Adsl ili Kablovski internet, šta je bolje?

Sada imam kablovski 256/64 a nivo agregacije nije naveden a i neznam šta konkretno to znači, u svakom slučaju sa e-mula i limewirea skidam sve što mi treba, jedini je problem malo u ceni kablivskog a i zašto da plaćam ako ima ista brzina adsl-a za skoro duplo manje para.
Mnogo je bolji kablovski, a sto se mene tice ja sam sa ADSL-a presao na wireless, ADSL je krs, to nemoj slucajno da uzmes,kablovski ima moj brat na sbb, a sto se tice ta 2 uzmi kablovski, i zbog cega ti treba, odgovori. Samo da znas ono sto kazu da na ADSL-u nema limit, to nije tacno meni su skinuli protok kad sam skinuo 2 filma,i na kablovskomk imas limit. ALI DA ZNAS DA JE I NA KABLOVSKOM I NA ADSL-lu SHAROVAN PROTOK , pa ako ti se zamrzne linija ili ti izbaci greske, veza je puna.
Cek ajde mi daj neke informacije gde dolazis u koji grad pa cu onda da ti tacno kazem....

Sto se tice samog beograda, znaci pricam za beograd. tamo postoji jedan ogroman problem sa kojim se susrecu [provajderi bezicnog interneta, a to je veliki broj magnetnih talasa po ulicama.. Znaci da razjasnim non-stop po ulicama vidjamo veliku kolicinu autobusa, automobila tu je veliki broj radnji sto butika sto pekara pa i drugih zanatskih radnji kuji daju sigurnho neki broj magnetnih talasa ako nista makar od fiskalne kase :):):)... I naravno tu je vazdusni saobracaj. Samim tim jedan deo grada odnosno vecina delova grada je sto se tice toga mnogo losa sa bezicnim internetom. \

Medjutim ono sto mogu sigurno da ti kazem ovako stanje nije drugim gradovima. Znaci ajde zamolio bih te da mi samo kazes u koji grad koji deo srbije dolazis i onda cu ti detaljno sve reci.

Naravno ako dolazis u bg reci mi koji deo da li nbg (novi beograd) ili tamo dalje i recicu ti koji je najbolji adsl ili kablovski operator na tom delu grada...

Ae pozdrav pa se kuckamo... uzivaj
Kablovski. Ja sam uzela preko JOTEL-a i uopste nemam problema.Sve radi odlicno, ne pucaju veze, jedini problem je sto izgleda da imamo neke adrese (mislim IP) iste pa ako nemas premium account neces moci bas cesto nesto da skidas preko rapidshare-a. To mozda i nije isto po drugim gradovima, ne znam odakle si, ja sam iz Nisa. Mada i ovde ovi koji su uzeli preko sbb-a nemaju takvih problema.
Evo, ovde u Vrbasu svi beze od SBB ko djavo od krsta... Dva dana imaju vezu, pa dva dana nemaju...
Protok pada i do 5-6kb/s na 256/128k, cesto su im blokirani P2P portovi... Zalosno...

Ja koristim ADSL i veza mi je pukla 2 puta za ova tri meseca, ali tad je pukla svima koje poznajem (verovatno je puko telekom)... Znaci ADSL = Stabilna veza u Vrbasu... SBB = Katastrofa u Vrbasu...
Satelitski Internet.

What Is DSL Internet Connection?
DSL uses a sophisticated modulation scheme to pack data onto copper wires. DSL is sometimes referred to as a last-mile technology because it is used only for connections from a telephone switching station to a home or office, not used between switching stations. DSL is also called an always on connectionm because it uses existing 2-wire copper telephone line connected to the premise and will not tie up your phone as a dial-up connection does. There is no need to dial in to your ISP as DSL is always on. The two main categories of DSL for home subscribers are called ADSL and SDSL.

What Is a Cable Internet Connect?
Through the use of a cable modem you can have a broadband Internet connection that is designed to operate over cable TV lines. Cable Internet works by using TV channel space for data transmission, with certain channels used for downstream transmission, and other channels for upstream transmission. Because the coaxial cable used by cable TV provides much greater bandwidth than telephone lines, a cable modem can be used to achieve extremely fast access to the Web. This, combined with the fact that millions of homes are already wired for cable TV, has made cable Internet service something cable TV companies have really jumped onboard with.

Cable vs. DSL: The Speeds
The topic of "which is better and faster" has been a highly debated topic, and still there doesn't appear to be a clear winner. DSL offers users a choice of speeds ranging from 144 Kbps to 1.5Mbps. Cable modem download speeds are typically up to 2 times faster than 1.5Mbps DSL, but the reason there is no clear speed winner is because cable technology is based on shared bandwidth, with many factors influencing a users download speed. With shared bandwidth the speed fluctuates depending on the number of subscribers on the network. With DSL, the connection is yours and not shared, and you tend to have a more constant speed. This is one reason why cable Internet providers don't often publish speed information. In more rural areas with fewer subscribers, you're bound to have faster download speeds than a subscriber in a metropolitan center. Because cable modem speeds fluctuate, it is difficult to gauge an exact download speed. On the upload stream, however, cable and DSL are closely matched for speed. Both DSL and cable Internet speeds are largely dependant on the service provider and either the distance away from the switching station you are or how many subscribers are in your immediate area.

Cable vs. DSL: Home Networking & Security
Both DSL and Cable Internet can easily be shared with computers on your home LAN through software (Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing for example) or by using a connection sharing device, such as a router and firewall software. Using a SOHO router is most-often the recommended option as this will also provide you with a much needed firewall protection for your LAN as well. It is important to check with your service provider, however, as sharing your broadband connect may violate your Terms of Service agreement. In many areas, service providers will allow you to connect additional computers to your broadband Internet service for a nominal fee. Because Cable is shared connection, you are actually on a LAN with all subscribers in your areas. This would really create security issues only if no security measures are in place, but cable service providers generally provide cable modems with security features in the hardware. Overall the security of these broadband connections are closely matched, with DSL boasting a bit better security — and it is always advisable to consider purchasing additional hardware or software to protect your system, as your service provider may only provide the basics with the installation & set-up of your account.

Cable vs. DSL: The Price
The price consumers will pay for DSL or cable Internet services is not standard. It depends on how much competition there is for broadband services, and the area you live in. For example, in some areas it's only been in the past few years that cable Internet has been available. Until then, DSL costs were quite high, but as cable Internet became available the price of DSL went down. With either option you generally will pay a one-time set-up fee. For cable you could expect this fee to be anywhere from $50 to $100, while the cost for DSL installation is a bit more and could run up to $150 for set-up. Once the installation is completed, you will usually pay for your Internet subscription on a monthly basis. Cable, again, is usually a bit cheaper with monthly fees averaging $40 to $50. You can expect to pay about $5 to $10 more a month for DSL service.

If you live in an area where both cable and DSL is offered then you may find yourself being able to nab a better deal on your broadband service. Your local DSL or cable carrier may offer introductory offers such as free installation or offer the Internet service free for a couple months. In addition, you can also check and see if the service provider offer discounts on service bundles. For example, many cable companies offer discounts for "surf and watch" which gives you a price discount if you subscribe to both cable TV and cable Internet from the same provider (also many cable operators now offer VoIP capabilities as part of the mix). If you choose DSL you may qualify for a "surf and talk" bundle plan. If you're not already a broadband subscriber you can save money by checking with local service providers and signing up for your broadband account when you can catch a good deal.
Могу деца на науче Енглески, или да користе напредни систем превођења на крстарици, онако реч по реч, пошто од паметних критичара није се нашао један залудан који ће да направи један онлајн преводиоц са Енглеског на Спрпски.

Или па што ти брате не преведеш кад ти је толко стало до деце?

сателитски интернет није скуп ако купиш комплет кинеску сателитску антену и ресивер, буде око 25 еура месечно, е па сад прерачунај колико кошта кабловски интернет, па онда колико ће да те кошта телефон док се жалиш да је споро, па док чекаш да дођу чувени техничараи, па колико кошта превоз док идеш у сервис да се жалиш јер је подршка грозна? па цене лекова за смирење, завоји, камилица и краставац за опуштање лица, пљуге, итд.
