RAH-66 Comanche


Zainteresovan član
RAH-66 Comanche Reconnaissance / Attack Helicopter, USA
The Comanche RAH-66 reconnaissance and attack helicopter was being developed by Boeing and Sikorsky for the US Army. The first flight of the Comanche took place on 4 January 1996. The program entered Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) in June 2000, which required the construction of nine aircraft in addition to the two prototypes by 2006. Critical design review of the overall weapon system was completed in June 2003 and was to be followed by low rate initial production of 78 helicopters in three batches in 2007.

In February 2004, the US Army announced that it plans to cancel further research, development and planned purchases of the RAH-66 Comanche stealth helicopter. It considers that the helicopter will not meet the requirements of changing operational environments. An amendment to Congress will be submitted for the 2005 budget request that would allow the Army to terminate the Comanche program and reallocate funds to restructure Army aviation programs. The Army plans to buy approximately 800 more aircraft and upgrade another 400 with the diverted Comanche funds.

The armed reconnaissance Block I version was scheduled for initial operating capability in 2009 and heavy attack Block II version in 2011. The US Army requirement was for 650 Comanche helicopters.

Production of the Comanche would have taken place at Sikorsky's new site in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Boeing was responsible for manufacturing and assembling the composite tail section and rotor blades and Sikorsky for manufacture of the main fuselage and gearbox and for integration and final assembly of the airframe.

In an armed reconnaissance mission, Comanche can recognise and identify targets and digitally transmit the information to the battlefield commander in near real-time, select the optimum force deployment and co-ordinate the attack.


The airframe is crashworthy and ballistically tolerant to 23mm gunfire. The radar cross section has been minimised, primarily by the precisely shaped fuselage and internal weapons configuration. The helicopter has a composite five-bladed bearingless main rotor and an enclosed composite fantail tailrotor for increased anti-torque capability. The rear rotor is able to withstand impact by 12.7mm rounds and provides a 180° turn in 4.7 seconds in hover mode and an 80 knot snap-turn-to-target in 4.5 seconds.


The Comanche has two identical cockpits for the pilot and the co-pilot, which are sealed and have a positive pressure air system for protection against chemical and biological warfare. The fly-by-wire flight control system is triple redundant. The cockpit is fitted with a pilot's night vision system from Lockheed Martin and the pilots have a wide field of view (35° x 52°) Kaiser Electronics Helmet Integrated Display Sighting System (HIDSS). HIDSS employs active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) technology. The targets are designated and the weapons fired from collective and sidestick control push buttons. Each integrated cockpit has Harris Corp. flat screen liquid crystal displays, a colour display for a digital moving map system, tactical situation and night operation display.

Northrop Grumman is providing the Comanche's integrated Communications, Navigation and Identification (CNI) suite. The CNI suite will feature secure multi-wave, multiband multimode wireless communications, Link 16, satellite communications and Enhanced Position Locating Reporting System (EPLRS) via the tactical internet.


The Comanche carries its weapons internally and has a weapons bay on each side of the fuselage. The missiles are mounted on the weapon bay doors which open sideways. The internal weapon bay can be fitted with Stinger, Starstreak or Mistral air-to-air missiles; TOW II, Hot II or Longbow Hellfire air-to-ground missiles; Sura D 81mm, Snora 81mm, Hydra 70 rockets; or the Army Counter Air Weapon System. The number of missiles on each door mounting varies, for example each door will hold three Hellfire or six Stinger missiles. The helicopter can be reconfigured with optional stub wings fitted with multiple weapon pylons which carry an additional four Hellfire or eight Stinger missiles.

The Comanche is equipped with a turreted gun system from General Dynamics Armament Systems. The stowable externally-powered three-barrel 20mm Gatling gun is capable of firing 750 or 1,500 rounds per minute. The gun is mounted on a Giat composite turret (weighing 127kg) under the nose of the helicopter. The 500 round ammunition supply system can be reloaded in less than 8 minutes by two crew members.


The helicopter countermeasures suite includes an AN/AVR-2A(V) Advanced Laser Warning Receiver from Goodrich Electro-Optical Systems (formerly Raytheon) of Danbury, Connecticut and the ITT AN/ALQ-211 SIRCM (Suite of Integrated Radio Frequency Countermeasures) suite, as well as infrared jammers.


The Comanche is equipped with a suite of passive sensors and a computer-aided Northrop Grumman mission planning system, which carries out sensor data fusion, high-speed analysis and correlation of the sensor data. Northrop Grumman TASS (Target Acquisition System Software) functions include automatic target tracking and target threat management. The analysed data is presented to the crew in the cockpit displays or transmitted to other elements of the force, providing direct relay of near real time intelligence.

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control has developed the EOSS (Electro-Optics Sensor System) which comprises: EOTADS target acquisition and designation system, including solid-state TV sensor, two-colour laser rangefinder/designator and second-generation focal plane array long-wave FLIR (forward-looking infrared); and NVPS Night Vision Pilotage System with a second FLIR. The first complete EOSS system was delivered in June 2003.

The Comanche will be fitted with a fire control radar (based on the Longbow millimetre wave radar on the AH-64D Apache helicopter) being developed by Northrop Grumman Land Combat Systems and Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control.


The helicopter has a global positioning system, a radar altimeter and an attitude heading reference system (AHRS) from Northrop Grumman (formerly Litton).

It is equipped with an identification friend or foe (IFF) interrogator and a dual jam resistant VHF-FM / UHF-AM Have Quick tactical communications system.


The Comanche is equipped with two T-800-LHT-801 turboshaft engines from LHTec with a maximum rated power of 1,563 shaft horsepower each. The internal fuel capacity of the helicopter is 1,142 litres.


:lol: :lol: Ma mogu Ameri da prave helikoptere koliko hoce, svaki ce im se zvati Sikorsky ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :razz: :lol: :-D :grin: :)
a sto reći.. mi28 je zvir! neda mi se čitati ovo sve od ovog plastičnog ali mi čini kako je koncepsiski promašen od starta. htjeli su maximum stalth karakteristike i onda su dobili nista, ostale su performanse previše pale. tu su trebali ići drugim konceptom. ovako su išli, inžinjersko konstrukcijskim riječnikom "izvana prema unutra a trebali su iznutra prema van."
Cekaj, sta mu fali? Ima dva motora od po 2200 kW(dok Apache ima dva od 1447kW). Ima top kalibra 30 mm, VR Ataka (domet 8 km) NRZ 80h 80min 20h 130 mm. Armirano staklo moze da izdrzi pogodke kalibr 12,7 mm i udare delova granata od 20 mm. Ako se nalaze na dovoljnoj visini, posada moze da iskoci padobranom. Tada se krila, kabinska vrata i lopatice rotora odbacuju. Na izduvnicima motora smesteni su uredjaji za hladjenje izduvnih gasova. Tako se znacajno smanjuje IC odraz sto ujedno smanjuje i sansu pogadjanja vodjenog projektila. A da ne govorim o IC mamcima. Mislim, sta hoces vise. Bolji je od Apacha u svakom pogledu. Video sam klip kada Mi-28 radi looping, sto ne moze bilo koji helikopter. Mozda je cak i jedini. Rusi su ga otkinuli, sad to da nije nevidljiv, jel Apach nevidljiv mozda? Sama pojava je zastrasujuca kao pojava Tiger-a u drugom svetskom ratu. :)
o kojem ti sad pričaš? koji ima 2200kW? mi28 ili ah66.
Gledaj, to kad oni navode performanse, to ti nije bas najbitnije, recimo. naveo si jednom primjer da je mi24 za 5km BRŽI!! od lynxa ili nečeg sličnog... takva usporedba podatak ti je besmislena. zamisli da mu motor jednom zariba na 50 sati rada a drugom na 500 sati rada..?važniji su ti uporabno konstrukcijska rješenja a tu je malo teže iskazati tu premoć putem samih brojki. nije mi28 bolji od anekog helikoptera zbog toga sto bi bio 20km brži na maksimalnoj brzini već je bolji zbog drugih stvari. ne znam jeli razumiješ?
2200kW ima Mi-28 a Apahhe 1447kW. Nisam rekao da je Mi-24 5 km brzi od Westland Lynx 3 nego obrnuto. Poenta je bila u tome da se Rusi 72-ge napravili najbrzi helikopter na svetu koji uz to nosu 6 vojnika i gomilu naoruzanja, opreme, oklopa i tako dalje, znas vec. Da bi napravili brzi helikopter NATO-u (Engleska) je trebalo 30 godina, a taj najbrzi, ne da je bio brzi za zanemarljivu brzinu, nego nije imao nista od naoruzanja, oklopa itd. Bio je jednostavno neupotrebljiv. POSLE 30 GODINA!!!! Pomenuo si (mada drugim recima) da Rusi ne znaju da prave motore i da se pokvare posle 50 sati rada. To pricaj Oberu itd. Ko je rekao da je Mi-28 brzi od Apacha. Bas suprotno. Apach je brzi za neku zanemarlivu razliku od 5-10 km/h. Mi-28 je, ako hoces, duplo zilaviji od Apacha. Zbog kojih je to drugih stvari Apach bolji od Milja 28?
a ta je brzinska razlika je, sa kojom konfiguracijom naoruzanja na krilima, koliko municije za top i koliko goriva u rezervoarima, pitam za oba helihoptera?
samo za tebe sukhoi... sikorsky je bio poreklom polu poljak pulu ukrajinac... nije bio rus!
ako nesto ne znas, onda nemoj nekoga da vredjas... tako samo ispadas jos gluplji, to ti je malo decje psihologije... i ako znas reci mi molim te ovo sto sam vec pitao a ta je: brzinska razlika je, sa kojom konfiguracijom naoruzanja na krilima, koliko municije za top i koliko goriva u rezervoarima, pitam za oba helihoptera?
mislim da je najbitniji luping :)
tada ce neprijateljska posada za pvo topom da zanemi od cuda i odustace od gadjanja :)

to prvo, drugo englezi nisu pravili helikopter samo zato da bi bio brzi od ruskog.....

trece, apac je dovoljno oklopljen da izdrzi sve ono sto si ti naveo...
cetvrto...koliko ono ima mi-28 u operativnoj upotrebi?
peto, poredis snage motora kod razlicitih helikoptera, i jos u pricu uvodis mi24....neozbiljno neozbiljno....

evo jednog pitanja....koji helikopter moze da ponese najvise ubojnih sredstava?
jel mislis na transportni ili na jurnisni helikopter? i u jednom i u drugo slucaju odgovor je isti, tj helikopter iste armije, ali to sto apacev konkurent moze skoro duplo vise ubojnih sredstava, i tereta da ponese od njega, to neznaci nuzno da je to i bolji helikopter! ps.. jedan ruski helikoptrer, da mu ne spominjem sada ime, a svi znaju koji, je helikopter sa najvecim transportnim kapacitetom na svetu, takodje borbeni helikopter koji ima najvecu mogucu nosnju ubojnih sredstava je takodje ruski, i pored toga jos nosi i 8 vojnika!!!
mislim da je najbitniji luping :)
tada ce neprijateljska posada za pvo topom da zanemi od cuda i odustace od gadjanja :)

to prvo, drugo englezi nisu pravili helikopter samo zato da bi bio brzi od ruskog.....

trece, apac je dovoljno oklopljen da izdrzi sve ono sto si ti naveo...
cetvrto...koliko ono ima mi-28 u operativnoj upotrebi?
peto, poredis snage motora kod razlicitih helikoptera, i jos u pricu uvodis mi24....neozbiljno neozbiljno....

evo jednog pitanja....koji helikopter moze da ponese najvise ubojnih sredstava?
Mi-24 nisam u pricu uveo ja nego HS1911 i uz to izokrenuo nesto sto sam ja ranije rekao. Ne znam koliko je Mi-28 u operativnoj upotrebi, u svakom slecaju ima ih sasvim dovoljno. Sta ce im gomila helikoptera koji ce da trunu po hangarima, kad ni sa kim ne ratuju? Ako se nadje neki nesrecnik, za mesec dana napravice vise Mi-28 nego sto mozes da zamislis. A ako bas hoces, Englezi jesu pravili helikopter samo da bi bio brzi od ruskog. Sta ce da rade sa njim? Da mu stave mitraljez 5,56 mm i dve hellfire rakete koje ce da obore Mi-28? Nemoj molim te.
Koji moze da ponese vise ubojitih sredstava? Mi-28, a sta si ti mislio?
