Ко су ВЛАДАРИ СВЕТА 1Б-РОТШИЛД превод "Црвени Штит"


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For an account of what happened next we turn to the Jewish Encyclopedia,
1905 edition, Volume 10, p. 494: "According to legend this money was hidden
away in wine casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon's soldiers when they
entered Frankfort, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the
elector returned to the electorate. The facts are somewhat less romantic, and
more businesslike."
Pay particular attention to the last nine words. They are loaded with
significance. Here the leading Jewish authority states that what Rothschild
actually did with the $3,000,000 was "more businesslike," from a Jewish point
of view, than what was stated in the legend.
The simple truth of the matter is that Rothschild embezzled the money from
Prince William. But even before the money reached Rothschild it was not
'clean' (or Kosherl). The vast sum had been paid to William of Hess by the
British government for the services of his soldiers. The money was originally
embezzled by William from his troops who were legally entitled to it.
With the twice embezzled money as a solid foundation, Mayer Amschel
Rothschild decided to vastly expand his operations - and become the first
international banker.
A couple of years earlier Rothschild had sent his son, Nathan, to England to

take care of the family business in that country. After a brief stay in
Manchester, where he operated as a merchant, Nathan, on instructions from his
father, moved to London and set up shop as a merchant banker. To get the
operation under way Rothschild gave his son the three million dollars he had
embezzled from William of Hess.
The Jewish Encyclopedia for 1905 tells us that Nathan invested the loot in
"gold from the East India company knowing that it would be needed for
Wellington's peninsula campaign." On the stolen money Nathan made "no less
than four profits; (1) On the sale of Wellington's paper [which he bought at 50
cents on the dollar and collected at par; (2) on the sale of gold to Wellington;
(3) on its repurchase; and (4) on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the
beginning of the great fortunes of the house" (p. 494).
Yes, the Jewish Encyclopaedia claims that the great fortune accumulated by the
Rothschilds over the years was based on the "businesslike" method of fraud.
With their huge accumulation of ill-gotten gain the family established branches
of the House of Rothschild in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and Naples. Rothschild
placed a son in charge of each branch. Amschel was placed in charge of the
Berlin branch; Salomon was over the Vienna branch; Jacob (James) went to
Paris and Kalmann (Karl) opened up the Rothschild bank in Naples. The
headquarters of the House of Rothschild was, and is, in London.
An anonymous contemporary described Nathan Rothschild as he leaned against
the 'Rothschild Piller' at the London Stock Exchange, hung his heavy hands
into his pockets, and began to release silent, motionless, implacable cunning:
"Eyes are usually called the windows of the soul. But in Rothschild's case you
would conclude that the windows are false ones, or that there was no soul to
look out of them. There comes not one pencil of light from the interior, neither
is there one gleam of that which comes from without reflected in any direction.
The whole puts you in mind of an empty skin, and you wonder why it stands
upright without at least something in it. By and by another figure comes up to
it. It then steps two paces aside, and the most inquisitive glance that you ever
saw, and a glance more inquisitive than you would ever have thought of, is
drawn out of the fixed and leaden eye, as if one were drawing a sword from a
scabbard. The visiting figure, which has the appearance of coming by accident
and not by design, stops just a second or two, in the course of which looks are
exchanged which, though you cannot translate, you feel must be of most
important meaning. After these the eyes are sheathed up again, and the figure
resumes its stony posture.
During the morning numbers of visitors come, all of whom meet with a similar
reception and vanish in a similar manner. Last of all the figure itself vanishes,
leaving you utterly at a loss." (Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds, p. 65)
When he died on September 19, 1812, the founder of the House of Rothschild
left a will that was just days old. In it, he laid down specific laws by which the
House that bore his name would operate in future year.
The laws were as follows:
(1) All key positions in the House of Rothschild were to be held by members of
the family, and not by hired hands. Only male members of the family were
allowed to participate in the business.
The eldest son of the eldest son was to be the head of the family unless the
majority of the rest of the family agreed otherwise. It was for this exceptional
reason that Nathan, who was particularly brilliant, was appointed head of the
House of Rothschild in 1812.
(2) The family was to intermarry with their own first and second cousins, thus
preserving the vast fortune. This rule was strictly adhered to early on but later,
when other rich Jewish banking houses came on the scene, it was relaxed to
allow some of the Rothschilds to marry selected members of the new elite.
(3) Amschel forbade his heirs "most explicitly, in any circumstances whatever,
to have any public inventory made by the courts, or otherwise, of my estate ....
Also I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the

inheritance .... Anyone who disregards these provisions and takes any kind of
action which conflicts with them will immediately be regarded as having
disputed the will, and shall suffer the consequences of so doing."
(4) Rothschild ordered a perpetual family partnership and provided that the
female members of the family, their husbands and children should receive their
interest in the estate subject to the management of the male members. They
were to have no part in the management of the business. Anyone who disputed
this arrangement would lose their interest in the Estate. (The last stipulation
was specifically designed to seal the mouths of anyone who might feel like
breaking with the family. Rothschild obviously felt that there were a lot of
things under the family 'rug' that should never see the light of day).
The mighty strength of the House of Rothschild was based on a variety of
important factors:
(A) Complete secrecy resulting from total family control of all business
(B) An uncanny, one could almost say a supernatural ability to see what lay
ahead and to take full advantage of it. The whole family was driven by an
insatiable lust for the accumulation of wealth and power, and
(C) Total ruthlessness in all business dealings.
Biographer Frederic Morton, in The Rothschilds, tells us that Mayer Amschel
Rothschild and his five sons were "wizards" of finance, and "fiendish
calculators" who were motivated by a "demonic drive" to succeed in their
secret undertakings.
From the same authoritative source we learn that "on Saturday evenings, when
prayer was done at the synagogue, Mayer would inveigle the rabbi into his
house. They would bend towards one another on the green upholstery, sipping
slowly at a glass of wine and argue about first and last things deep into the
night. Even on work days...Mayer...was apt to tear down the big book of the

Talmud and recite from it...while the entire family must sit stock still and
listen" (p. 31).
It could be said of the Rothschilds that the "family that preys together stays
together." And prey they did! Morton states that it is difficult for the average
person to "comprehend Rothschild nor even the reason why he having so much,
wanted to conquer more." All five brothers were imbued with this same spirit
of cunning and conquest.
The Rothschilds formed no true friendships or alliances. Their associates were
but mere acquaintances who were used to further the interests of the House of
Rothschild, and then thrown on the garbage heap of history when they had
served their purpose or outlived their usefulness.
The truth of this statement is demonstrated by another passage from Frederic
Morton's book. He relates how, in 1806, Napoleon declared that it was his
"object to remove the house of Hess-Cassel from rulership and to strike it out
of the list of powers."
"Thus Europe's mightiest man decreed erasure of the rock on which the new
Rothschild firm had been built. Yet, curiously, the bustle didn't diminish at the
house of the [Red] Shield.... Rothschilds still sat, avid and impenetrable,
portfolios wedged between body and arm.
"They saw neither peace nor war, neither slogans or manifestos, nor orders of
the day, neither death nor glory. They saw none of the things that blinded the
world. They saw only steppingstones. Prince William had been one. Napoleon
would be the next" (pp. 38,39).
'Curious'? Not exactly! The House of Rothschild was helping to finance the
French dictator and, as a result, had free access to French markets at all times.
Some years later, when both France and England were blockading each other's
coast lines, the only merchants who were allowed to freely run the blockades
were - yes, you guessed it, the Rothschilds. They were financing both sides!
"The efficiency which powered Mayer's sons brought on enormous economic
spring cleaning: a sweeping away of fiscal dead wood; a renovation of old
credit structures and an invention of new ones; a formation - implicit in the
sheer existence of five different Rothschild banks in five different countries - of
fresh money channels via clearing-houses; a method of replacing the old
unwieldy shipping of gold bullion by a worldwide system of debits and credits.
Има пуно да се пише ха ха ха... али то није ништа има ту још других фамилија тачније 12. које су склопиле да кажемо договор између себе да завладају светом.Као датум тог договора се користи датум 1776 год. зато кад узмеш новчаницу од 1$ и погледаш позадину на левој страни је Пирамида и у подножју пише "MDCCLXXVI" то је превод "1776" има страховито још пуно у вези тога,људи незнају та будемо реални,а и прече им је да имају пуне г*у*зе.
Знаш ПОБЕДНИЦИ пишу Историју,али се поставља питање шта је ИСТИНА? И дали ми знамо истину,ЧИЊЕНИЦА је да НЕ.
Стварно се Извињавам;али неке ствари се немогу пренети у 2 речи. Знање се добива засад само учењем/читањем.
Иако уистину постоји једна теза,,пронађена је једна "КРИСТАЛНА ЛОБАЊА" за коју се неможе утврдити како је направљена и се предпоставља да је коришћена била да се астрално преноси знање са 1 на 2 особу бла бла бла... али то није сад тема.
Надам се да сам ти успео колико толико одговорити!
Знаш оно: ЧИТАТИ,ЧИТАТИ и само ЧИТАТИ другог нема засад!
Иако уистину постоји једна теза,,пронађена је једна "КРИСТАЛНА ЛОБАЊА" за коју се неможе утврдити како је направљена и се предпоставља да је коришћена била да се астрално преноси знање са 1 на 2 особу бла бла бла...

ovo k'o ona pumpa kod aleksnica:lol:
priča se, sigurno je, ali se ne može utvrditi:lol:
Има пуно да се пише ха ха ха... али то није ништа има ту још других фамилија тачније 12. које су склопиле да кажемо договор између себе да завладају светом.Као датум тог договора се користи датум 1776 год. зато кад узмеш новчаницу од 1$ и погледаш позадину на левој страни је Пирамида и у подножју пише "MDCCLXXVI" то је превод "1776" има страховито још пуно у вези тога,људи незнају та будемо реални,а и прече им је да имају пуне г*у*зе.
Знаш ПОБЕДНИЦИ пишу Историју,али се поставља питање шта је ИСТИНА? И дали ми знамо истину,ЧИЊЕНИЦА је да НЕ.
Знам ја о томе..доста...само ја знам истину........а то је Православље!!!
Кад будем имао времена превешћу овај трекст са енглеског...Углавном гвори се о шпијунској мрежи, бици код Ватерлоа, мало о Талмуду (ако не грешим то је јеврејска света књига, тј. Стари завет?), и о неком Нејтану (дотле сам прчитао мрзело ме је даље....)
Кад будем имао времена превешћу овај трекст са енглеског...Углавном гвори се о шпијунској мрежи, бици код Ватерлоа, мало о Талмуду (ако не грешим то је јеврејска света књига, тј. Стари завет?), и о неком Нејтану (дотле сам прчитао мрзело ме је даље....)

Ne! Nije stari zavet. Mnoge stvari iz njega su u potpunoj suprotnosti sa Starim zavetom, ali on ima override funkciju nad Starim zavetom.
Маук,веруј ми да те схваћам,али ја говорим Шпа,Нем,Енг,Хол ...кад почнеш да читаш има много,много,много.... ни ја немогу све попамтити јер толико је информација да почнеш као вода на шпорету ха ха ха...
Пази ово сад неки дан сам био у Мадриду и одемо у посету "Каса Реал" Краљевска кућа,и ушли смо/две пријатељице и ја/ у АПОТЕКУ краљевску, и у сусрет нам долази неки кад би га видели ха ха ха... пијан,нишанџија/очи свако своју политику води итд. ма никакав,али он фармацеут бла бла бла ту ради већ 30 год. шта нам је он показао и испричао,које тајне ха ха ха...а ове две као ма остави га алкос ...,ја им кажем стани ово је право,веруј ми кад бих могао био бих сањим данима и данима бих га слушао и записивао али није могуће.Каже да је написао 5 књнига али док је жив нема штампања иначе сва фамилија сви су неки др. фармацеути итд. и сви раде за краљевску кућу!
У сваком случају
Шалом,подржавам те!
Кад будем имао времена превешћу овај трекст са енглеског...Углавном гвори се о шпијунској мрежи, бици код Ватерлоа, мало о Талмуду (ако не грешим то је јеврејска света књига, тј. Стари завет?), и о неком Нејтану (дотле сам прчитао мрзело ме је даље....)
Talmud dolazi posle Starog Zaveta i predstavlja njegovu nadogradnju (sa jevrejskog stanovista). Stari Zavet je isti i kod Jevreja i Hriscana.
Маук,веруј ми да те схваћам,али ја говорим Шпа,Нем,Енг,Хол ...кад почнеш да читаш има много,много,много.... ни ја немогу све попамтити јер толико је информација да почнеш као вода на шпорету ха ха ха...
Пази ово сад неки дан сам био у Мадриду и одемо у посету "Каса Реал" Краљевска кућа,и ушли смо/две пријатељице и ја/ у АПОТЕКУ краљевску, и у сусрет нам долази неки кад би га видели ха ха ха... пијан,нишанџија/очи свако своју политику води итд. ма никакав,али он фармацеут бла бла бла ту ради већ 30 год. шта нам је он показао и испричао,које тајне ха ха ха...а ове две као ма остави га алкос ...,ја им кажем стани ово је право,веруј ми кад бих могао био бих сањим данима и данима бих га слушао и записивао али није могуће.Каже да је написао 5 књнига али док је жив нема штампања иначе сва фамилија сви су неки др. фармацеути итд. и сви раде за краљевску кућу!
У сваком случају
Шалом,подржавам те!

Има доста данас ствари, дошао сам и ја до неких информација, које нису баш фине.....сигурно је време уа узбуну....а не спавање......али ипак како рекоше Св.Оци..."зашто бити тужан када је Христос Васкрсао..."
Talmud dolazi posle Starog Zaveta i predstavlja njegovu nadogradnju (sa jevrejskog stanovista). Stari Zavet je isti i kod Jevreja i Hriscana.
Само мораш да знаш да данашњи јудеизам нема везе са оним из Христовог времена...да су га уништили....фарисеји.....разне фракције су мењале како им одговара....а талмуд је више скуп правила..о томе како треба да се Јевреји понашају ..... о јеврејском праву, етици, обичајима и историји
