, the ones that hurt, because he presses and it hurts.

Ok, I have to finish because I have to go out for dinner. Tomorrow is my third match in three days row if everything goes right. The forecast says it’s possible it will be raining in the evening. For that reason they asked me if I wanted to play second match instead the third one because of rain risk.

Greetings to everyone.

