Ima nade i za nas savremene ...


Verujem da ce ovaj text probuditi mnoge "savremene", macho, balkanske muskarce iz zapale letargije, a ako nista, bar ih nasmejati i uliti im vere u ispravnost misljenja da za nas josh uvek ima nade ... ;)

Ne znam koliko je copy/paste dozvoljen "statutom" nashe posustale ladjice, ali, radite i vi moderatori nesto, brishite napisano, u krajnjem slucaju ....

ovaj genijalan text je na engleskom, voleo bih da oni koji se kako tako snalaze sa njim i na kraju skapiraju poentu shta nam je chiniti, ujedno daju neki svoj komentar koliko je ovo uopste primenjivo u praxi :roll:

skinuto sa najpopularnije stranice za savremene muskarce;

Training Your Girlfriend

When you first start dating a new girlfriend, you want to be on your best behavior. Sure, you want to make a good impression, but what you're really doing is catering to her to get sex.

The problem is, the power base shifts to her right from the outset and she knows it. She's in charge of access to the zipper and she counts on you bending over backward to gain entry. So she's got you.

But there's more to it than that.

You might not be aware of it, but what she's really up to is training you to be what she calls a "gentleman" -- acting nice and accommodating, paying for her meals and chauffeuring her around like a servant. And that's not all. She's also busy laying her traps to lock you into this pattern for the course of the relationship.

Before you know it, she'll have you on her leash, following her around like a puppy dog, eagerly awaiting her next command, and lapping up the few sexual kibbles she tosses at you to keep you at "heel."

Sounds despicable, doesn't it? Yet girlfriends do it to men all the time. Why? Because we let them. We allow them to treat us like obedient pets, with sex as our reward for the "correct" behavior.

But what if you don't want to wind up as your girlfriend's puppy dog? Is there any way out of this canine catastrophe? The answer is "yes."

The trick is to beat her to the punch -- act fast and treat her like one first. A girlfriend can make a best friend and ideal companion, but like any bitch (female dog, that is), she needs to be taught how to act around the house. So you have to set the ground rules early by enrolling her in your own private obedience school.
common obedience problems

She's out of control and constantly acts up. Brainwashed by a steady diet of Oprah and "feminist" propaganda, she's now "empowered," meaning that her thoughts run somewhere along these lines: "Men have been holding me back, I want mine now, and I don't care what pair of testicles I have to step on to get it." Since a girlfriend's brain is unable to distinguish emotion from logic, this kind of fantasy thinking will prompt her to act in self-destructive patterns and will cause you undue stress around the house.

She doesn't like to be left alone. She pouts when you hook up for the weekly poker game with your buddies. She harps at you to buy her something, and when she gets it, she doesn't want it anymore (or demands something even more expensive). She nags that you watch too much ESPN. She's always whimpering that she's too fat, too old or not pretty enough. She craves constant attention.

Other bad behaviors and ways to control them ...

Yap, yap, yap. She talks incessantly. But the problem is that she goes on and on and on about nothing. You're on the phone, trying to close a business deal, and there she is in the background, yipping about her new pair of shoes.

Like a dog, she is hard to train. No matter what you want, she always insists on getting her own way, then throws a tantrum or cuts off sex if you oppose her. She's always escaping from the yard to go shopping. And she won't respect your commands ("roll over," "lie down," "play dead").

She always "begs" with her hands on her hips -- never on all fours. All you hear from her is, "I want this," "Give me that" (on your credit card, of course) and "My girlfriend's boyfriend bought her a car -- why are you so cheap?" Not to mention that she expects to be regularly taken out for expensive dinners.

House destruction
You just can't leave her alone in your place. You go out for a few hours to play golf, and when you come back, your autographed Bears poster and leather couch have been replaced by flower prints and a shrimp-colored loveseat. And there are friggin' valances on the windows.

Not fetching
An improperly trained girlfriend doesn't know that she should always bring you a beer without having to be asked.

Girlfriends are naturally attracted to bright, shiny objects (like jewelry) and fast-moving luxury cars. An untrained girlfriend will abandon you and run after any male who happens by with a few baubles and a Porsche.

Not being housetrained
Girlfriends are notorious for not knowing how to put the toilet seat back up.
training your girlfriend
You can see how much upset an untrained girlfriend can bring into your life. So how can you counteract these bad behaviors?

Act early and often
Girlfriends have to be taught obedience from day one, or they will soon think that their bad behavior will be tolerated. Once improper patterns have been imprinted on the female brain, they can be extremely difficult to alter -- you can't teach an old girlfriend new tricks. The idea is to set the ground rules at the beginning of the relationship so that she can understand what's expected of her. This means your regular night out with the guys, sharing dating expenses and sex on your terms.

Don't be afraid to say "no"
As many would believe, girlfriends aren't usually as bright as men, so they typically have to be told more than once. And spank her if she continues to misbehave. If she likes it, spank her a lot.

Use operant conditioning
Freely encourage her good behaviors (being in heat, excessive licking, humping, and especially obeying the command, "Down, girl!") with praise and rewards while ignoring the bad. The idea is not to punish her for doing something wrong (unless she's into that sort of thing), but to withhold attention from the behaviors you don't like. This way, she will slowly catch on and eliminate the unwanted patterns from her repertoire. As she starts to become dependent upon your approval or disapproval, she will act more agreeably and respectfully toward you.
practice makes perfect

All in all, obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your girlfriend and yourself, because a well-trained girlfriend makes for a happy relationship. It can enrich your dating life by eliminating unwanted behaviors and can make your time together much more enjoyable. The ultimate result is that you'll wind up with a girlfriend who will treat you well and work hard to please you... the perfect pet to have around the house

Nadam se da se niko nece naci prozvan ovim, nadasve, decacki naivnim rezonovanjem odnosa danasnjeg muskarca i sve manje poslusne zene 8-)
I niko ništa da ti napiše? Mora da je mLogo interesantan text. Mrzi me da čitam. :D
Mali savet: kraće rečenice, kraći post :arrow: kraće čekanje na odgovor. :D

Sreca moja da moj poslodavac ne dolazi na vreme na posao, pa sam imala vremena da iscitam ceo post. Uf!
Ima neki stari film iz vremena "Saputanje na jastuku" u kome se kcerka zali mami na svog muskarca. Majka joj poklanja knjigu kao uputstvo za muskarce - KAKO DA DRESIRATE SVOG PSA!
Mislim da je ovaj tekst nista drugo, no los pokusaj interpretacije vec vidjenog!
Teks pocinje od toga da se muskarci u odnosu sa zenama ponasaju kao psi - sene zbog seksa - i objasnjava muskracima kako da dresiraju kucke. :(
Ovo ti je, prijatelju, za forum o kucnim mezimcima, eventualno. Kapiram da vecina ljudi ovde sebe smatra ljudskim bicima a ne zivotinjama...
Neukusno, u stvari.
Pa tebra... ovde pise samo o nacinima na koje se 'lose vaspitana' devojka ophodi, ne pise nista o tome kako to spreciti i saseci u korenu, kao sto implicira da ce objasniti i pouciti na pocetku teksta.
Los manual.

Ne tebra, nisi u pravu, naravno da pishe kako "spreciti" ovakvu pojavu na relaciji zena-muskarac ... Ne zelim reci da mozda nisi razumeo, verovatno onda nebi ni komentarisao, ali je u tom sluchaju sasvim izvesno da nisi sve prochitao.

Meni je ovo vise delovalo kao duhovita opaska na racun today's male-female relationships nego kao neki ozbiljan obrazac kako izdresirati neposlushnu devojcicu ... :cry:
Zato mi se i ucinio interesantnim. Odnosno, prekrativshi mi vreme na poslu, ujedno me je razgalio i naveo na pomiso da bi bash bilo dobro preneti ga na podforum "savremeni" kao neshto shto bi i druge nasmejalo i ponukalo na razmisljanje koliko se, mozda, pronalaze u napisanom. Osim zabave, text stvarno nije imao nikakvih drugih pretenzija ni tamo gde je originalno napisan, a josh manje ovde !

Cenim svacije razumne stavove i misljenja, ali uopste nemam nameru ni vremena da polemishem koliko je ovo plagijat vec vidjenog/procitanog iliti odraz, nekog moguceg, losheg ukusa. Forum je pun svega, od morbidno-bizarnih tema koje izazivaju mucninu vec samim naslovom preko onih koje sluze za izivljavanje svakakvih usamljenih ochajnika nad idejom virtuelne komunikacije do, nazalost, velikog broja onih tema koje vredjaju intelekt svekolikog sveta koji obilaskom ovog foruma pokusava samo da prekrati vreme i ujedno se kvalitetnije zabavi u odnosu na ljigavi B92 ili totalno debilni serbiancafe.
Zato "muvalo", mojne meni izigravash nekog dushebriznika savremenih balkosa ovog foruma, opushteno brate, zamolio bih te ;)
I have read it all mr.indianhonor, and thank you for sparing my feelings and not considering me an ignorant forum-user.
I still think that it's incomplete and more on the humorous and derogatory side, than anything else. Certainly not informational enough, but you yourself have said that it was not it's purpose anyway, it's purpose was that of a well meaning joke.
You say that the forum is full of so called 'bizzare subjects' , and that that is a good enough reason to behave as intolerably and abruptly as you have, and post whatever comes to your mind.
I insure you, it is not.
So please, if you are going to act so defensively, do try not to insult the odler users. Be mild, be gentle. We could become your forum buddies for all you know...
This forum is some kind of a virtual informational supermarket, and we shopped here first ;)
We feel oh-so fuzzy about it.
I do hope you had read all of which i have written, and have yourself a pleasant reading experience ya hear?
Shucks can come back anytime youngster..(spits in the direction of a spitoon)
The trick is to beat her to the punch -- act fast and treat her like one first. A girlfriend can make a best friend and ideal companion, but like any bitch (female dog, that is), she needs to be taught how to act around the house. So you have to set the ground rules early by enrolling her in your own private obedience school.
common obedience problems
100% TACNO
Xaxaxaxaxa a ja vam to ovde sve vreme i govorim...
