Da li ste culi za Ivanu Aleksandrovic ...

Aureole "Oreol / Elodea" (NEW)
Bazooka(12") 9,00 EURO
Bazooka 10 strikes back again.... Ivana Aleksandrovic Ivy bringing us girl power from Yugoslavia with this 4 tracker EP. 4 nice tracks between progressive and psychedelic trance invite you to an buttshaking dance. The twisted harmonies and the nice dry beatz make this 12" to a very good tool in yer DJ case, especially Limited Edition of 500 copies !!!

Evo to sam nasao neka neko ko bolje razume eng. procita pa mozda ima nesto korisno.
She was born in 1984. Since Ivee was 6 years old, music became her life. She started playing violin in a
specialized school for musical talents. At this moment she is on master studies of violin and works like promoter for most
respected and active booking agency in Serbia AND MUSIC and for club Akademija which cherish techno parties.
As she grew she was surrounded with music that has serious and deep tradition, Ivee became engaged with a lot of different
musical styles. She also took active part in Serbian ethno ensembles like singer and performed with modern bands.
When electronic music harshly stepped into Serbian music scene she repeatedly followed continuous events.
Ivee was amazed with energy and atmosphere that was manifested by masses of people that were poisoned with
electronic sounds. At that time she decided to start her own project. She began with her first electronic sound
productions in 1997 with few ambient and break beat songs. Soon, she also made some trance tunes in cooperation
with friend from her neighborhood. Her work included lots of tunes for fashion and design manifestations, TV and
radio jingles. Her songs are regularly played on top 10 shows and she often gets invited to TV and radio shows.
The most important thing is the fact that Ivee produced one of the first trance projects in Serbia , and that she is still
the only girl in Serbia that rocks hard techno music. In her music, she uses live samples that she recorded herself.
She also uses and tries to keep something specific about the place where she's from and where she creates.
Right now, she has a release that was made for a domestic house "Beat2Beat", and new release that is due to come out.
Recently, she released her first LP for Bazooka 10 (Cosmophilia distribution) under name AUREOLE.

"I can experience electronic music like music perfection. Music is foundation of my happiness and everything I do."

Evo jedva i ovo nadjoh ne pitajte kako i gde sam ovo izbunario ne znam ubih se vise ne mogu. :)
Iscitajte i ovo ako nije problem pa mi recite ima li tu koa korisna informacija za mene :) poz
Rođena 1984. Od 6. godine voli ziku. Svirala je violinu u specijalnoj školi. Trenutno je na master studijama violine i radi kao promoter za najcenjeniju BOOKING (ne znam kako da prevedem) agenciju u Srbiji i ziku i za klub akademiju koja organituje techno žurke. Od malih nogu je bila "okružena" sa zikom koja ima duboku i ozbiljnu tradiciju, bila je "deo" raznoh muzičkih stilova/vrsta.... Bila je aktivna i u srpskim etno ansamblima kao pevačica i nastupala je s modernim grupama. Kad je elektronska zika konačno dospela na srpsku scenu, pomno je pratila aktuelnosti. Ivana je bila fascinirana energijom i atmosferom ljudi koji su bili "otrovani" ovom zikom. Tada je odlučila da započne neki svoj projekat. 1997. je počela sa svojim prvim elektronskim pesmama koje su imale elemente break beat & ambient (ne znam kako da prevedem :D ). Uskoro je napravila i neke trance mixove zajedno sa svojim komšijama. Uskoro su njene pesme počele da se puštaju na modnim revijama, radiju i TV-u. Njene pesme su uvek među 1op 10 i često je pozivaju da gostuje na TV-u/radiju.
Što se tiče nje, najvažnije je to što je ona, bukvalno, tvorac trance-a u Srbiji, i još uvek je jedina devojka koja "stvara" ovu vrstu zike. U njenoj ziki, ona koristi sopstvene "primere". Često koristi i pokušava da zadrži neke specofočnosti mesta odakle je i gde stvara.
Nedavno je izbacila album u "domaćoj kući" "Beat2Beat" i nove albume koji bi trebali da izađu uskoro.

CITAT: "Mogu da iskusim elektronsku ziku kao muzičko savršenstvo. Zika je osnova moje sreće i svega što radim."

Nije baš naj prevod, ali ono.... :? :wink:
