Podesavanje sajta da bude home page

Da, previse puta se jednostavno oslonimo na jedan browser, probamo skriptu, ona radi, sve je ok - djavola! Na nekom drugom browseru ne radi.
Stoga pre nego sto tresnete skriptu na sajt, proverite bar u IE, Netscape (obe verzije 7.2 i 8), Opera, FF

Ne zaboravite da bez obzira sta mi mislili, postoji ipak poveci broj ljudi koji koriste i starije verzije nabrojanih browsera pa i to treba imati u vidu
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.domen.com" title="Ime Sajta" rel="sidebar" onclick="if( window.sidebar && window.sidebar.addPanel ) { //Gecko (Netscape 6 etc.) - add to Sidebar window.sidebar.addPanel( this.title, this.href, '' );} else if( window.external && ( navigator.platform == 'Win32' || ( window.ScriptEngine && ScriptEngine().indexOf('InScript') + 1 ) ) ) { //IE Win32 or iCab - checking for AddFavorite produces errors in //IE for no good reason, so I use a platform and browser detect. //adds the current page page as a favourite; if this is unwanted, //simply write the desired page in here instead of 'location.href' window.external.AddFavorite( location.href, document.title );} else if( window.opera && window.print ) { //Opera 6+ - add as sidebar panel to Hotlist return true;} else if( document.layers ) { //NS4 & Escape - tell them how to add a bookmark quickly (adds current page, //not target page) window.alert( 'Please click OK then press Ctrl+D to create a bookmark' );} else { //other browsers - tell them to add a bookmark (adds current page, not target page) window.alert( 'Please use your browser\'s bookmarking facility to create a bookmark' );}return false;">Click Here To Bookmark Ime Sajta</a><br />
Izgleda da nema...Ja imam ovaj, ali se nesto baguje, cas oce, cas nece:

<div align="center"><a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" HREF onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://www.sajt.com');"><img src="images/home.jpg" width="19" height="20" hspace="10" alt="Postavite nas za pocetnu stranicu!"></a><A HREF="javascript:makeLink()"><img src="images/favorites.jpg" width="20" height="17" hspace="10" border="0" alt="Postavite nas u &quot;FAVORITES&quot; listu!"></a></div>
