Мало о Сорошевим стипендистима

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Ово је део мог приватног досијеа о Сорошу и његовим "инвестицијама" у Србији. У питању је 1998. година. Понављам, у питању је само део.


The program concentrated on the following issues: protection of rights of refugees, protection of women and children rights, protection of rights of marginalized groups (sexual minorities, groups with additional needs), problem of violence in society and its prevention, as well as the violation of so-called political rights of citizens.

Witnessing a general radicalization of society and sharp turn in the direction of traditionalism and small town conservatism, where victims of human rights violations are all segments of society who think or act "differently" and represent "otherness", the Fund will continue to provide support to projects arguing that allowance, neglect or avoidance of human rights violations in any given segment is equally dangerous and damaging and could contribute to further radicalization.

In this context, significant section of the program was dedicated to demarginalization or extremely marginalized groups which are and generally closed within themselves and "labeled" by the outside, so-called "normal" world. This is particularly true of homosexuals and persons with additional needs. Having in mind that homophobia is a form of social prejudice that is most rooted and least open to extermination in all traditional societies such as ours, and while the studies of homosexual community and subculture, as well as constructions of homosexuality in the public discourse are for a long time legitimate topics of scientific production elsewhere in the world, this issue is visibly absent in Yugoslavia. The project in this field included public reactions to cases of expressed homophobia, through statements, articles and visits, as well as through adequate legal means in cases of extreme homophobia.

As far as the groups with additional needs are concerned, projects submitted by their associations only exceptionally insist on demarginalization and equal treatment, and generally limit themselves to activities for the improvement of quality of existence within a secluded group.

A significant segment of the program was aimed at projects dealing with the issues of rights of victims in the environment where the number of violent criminal offences is on the rapid increase. The projects in this field tried to find the ways to ease the consequences of criminality and help citizens to protect themselves.

Another active dimension of this program in 1998 was education on human rights and for human rights. We have supported education seminars for tolerance, specialized education programs for integration of refugees, education consciousness awareness seminars on the problem of violence against children and youth in Kosovo, a conference on conscientious objection in Yugoslavia, project on Roma women's rights, etc.

Projects awarded with support

1. International Civil Society Exchange, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Participant: Jelena Subotic, Program Coordinator
The grant supported the participation of Ms Jelena Subotic, Program Coordinator at the International Civil Society Exchange conference organized by the Kettering Foundation.
Award: $899.20

2. TV Program about Human Rights and Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Grantee: Center for Antiwar Action, Belgrade
The grant supported a TV series of six (on human rights) and eight (on peaceful conflict resolution) episodes. The series presented basic issues in human rights and peaceful conflict resolution for the wider audience, raising awareness of the general public on these crucial aspects of any democratic society.
Award: $14,336.90

3. Roads of Integration and Tolerance
Grantee: Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance, Novi Sad
The project's target group were refugees from Bosnia and Croatia who, as a result of war operations, fled to Vojvodina. The newly established Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance works with new methods and technology to try and ease the processes of integration and build tolerance between domicile and refugee population groups.
Award: $7,343.21

4. School of Human Rights
Grantee: Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance, Novi Sad
The project's aim was to directly support the strengthening of civil activities and activism, especially civil actions in relation with human rights. The School has trained a team of lawyers, who will develop into a specialized legal expert team able to use all national and international mechanisms for the protection of human rights.
Award: $4,532.84

5. European Forum for Victim Services, May 25-31, Strasbourg, France
Participant: Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic, Belgrade
The grant supported the participation of Ms Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic of the Victimology Society to the European Forum for Victim Services in Strasbourg.
Award: $583.60

6. Campaign against Homophobia
Grantee: European Youth Association of Serbia, Belgrade
The grant supported two phases of the campaign against homophobia, a phenomenon that is unfortunately still one of the strongest prejudices in our society. The campaign included a collection of essays on homosexuality, identification and reporting on cases of extreme homophobia, as well as a wide media campaign for rights of homosexuals.
Award: $16,868.86

7. Accomplishment, Protection and Violation of Human Rights and Freedom in Montenegro in 1997
Grantee: Democratic Forum for Human Rights and Interethnic Relations in Montenegro, Podgorica
The grant supported a research project, which aimed to determine real facts on the protection and violation of basic human rights and liberties, improvement of development and respect of human rights, tolerance among different cultures, nations and religious groups in Montenegro.
Award: $917.85

8. Missing in War
Grantee: Veritas, Belgrade
The project "Missing in War" is investigating the cases of missing persons in the wars in Bosnia and Croatia. The nongovernment organization Veritas is considered the most reliable source of information in this field and their reports are used by all major nongovernment and government organizations dealing with the issue of the missing in war.
Award: $3,778.33

9. Raising Awareness on the Problem of Violence against Children and Youth
Grantee: Teuta Mulliqi, Pristina
The grant supported a campaign to raise public awareness on the issue of violence against children and young people in Kosovo, and especially to raise awareness among children and youth people themselves.
Award: $6,075.47

Association of the Independent Electronic Media, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for operating costs, expert consulting and program cooperation
Grant for technical support and purchase of the equipment and maintenance costs 16,372.87
Grant for the professional education and training skills 10,276.70
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 56,329.43
Grant for the RTV program production 68,292.46
Grant for the costs of the International EU Conference “Media for democracy – ANEM case” in Belgrade, December 1998 16,539.72
Grant for agency servicies 20,945.64
Grant for the Fund of the Working Capital and Urgent Support 33,458.09
Grant for the purchase the reference book “Press don’t shoot” for ANEM members 2,015.09 352,537.07
Radio B 92, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the radio program production 45,447.94
Grant for the tehnical support and purchase the equipment and maintenance 61,550.81
Grant for the TV – video program production 9,163.95
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 39,294.32
Grant for the operating costs 31,791.82
Grant for the tuition for the Master Art School for the tone editor 1,667.87 188,916.71
Radio Index – Index plus, Belgrade – Podgorica, Serbia
Grant for the radio program production 31,221.68
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 20,755.45
Grant for the operating costs 3,486.51 55,463.64
Radio Boom 93, Požarevac, Serbia Grant for the radio program production 4,011.16
Grant for the operating costs 12,808.99 16,820.15
Radio 021, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Grant for the radio program production 20,714.51 20,714.51
Radio Velika Kikinda, Kikinda, Vojvodina Grant for the radio program production 7,507.01
Grant for the professional education and training skills 2,001.87 9,508.88
Radio Montena, Nikšic, Montenegro Grant for the tehnical support and radio program production $4,456.26 $4,456.26

Radio Antena M, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for the radio program production 3,543.54 3,543.54

Radio Mir, Tuzi, Montenegro Grant for the tehnical support and purchase of the equipment and maintenance 7,724.00 7,724.00
RADIO 659,684.76

TV 5, Niš, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production 5,693.81 5,693.81
Nezavisna TV Negotin, Negotin, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production 5,860.81 5,860.81
RTV Pančevo, Pančevo, Vojvodina Grant for the professional education and training skills 5,454.20 5,454.20
RTV Pirot, Pirot, Serbia Grant for the professional education and training skills 5,429.13 5,429.13
VIN, independent video production group, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production 19,853.15
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 15,917.14 35,770.29
MREŽA, independent video production group, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production 30,149.01 30,149.01
Foundation "Pravo na sliku i reč", video production group, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program coproduction with ANEM 8,341.12 8,341.12
League of Friendship of the Roma of Serbia, Kruševac, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production on Romany language for local TV station 1,198.99 1,198.99
Society for Culture and Education of the Roma “Froli”, Niš, Serbia Grant for the TV – video program production on Roma language for local TV station 5,477.18 5,477.18
"Urbans", video production group, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Grant for the TV – video program co-production with ANEM 3,465.65 3,465.65
TV SkySat Montena, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for the TV – video program co-production with ANEM 4,984.16 4,984.16
TELEVISION 111,824.35


Naša Borba, daily, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the subscription for the World’s news agencies 16,651.44
Grant for the correspondent from Zagreb 3,999.56 20,651.00
Danas, daily, Belgrade - Podgorica, Serbia
Grant for the editing of the daily 62,685.56
Grant for the printing costs 30,804.42
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 15,443.12 108,933.10
Demokratija, daily Belgrade, Serbia Equipment grant 10,009.34 10,009.34
Kosova Sot, daily, Priština, Kosovo Grant for the acquisition of the print paper 9,962.74 9,962.74
Vjesti, daily, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for editing the daily 20,321.16
Grant for the acquisition the print paper 38,854.68
Grant for the subscription for the World’s news agencies 8,298.76 67,474.60
DAILIES 217,030.78

Vreme, weekly, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the journalists research and editing monthly supplement on the theme “Toward the new millennium” and “Corruption” 36,996.79
Grant for the electronic publishing issue “VremeNET” 25,362.63
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 22,004.74 84,364.16
NIN, weekly, Belgrade, Serbia
Grant for the correspondent from Zagreb 11,048.31 11,048.31
Nezavisni, weekly, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Grant for editing the weekly 8,341.12
Grant for the journalists research and editing on different topics 5,004.68 13,345.80
Zeri, weekly in Albaninan, Priština, Kosovo Grant for editing the weekly 22,992.22
Grant for editing the special cultural supplement “Sheshi” 4,545.17 27,537.39
Monitor, weekly, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for editing the weekly 13,642.87
Grant for the Yugoslav agency servicies 2,202.85
Grant for the impovement of the Documentary Centre and the redesign of the layout of the weekly 4,452.72 20,298.44
WEEKLIES 156,594.10

Republika, monthly, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the journalists research and editing on the topic “Defying the authoritarian system – beginning of change” 24,522.80 24,522.80
Evropljanin, magazine, Belgrade – Podgorica, Serbia Grant for printing costs 60,114.62 60,114.62
Ekonomska politika, specialist journal, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the transformation and editing the issue 11,955.29 11,955.29
Nova srpska politička misao, specialist journal, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for editing the issue 13,080.14 13,080.14
Media, media monthly, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for editing the issue of Foundation “Pravo na sliku i reč” and ANEM 4,687.89 4,687.89
Romano Lil, family paper in Gipsian, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for editing the issue 10,550.29 10,550.29
Buka, student paper, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for editing the issue 7,234.47 7,234.47
Evropa plus, specialist journal, Belgrade, Serbia Grant editing the issue of the NGO “European movement” 1,935.39 1,935.39
Teuta, family magazine, Priština, Kosovo Equipment grant 1,667.87 1,667.87
Gazetari. specialist journal, Priština, Kosovo Grant for editing the issue of the School for journalism “Faik Konica” 2,918.77 2,918.77
Omladinski grafiti, paper for youth, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for editing the issue 2,294.63 2,294.63
PRINT TOTAL $514,587.04


Association of the local print media "LOCAL PRESS", Kragujevac, Serbia Grant for acquisition of the print paper for print media and members of Local Press 218,963.82
Grant for the Fund of the Working Capital and Urgent Support 16,765.02
Grant for regular coordination and conferences 20,431.94 256,160.78
Sedmica, local paper, Smedrevo, Serbia Grant for editing the local paper 4,991.51 4,991.51
Novi Dan, local paper, Kučevo, Serbia Grant for editing the local paper 4,183.61 4,183.61
Mlavska Zora, local paper, Petrovac na Mlavi, Serbia Grant for editing the local paper 2,178.42 2,178.42
Kolubara, local paper, Valjevo, Serbia Grant for the project “Youth of Kolubara” 6,024.40 6,024.40
Žig, local paper for Croatians, Subotica, Vojvodina Grant for editing the local paper 1,809.71 1,809.71
Bečejski mozaik, local paper, Bečej, Vojvodina Grant for editing the local paper 4,454.16 4,454.16
Banatske novine, local paper, Vršac, Vojvodina Grant for editing the local paper 4,211.97 4,211.97
Plima, local paper, Ulcinj, Montenegro Grant for editing the local paper 1,835.70 1,835.70
Polje, local paper, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro Grant for editing the local paper 3,167.00 3,167.00
Onogošt Standard, local weekly, Nikšić, Montenegro Grant for editing the local paper 7,246.38 7,246.38
LOCAL PRESS 296,263.64


BETA, news agency, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for subscription for the World’s news agencies as partipation of Beta’s servicies for ANEM members 26,896.01
Grant for the professional education and training skills 4,431.98
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 17,634.85 48,962.84
MONTENAFAX, Podgorica, Montenegro
Grant for the tehnical support and purchase of the equipment and maintenance costs 8,007.47
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 19,834.02 27,841.49
AGENCIES 76,804.33


Center for political studies and general public research, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the journalist research “Effcts ofRadio B 92 program and satellite program by ANEM radio network”, for ANEM 11,171.10 11,171.10
Miloš Mišović, journalist, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the journalist research “Crisis in the NIN weekly” 8,108.36 8,108.36
Naš put, paper of the invalids, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Grant for the journalist research “Information of the citizens of Serbia on the Invalids” 1,732.07 1,732.07
Marketing Agency “Hammer 90”, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Grant for the journalist research “ Analysis of market potentials of the independent dailies in Serbia”, for daily Danas 5,957.92 5,957.92
RESEARCH 26,969.45

Dragan Bisenić, "Naša Borba", Belgrade, Serbia Travel expenses to attend the Conference “New Atlatic initiatives“, Instambul, May 1998.
Travel expenses for reportnig for daily “Naša Borba “ from EU Conference, Salzburg, June 1998 1,242.96 1,242.96
Zoran Stanojević, Belgrade, Serbia Travel expenses to attend the Conference “NetMedia 98 “, London, July 1998 670.00 670.00
Ljubica Marković, Belgrade, Serbia
Travel expenses to attend the Conference “Reporting Diversity “, London, November 1998 970.89 970.89
Mirko Sebić, Novi Sad, Vojvodina Travel expenses to attend the Conference “Reporting Diversity “, London, November 1998 1,006.46 1,006.46
Vesna Pejović, Podgorica, Montenegro Travel expenses to attend the IFJ Conference, Zagreb, June 1998 635.86 635.86
Željko Ivanović, Podgorica, Montenegro Travel expenses to attend the Conference “Reporting Diversity “, London, November 1998 1,031.34 1,031.34
Aleksandra Živanović, Podgorica, Montenegro Travel expenses for reportnig for daily “Pobjeda “ from the Hague Tribunal, the Hague, Decembre 1998 451.68 451.68


Media Center, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the Yugoslav and World’s news agencies servicies 32,817.74
Grant for the operating costs 88,717.40
Grant for the costs of the IFJ conferences “Independent Media and transition toward democracy”, in Belgrade, June 1998. 3,765.80
Grant for the establishing the Media Documentary Centre 54,576.22
Grant for the regular activities of the Press Centre and operating costs for the regular Press Tribune of the Press Centre 32,399.41
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 15,575.13
Grant for the TV – video program co-production with production groups 61,830.89
Grant for establishing the Media Library and taking over the gift (books and equipment) from FOS 31,224.49 320,907.08
NUNS, Independent Journalist Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the operating costs 21,145,65
Grant for the regular activities 6,625.00
Grant for the research and database of the free- lancers 2,904.49
Grant for the editing of “Professional Codex” 2,937.13
Aid for the Fund of the journalist solidarity 3,918.84 27,773.01
Union of the local private RTV “Spektar”, Belgrade, Serbia Grant for the regular activities 2,970.77
Grant for the database of the local private RTV stations 6,035.41
Grant for the extraordinary activities and the campaign for the media freedom 1,508.85 10,515.03
Profesional Journalists Association of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for the regular activities 2,977.00 2,977.00
Ministry of Information of Monte Negro Podgorica, Montenegro Grant for the professional education and training skills in the Albaninan language 1,992.55 1,992.55

Media Library, Belgrade Operating costs
Purchase of books and the subscription for newspaperS and magazines 63,923.69 74,125.35
LIBRARY 74,125.35


DTP Laboratory Equipment, maintenance, expendable supplies and operating costs 14,469.19 14,469.19

Photo and Video Laboratory Equipment, maintenance, expendable supplies and operating costs 7,529.22 7,529.22
Public Relations Press Clipping and subscriptions 16,520.11
Advertisments 3,323.54
Publications, Press conferences, promotions, printing costs 8,024.21
Operating, travel and other staff costs 6,836.75 34,704.61

Adminidtrative costs:$6,488.48

PROGRAM TOTAL: $2,193,624.28

The Program developed its support to various aspects of culture through several categories (in-country touring, cultural events, competitions and festivals, alternative centers network, multimedia programs) and three network cultural programs (Open Society Cultural Link, Performing Arts Network Program and Arts Link). The focus was mainly on the work of independent artists and institutions, whose programs were dealing with new creative forms and helped in their broader development and penetration into cultural life of the country.

The support in establishment and work of the independent cultural centers has proved to be one of the most important achievements of this program. Cinema Rex and Center for Cultural Decontamination from Belgrade and Apostrof from Novi Sad developed their respective programs with the support of the Fund and became the leading cultural institutions in the country, gathering all independent cultural initiatives from the field of theater, film, music, multimedia and literature. Center for Cultural Decontamination was the only Yugoslav representative at the Stockholm Cultural Capital of Europe, Cinema Rex became the full member of the Trans Europe Halles network of the alternative cultural centers and the Association Apostrof developed a unique International Video Art Festival in the country. With the support of the Program a new cultural center was established in Priština, the Open Art House, which will enable broader cultural activities in Kosovo.

In 1998, the Arts and Culture Program initiated a new “in-country touring” program
which focused on cooperation and exchange of cultural programs between the cultural capitals and the local communities. Its aim was to provoke more experimental programs in the local community and represent the achievements of independent institutions and artists, who can hardly reach out to the broader audience in the country.

Thanks to the Open Society Cultural Link Network Program, the 32nd BITEF had participants from Central and Eastern Europe. In cooperation with the Stefan Batory Foundation, Open Society Institute-Prague and Russia, the Fund supported the participation of Teatar Polski, Divadlo Archa and Studio Mejerhold.

With the initiative of the European Cultural Foundation, the Fund launched a new Program “Play against the violence”, an art for social change program, for professional artists and drama theaters which use drama in education in work with young people confronted by violence.

Within Performing Arts Network Program, the Fund initiated the first International Seminar of Contemporary Dance led by foreign professionals. In 1998 two workshops where organized in two weeks with the professional dancers from Novi Sad and Belgrade in Cinema Rex.

The program “In-country touring” focuses on the cooperation and the exchange of the cultural programs between the cultural capitals and the local communities. It aims to provoke more experimental programs in the local community and represent the achievements of the independent institutions and the artists who can hardly reach out to the broader audience in the country.

Supported projects:

In-country touring
1. In-country touring of the annual programs of Cinema Rex in Kragujevac, Niš, Kraljevo and Užice, support for the travel and living expenses of the artists
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $ 4,524.27

2. The series of ballet presentations in Serbia, support for travel expenses of the artists
Grantee: Višnja Đorđević, Belgrade
Award: $ 3,393.20

3. Touring of the exhibition in the towns of Serbia
Grantee: Cultural Center, Belgrade
Award: $2,727.10

4. “Etnomus”, support to the Ethno-music Festival in Jagodina
Grantee: Oliver Djurdjević, Jagodina
Award: $991.28

5. In-country touring of the program of the Network of local cultural centers in Vojvodina, support for travel and living expenses
Grantee: Association “Apostrof”, Novi Sad
Award: $1,983.62

6. Ulcinj Summer Scene, support to the participation of theater “Dodona” from Priština.
Grantee: Cultural center, Ulcinj
Award: $4,461.75

7. “New Hungarian Film”, support for the presentation in Bačka Topola, Senta, Kanjiža, Ada and Bečej
Grantee: Open University, Subotica
Award: $1,199.93

8. BITEF, support for the touring of the performances of Belgrade International Theater Festival in Kruševac and Novi Sad
Grantee: BITEF, Belgrade
Award: $30,462.35

9. “Tašana”, support for the realization of performance at the National Theater of Niš
Grantee: National Theater, Niš
Award: $5,096.27

10. “Zlatan Dudov”, support for the realization of the multimedia exhibition in Dimitrovgrad
Grantee: Cultural Center of the Bulgarian Minority, Dimitrovgrad
Award: Total award: $2,779.79

11. Dialogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Cultural Center of Niš and Association of Drama Artists
Award: $3,335.74

12. “Hamlet all Stars”, support for the realization of the performance in Užice
Grantee: TV5, Užice
Award: $1,528.88

13. “International Festival of Modern Multimedia Art”, support for the realization of the exhibition
Grantee: Studio for Multimedia Art, Odžaci
Award: $2,015.11

Cultural events

1. Support for travel expenses of the National Theater from Mostar to perform in Atelje 212, Belgrade
Grantee: Atelje 212, Belgrade
Award: $ 6,655.35

2. Support to restart the Theater repertory of Yugoslav Drama Theater, Belgrade
Grantee: Yugoslav Drama Theater, Belgrade
Award: $22,385.17

3. “International Review of the Composers” support for the realization of the Festival
Grantee: Association of the Composers of Serbia, Belgrade
Award: $15,609.18

4. “Ring Ring”, support to the International Festival of New Music in Cinema Rex, Belgrade
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $9,065.69

5. Stjepko Gut, support for the series of jazz concerts in Barutana (Powder Magazine), Belgrade
Grantee: Plato, Belgrade
Award: $2,991.68

6. “Jazz improvised music”, support for the realization of the Festival, Kanjiža
Grantee: Youth Cultural Center, Kanjiža
Award: $2,727.10

7. “Jewish Customs -The Life Cycle”, support of the realization of the catalogue
Grantee: Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade
Award: $2,799.45

8. “VideoMedea”, support for the preparation of the Festival of Video Art in Novi Sad
Grantee: Association “Apostrof”, Novi Sad
Award: $4,752.45

9. Second Festival of the Choreographic Miniature, support for the realization of the Festival
Grantee: Association of the Ballet Artists, Belgrade
Award: $684.35

10. St. George Strings, support for the series of concerts
Grantee: St. George Strings, Belgrade
Award: $1,425.73

11. II Biennial of the Scene Design, support for the catalogue
Grantee: Yustat, Belgrade
Award: $7,447.40

12. BELEF, support for the participation of the Macedonian National Theater on the Belgrade Summer Festival
Grantee: Cultural Center, Belgrade
Award: $3,702.91

13. “Decoy”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: National Theater, Belgrade
Award: $8,339.36

14. VideoDance Festival, support for the realization of the lectures and video presentation
Grantee: Council for Artistic Dance, Belgrade
Award: $1.886.65

15. “Essays I-II”, support for the printing costs of collective work of Miloš Crnjanski
Grantee: Miloš Crnjanski Foundation, Belgrade
Award: $4,279.99

16. Exhibition of Ilija Bosilj, at the Ikona Gallery in Venice, Italy
Grantee: Cultural Center, Belgrade
Award: $14,270.63

17. FIAT, support for the realization of the International Alternative Theater Festival in Podgorica
Grantee: DODEST, Podgorica
Award: $22.704,05
Competitions and Festivals - support to young talents and distinguished art institutions to participate at international festivals, competitions and short study or training courses abroad.

1. Aleksandra Ilić, travel and living expenses for Vienna, for the presentation of the performance “Salome” of the Yugoslav Drama Theater
Award: $3,021.00

2. Milica Stojanović, travel grant to attend the exhibition “Arts in Transition: Literature and Visual Arts of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe since 1989”, at the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
Award: $620.19

3. Dunja Vukosavović, travel grant to participate at the audition at the Julliard School
Award: $572.00

4. DODEST Theater, travel grant to perform at the Nuovo Theater-Napoli, Italy, with the “Beckett Dream” and “Tobelije”
Award: Total award: $4945.39

5. Dušana Nikolić, travel grant to attend the Lithuanian International Theater Festival in Vilnius,
Award: $1158.00

6. Aleksandar Dimitrijević, travel grant for study visit in Vienna
Award: $173.47

7. Vladimir Radišić and Jovan Trkulja, travel grant to attend the workshop at the Media Department of the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland

8. Miljana Ivanković, travel grant to participate at the Nikolai Rubinstein Music International Competition, in Paris, France
Award: $826.00

9. Andrej Jovanović, grant for the study stay at the Royal Academy of Music, London
Award: $2,753.00

10. Marija Janković, travel grant to attend International Competition for Dancers “Prix de Lauseanne” and International Seminar-Dancers for 21st Century, in Hague
Award: $543.09

11. Miloš Popović, travel expenses to attend International Competition of Young Pianists “S.V. Rachmaninoff”, Novgorod, Russia
Award: $543.00

12. Mladen Čolić, travel expenses to attend International Competition of Young Pianists “S.V. Rachmaninoff”, Novgorod, Russia
Award: 541.00

13. Dalija Danilović, travel expenses to attend the study stay at the Centre Choreographique National du Havre, Haute Normandie
Award: 390.30

14. Tanja Petrović, travel grant to attend Berlin International Film Festival
Award: $500.00

15. Zeljko Štrbac, travel grant to attend International Music Competition of the Jeunesses Musicales in Bucharest, Rumania
Award: $140.59

16. Elena Šever, grant for living expenses and competition fee to attend International Music Competition of the Jeunesses Musicales in Bucharest, Rumania
Award: $766.00

17. Orfeas Skultelis, travel grant to attend 21st International Public Television Screening Conference-INPUT 98, in Stuttgart, Germany
Award: $ 736.21

18. Vedran Vučić, travel grant to attend lectures at the IEAR Studios at the Rensselaer Institute-Department for the Arts, New York
Award: $570.00

19. Aleksandra Vrebalov, travel grant to attend McDowell Music Colony, in Peterborough, USA
Award: $478.00

20. Vanja Ejdus, living expenses to attend Philippe Gaulier School, London, UK
Award: Total award: $1401.00

21. Maja Apostolska and Ivana Todorović, travel grant to attend International Music Competition in Rome, Italy
Award: $492.77

22. Gordan Paunović, travel grant to attend SONARA 98 Festival, in Barcelona, Spain
Award: $845.00

23. Petar Ćuković, travel grant to attend Second Biennial of Contemporary Art-Manifesto, Luxembourg
Award: $578.02

24. Maja Bulatović, travel grant to attend Macintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow
Award: $578.02

25. Maja Repić, travel grant to attend Aspen Music Festival, USA
Award: Total award: $959.62

26. Drita Dida, grant for the participation at the International Violinist Seminar, in Ohrid, Macedonia
Award: $917.94

27. Alberta Troni, grant for living expenses at the Summer Academy Chigiana, Siena, Italy
Award: $556.33

28. Marija Jovanović, travel grant to participate at the Idyllwild Summer Academy Program, Los Angeles, USA
Award: $776.63

29. Katarina Jovanović, travel grant to attend Summer Music Academy of Robin Bowman in Nice
Award: $480.11

30. Jovana Milosavljević, travel grant to attend International Summer Ballet Academy, Varna, Bulgaria
Award: $ 302.64

31. Theater troupe Torpedo, travel grant to attend Summer Festival in Skopje, with the performance “Ethno Circus”
Award: $891.26

32. Zorica Stanojević, grant to attend Summer School “Mozarteum” in Salzburg
Award: $556.33

33. Jovana Nikolić, travel grant to attend X International Music Masterclass, in Piestany, Slovak Republic
Award: $ 389.43

34. Association “Apostrof”, travel grant for Ms. Roxana Trestioreanu (Romania) and Ms. Barbara Konopka (Poland), the participants of “Crossing over II”, the Festival of New Video Art
Award: $858.97

35. Monika Nagy Teleki, travel grant to attend the International Summer Music Academy, in Feldkirchen, Austria
Award: $439.83

36. Bojana Milenković, grant for living expenses at the Summer Academy Chigiana, Siena, Italy
Award: $556.33

37. Dragan Miletić, travel grant to participate at the study stay at the San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, USA
Award: Total award: $1,111.54

38. Dah Theater, travel grant to attend International Theater Festival Brouhaha, in Liverpool
Award: $1696.95

39. Larisa Blažić, travel grant to attend Web Art Seminar Polar Circuit 2, Tornio, Finland
Award: $556.33

40. Predrag Milojković, Travel grant to attend V International Herbstakademie Masterclass, in Bern
Award: $686.51

41. Ivana Momčilović, travel grant to attend the Meeting “How the West Sees the East” in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $390.00

42. Illka Isterfi, grant for living expenses at the Summer Academy Chigiana, Siena, Italy
Award: $552.00

43. Arber Dhomi, Living expenses to attend the Summer School Montclair State University-Music Department

44. Miloš Đajić, Travel expenses to attend the International Cellist Competition “Gaspar casado”, Saragossa, Spain
Award: $468.69

45. Association of the Composers, Belgrade, Travel grant for Tanja Petrović to attend the International Academy for New Composition and Audio Art, in Schawz, Austria
Award: $524.39

46. Neda Hofman, Travel grant to attend entering audition for Hochschule fur Musik, Kologne
Award: $472.95

47. Tatjana Milošević, Travel grant to attend the Masterclass for the composers with the ensemble “Voix Nouvelles”, Paris
Award: $319.51

48. Jelena Đajić, Travel grant to attend the Intrnational Pianists Competition in Porto, Portugal
Award: $444.92

49. New Art Forum, Novi Sad, Travel grant to attend the International Competition for Young Musicians, in Dusseldolf
Award: $ 1,827.90

50. Jelena Vujović, Travel grant to attend the Gulliver’s Connect Meeting, in Vienna, Austria
Award: $470.07

51. Jasna Veličković, Travel grant to attend 4th International Meeting of the Composers, in Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Award: $286.84

52. Visar Muliqi, Living expenses to attend the Hochshulegemeinde, in Graz, Austria.
Award: $ 1,087.55

53. Bojan Đorđević, Travel grant to attend the WOMEX, World Wide Expo, in Stokholm
Award: $558.73

54. Katarina Živanović, Travel grant to attend Trans Europe Halles Meeting, in Barcelona
Award: $429.00

55. Andrej Aćin, Travel grant to attend the Finalist Film Composers Competition Casque D’Or, in Paris
Award: $431.84

56. Gordana Lebović, Dijana Milošević, Slobodan Beštić, Igor Dobričić, Ivana Despotović and Dragan Marković, Travel grand to attend “Art for Social Change” Seminar of the European Cultural Foundation in Primorsko, Bulgaria
Award: $1,819.99

57. Dalija Danilović, Travel grant to perform with the Jackson’s Lane Theater in London
Award: $375.03

58. Miloje Popović, Travel grant to attend the International Fano Film Festival, in Fano, Italy
Award: $619.60

59. Jovan Ćirilov, Travel grant to attend the Meeting of the European Theater Union, in Stockholm
Award: $883.18

60. Isidora Stanišić, Travel grant to attend the 5th International Dance Competition, in Paris
Award: $334.84

61. Zoran and Svetlana Popović, Travel grant to attend 9th International Documentary Film Festival in Lisbon, Portugal
Award: $1,185.55

62. Želimir Gvardiol, Travel grant to attend the 6th FORUM for International Co-Financing of Documentaries, representing the film “The Fates” in Amsterdam
Award: $468.37

63. Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Travel grant for Mr. Luc Baele and Mr. Brian Holmes to attend the Seminar “How the West Sees the East” in Belgrade
Award: $1,181.37

64. Anica Vučetić, Living expenses to attend short term study at the Ludwig Forum for International Art in Ahen, Germany
Award: $918.18

65. BITEF, Travel grant for Athens, Dusseldorf, Paris and Sofia for the preparation of the selection of 33rd BITEF
Award: $2,040.58

66. Miloš Đorđević, Living expenses for the short term study at the Conservatory Maurice Ravel, in Paris
Award: $1,020.20

67. Snežana Nešić, Travel grant to attend short term study at the Hochschule fur Musik, Hanover
Award: $386.21

68. Igor Antić, Travel grant to attend “La Chambre Blanche”-artists residence program, in Quebec, Canada
Award: $1,330.68

69. Premil Petrović, Living expenses to attend the short term study at the Praxis Studio Walliser & Hochschule Kunst, Berlin
Award: $1,008.79

70. Danica Jovović Prodanović, Travel expenses to attend the meeting on the project “De Valigia”, in Amsterdam
Award: $388.27

71. Milan Puzić, Living expenses to attend the Nipkow Fellowship Program in Berlin, Germany
Award: $797.12

72. Minja Višekruna
Award: $1,805.00
Alternative centers network, is the part of the Program dealing with the development of the independent cultural centers network in the country and supports the independent cultural initiatives in the field of visual arts, music, film, video art in the frame of these institutions.

1. Touring of the performance “Macbeth” by Sonja Vukićević in Erfurt, Germany
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $855.00

2. “Class Enemy”, grant for the realization of the performance within studio for young artists
Grantee: Studio of the Belgrade Drama Theater
Award: $10,334.30

3. “Streetcar Named Desire”, grant for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Youth Center, Pirot
Award: $3,324.74

4. DODEST, institutional grant for the realization of the annual program (student performances, exhibitions)
Grantee: Cultural Association DODEST, Podgorica
Award: $13,298.98

5. “Case of Helen Keller”, grant for the realization of the performance in Cinema Rex, Belgrade
Grantee: Dah Theater, Belgrade
Award: $4,071.85

6. “How the West Sees the East”, grant for the realization of the international artistic gathering in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $9,048.55

7. “Open Sensitivity”, support for the multimedia project gathering ten young visual artists
Grantee: Cultural Center, Pančevo
Award: $2,435.72

8. “Djulistan/Djulistana”, support for the realization of performance
Grantee: Autonomous Women Center, Belgrade
Award: $2,719.71

9. “Institute for Change of Destiny”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Theater Mimart, Belgrade
Award: $1,223.41

10. Institutional grant for the operating cost of the Cultural Association Apostrof
Grantee: Cultural Association Apostrof, Novi Sad
Award: $3,535.62

11. Jean Genet, support for the realization of the performance in Bitef Theater
Grantee: Ister Theater, Belgrade
Award: $2,499.84

12. Series of street concerts, realized by alternative music bands in Belgrade
Grantee: Association “Maniac”, Belgrade
Award: $1,363.55

13. “Brechtiana”, support for the series of street actions in the honor of Bertold Brecht
Grantee: Cultural Center, Belgrade
Award: $3,465.81

14. “Belgrade School of Animation Film”, support for the realization of the video
Grantee: Cultural Center, Belgrade
Award: $2,524.09

15. Academic Theater “Promena”, support for the equipment
Grantee: Academic Theater “Promena”, Novi Sad
Award: $1,376.78

16. “Biennial of the Young Artists-Vršac”, support for the realization of the exhibition
Grantee: Cultural Center “Konkordija”, Vršac
Award: $3,671.41

17. “Culture of the Clubs”, support for the realization of the open literature lectures
Grantee: Independent Multimedia Studio “Itaka”, Bečej
Award: $2,753.56

18. “Systole” and “Immigrants”, support for the realization of the performances
Grantee: National Theater, Đakovica
Award: $1,861.33

19. “Broken April”, “The Characters” and “I did not bring Doruntina”, support for the realization of the performances of the Albanian playwrights.
Grantee: Theater “Sythi”, Priština
Award: $4,187.99

20. “Powder Keg” support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Independent Theater “Kostolanji”, Subotica
Award: $10,620.28

21. Dodona Art Gallery to the public - institutional grant for the realization of the annual program of visiting artists
Grantee: Gallery Dodona, Priština
Award: $7,631.46

22. “Presence”, grant for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Scene “Borhesia”, Priština
Award: $1,861.33

23. Institutional grant for performing arts annual program of the Dodona Art Center (“Medea”, “Nora”, “Mandragola”)
Grantee: Theater Dodona, Priština
Award: $4,653.33

24. “Short history of electronic art”, support for the lectures in Cinema Rex by international lecturers, Belgrade
Grantee: Cinema Rex, Belgrade
Award: $3,530.00

25. “Founding of the Essay Prize Babel”, grant for the competition for the best novel in the Hungarian language
Grantee: Art Center Silver Janos, Novi Sad
Award: $1,416.87

26. BITEF, grant for the participation of Theater Polski, from Worclaw
Grantee: BITEF, Belgrade
Award: $843.00

27. “Internet Art Center”, “Blue Theater”, “Peter Pan Theater”, “Low Fi Video Festival”, “PrintLine”, “International Festival of the New Video”, grant for realization of the programs in Cinema Rex
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $35,719.38

28. “Bizarre moment”, grant for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Art club, Ulcinj
Award: $1,900.98

29. “Data Document”, support for the series of lectures in electronic art
Grantee: Association Apostrof, Novi Sad
Award: $2,623.35

30. “The Last Medal”,support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Association Dodest, Podgorica
Award: $8,311.86

31. “AlterFest”, support for the Festival of alternative artists in Požarevac
Grantee: Radio Bum93, Požarevac
Award: $6,742.25

32. “Airings”, support for the exhibition of the Macedonian artists in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $2,166.58

33. “Listen little man”, support for the satellite broadcast of the performance from Stockholm
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $6,349.62

34. “The trail”, “Alzheimer” and “Listen little man”, travel grant for the participation of the performances in Stockholm - Cultural Capital of Europe
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $12,675.75

35. “Eva Braun”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $1,861.85

36. “Dream of Flying”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Beton hala teatar, Belgrade
Award: $4,753.36

37. “Hamlet All Stars”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Independent TV5, Užice
Award: $3,281.06

38. ”Kosovo”, grant for the realization of the documentary film
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $1,874.89

39. “Duldung”, exhibition of photographs of the Roma minority living in Berlin
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $1,312.42

40. “Ferdinand Richard and the Diplomats”, support for the realization of the concert
Grantee: Bojan Đorđević,Belgrade
Award: $830.61

41. “The burned drum”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Actors Studio, Priština
Award: $2,852.70

42. ”The Story about the Soldier”, support for the Opera in Cinema Rex
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $3,877.04

43. ”Zid Theater”, touring of the Theater from Amsterdam in Cinema Rex
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $1,845.83

44. “The Story of a Young Man and 1000 Angels”, support for the realization of the performance in Cinema Rex
Grantee: Omen Group, Belgrade
Award: $3,179.82

45. ”Travelers”, support for the realization of the performance in Cinema Rex
Grantee: Dah Theater, Belgrade
Award: $3,038.64

46. XZ – equipment grant consisting in computer and scenner the XZ, magazine for urban culture
Grantee: XZabava, Belgrade
Award: $2,584.71

Institutional grant for independent cultural center “Open Art House”, Priština
Grantee: Open Art House, Priština
Award: $22,515.79

48. Institutional grant for Serbian Pen Center, Belgrade
Grantee: Serbian Pen Center, Belgrade
Award: $7,143.28

49. “Zeta barely flowed”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Youth Theater, Priština
Award: $1,195.53

50. Listen little man, grant for the copyrights for the book
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $1,000.00

51. Institutional grant for the independent cultural center, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, for the realization of the annual program of exhibitions, performances, debates, programs
Grantee: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Award: $37,514.75

52. Institutional grant for independent cultural center Cinema Rex, Belgrade for the realization of the annual program of exhibitions, performances, debates, programs
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade
Award: $24,908.58
Multimedia projects, the program aims to gather the annual programs of distinguished cultural institutions, groups of artists or individuals from the field of film, theater, music and multimedia.

1. “Japan”, support for the realization of presentation of the Japanese art - the exhibition of the Theater posters and Japanese Summer Festival
Grantee: Association of the Japanese-Montenegrin Friendship
Award: $1,447.54

2. “Open literature club- Argentina”, support to the series of literature debates
Grantee: Cultural Association Argentina, Nikšić
Award: $7,620.38

3. “Night rose....”, support for the recording of the CD
Grantee: Miodrag Bole Bošković, Podgorica
Award: $723.89

4. “History of Comics in Serbia”, support for the research work
Grantee: Slobodan Ivkov, Belgrade
Award: $1,809.71

5. “Waiting for Godot”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Sonja Savić, Belgrade
Award: $2,601.46

6. “Ludus”, support for printing costs for the Theater magazine
Grantee: Association of the Drama Artists of Serbia, Belgrade
Award: $4,840.98

7. “Architectural forms of cultural heritage”, support for the realization of CD-ROM
Grantee: Amfis, Belgrade
Award: $4,510.60

8. ”Workshop 301”, support for the realization of the annual program of the workshops for the students of architecture
Grantee: Branko Pavić and Dragan Jelenković, Belgrade
Award: $5,412.72

9. “D l would be nice”, support for the music CD
Grantee: Slobodan Boda Ninković
Award: $906.57

10. “Retrospective of Tibor Bada”, support for the realization of the exhibition
Grantee: Tibor Bada, Novi Sad
Award: $272.71

11. “Andjela”, support for the realization of the short film
Grantee: Igor Stoimenov, Belgrade
Award: $543.94

12. CD of Srđan Bulatović, support for the recording of the music CD
Grantee: Srđan Bulatović, Podgorica
Award: $727.23

13. ”Košava”, support for printing costs of the cultural magazine
Grantee: Magazine “Košava”
Award: $2,753.56

14. “Vampasan”, support for the realization of the film
Grantee: Olivera Miloš Todorović, Belgrade
Award: $1,376.78

15. “Servus Europe”, “Rock Therapy” and “Greek territory in Yugoslavia”
Grantee: Fiks-Fokus, Belgrade
Award: $4,589.26

16. “The Greatest Hits”, support for the realization of the CD-ROM
Grantee: Art group Apsolutno, Novi Sad
Award: $6,424.97

17. “The last one”, support for the studio recording of the ethno-music group
Grantee: Aleksandar Subotić, Belgrade
Award: $458.93

18. “The last campaign of old axes on young forest”, support for the realization of the film
Grantee: Mihailo Sekulić, Belgrade
Award: $1,376.78

19. “Yugoslav competition for the best graphic design”, support for the printing costs of the catalogue
Grantee: Printing Collective, Belgrade
Award: $4,405.69

20. “Syndicate Škart”, support for the realization of the artistic coupons and posters for street actions
Grantee: Art group Škart, Belgrade
Award: $2,450.66

21. “Balkan asymmetry”, support for the realization of the ethno-music CD
Grantee: Dragomir Milenković, Niš
Award: $458.93

22. “Incognito”, support for the realization of the film
Grantee: Snežana Gnjidić, Belgrade
Award: $1,163.33

23. ”Purgation”, support for the multimedia project
Grantee: Visar Mulliqi and Fatos Berisha, Priština
Award: $1,861.33

24.”Nothing like the Sun”, support for the realization of the music CD
Grantee: Group asgjesikur dielli, Priština
Award: $1,209.87

25. “So-and-So”, support for the realization of the music CD
Grantee: Srce Male Rode, Vršac
Award: $ 930.67

26. “Waiting for Judgment Day”, support for the realization of the film
Grantee: Zoran Đorđević, Valjevo
Award: $1,861.33

27. “Synergy 5”, support for the realization of the music CD
Grantee: Jasminka Stančul and Quintet Synergy, Novi Sad
Award: $ 962.31

28. “You... in and out of time”, support for the realization of video workshop
Award: $ 3,257.33

29. ”Veil”, support for the realization of the video
Grantee: Zoran Naskovski, Belgrade
Award: $2,236.66

30. “Series of tape concerts”, support for the video presentation
Grantee: Rafet Rudi, Priština
Award: $ 1,302.93

31. “Maritime”, support for the realization of the performance
Grantee: Nataša Šarić, Pančevo
Award: $ 2,180.00

32. “Security”, grant for the realization of the video
Grantee: Milica Tomić, Belgrade
Award: $ 3,257.33

33. “The Nineties”, support for the printing costs for the book of photographs
Grantee: Aleksandar Dragutinović, Belgrade
Award: $1,703.08

34. “Art at the end of the century”, support for the series of exhibitions and promotions of the book, gathering curators and the artists
Grantee: Clio, Belgrade

35. “Model”, support for the realization of the documentary film
Grantee: Goran Radovanović, Belgrade
Award: Total award: $1,416.87

36. “Audiovisual synthesis”, support for the realization of the multimedia exhibition and the concert in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Grantee: Vladimir Tošić, Belgrade
Award: $478.90

37. “Series of the concerts of Albanian artists”, support for the realization of the concert
Grantee: Association of the Music Artists of Kosovo, Priština
Award: $5,624.67

38. “Series of solo concerts in Kosovo”, support for the travel costs and renting of the space
Grantee: M. Shala, Priština
Award: $ 749.96

39. “CD of Isidor Bajić”, support for the CD of five compositions for cello
Grantee: Tibor Hardig, Novi Sad
Award: $ 617.82

40. “Lettering”, the exhibition of the posters of non-commercial graphic design
Grantee: Siniša Vlajković, Belgrade
Award: $1,412.18

41. “Trail”, support for the realization of the documentary film
Grantee: Dragan Mrdović, Bečej
Award: $1,412.18

42. “Meeting of poets - women writing”, support for the realization of the workshop of comics
Grantee: Women’s alternative scene Luna, Vršac
Award: $1,033.24

43. “Rock express”, equipment grant for the rock magazine
Grantee: Rock express, Belgrade
Award: $2,062.91

44. “Diary of one film “, support for printing costs for the book by Srđan Karanović
Grantee: Faculty of Drama Arts, Belgrade
Award: $2,792.78

45. “Two Kings and One Queen”, support for the documentary film
Grantee: Atlas Film, Belgrade
Award: $1,312.13

46. “Magnet 3”, support for the realization of the book about the artistic group Magnet
Grantee: Miroslav Nune Popović, Belgrade
Award: $9,295.32

47. “XZ”, support for printing costs of the urban magazine
Grantee: XZabava, Belgrade
Award: $7,227.44

48. “The reconstruction of the crime”, support for the multimedia exhibition in Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Grantee: Led Art, Novi Sad
Award: $1,596.06

49. “Crazy game”, support for the documentary film
Grantee: Act studio, Priština
Award: $10,892.81

50. Equipment grant for Institute for Albanology, for forming of the phono-library
Grantee: Institute for the Albanology, Priština
Award: $5,497.90

51. “The short history of the electronic art - II part”, support for the realization of the video
Grantee: Miša Savić,Belgrade
Award: $1,494.24

52. “CD of Maja Jokanović”, support for the realization of CD
Grantee: CLIO, Belgrade
Award:: $2,697.10

53. “Recognition”, support for realization of the multimedia performance of group “Baza”
Grantee: Association Apostrof, Novi Sad
Award: $996.27

Administrative costs: $9,624.37

As a program which promotes cultural events and cooperation between the Foundations, OSCL became one of the most developed programs within the Soros Network. The Open Society Cultural Link developed the cultural exchange in all fields of culture and arts in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and incited the cooperation among the artists from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia. At the same time the OSCL supported the most important international cultural events in the country, with the support for the visiting participants from the Central and Eastern European countries.

- Participating projects

1. Bojan Bošković and group Complete Failure, travel expenses to attend Music Festival “Forever young forever punk-Enjoy music not drugs”, in Macedonia
Award: $307.23

2. Dom omladine-Cultural exchange Belgrade-Maribor, Travel expenses for 42 artists participating at the Kibla Multimedia Center
Award: $6600.00

3. Srdjan Karanović, travel expenses to Ljubljana to take part in the Film Seminar
“Show your tongue”
Award: $302.51

4. Ujvideki Sinhaz Theater, travel expenses to attend “ Hungarian Days in Banat”
Award: $2303,81

5. Atelje 212, travel expenses to Skopje for participation at the Drama Theater
with the performances “Taking sides” and “Art”

6. Vesna Tokin, travel expenses to attend the Festival of the Young Independent Artists-
Break 21, Ljubljana
Award: $102.70

7. Saša Rakezić, travel expenses to attend the Festival of the Young Independent Artists-
Break 21, Ljubljana

8. Nikola Vitković, Travel expenses to attend the Festival of the Young Independent Artists-
Break 21, Ljubljana
Award: $184.15

9. Damir Smidt, travel expenses to attend the Festival of the Young Independent Artists-
Break 21, Ljubljana
Award: $188.09

10. Ivan Grubanov, travel expenses to attend the Festival of the Young Independent Artists-
Break 21, Ljubljana
Award: $85.32

11. Troup Torpedo - Darjan Mihajlović, travel costs to attend the Festival Slavonic Theater in the Suitcase, in Borgas, Bulagaria
Award: $1,516.31

12. Boban Dedejić, travel grant for actress Ružica Sokić to perform mono-drama “All my women” in Prague
Award: $1,377.74

13. Branko Cvejić, travel grant for Yugoslav Drama Theater to participate at the Festival Kontakt, in Torun, Poland
Award: $4,484.00

14. Branko Baletić, travel grant to attend “Show your tongue” Seminar, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: $301.89

15. Saša Rakezić and Danilo Milošev, travel grant to attend the Comics Workshop, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Award: $52.91

16. Nikola Džafo, Travel grant for the art group LED ART to attend the workshop at the Center for Metamedia, in Plasy, Czech Republic

17. Ljudmila Stratimirović, travel grant for the “Hat Theater” to take part at the International Summer Festival ThornFest, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: Total award: $788.53

18. Vladimir Ćuković and Kalmar Timea, travel grant to attend the 14th camp of Music Youth -Youth String Orchestra, in Dolenjske Toplice, Slovenia
Award: Total award: $185.35

19. Jasna Veličković, travel grant to attend the 3th International Composer Course in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Award: $251.85

20. Nenad Jovanović, travel grant to participate at the “Days of poetry and wine” in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: $121.10

21. BITEF, travel grant for Tvorčeski Centre “Mejerholjd” from Moscow to take part in BITEF Festival
Award: $4,999.74

22. Dragoslav Ružić, travel grant for the group URGH to take part at the V Anniversary of Metelkova City, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: Total award: $631.55

23. Tanja Arsenov, travel grant for the group “Inner Rebellion” to take part at the V Anniversary of Metelkova City, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: $375.22

24. Nataša Šarić, travel grant to take part at the V Anniversary of Metelkova City, in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Award: $90.52

25. Slobodan Naumović, travel grant to attend the Astra Film Festival, in Sibiu, Romania
Award: $92.65

26. Janko Baljak, travel grant to attend Festival of Documentary Film “Meetings in Syberia”, in Novosibirsk, Russia.
Award: $669.23

27. Ksenija Dinjaski, travel grant to attend Eurodans98 in Iasi, Romania,
Award: $309.26

28. Nikola Radić, travel grant to attend 11th Tallinn Print Triennial, in Tallin, Estonia
Award: $1,424.82

29. Branko Golubović, Travel grant for the rock group “Goblini” to participate at the “Arrival” Festival-European Youth Music Event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Award: $98.00

30. Petar Ristić, travel grant for the rock group “Atheist Rap” to participate at the “Arrival” Festival-European Youth Music Event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Award: $251.95

31. Vesna Manojlović, travel grant to attend Junction Syndicate Meeting, during the Electronic Art Festival, in Skopje, Macedonia
Award: $21.96

32. Katarina Živanović and Siniša Rogić, travel grant to attend Junction Syndicate Meeting, during the Electronic Art Festival, in Skopje, Macedonia
Award: $70.54

33. Ana Ponjavić, travel grant to attend InterFest-Bitola, Festival of the Classical Music, Bitola, Macedonia
Award: $63.44

34. Danijela Ilić, travel grant to attend InterFest-Bitola, Festival of the Classical Music, Bitola, Macedonia
Award: $32.15

35. Milena Popov, travel grant to attend the Summer Academy for Performing Arts, in Sofia, Bulgaria
Award: $100.51

36. Ivana Indjin and Aleksandar Mladjenović, travel grant to attend the Summer Academy for Performing Arts, in Sofia, Bulgaria
Award: $194.03

37. Dejan Garboš and Milena Stanojević, travel grant to attend the Summer Academy for Performing Arts, in Sofia, Bulgaria
Award: $259.39

38. Center for Cultural Decontamination, travel grant to attend the Festival for Young Theater “Neighboring voices” in Sofia
Award: $2,217.60

39. Tatjana Brzaković, travel grant to take part at the Prague Indies 2nd International Film Festival, taking place in Prague, Czech Republic
Award: $552.66

40. Dubravka Mijatović, travel grant to take part at the Prague Indies 2nd International Film Festival, in Prague, Czech Republic
Award: Total award: $303.03

41. Ivan Medenica, travel grant to attend the International Meeting of Theater Directors “Slavianskij bazar-101”, within the frame of the Festival NET-New European Theater, in Moscow, Russia
Award: $871.74

42. Novica Antić, travel grant to attend the International Meeting of Theater Directors “Slavianskij bazar-101”, within the frame of the Festival NET-New European Theater, in Moscow, Russia
Award: $575.10

43. Ana Miljanić, travel grant to attend the International Meeting of Theater Directors “Slavianskij bazar-101”, within the frame of the Festival NET-New European Theater, in Moscow, Russia
Award: $435.13

44. Dah Theater, Travel grant to attend Festival Multicultural Week, in Maribor, Slovenia
Award: $541.97

45. Association “Akcija”, travel grant for “Partbrejkers” to realize the concert in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Award: $595.38

46. Janko Baljak, Saša Davić and Balint Szombaty, travel grant to attend “Balkan answer- Festival of the Video”, in St. Petersburg, Russia
Award: $1,617.18

47. Mehmet Behluli, travel grant to attend the Onufri International Exhibition, in Tirana, Albania
Award: $771.03

48. Milena Dragićević Šešić, Travel grant and honorarium for the meeting of the Arts and Culture Task Force
Award: $1,089.70
(should be allocated)

Hosting projects

1. INFANT, grant for the realization of the International Alternative Theater Festival INFANT, in Novi Sad
Grantee: Cultural center of Novi Sad
Award: $4,487.10

2. “Crossing over”, grant for the realization of the Workshop and Festival of the New Video, in Novi Sad, from July 1 to 15, 1998
Grantee: Association Apostrof, Novi Sad
Award: $6,139.82

3. BITEF, grant for the participation of Teatar Polski, Divadlo Archa and Studio Mejerhold at the 32nd Belgrade International Theater Festival, Belgrade.
Grantee: BITEF Theater, Belgrade
Award: Total award: $10,151.83

4. BELEF, grant for the participation of the Islamic project within Belgrade Summer Festival, from August 25 to 28, 1998
Grantee: Dom Omladine, Belgrade
Award: $1,874.89

5. Atelje 212, grant for the hosting of the performance of the Macedonian Drama Theater, Skopje at the Theater Atelje 212, Belgrade
Grantee: Atelje 212, Belgrade
Award: $3,238.53

6. Cinema Rex, grant for the participation of the of the new art scene from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia
Grantee: Radio B92, Belgrade

7. Video Medea, grant for the realization of the III Festival of the Women’s Video and travel grant for Ms. Mare Tralla, from Estonia to attend VideoMedea Festival
Grantee: Association Apostrof, Novi Sad
Award: $6,491.70
TOTAL: $80,694.11

The Civil Society program of the Fund for an Open Society with its focal point, the NGO Development program has been led with particular attention in 1998, as the civil society program is, together with the media and education programs, the Fund's priority program in 1998 and 1999.
The significance of "civil" activities and activists became even more apparent in 1998 in the context of the drastic deterioration of the political situation in the country, extreme radicalization of all segments of the society and unprecedented oppression of each and every segment of society – media, university, student initiatives, to name but the few most notorious cases.

Civil activities and various means of civic self-organizing gained momentum following the massive civil protest in the winter of 1996/97. It is very encouraging to stress that almost all of these organizations managed to survive and develop numerous activities even when the initial enthusiasm of the protest was gone. The Fund for an Open Society supported these activities both directly, financially, but also indirectly – with the help of the Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector, an NGO "umbrella" organization which facilitated the process of establishing these organizations and helped them find their place in the NGO field as relevant forces and activists at the local level.

The NGO Development program in 1998 paid particular attention to the projects submitted by local nongovernment organizations from smaller out-of-capital regions. These smaller grassroot organizations which emerged on the NGO scene since 1996/97 continued to offer quality and well-structured projects, focusing their interest on the actual problems of the local community. The effect of supporting these organizations is manifold: the organizations themselves are strengthened and they gain self-confidence and readiness to, in a more serious and focused way work on their projects. Also, the local community is given the possibility to engage in some processes of change, rethink some stereotypes and widen its perspectives.

On of the focal points of the NGO Development program in 1998 was widening the activities of the Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector. This NGO continued to spread its influence and activities throughout FRY in 1998. One of the most successful projects supported this year was the First NGO Forum, which brought together representatives of all NGOs in the country. The Forum opened many burning issues in the field of NGO activities, and was a unique opportunity to evaluate the NGO sector since the "awakening" of this sphere in FRY. By the end of the year, NGOs in Montenegro held their own NGO Forum, focusing on specific issues in a different, much less hostile environment of Montenegro. One of the spin-off effects of the Forum was to bring together a few NGOs from Serbia and Vojvodina to set up a multidisciplinary project "NGOs – the Sector of the Future".

Following the very successful model of the Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector, we have supported the establishment of the Center for the Development of Civil Society in Priština. This organization will serve as an "umbrella" NGO for wide ranging civil initiatives in Kosovo. We also hope to see many more NGO activities in Kosovo and believe that the setting up of the Center for the Development of Civil Society will inspire other local organizations to come forward, articulate their programs and strengthen the very fragile civil society network in Kosovo.

In this context, the Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector in FRY plans to in 1999 open a few regional offices (in Podgorica, Vršac and Kragujevac) to support local NGO networks.

Projects awardes with support:

1. Promotion Workshop: Incubation Model Center
Grantee: District 0230, Kikinda
The grant supported the project aimed at animation, education and solidarity of citizens of Kikinda to develop entrepreneurship and self-employment.
Award: $5,013.96

2. Building of Nongovernment Democratic Institutions in FRY
Grantee: Center for Non Profit Sector, Belgrade
The aim of the project was to support the development and stabilization of activities of nongovernment organizations in Yugoslavia, in order to improve the development of civic initiatives and civil society.
Award: $50,207.27

3. Regular Activities
Grantee: Association for the Study of Foreign Policy, Kotor
The Association is a nongovernment and nonprofit organization which main purpose is to acquire, develop and expand the knowledge about foreign policy; to improve education in the field of foreign policy, to conduct foreign policy research in cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions and to publish scientific and expert works in the field.
Award: $1,795.36

4. Virtual Guide to an Open Society, Experiences of Transition to Democracy, Developed Civil society an Modern market Economy in Central an Eastern Europe
Grantee: Center for Strategic Studies, Belgrade
The aim of the project is to support new communication-information technologies in the activities of nongovernment and nonprofit organizations, in order to achieve the improvement of culture of civil society in FR Yugoslavia, improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of their activities, improvement of communication and cooperation of nongovernment and nonprofit organizations of FR Yugoslavia with similar international organizations.
Award: $14,628.88

5. First Forum of Non Government Organizations
Grantee: Fund Center for Democracy, Belgrade
The first Forum of nongovernment organizations was held in Belgrade, on June 11-13, 1998 with 140 national NGO representatives and 10 international nonprofit organizations participating. The Forum was organized by the Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector (Belgrade), Fund Center for Democracy (Belgrade) and Open University (Subotica). The reason behind the organization of the Forum was the belief in the necessity of bringing Yugoslav nongovernment organizations together, for a variety of reasons. As the number of NGOs in Yugoslavia is constantly increasing, especially in small local communities, the need was identified for their closer cooperation, exchange of experiences and networking. Also, having in mind the current level of nonprofit sector's development, the organizers were of opinion that it was necessary to examine the basic systematic, status, legal and organizational problems nongovernment organizations are facing in their work and to offer concrete solutions.
Award: $42,678.17

6. Establishment of an Educational Service Agency
Grantee: Center for Research and Development of Education and Culture, Belgrade
The aim of the project was to enable citizens to participate in democratic processes, to ensure equal access to information from different domains of education – educational resources, legislature in the field of education and rights granted by legislation.
Award: $3,800.39

7. European Union and Montenegro
Grantee: Association for the Study of Foreign Policy, Belgrade
The grant covered preparation for the seminar on institutions and methods of functioning of European Union and organization of five one-day seminars in Podgorica.
Award: $3,485.91

8. Zone of Reason – Tribunes
Grantee: District 0230, Kikinda
The grant supported a series of public tribunes discussing the conditions for the civil development of the city of Kikinda.
Award: $3,845.21

9. Regular Activities
Grantee: European Movement in Serbia, Group for Women Rights, Belgrade
The European Movement in Serbia is an independent and voluntary organization of Serbian citizens. Established as a non-governmental, non-party and non-profit organization, the European movement is an autonomous institution of the democratic public opinion and gathers citizens who support the peaceful, democratic pan-European integration, as well as democratic and modern Serbia as a part of Europe.
Award: $3,636.13

10. Parliamentary and Local Elections – Montenegro ‘98
Grantee: Montenegrin Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Cetinje
The basic idea of the project was active monitoring of parliamentary and local elections in Montenegro, scheduled for May 31, 1998. The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Montenegro monitored preparations for elections for the period of six months. These included monitoring of the general political and media environment in which the elections are to take place.
Award: $9,544.85

11. Civil Culture Club
Grantee: Group 484, Belgrade
The aims of the project were manifold: humanization of interpersonal relations in all social groups; developing of sensibility and tolerance of differences: promotion of the idea of tolerant participation in multiethnic and multicultural community; promotion of non-violent communication and a constructive resolution of conflicts; promotion of human rights and civil culture.
Award: $7,748.57

12. Learn Your Rights
Grantee: Timok Club, Knjazevac
The project informed the citizens of the Timok region with their basic rights – both the rights defined by the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and with other experiences in the field of protection, respect and development of human rights.
Award: $2,753.56

13. Regular Activities
Grantee: Serbian PEN Center, Belgrade
The grant supported regular activities of the Serbian PEN Center in 1998.
Award: $3,071.20

14. Structural Support for the Organization
Grantee: District 0230, Kikinda
The grant supported regular activities of this nongovernment organization from Kikinda in 1998.
Award: $963.47

15. Multilevel Education for Constructive Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills
Grantee: Association for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence ‘’ANIMA’’, Kotor
The aim of the project was to support self-reflection, personal development and positive approach to oneself and to others, with application of concrete skills for constructive conflict resolution.$3,988.02
16. Democracy Speaks
Grantee: Council for Civic Initiative, Nis
The project enabled smaller groups of young people to acquire, and then spread the experience of intercultural understanding and communication, while at the same time developing capabilities for orientation in political life and active participation in building up democratic civil society.
Award: $3,749.78

17. European Congress, May 8-10, the Hague, the Netherlands
Participant: Desimir Tosic, Belgrade
The grant covered the participation of Mr. Desimir Tosic of the European Movement in Serbia to the European Congress in the Hague.
Award: $961.69

18. Regular Activities
Grantee: Art Club, Ulcinj
The grant covered regular activities of the nongovernment organization working on improving interethnic dialogue in the ethnically mixed community of Ulcinj, Montenegro.
Award: $1,874.89

19. Program activities in 1998
Grantee: Montenegrin PEN Center, Podgorica
The grant covered the regular program activities of the PEN Center in Montenegro in 1999.
Award: $2,376.22

20. Subotica Open School
Grantee: Open University Subotica
The Open School was organized as a school of social action. Unlike the Belgrade Open School, the emphasis was put on public activities starting from civil society premises. The multiethnicity of local community of Subotica determined the preferred approach to diversity, overcoming national/minority boundaries.
Award: $5,322.74

21. Monitoring General Elections in Montenegro
Grantee: Center for Free Elections and Democracy, Belgrade
The grant covered the monitoring of general elections in Montenegro that were scheduled for May 31, 1998.
Award: $7,603.91

22. Infoteka Project
Grantee: Apostrof, Novi Sad
The Infoteka project was a cycle of discussions where competent experts discuss on important issues for the local community. The aim of the project was to develop into a dialogue forum that will, at any given moment, be able to react to anomalies of political and social reality.
Award: $5,061.35

23. Local Election Monitoring and Citizen Education
Grantee: Center for Free Elections and Democracy, Belgrade
The mission of the Center for Free Elections and Democracy is to organize nonparty, nonbiased local election monitoring and analysis of the election process.
Award: $4,258.19

24. NGO Center
Grantee: NGO Center, Vrsac
The NGO Center in Vrsac provides technological and other means of support to local and national nongovernment organizations working in Vrsac. The NGO Center consists of two services – rent equipment service and rent office service for NGOs.
Award: $4,952.05

25. Urban Reconstruction of Pancevo
Grantee: Institute of Sociological Research, Belgrade
The grant covered research in the sociological aspects of urban reconstruction of the city of Pancevo and new social movements and nongovernment organizations, as well as possibilities of partnerships and participation in solving city problems.
Award: $4,477.60

26. International Forum of Central and Eastern European IFOAM and Foundations
Grantee: Open University Subotica
The grant supported the international forum of Central and East European IFOAM (organic agriculture), an umbrella organization for 600 associations, organizations and institutions from 100 world countries.
Award: $2,769.65

27. Guide to Internet in FRY
Grantee: Publishing House KGB, Belgrade
The grant supported the acquisition of this exceptionally clearly elaborated Internet guide for nongovernment organizations in Yugoslavia.
Award: $937.23

28. Sustainable Urban Drainage Development
Grantee: International Research and Training Center for Urban Drainage, Belgrade
The aim of the project was to present methods developed at the International Research Center in the form of seminars for young experts from East and Central Europe and thus strengthen the local centers of expertise in environmental issues.
Award: $1,893.21

29. Chemistry and the Protection of Living Environment
Grantee: Chemistry Society of Serbia, Belgrade
The grant supported the third Yugoslav symposium "Chemistry and the Protection of Living Environment", held in Vrnjacka Banja, on October 6-9, 1998.
Award: $3,909.89

30. Collective Membership for the International Sociological Association
Grantee: Yugoslav Association of Sociology, Belgrade
The grant supported the annual membership of the Yugoslav Association of Sociology in the International Sociological Association.
Award: $166.90

31. Directory of Media in FRY
Grantee: Center for Development of Non Profit Sector, Belgrade
The grant supported the publishing costs of the directory of media in FRY. The research and documentation was prepared by the Center for Development of Nonprofit Sector in the FRY.
Award: $1,496.09

32. Contra Bellum – Peace Movement Pancevo 1991- 1997
Grantee: Peace Movement, Pancevo
The grant supported printing costs of the book, which presented all relevant information on the activities of the Movement for Peace Pancevo to date. The book is an importance information resource for citizens of Pancevo, who will get acquainted with the work of this NGO, thus spreading the network of activists and volunteers in this local community.
Award: $1,418.15

33. Acquisition of Computer Equipment
Grantee: Fund Center for Democracy, Belgrade
The grant supported the acquisition of computer equipment for the Fund Center for Democracy.
Award: $1,257.99

34. Acquisition of Computer Equipment
Grantee: Belgrade PostPessimists
The grant supported the acquisition of computer equipment for the youth initiatives organization, the Belgrade PostPessimists.
Award: $2,305.83

35. Directory of Local and International NGOs in Kosovo
Grantee: Center for Development of Civil Society, Pristina
The grant supported the creation of a directory of local and international NGOs working in Kosovo.
Award: $6,224.07

36. Regional Conference in the framework of the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign, November 12-15, Sofia, Bulgaria
Participants: Dusan Vasiljevic, Belgrade
Sonja Prodanovic, Belgrade
The grant supported the participation of Mr. Dusan Vasiljevic, of the NGO "Green Table" and Ms Sonja Prodanovic, to the regional conference in the framework of the European sustainable cities and towns campaign.
Award: $441.13

37. Non Government Organizations – Sector of the Future
Grantee: Fund Center for Democracy, Belgrade, Center for the Development of Nonprofit Sector, Belgrade, Open University, Subotica
The twelve-months project offered a comprehensive program of support to nongovernment organizations in Yugoslavia and included a series of activities and special programs with the aim to: develop existing NGOs in Serbia; initiate the development of new NGOs; achieve greater media coverage of the nonprofit sector; set up relations between the nonprofit sector on one hand and other sectors – public (state) and profit (commercial) on the other; achieve better informing of international public on the activities of the nonprofit sector in FR Yugoslavia.
Award: $31,267.59

38. Legal Status of the Non Governmental Organizations in Montenegro
Grantee: Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM), Podgorica
The grant covered organizational costs of the seminar on the legal status of nongovernment organizations in Montenegro, particularly in the light of the new, liberal law on nongovernment organizations ratified recently by the Parliament of Montenegro.
Award: $4,220.05

39. Meeting of Free Cities and Communities of Serbia
Grantee: District 0230, Kikinda
The grant supported the meeting of "free cities and communities of Serbia", the alliance of those municipalities in Serbia which saw the change of government following local elections in November, 1996.
Award: $3,848.87

40. Responsibilities and Position of the Journalists in Local Media
Grantee: Center for Development of Media and Democracy, Nis
The project was realized by ten nongovernment organizations from Serbia, organized in the Coordinator of NGOs for Democratic Development of Information in Local Communities, with the aim to make precise, research and partially remove main problems of local media and their journalists in eight cities in Serbia.
Award: $4,189.38

41. Civil Rights and Responsibilities
Grantee: Center for Development of Media and Democracy, Nis
The grant supported a two-day seminar on the basic rights and duties of the citizen, as regulated by Serbian and federal constitutions.
Award: $705.28

42. Promotion of ‘Home Return’ Program for Refugees from Tuzla
Grantee: Center for Regionalism, Novi Sad
The aim of the project was to promote the return of refugees from the territory of Tuzla municipality by affirming conditions for return in cooperation with the municipality of Tuzla. The information of interest to refugees would be gathered and printed in a publication that would be promoted at public meetings and press conferences in Subotica, Kikinda, Sombor, Sremska Mitrovica and Novi Sad.
Award: $4,058.03

43. Acquisition of Computer Equipment
Grantee: European Movement in Serbia, Belgrade
The grant supported computer equipment acquisition for the European Movement in Serbia.
Award: $2,914.10

44. Establishing of the NGO Center
Grantee: Center for the Development of the Civil Society, Pristina
The grant supported the establishing of the Center for the Development of Civil Society in Pristina, a nongovernmental organization created after the successful model of the Center for Nonprofit Sector in FRY. The newly established Pristina based Center will serve as an umbrella organization for nongovernment organizations in Kosovo and will help develop the nonprofit sector in this region.
Award: $23,501.57

Administrative expenses: $2,338.29

PROGRAM TOTAL: $297,662.67
57. Fifth International Summer School of Democracy and Social Justice, September 13-19, Crikvenica, Croatia
Participants: Biljana Kovacević-Vuco, Mikloš Biro, Aleksandar Ivkovac, Nada Kovacevic, Predrag Mitrovic, Milos Nikolic, Obrad Savic, Xhelal Svecla, Rade Veljanovski, Milos Vasic, Nadezda Gace, Tamara Kaliterna, Dusan Janjic

61. Women in the 21st Century: Overcoming Boundaries to Sustainable Development in Southeastern Europe, October 11-12, Sofia, Bulgaria
Participants: Zarana Papic, Borka Pavicevic, Milena Dragicevic Sesic, Dusica Semencenko, Saja Popovic, Slobodanka Markov, Aferdita Kelmendi
Award: $1,646.30

72.Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, December 4-11, Pula, Croatia
Participants: Svetlana Asner, Dragana Alfirevic, Vesna Bogojevic, Biljana Kovacevic Vuco, Aleksandar Gubas, Izabela Kisic, Mirjana Mikulic, Srdjan Rajkovic, Vanja Savic, Gordana Susa, Goran Susljik, Milos Vasic, Dusan Velickovic, Dragan Velikic, Ana Miljanic, Zoran Pantelic, Borka Pavicevic, Ivan Pravdic, Milos Radivojsa, Vanja Savic, Margita Stefanovic
Award: $10,358.44

76. East East Annual Coordinator's Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Participant: Sonja Licht, President of the Executive Board
Award: $2,176.65


In 1998, Fund for an Open Society expanded its activities on the training in the field of Contemporary Dance and Theater. Thanks to the Performing Arts Network Program, we launched the first International Seminar of Contemporary Dance in the country, lead by the foreign and domestic professionals

Наша списатељица и борац за независно Косово

Individual participation in training courses abroad

1. Biljana Srbljnović, workshop fee, living expenses and per diems to attend “Workshop for Young European Playwrights”, organized by Bonner Bienial
Award: $1,245,00
Ako niste shvatili, ovaj tekst je direktan poziv na linch i objavljivanje "liste za odstrel" onih koje ce "branioci izvornog srpstva" i anti-zapadnjachki fanatici shikanirati i maltretirati narednih nedelja, meseci i godina. Predlazem moderatorima da isti uklone chim stignu inche lako moze doci do veoma negativnih posledica. A ne verujem da neke od njih uprava Krstarice zeli da nosi na dushi, ili da krstarica ima neprijatnosti jer je neakav zaludjeni fanatik iskoristio ovaj spisak da po njemu "pomogne Srbiji da vishe ne bude zapadna kolonija" !!!
Mozda sam paranoichan i preudiciram, ali praksa me je nauchila da je bolje sa podacima ove vrste biti VEOMA operezan !!!
Ako niste shvatili, ovaj tekst je direktan poziv na linch i objavljivanje "liste za odstrel" onih koje ce "branioci izvornog srpstva" i anti-zapadnjachki fanatici shikanirati i maltretirati narednih nedelja, meseci i godina. Predlazem moderatorima da isti uklone chim stignu inche lako moze doci do veoma negativnih posledica. A ne verujem da neke od njih uprava Krstarice zeli da nosi na dushi, ili da krstarica ima neprijatnosti jer je neakav zaludjeni fanatik iskoristio ovaj spisak da po njemu "pomogne Srbiji da vishe ne bude zapadna kolonija" !!!
Mozda sam paranoichan i preudiciram, ali praksa me je nauchila da je bolje sa podacima ove vrste biti VEOMA operezan !!!

А да кренем да објављујем податке о гостима емисије Пешчаник?! Да видимо да ли су и они "нешто" добили од тате Сороша?
Чему страх?
Да ли су те паре проклете?
Да ли су ти исти који су добијали паре од 91., причали о тешком животу под Слобином диктатуром?! Али су добијали на хиљаде марака у време када су плате биле 20-30 марака.
Како се то зове?
Ako niste shvatili, ovaj tekst je direktan poziv na linch i objavljivanje "liste za odstrel" onih koje ce "branioci izvornog srpstva" i anti-zapadnjachki fanatici shikanirati i maltretirati narednih nedelja, meseci i godina. Predlazem moderatorima da isti uklone chim stignu inche lako moze doci do veoma negativnih posledica. A ne verujem da neke od njih uprava Krstarice zeli da nosi na dushi, ili da krstarica ima neprijatnosti jer je neakav zaludjeni fanatik iskoristio ovaj spisak da po njemu "pomogne Srbiji da vishe ne bude zapadna kolonija" !!!
Mozda sam paranoichan i preudiciram, ali praksa me je nauchila da je bolje sa podacima ove vrste biti VEOMA operezan !!!

Definisi "branoci izvornog srpstva" :confused::shock:
Srbija je pravna drzava, ima svoje zakone, ako imas neke informacije koje bi potvrdile ovo sto govoris, zna se gde treba da ih prezentujes.
Koliko je imena ovde prodefilovalo kroz prazne optuzbe i naklapanja dokonih, do sada bi pola Srbije bilo na groblju , da je po tvome...
I na kraju krajeva, ko garantuje da je spisak tacan?
Odakle je informacija? Pa tako i ja mogu da spremim spisak od 200 imena onih za koje ja mislim da su, recimo, zgodni za odstrel, da ga objavim i da kazem da je to spisak onih koji su, sta ja znam, spremali da poklone Srbiju Rusiji u svojstvu gubernije a onda da posaljem mog drugara da opominje kako se tim spiskom trazi neciji linc...8-) `el si video sta je teorija zavere, a ne to tvoje :):):wink:
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
