Iluminati stvorili Hitlera sa ciljem da pocne II svetski rat.

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Istocni Vetar

Iluminati su stvorili Hitlera i Naci Partiju sa ciljem da Hitler pocne II veliki rat.
Iliminatima je trebao drugi svetski rat i Hitler je finansiran sa tim ciljem..
Iluminati kontrolisu sve Partije i sve lidere..
Politicari svih zemalja su odabrani po kriterijumu da imaju veliku sposobnost da lazu i da slusaju i izvrsavaju naredjenja Iluminata..
Dzini Stulic je dobro rekao...
Uloge su davno podeljene
I svak ide svojim putem..

The ink wasn't dry on the Versailles Peace Treaty before the Illuminati started work on World War Two by building Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Before 1919, Hitler had been a political "gun for hire" who had many Jewish friends and had flirted with both Communism and Socialism. Overnight he became a virulent anti-Communist and anti-Semite. What happened? He had become an intelligence officer. Throughout the 1920's the Reichswehr secretly funded his party and trained his SA "Brownshirts."

I suspect General Kurt Von Schleicher was the point man for Illuminati bankers like Max Warburg, whose Frankfurt I.G. Farben HQ was spared by Allied bombers, and whose Jewish mother lived in comfort in Hamburg throughout the war.

In the Protocols of Zion, the author, an Illuminati banker, boasts they create or sanction anti-Semitism when it serves their purpose. "Anti-Semitism is indispensible to us for the management of our lesser brethren...this matter has been the subject of repeated discussions amongst us." (Protocol 9). Hitler was an example of how anti-Semitism was created. The author continues:

"It is from us that the all engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind...striving to overthrow all established forms of order. All states are in torture... but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super government..."

There, in black and white, is the motivation behind the UN, the EU and NAU, and every war until today. But the bankers have made us think it "racist" to pay heed. As if more than 1% of Jews were/are a conscious part of their heinous, diabolical conspiracy.

Modern history consists of this long-term plan of a powerful satanic clique to foment needless wars in order to enslave mankind by destroying nation, religion, race and family. Most historians are paid to obscure this horrible fact: The people ultimately responsible for Auschwitz and the Gulag, Hiroshima and Verdun, still run the world. They are responsible for 9-11 and Iraq.

Our leaders are chosen by their ability to lie and follow orders. Conflicts are charades between "antagonists" who actually serve the same masters.

(For newcomers, the Illuminati consist of selected members of dynastic Jewish central banking families intermarried with Euro-American aristocracy who have reached the highest degrees of Kabalistic Freemasonry.)
Илуминати или не, Европљани су створили Хитлера, као што ће да створе неког у УСА да сатру америку.
1914 и 1939 Немачка је била сила бр1 у свету и Европа је хтела да их се отараси. Сада је то Америка која више никоме не треба и само смета.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
