Za one koji znaju


Molim vas za savet!
Imam problem sa skidanjem slika sa Neta. Do pre dva dana sve slike mogao sam da skidam u jpg formatu.
Medjutim ovih dana kada god pokusam da skinem neku od tih slika, ista mi se pojavljuje u bitmap formatu i umesto da su `teske` 50-60 kb, teske su preko 1 mb.
Napominjem da koristim XP, i da te slike mogu da skinem Download akceleratorom, ali posto imam puno slika za skidanje (za novine), taj posao bi bio mnogo zamorniji nego prostim skidanjem `save picture as`. Kada to pokusam pojavljuje mi se samo `untitled` i to na svim sajtovima sa slikama.
Posto je moje znanje oko tih stvari vrlo skromno, molim vas za pomoc.
Bilo kog formata, slika se skida desnim klikom i kao sto rece Save Picture As...
Kada to uradis izlazi ti prozor. Gledaj DNO prozora i videces dva polja. U prvom dajes ime slici a u drugom biras format slike (GIF, JPG, BMP,...)
DAP-om (Download Aceelerator Plus) skidas samo LINK-ovane slike ali njih na netu ima veoma malo.
Ako koristis Internet Explorer ili Netscape sliku cuvas na Save Traget As, a operom na "Save Image".
To su osnovne stvari, to bi bar trebalo SVI da znaju... 8)
No One Lives 4ever...:
Bilo kog formata, slika se skida desnim klikom i kao sto rece Save Picture As...
Kada to uradis izlazi ti prozor. Gledaj DNO prozora i videces dva polja. U prvom dajes ime slici a u drugom biras format slike (GIF, JPG, BMP,...)
DAP-om (Download Aceelerator Plus) skidas samo LINK-ovane slike ali njih na netu ima veoma malo.
Ako koristis Internet Explorer ili Netscape sliku cuvas na Save Traget As, a operom na "Save Image".
To su osnovne stvari, to bi bar trebalo SVI da znaju... 8)
Dragi druze, hvala ti sto si mi odgovorio. Ali, to sto ti kazes nije stvar koju ja ne znam. Problem je u tome sto koju god sliku u exploreru da skinem pretvara je u bitmap format. I u donjem delu prozora nemam mogucnosti da izaberem format slike (GIF, JPG, BMP,...), jednostavno stoji samo bmp. Sta da radim?
Evo ti ga najverovatnije objašnjenje & rešenje, mrzelo me da prevodim:

This behavior may occur if a damaged program file (for example, an ActiveX or Java object) is downloaded to the SystemRoot\Downloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk.

To troubleshoot and resolve this behavior, empty the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder, and then delete the files in the Downloaded Program Files folder that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged. To do so:
Start Internet Explorer (if it is not already started).
Empty the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder. To do so:
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
Click the General tab.
Under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Files.
When you are prompted to delete all temporary Internet files, click OK.
In the Downloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk, remove the files that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged. To do so:
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
Click the General tab.
Under Temporary Internet files, click Settings.
Click View Objects.

The list of program files that are downloaded to the SystemRoot\Downloaded Program Files folder on your hard disk appears in the Downloaded Program Files window.
In the Status column, note the files that are listed as either Unknown or Damaged. Remove these files. To do so, right-click the file, and then click Remove.
When you are prompted to confirm the removal, click Yes.
Close the Downloaded Program Files window, and then click OK two times.
Save an image in Internet Explorer to test and determine if the issue is resolved.

If the issue continues to occur after you remove all downloaded program files that are listed as Unknown or Damaged, try removing the other downloaded program files that are on the list.

Note: The next time that you need one of the files that you removed from the Downloaded Program Files folder, you will receive a prompt to download the file to your hard disk in Internet Explorer.
