
Najbolji lik iz Prijatelja

  • Rejčel

  • Monika

  • Fibi

  • Ros

  • Čendler

  • Dzoi

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
Serija je strava... Puni su fora...
Najvise volim Dzoija i Rejcel...
Ove najnovije i poslednje epizode Pink jos nij eodkupio,ali sigurno ce uskoro to da uradi...
:D e ma najjaci su nemogu da se porede ni sa kim!obozavam ih i redovno sam ih gledala a sada ****** od pinka ne prikazuju jer nemaju novih epizoda! :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
Imala sam priliku da gledam ovu predposlednju sezonu PRIJATELJA.Zadnj epizoda tog serijala me je shokirala.Ukratko JOEY I RACHEL su se "skontali".
Naravno ostavili su nas u nedoumici da li su stvarno zavrsili u krevetu ili ne.
Jedva cekam ovu novu i ,nazalost, poslednju sezonu.
dobro,ljudi,serija nije baš toliko dobra!!!Mislim,ovo sa opštim smuvavanjem stvarno liči na špansku seriju...Eto kako uništiti potencijalno najsimpa komediju svih vremena...
kolko da znate zadnja sezona moze se poruci na dvx cena 70 a na jedan stanu 3 episode ja cu da porucim 100%.omiljen rejcel i ros.
serija je zakon! Fibi je najjaca! Jedva cekam sledecu sezonu! Jeste da je glupo sto se svako muva sa svakim, al ajde! bar me uvek nasmeju!!!
kolko da znate zadnja sezona moze se poruci na dvx cena 70 a na jedan stanu 3 episode ja cu da porucim 100%.omiljen rejcel i ros.
e a kako & gde se narucuje???

inace meni je najomiljeniji dzoi, svi ostali su mi slabiji likovi... strava sto ce on da nastavi karijericu tim tokom.
Serija je najjaca i ja mislim da nema coveka koji ih ne gleda.Ja najvise volim Dzoija,Fibi i Rejcel.Ovde su pocele nove episode i super su!Ja sednem u 6 sati za TV i samo saltam programe i gledam Friendse do nekih mozda 7,pola 8.Mogla bi po citav dan da ih gledam bez prestanka,i tako svaki dan!!!STRAVA SU :D :D :D
Ej ljudi, obozavam Friends. Zivim za njih i fazone iz serije. Ko mi je omiljeni lik? Pa iskreno, ne mogu da se odlucim, svi su mi OK, na neki svoj nacin. Fibi i Dzoi su tako, otkaceni... Rejcel i Ros prave svakakve izraze lica i tako su malo, kako da kazem, prosti (ne mislim nista lose)... a vencane pticice... Pa Chendler ima strava fazone koje malo ljudi skapira u momentu, a Monika je mala, opasna, zilava, prgava... Neko moje misljenje...

Phoebe: Hi! Um, I want to start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is really all about. Okay, here we go. [lights go out] Okay, thank you very much.

Ross: You don't believe in evolution?
Phoebe: I don't know, it's just, you know...monkeys, Darwin, you know, it's a, it's a nice story, I just think it's a little too easy.
Ross: Too easy? Too.... The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from single-celled organisms is... is too easy?
Phoebe: Yeah, I just don't buy it.
Ross: Uh, excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy, Phoebe. Evolution is scientific fact, like, like, like the air we breathe, like gravity.
Phoebe: Oh, okay, don't get me started on gravity.

Phoebe (singing): Terry's a jerk!
And he won't let me work!
And I hate Central Perk!
You're all invited to bite me!

Joey: Maybe he's... gay.
Phoebe: Oh, um, no, I don't think that's the problem. 'Cause we went, um, dancing the other night, and the way he held me so close, and the way he was looking into my eyes, I just, like, definitely felt something.
Rachel: Yeah, but how much can you tell from a look?
Phoebe: No, I felt it on my hip. I could tell.

Chandler: Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up.
Joey: What if we have to pee?
Chandler: I'll cancel the sodas.

Phoebe: Oh! Someone's wearing the same clothes they had on last night. Someone get a little action?
Chandler: I may have.
Monica: Woo-hoo! Stud!
Ross: What's she look like?
Chandler: Well, we haven't exactly met, we just stayed up all night talking on the Internet.
Monica: Woo-hoo! Geek!

Joey: If the Homosapiens were, in fact, "Homosapien", is that why they're extinct?
Ross: Joey, Homosapiens are people.
Joey: Hey, I'm not judging.

Monica: Losers walk!
Ross: Yeah? losers talk!
Chandler: No, no, no, actually, losers rhyme.

Rachel: We should definately play football more often. Maybe there's like a league we could join or something.
Phoebe: Isn't there a national football league.
Chandler: Yes, yes there is. They play on Sundays and Monday nights.
Rachel: Oh shoot! I work Monday nights.

Leslie: Okay, my next song's called, "Phoebe Buffay, What Can I Say? I Really Loved When We Were Singing Partners, And I Shouldn'ta Left You That Way."
Phoebe: Oh no, one of those look-for-the-hidden-meaning songs.

Phoebe: Hey, why are you mopping your ceiling?
Monica: Oh, there's banana on it.
Phoebe: Wow. I have the spirit of an old Indian woman living in mine.
Monica: So then you know.

Joey: Yeah, come on, think about it. You're 18, okay, she's 44. When you're 36, she's gonna be 88.
Frank: What, you don't think I know that?

Rachel: Joanna, this is my friend, Chandler Bing.
Joanna: Bing! That's a great name.
Chandler: Thanks. It's, uh, Gaelic for "Thy turkey's done."

The Director: Here we go, people! Boxing Day! "The Lucille Lortel Theatre", badda badda badda... ah-ha! "Joey Tribianni gives an uneven performance, but Mr. Tribianni is not the worst thing in this production."
Joey: Yes! Ha ha ha ha!

Joey: What kind of profit is that? And you call yourself an accountant.
Chandler: No.

Joanna: What are you doing?
Chandler: I'm getting dressed.
Joanna: Why?
Chandler: When I walk outside naked, people throw garbage at me.

Kathy:You have really great hair.
Chandler: Well thanks, I grow it myself.

Rachel: Chandler, you have the best taste in men!
Chandler: Well, like father, like son.

Monica: What the hell just happenned?
Joey: I am so, so sorry. I was gonna do it, really. But then, I was standing there with 327 dollars in one hand, and 238 dollars in the other hand, and I was thinking, "Wow, it's been a long time since I had... 327 plus 238 dollars!"

Ross: What is Joey's favorite food?
Monica: Sandwiches!
Ross: Correct. Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?
Rachel: 14!
Ross: No, 19.
Chandler: Thanks man.
Ross: Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. His name was?
Monica: Maurice.
Ross: Correct. His profession was?
Rachel: Oh! Space-cowboy!
Ross: Correct! What is Chandler Bing's job?
Rachel: Oh! Oh gosh, it has something to do with numbers.
Monica: And processing!
Rachel: Oh, well... and he carries a briefcase!
Ross: Ten seconds. You need this or you lose the game.
Monica: It's, um, it has something to do with transponding.
Rachel: Oh, oh, oh, he's a transpons... transponster!
Monica: That's not even a word!

Joey: Whoa, whoa. That... that was just a theory! There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out: Lone gunman... communism... geometry....

Chandler: Nope, nope, you're right, it is a ridiculous name!
Joey: It's not that bad.
Chandler: Yes it is! From now on, I have no first name.
Joey: So, you're just, "Bing?"
Chandler: I have no name.

Joey: Come on, Ross! Look, I don't have any brothers; I'm never gonna get to be a best man!
Chandler: You can be the best man when I get married.
Joey: I'm never gonna get to be a best man!
