
Dok sam zivela u New York-u dve godine , gledala sam Carobnice tamo. Tada je to bila glavna fora, bilo je bas strava , a pogotovo kad je bila Noc Vestica pustali su trejlere za nove epizode i pravi maraton tako da sam postala zavisna od toga .
Sad je meni malo dosadno da gledam ...zacudila sam se da su tek sada pustili Cari kod nas a u Americi se vec uveliko pusta VI sezona.Zao mi je sto nisam ostala jer moram da cekam dok ne dodje do nas.
Imam jedan sajt posvecen Carobnicama koji sam sama napravila , pravi amaterski tako da mogu da vam dam isecke i odlomke...I oprostite ali je na engleskom.
Prue, Phoebe and Piper are exposed on live television as witches. In their deal with the dark side to turn back time and reverse their sudden fame, each faces certain death.
Phoebe and Piper struggle to come to terms with the death of their sister and the realization that the Power of Three no longer exists without her. When they discover the existence of their baby half-sister, Paige, Phoebe and Piper are hopeful that they can reconstitute the formidable triad of witches.
While trying to protect an innocent doctor from Shax, a demonic assassin, Prue and Piper are caught attempting to vanquish Shax by a local news crew - which broadcasts it for the whole world to see. Prue believes they may have not vanquished Shax and continues to hunt for him unaware that their secret is now public, while Phoebe travels to the underworld in order to reverse the effects of the spell that turned Cole from his recent good ways. As the public interest in the girls' power grows, they soon discover the press and a growing crowd of people surrounding the Manor, leading them to realize that they must do something do regain their secret. Leo, returns with the only answer to the problem, the Halliwells must convince Tempus to turn back time. This leads Phoebe to have to seriously consider making a deal with The Source in order to save her sisters' lives.

Early in the morning before Prue's funeral, Piper tries to use the Book of Shadows one last time to bring Prue back to life. Unknown to Piper, the last spell she tries sets off a chain of events that leads a young woman named Paige to Prue's funeral, where Phoebe has a premonition of Paige being attacked by the demon that killed Prue. As Cole and Phoebe try to save Paige from Shax, they discover Paige has the ability to orb, which sends Leo and Cole off to learn if she's a whitelighter. While Leo returns with no information, Cole discovers The Source believes that Paige may be able to reconstitute the Charmed Ones. This sends Piper off to confront her grandmother, which leads Phoebe and Piper to learn that their mother had a fourth daughter with her whitelighter lover which they gave up shortly after she was born
. While trying to protect an innocent doctor from Shax, a demonic assassin, Prue and Piper are caught attempting to vanquish Shax by a local news crew - which broadcasts it for the whole world to see. Prue believes they may have not vanquished Shax and continues to hunt for him unaware that their secret is now public, while Phoebe travels to the underworld in order to reverse the effects of the spell that turned Cole from his recent good ways. As the public interest in the girls' power grows, they soon discover the press and a growing crowd of people surrounding the Manor, leading them to realize that they must do something do regain their secret. Leo, returns with the only answer to the problem, the Halliwells must convince Tempus to turn back time. This leads Phoebe to have to seriously consider making a deal with The Source in order to save her sisters' lives.

The bewitching series begins its fourth season as a fresh face is added to the comely coven to replace the departed Shannen Doherty. Rose McGowan joins the cast as Paige Matthews, a half sister the Charmed Ones never knew they had. She meets the surviving Halliwells when she feels compelled to attend Prue's funeral. Phoebe seems to be coping, even after a premonition of Paige's death--at the hands of the same demon that slew Prue. Piper, however, is overwhelmed by the loss, and her crisis comes to a head when she nearly breaks down during the memorial service, as Cole faces off against two demonic bounty hunters sent to kill him.

Piper and Prue are seen by a news crew. Phoebe, visiting Cole below, sacrifices herself to reset time but that just ends with Piper and Prue dead too.

Mnogo mi je sajt rastrkan, i neuredan pa sam trazeci samo davala info.
Mislim da ce posle svega biti jasnije.
A osim ovih info ovde mozete da pronadjete na netu info o svemu vezano za Cari : porodicno drvo , knjigu senki , sadrzaj svih epizoda tako da ovo ovde sto se pravimo pametni nije potrebno ...
Pa jeste bilo je ...krenule su mi suze na oci jer smo se svi emotivno vezali za nju .Pa ipak smo ju je gledali, koliko? 3 cele sezone i stvorila je neku lepu sliku nama iako je u stvanom zivotu Sanen Doerti prava mala bitch.
Ako imate program Kazaa lite mozete da downloadujete neke epizode pa ce vam biti jasnije.
Odakle tebi Nevene ideja da ce Pajper dobiti dete demona?
Imace Leovo dete , cak ce se i udati za njega...A mozda si mislio na Fibi jer se ona udala za polu demona pola coveka Kola.
Za sest nedelja ce se Pajper udati za Lea,a odkud ideja da ce Pajper roditi dete nekog demona?
Odakle tebi Nevene ideja da ce Pajper dobiti dete demona?
Imace Leovo dete , cak ce se i udati za njega...A mozda si mislio na Fibi jer se ona udala za polu demona pola coveka Kola.
Za sest nedelja ce se Pajper udati za Lea,a odkud ideja da ce Pajper roditi dete nekog demona?
Tu Paige Pajper nece prihvatati neko vreme dok im ne bude bukvalno nametnuto da spasu Fibi.A sto se tice Fibi ona je prihvatila Paige bez problema.
Odakle tebi Nevene ideja da ce Pajper dobiti dete demona?
Imace Leovo dete , cak ce se i udati za njega...A mozda si mislio na Fibi jer se ona udala za polu demona pola coveka Kola.
Za sest nedelja ce se Pajper udati za Lea,a odkud ideja da ce Pajper roditi dete nekog demona?
nije to moja ideja nego sam negde procitao.....sigurno su pogresili :?
Nisam te pitala onako bezobrazno odakle TEBI IDEJA DA CE DA RODI DETE DEMONA vec da odakle ti ta informacija...
Izvini ako si shvatio da te "kinjim" sto si ti to rekao...
Samo gde si to procitao...?
Hello!Posto znam da dajete neke cini a sada nemam vremena sve da citam molim vas da mi napisete*PLEASE*cini za odlazak u buucnot i proslost,kao i za unistavanje onog demona sto je sklopio pakt sa majkom sestara...PLEASE!
Samo za tebe Luna ...

Za putovanje u buducnost
Hear these words,
Hear the rhyme,
We send you,
This burning sign.
In another place and time

A da se ubije Nikolas
Lavender, Mimosa, Holy thistle
Cleanse this evil from our mist
Scatter its cells throughout time
Let this Nick no more exist
Skoro sam pronasla ovu informaciju tako da ...uzivajte citajuci...
All Hell Breaks Loose
Prue, Piper, and Phoebe rush into the manor with a man in a doctor's coat, obviously running from some evil thanks to a premonition from Phoebe. The sisters talk about a demon being after the doctor, who is obviously confused about what is going on. Phoebe goes to check in the Book of Shadows for a vanquishing spell, leaving Prue and Piper with the Doctor. As Phoebe leaves, Piper tells Phoebe not to get distracted with the Cole potion, which Prue demands to know about. Piper tells Prue that Phoebe believes the only reason Cole turned evil again was because a demon cast a spell on him and Phoebe now wants to reverse that spell. Evidently Shax, the Source's assassin, is after the Doctor. Suddenly Prue feels a Chill, but Shax comes into the house in a whirlwind. He goes to kill the doctor, but Prue pushes him out of the way, taking the energy blast and being hurtled through the wall. Shax then turns on Piper and blasts her. As the doctor asks the demon, 'what are you', it replies, 'The End' as Phoebe comes down and casts the vanquishing spell, which seems to hurt the demon and drives him from the house. Phoebe runs to her two sisters, who are badly hurt and out cold. She calls for Leo, who heals them both, telling them that they almost died. Phoebe tells them she drove Shax off, and Prue wants to go after him to finish him off while he is still hurt and she and Piper run out into the street after the assassin. They find him outside and he attacks them. Prue deflects his energy and Piper uses her new power at him. Shax dissapears in a puff of blue smoke. As they wonder if he is dead, they comment that they were lucky no one saw them and head back to the manor. As they walk back, a reporter tells a camera man to come back to her. Through the camera, the reporter announces that she doesn't know what that was, but that 'you saw it here, live'. The sisters explain to the doctor that he has to keep their secret, and he agrees not to tell anyone about what he saw today. Prue says that if everyone knew they wouldn't be able to help everyone like they do. Prue is still bothered about how they vanquished Shax, Piper wants to believe they did, commenting that this is the third demon in a row she has vanquished with her new power (but who is counting). Prue asks Leo to go check with the Elders just to be sure. Phoebe says she wants to try a new potion on Cole, one that will reverse the spell that made him evil on the first time. She says if dark magic did this to him, white magic should be able to get him back. She wants her sisters to use the spell to call Cole to send her down to him. Piper and Prue say she is banking on alot, that if she does this, she will be out of touch, but she says she is banking on Cole. In his underground cave, Cole is sleeping around a bunch of lit candles when Phoebe arrives. Phoebe wakes him up and demands to know what she is doing here. When she says she came to bring him back, he grabs her by the throat and says she made a big mistake. Meanwhile, back in the real world, a bunch of executives and reporters are gathered around to watch the tape taken earlier. The manager thinks it may be a publicity stunt, but orders the reporter to check it out, so that they can send it to the network feed if it is true, but tells her to be careful, they might not want to be found. The reporter says that two hundred thousand viewers saw it live. Prue and Piper are in the street where they vanquished Shax, Prue is still not believing they vanquished Shax. She says she has had a bad feeling about it all day and that since becoming a witch she has learned to trust her feelings. As they walk home, a girl watches them until her mother comes in and ushers her inside, tellhing her to 'stay away from them'. At the police station, Morris has just brought someone in when his captain comes up to him and tells him that it looks like all those rumors about him and the Halliwells might have been true. As Morris wonders what he means he see the footage caught on tape in the background. At the manor, Prue is trying to get in touch with the doctor, who is in surgery where Shax won't get him. Morris calls and tries to tell them what has happened. Suddenly they see the TV and the footage of them destroying Shax. The TV station goes live to the reporter, who is in front of the manor. The reporter says that everyone is getting ready to meet Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell live. The sisters wonder what they are going to do. Morris arrives at the manor to find the the street near the house full of reporters and spectators wanting to know if he is there to arrest them. A young blond woman accosts him, saying she knows what they are, they are like her, witches. As he tells Prue to open the door, the original reporter asks him a question, but Morris says, 'No Comment'. Inside, Morris says he called for backup but that it is just going to get worse. Prue is still more concerned about Shax, Piper is worried about what is going on outside but Morris tells her that his Captain wants her brought in for questioning. Prue comments that maybe when Phoebe is finished saving Cole she can come back and save them. Leo orbs in and tells them he has been trying to figure out how to get them out of this mess. Evidently it is pretty big news 'up there'. He says They are still working on it and Piper says to tell Them to take their time. When he comments that They weren't the ones that screwed up, Piper says that she and her sisters have been busting their Wiccan butts for three years without getting caught and wants some credit for that. Prue mentions that this year has been a series of test and that this is probably just one more test. Leo comments that Prue is right however, they did not vanquish Shax, it requires the Power of Three. When Prue asks Leo to orb them to the hospital, he says he can't. The Elders do not want White Lighters exposed (which elicits Piper's comment of 'Cowards'). Outside, the sisters make a run to their car and drive off (with the blond woman from earlier trying desperately to get their attention). Back in the underworld, Phoebe and Cole are fighting. Cole says Phoebe can't have him, but Phoebe says she wants to reverse what did this to him, and that although he killed a witch he didn't do it willingly, which gives him a second chance. As Cole threatens her, she slams a potion against his back and afterwards he grabs her in a deep embrace and kisses her. She says it is time to leave, but Cole says he can't just leave, they won't just let him go. Cole says they tried it up there and that it didn't work. They wonder what to do next. At the hospital, the sisters find the doctor and rush him out. However Sax arrives again to kill the doctor (in broad daylight. Prue and Piper use the spell to vanquish Shax, who explodes in flame and is vanquished. However, the reporter from earlier has tracked them to the hospital and caught the whole vanquish on tape. The area outside the manor has turned into a circus, with helicoperts, reporters, and sepctators. The blond woman from earlier is standing on a TV van saying that she is the only one who understands and that she can help. Meanwhile inside the sisters are looking at a ton of faxes inviting them for interviews (Ted Copple, Time Magazine, Jerry Springer, Sports Illustrated (Swim Suite edition comments Morris). On TV, they see the doctor they saved reciting what happened to him earlier when the saved him. They also saw Suzie Johnson from the tenth grade who was claiming Prue cast a spell on her boyfriend to make them break up. Leo orbs in and Prue demands that it has to end. The Elders only have one suggestion, and it is a long shot. They have to try and contact Tempus. Evidently, ge is the only one on either side who has the power to manipulate time. However Tempus is an upper level demon and they can't contact him. Suddenly the young woman who has been trying to talk to the sisters bursts through the door and claims she is Alice Hicks and she wants to join their coven. Frustrated, Prue uses her power to throw Alice out of their house. As Alice is asked by reporters what happens, she is obviously upset. Choking back tears she says they are mean witches and runs off. Prue says that the only way to contact Tempus is through Cole. She asks Leo to orb down there, but he says that while he is gone, he will not be able to hear them if they need him. As he leaves, Piper tries to decide to go with Opera or Barbara (OPera since Barbara makes Prue cry). Down below, Cole comes in and tells Phoebe he has to get her out of here. He says something is going on, something big that makes it too dangerous for her to stick around. She wonders what has happened. Cole says he doesn't know but that whatever it is it is important enough for the Source himself to have come. Phoebe is shocked that the Source is here, but as she wonders what to do, Leo arrives. Cole is surprised and asks Leo if he is out of his mind. Leo tells them they have been exposed as witches and the whole world knows. He says that to get them out of it requires Cole's help and explains his plan. Cole says he couldn't summon Tempus if he wanted to, he doesn't have that type of power. Phoebe reminds him that he knows someone who does: The Source. Leo says that the demonic world has been exposed as well, which is probably why the Source is there in the first place. Resetting time saves everyone and Leo tells Cole to pitch it as if he is doing it to save the Source. Cole approaches the Source, who appears as a large, winged man dressed in crimson robes with a cowl that hides his face and features in shadows. Cole begs his lord to tell him the truth and the Source confirms what has happened. Cole says he has an idea, to have Tempus reset time. But the Source says that Tempus is still weak from the last time he reset time and that to do so again would destroy him. Cole asks what other choice they have. The Source lays a sword against Cole and tells him he knows of his struggles and of his witch. The Source knows everything about him. He says that he will have Tempus do as he asks if Phoebe crosses over and joins them. Cole says she would never do that. However, the Source wonders if she wouldn't do it even to save one of her sister's lives. Cole is stunned and asks if one of them is being killed. The Source tells him to wait. In the real world, Piper and Prue are trying to think of what to do if the plan doesn't work. Piper says they are going to do book signings, interviews, and movie deals before being taken and dissected by the CIA. Prue wonders how she can joke, saying that she is scared. She says that one supid mistake has threatened to wipe out everything they have done and their entire destiny just like that. A gunshot rings out. Piper winces and they both look down to see a large wond in Piper's gut. Outside, Alice is standing on her van holding a rifle, saying that she killed the wicked witch. As she is dragged away by Morris, Piper is shaking as she dies. Prue calls for Leo, who can not hear them. As Prue tries to get Piper to the car and to the hospital, the throngs of people around the house get in her way. Frustrated and disheartend she blows her horn at them, but they won't move. Calling for Leo, she feels the weight of everything that has happened to them fall down upon her. Suddenly Prue lashses out and uses her power to throw the people out of her way so that she can drive to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors try to revive Piper. She is obviously badly hurt having lost alot of blood and is shaking as she has gone into shock and is cold. Prue stays by her, grasping her bloody hand and telling her not to die. Piper looks at Prue and says, 'I love you' as her heart stops and the doctors try to shock her back to life. In the end, Piper lays dead as Prue can't contain her emmotion and tells everyone to get out as the emmotion of everything that has happned comes down on her. As they all leave, a man in a SWAT outfit watches her. In Cole's lair, Cole returns and tells Phoebe the Source's offer. He tells her that the Sources knows about everything. Leo says they are desperate, but not that desperate. Cole tells her that it is the only way to bring one of her sisters back to life. Leo thinks it is a trick, but Cole says it is not. At the hospital, a SWAT team moves in on Prue, who is still holding Piper's dead hand. As they burst in on her, she uses her power to throw them out and then bars the door and turn off the lights. Leo orbs in and Prue tells him that they killed her. Leo is stricken and wonders how all of this can be happening as he kisses Piper's forehead. Prue wants to know if he can make this right or not and he nods as she tells him to go. Prue tells Piper that everything will be alright. Leo returns to Cole and Phoebe, and by the look on Leo's face Phoebe knows that it is Piper who is dead. Leo tells Phoebe that she doesn't have to do this, but she says she does. She asks Cole if resetting time affects her down here and she says it won't. Phoebe says she has only one condition. Cole must warn Piper and Prue before the Demonic Hitman attacks or they are dead anyway. The Source agrees to the deal, but after Cole leaves, the Source orders one of his underlings to follow Cole. After time is reset the servant is to detain Cole and then kill his witch. This way, the Source will not have to worry about Belthezar anymore....or the Charmed Ones. At the hospital, the SWAT team is prepared to take out Prue by shooting at her through the wall while using a scope that sees infrared. As the bullet prepares to strike Prue, the Source resets time to right before Shax attacks the doctor in the manor. Prue feels a chill again as Shax comes in. Everything happens as before, but this time when Shax defeats Prue and Piper no one shows up to drive Shax away and save the Doctor. Shax claims that he is 'The End' and kills the doctor. No one shows up to revive Prue and Piper, who are badly injured. Shax leaves the house, shattering the panes in the front door and leaving the two sisters dead or dying and Phoebe in the underworld. Charmed Again
Piper is crying over the Book of Shadows as she casts a spell. Picking her finger with a knife, she sobs as the spell brings nothing. Phoebe finds her, but Piper can't understand why they can't use magic to bring Prue back. They have tried every magical way to bring her back, but they haven't succeeded. Tommorrow is Prue's funeral, so they go off to get some sleep. However, unbeknown to Piper, her spell did work in a way, for the magical energy finds its way to a young woman, where it drops a newspaper with Prue's obituary. The woman (Paige) reads the obituary and tells her boss she has to leave. At the manor, the sister's father is waiting as Phoebe goes about the house watering plants and trying to keep busy. Leo enters the room and Cole is with him. Cole has obviously been on the run from the bounty hunters. He says he won't be able to make it to the funeral, evidently the Source is desperately trying to find him and since the sisters no longer possess the Power of Three, they can't protect him. Phoebe says he has to go, she needs him with her. Daryle shows up to offer his condolances, and to tell them that Prue's case has been assigned to another detective. Although Cole and Phoebe aren't worried, Leo and Daryle are, they are worried he might manage to expose them as witched, and Leo remembers what that was like. Piper is up in her room getting ready when Leo comes to get her. She does not want to go, because going would be admitting that Prue is really not coming back, and she could not handle that. Piper says that Prue has always been there her entire life. Piper doesn't know what it is like to live without a sister. Piper asks Leo why he couldn't save Prue as well as her, but Leo says the Elder's don't have that sort of power. She tells Leo he saved the wrong sister, that Prue was the best of them. Meanwhile, in the underworld, Oracle (a female demon who can prophesize) talks to the Source. She says she has news about the Charmed Ones. The Source is not worried because with the Charmed Ones gone he does not have anything to worry about. Oracle says he should be worried because she sees another. At Prue's funeral, Piper, Phoeber, Daryle, and the rest listen as a Wicca Priestess performs the Eulogy. Paige is sitting in the audience and is greeted by the sisters after the service. Phoebe asks Paige how she knew Prue, and she says she knew her from around. Phoebe wonders if they have met somewhere, because she seems familiar. As Phoebe touches Paige, she gets a premonition of Paige being attacked by Shax (the demon that killed Prue). However as they try to go after her, they are attacked by demonic bounty hunters after Cole. Piper can not believe that this would happen, wondering why they can not bury Prue in peace. At the Manor where everyone has gathered, Phoebe tries to convince Piper that they have to go after Paige. Phoebe is obviously trying to keep busy, as she is cleaning. As Cole points out, she doesn't clean, she hates to clean. But Phoebe says it is better than falling apart. Phoebe tries to recall details from her premonition and she and Cole go off even though, as Piper points out, they can not defeat Shax without the Power of Three. Piper says she doesn't want to do this anymore, doesn't want to protect the innocent. She says that Leo can tell THEM that they burried the Charmed Ones when they burried Prue. As they go to leave, Daryle introduces them to inspector Cortez. Cortez says he is going to find the monster that did this. Phoebe is stuck by the use of the term monster. He says that he needs to talk to Phoebe and her sister about what happened. Phoebe and Cole leave to stop Shax. However, in the attic, Piper is determined to talk to Prue. However, when she casts the spell, she spirit that appears is that of her grandmother, not Prue. Grams tells Piper that she has been busy trying to help Prue make the transition. Grams says she is not allowed to talk about Prue, just like Piper she can't see Prue either, because if that happens, Piper is unable to move on, and neither is Prue. Grams tells Piper that her destiny still awaits, but Piper does not understand this. In the underworld, Oracle is talking to the Source, talking about Paige and her future. At P3, Paige and her boyfriend are dancing. Paige tells him that she has been coming to P3 for awhile. Paige says that she was adopted by great parents. After they died she went looking for her birth parents. She was left at a Church and tried to find answers nearby. She thought she might have been related to the Halliwells, but gave up on the idea because their mother died a long time ago. She never talked to the sister's though, she felt it would be too wield. She comes to P3 (and the funeral) because she felt connected. After they kiss, Paige takes him up to the roof with something to show him. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Cole have staked out the rooftop. She is not sure that they can take out Shax. As Cole tempts Phoebe to just go away with him, Paige and her boyfriend show up on the roof. Cole and Phoebe watch as Shax appears and attacks them. The demon injures the guy (Shane), but as he throws his energy ball at Paige, she gets frieghtened and suddenly Orbs to avoid the energy ball. Cole and Phoebe come to try and save her, but they do not have the power to defeat him, only drive him off. At the manor, Phoebe and Cole talked to Leo about what they saw. He doesn't understand what she could be. They tell him that she asked just as surprised as they were when she orbed. Leo goes to talk with the Elders and Cole goes to investigate what information the other side might have, leaving Piper and Phoebe alone. Piper is angry at Phoebe. Piper tells Phoebe that everyone in her family is just doomed to die and that Phoebe is making it far too easy on evil to kill her. At the hospital, Paige goes to see Shane. She says that she got scared and ran. The cops (inspector Cortez, the same inspector Daryle had introduced as taking over Prue's case) who tells them that whoever attacked them is probably the same person that killed Prue. He mentions that one of the women killed looked like Paige. Paige realizes he is talking about Prue. At the manor, Phoebe and Piper are talking over some Canamille. They say it just doesn't seem real. They try to talk about about normal things, like what to do with Prue's stuff and her car. Leo returns, but says that the Eldar's don't know anything about her. Cole says that the Source doesn't believe the girl is a Whitelighter, but rather is another one of the Charmed Ones. He sent Shax to kill her because he wants the Power of Three gone. Although Phoebe doesn't believe that is possible, Piper suddenly goes off to the attic, determined to ask Grams and find out what is going on. Grams appears, but when Piper confronts her, she pretends (rather badly) not to know what Piper is talking about. But Grams says she can't tell them, she was sworn to secrecy. When they demand to know by whom, their mother appears, telling them it was she that swore their grandmother to secrecy. Below, Daryle and insepctor Cortez enter the manor with a search warrant. Cortez is determined to find out what is going on. In the attic, their mother expalins that she and Sam (her WhiteLighte/Lover) decided to keep it a secret because they were afraid of reprisals. They gave her up for adoption, taking her to a local church and gave her to a nun. The girl they thought was their innocent is actually their younger half sister. Suddenly Cortez and Daryl bust into the attic and see everything. Phoebe tries to explain things to Cortez, but he blaimes them for evil magic. Grams tells Cortez that he caught them and asks what is he going to do, shoot them? For which Phoebe reminds her that not everyone present is dead? He says he is putting the house under constant surveillance and he is going to catch them doing something super-natural. Daryle gets fed up and hits Cortez over the head and knocks him out. Phoebe and Grams start rhyming and end up sending Cortez to Timbukto. Cole says he'll go after him and shimmers away. Piper is angry, demanding to know how her mother can come in and tell them all of this, especially the day they burried Prue. Leo can't find Paige because she is not a witch, so Phoebe says they have to find her. As they get downstairs, they find Paige standing in the foyer. She turns to go, but Phoebe says they were just coming to look for her. They introduce themselves, and she introduces herself as Paige (another 'P' as Phoebe points out). As Piper shakes her hand, energy flows through them. Suddenly Shax shows up again and sends them flying. As Leo tries to take him, the sisters run upstairs. Piper and Phoebe tell Paige to say the vanquishing spell with them, and as they do so, Shax blows up. Paige doesn't know what is going on, and runs out of the house. The Source confronts the Oracle, saying that the Power of Three is almost untouchable. The Oracle reminds the Source of the 48 hours he has to choose one side or another, the agreement made long ago to provide Free Will. The Source decides to try and turn Paige to his side. The Source goes off, warning the Oracle to see the future more clearly. The Source has gone to Shane, and possesses him before Paige arrives. Paige says the most horrible thing has happened, and Shane comforts her. Leo, Prue, and Phoebe are talking about Paige and how their mother kept it from him. Daryle arrives, wondering what they have done with Inspector Cortez. Cortez didn't show up for work. Cole arrives, but is cautious because a demonic bounty hunter shows up and Cole kills him. Cole says he put Cortez someplace where Cortez won't talk to anyone. But Leo says Cortez can't be killed. He and Cole agree to try and go and talk with Cortez. However, Cole warns the sisters of a worse threat, because on the way back he heard gargoyles, who come to life to warn off evil. Cole believe the Source himself has surfaced. They believe him to be after Paige, who doesn't stand a chance against him. They go off to try and find Paige. At Paige's place, The Source, as Shane, talks with Paige about what happened last night, although she isn't offering up much information. The Source uses his power to find out more about Paige and tells her he knows how she feels about an abuse father beating his son. Paige goes to work and leaves Shane at her place. In a deep pit of Hell, Cortez is stranded on a ledge. Leo and Cole arrive to 'save' him. Leo tries to make him understand that by exposing the girls he is not destroying evil, he is promoting it. Leo takes him away from the hell pit. At Paige's office, the case that Paige has been working on shows up. A seemingly abusive father. The Source appears and takes over the man as he is in the bathroom. Paige is talking to her Uncle, and asks about the Sister that found her at the church. She says something has come up and she should talk with the nun. Page tries to get invovled in the case, but her boss says it isn't her business and she isn't a social worker, only an associate. At the manor, Piper comforts Phoebe, who has finally slowed down enough for the weight of everything to catch up with her. Phoebe breaks down in tears. Phoebe wonders how they can go on without their big sister, how they can go up against the Source without her. At the Social Services, the Source, in control of the man's body taunts Paige, telling her there is nothing she can do to stop him. The Source takes over Shane's body again (killing an man while doing so) and smiles as his plan is succeeding. At the Church, Paige talks with the nun who found her. Sister Agnus remembers her and describes how Paige was brought to her, saying that her mother and father appeared to them like Angels, in bright lights. She says they told her Paige would come looking one day, and Sister Agnus kept the blanket she had been wrapped in (it has a P imprinted on it). Evidently they had only one request, that her name begin with a 'P'. Suddenly Prue and Piper show up (Piper freezing Sister Agnus) and try and talk with her, warning her that someone very bad is after her. Phoebe tempts her by telling her she has a magical power and that she needs to learn how to use it to protect herself. She explains how according to the prophecy, the Third Sister has the power to move objects with her mind. They try to teach Paige how to use her power, but fail (waving her arm, squinting her eyes). Paige gives up, but suddenly the candle she was trying to move 'orbs' in dissapear and reappears in her hand. Phoebe guesses the White-Lighter in her makes it work different. To which Piper says (in a very menacing voice), 'Half-Breed'. Shane shows up at the Church to the howling of Gargoyles. Paige runs to Shane, who helps him limp away. As Prue and Piper try to go after her, the Source hits them with energy which throws them across the Church. Inspector Cortez makes good on his threat after Cole and Leo returns, putting the house under surveilance. Daryle confronts Cortez, telling Cortez he has risked his career, his life, and his family for those girls, they are the best people he ever met. Back at the manor, the sisters explain what happened and Cole wonders why he just didn't kill Paige. He and Leo realize that the Source is trying to lure her to his side. He says that the Source can't interveene directly, but he can try and seduce and tempt her into using her powers for evil. They realize they don't know how to find her but that the source most definately does. At her apartment, Shane comforts Paige, who is so confused she doesn't know what to do. At the manor, Piper and Phoebe cast a spell (on a pair of bad sunglasses) to reveal the Source's true nature. However, they note that if they can't find Paige it will not help them. Cole reveals he can sense the source though, and they all go looking together. As Paige finishes a shower, the Source tempts her, telling her that she has the power to make changes and use it to stop people like the man who is abusing his son. The next day at work, Paige goes after the man, using her power to attack his heart. The sisters have arrived and witness the attack. Using the sunglasses, Phoebe sees a dark energy surrounding Paige. They try to convince Paige to stop, but Piper ends up just stopping her and Leo takes Paige back to the manor. As the man recovers from the attack, he tells his wife that he is no longer going to cover for her, that she must stop abusing their son. Leo stays behind to make sure they aren't followed. The Source is unhappy that he failed to convert Paige, but sees an opportunity to be rid of Belthezar. He stabs Cole with his sword and as Cole lays dying he calls for the Oracle to find Paige. At the manor, Paige is not happy. She is using her power to throw things around the house as Leo tries to convince her she is not evil. Piper tackles Paige, but as they think about a way to help her, the Source arrives and throws both Piper and Phoebe around. The Source says that their powers are strong, but wonders if they will be enough without the Power of Three. The Source says they only want her for her power, shifting forms to try and convince Paige. As the Source attacks Phoebe, Paige chooses to help her sisters and the Source reveals his true form as Paige turns from evil. The Source says he has broken the Power of Three before, he will do it again. He also taunts Phoebe, saying it wasn't a total waste since he got Belthezar. Suddenly Inspector Cortez arrives with a video camera. The Source thows him across the room and impales him on a coat rack before departing in flames. Leo runs to Cortez and heals him before he dies. Paige wonders how he did that, but Leo tells her that this is what WhiteLighters do, heal good people. Phoebe runs to find Cole. They find Cole dying, and Leo agrees to break the rules and heal Cole, even though it wouldn't only be the human half. Paige suggests that since she is only half WhiteLighter she might be able to help. Together they heal Cole's wound. At the police station, Cortez talks with Daryle and in the end gives Daryle the video tape of what he saw at the manor, ending the threat that the sisters might be exposed. At P3, Piper, Phoebe, Cole, and Leo sit around with a celebratory drink. Piper is still somber, she isn't sure how she feels. Piper admits she still unsure about continueing on with their 'destiny'. She needs time to think about it. Paige shows up, smiling and wanting to know if she gets free drinks (even though she doesn't drink anymore). She goes to leave, but they tell her to sit and talk. Leo and Cole make themselves scarce as the new sisters talk. She tells them that Shane doesn't want to see her anymore because he knows something bad happened and knows that she is connected. Piper says that it is all right, that she isn't really one of them until she has dated a demon. Phoebe asks Paige why she came to Prue's funeral. Paige says she felt like part of her lost something to. Piper invites Paige back to the manor, to show her what good magic can do. In the attic, they summon the spirit of their mother, whom Paige had never seen before. Patty welcomes Paige home as Phoebe and Piper watch on.
Samo za tebe Luna ...

Za putovanje u buducnost
Hear these words,
Hear the rhyme,
We send you,
This burning sign.
In another place and time

A da se ubije Nikolas
Lavender, Mimosa, Holy thistle
Cleanse this evil from our mist
Scatter its cells throughout time
Let this Nick no more exist

Odakle si zapisao te cini???

molim te reci mi!!!!

I jos nesto???
Kako da znam koja je ovo sezona, i koja je epizoda na redu?

Episode Guide


Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Something Wiccan This Way Comes
I've Got You Under My Skin
Thank You For Not Morphing
Dead Man Dating
Dream Sorcerer
The Wedding From Hell
The Fourth Sister
The Truth is out There...And it Hurts
The Witch is Back
Wicca Envy
Feats of Clay
The Wendigo
From Fear to Eternity
Secrets and Guys
Is There a Woogy In The House?
Which Prue is it Anyway?
That 70's Episode
When Bad Warlocks Go Good
Blind Sided
The Power of Two
Love Hurts
Deja Vu All Over Again

Witch Trials
Morality Bites
The Painted World
The Devil's Music
She's a Man, Baby a Man
That Old Black Magic
They're Everywhere
P3 H20
Ms. Hellfire
Heartbreak City
Reckless Abandon
Animal Pragmatism
Pardon My Past
Give Me a Sign
Murphy's Luck
How To Make a Quilt...
Chick Flick
Ex Libris
Astral Monkey
Apocalypse, NOT
Becareful What You Witch For

The Honeymoon's Over
Magic Hour
Once Upon a Time
All Halliwell's Eve
Sight Unseen
Primrose Path
Power Outage
Sleuthing with the Enemy
Coyote Piper
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Blinded by the Whitelighter
Wrestling with Demons
Bride of Gloom
The Good, The Bad, and The Cursed
Just Harried
Death Takes a Halliwell
Sin Francisco
Demon Who Came in From the Cold
Exit Strategy
Look Who's Barking
All Hell Breaks Loose

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

Charmed Again, Part 1
Charmed Again, Part 2
Hell Hath No Fury
Enter the Demon
Size Matters
A Knight to Remember
Brain Drain
Black as Cole
Muse to my Ears
A Paige from the Past
Trial by Magic
Lost and Bound
Charmed and Dangerous
The Three Faces of Phoebe
Marry Go Round
The Fifth Halliwheel
Saving Private Leo
Bite Me
We're Off to see the Wizards
Long Live the Queen
Womb Raider
Witch Way Now?
A Witch's Tail, Part 1
A Witch's Tail, Part 2
Happily Ever After
Siren Song
Witches in Tights
The Eyes Have It
Sympathy for the Demon
A Witch in Time
Daddy Dearest
The Mummy's Tomb
The Importance of Being Phoebe
Centennial Charmed
House Call
Sand Frisco Dreamin'
The Day the Magic Died
Baby's First Demon
Lucky Charmed
Cat House
Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun
Sense and Sense Ability
Necromancing The Stone
Oh My Goddess
Valhalley of the Dolls, Part 1
Valhalley of the Dolls, Part 2
Forget Me Not
Power of Three Blondes
Love's a Witch
My Three Witches
Soul Survivor
Sword and the City
Little Monsters
Prince Charmed
Used Karma
The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell
I Dream of Phoebe
The Courtship of Wyatt's Father
Ja sam zensko...
Na internetu mozes da nadjes svakakve cini i tako ne moras da trazis usluge...a juce 17.02 bila je epizoda P3 H20 u terminu od 23.30
Da li neko Zna sajt gde mogu da nadjem sve cini????

I jel neko zna cini za citanje misli i za ucenje(fibi ih je bacila kad je htela posao)?

zavisnica serije
Za pamet (cin koju je bacila Fibs)

Spirits send the words, from all across the land
Allow me to absorb them, through the touch of either hand
For 24 hours from seven to seven
I will understand all meaning of the words from here to heaven
P.S. There will be no personal gain

A spell za citanje misli

As flame lights shadow, and truth ends fear
Open locked thoughts to my mind's willing ear
May the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep
Bring innermost voices to mind in speech
