Imas ih svuda.....
Prosetaj malo Bulevar, Vasina, Kralja Milana...
Konkretno ja sam kupila u Vasinoj (pre godinu dana), sada su na snizenju oko 3.000, inace su 4.500.
Te sto ih ima svuda nisu prave Romike,licno znam za Vasinu,znaci prodaju cizme kao fora romikine su jer im je kao kvalitet na tom nivou a inace su noname a ne Romika...
Izuzetno cenim to sto postujes iskljucivo na temama o obuci.
Da li ti je ovo specijalizovan nik za tu oblast, ili te druge teme ne interesuju?
Ne mislim nista lose, samo pitam...
Sigurno da ne interesuju i druge teme. A nickname, da je "specijalozovan za tu oblast"... hm, ne znam sta reci. Pogledaj recnik engleskog jezika, ali pazi da ne pogresis...;)
Koliko ja znam jedina prava radnja je bila u YuBiznis centru na Novom Beogradu, ali je koliko ja znam zatvorena ili premestene. Ove Romike po gradu nemaju veze sa ovim, a i modelii ne mogu da se porede. Naravno i kvalitet. Nisam mnogo pomogla.
pump 1 |pəmp|
noun a mechanical device using suction or pressure to raise or move liquids, compress gases, or force air into inflatable objects such as tires : a gas pump.
• [in sing. ] an instance of moving something or being moved by or as if by such a machine : the pump of blood to her heart.
• [with adj. ] Physiology an active transport mechanism in living cells by which specific ions are moved through the cell membrane against a concentration gradient : the bacterium's sodium pump.
• a pump-action shotgun. verb 1 [ trans. ] force (liquid, gas, etc.) to move in a specified direction by or as if by means of a pump : the blood is pumped around the body | [ intrans. ] if we pump long enough, we should bring the level up.
• [ intrans. ] move in spurts as though driven by a pump : blood was pumping from a wound in his shoulder.
• fill with something : my veins had been pumped full of glucose.
• shoot (bullets) into a target.
• ( pump something in/into) informal invest a large amount of money in (something) : he pumped all his savings into building the boat.
• [ trans. ] informal try to elicit information from (someone) by persistent questioning : she began to pump her friend for details.
2 [ trans. ] move (something) vigorously up and down : we had to pump the handle like mad.
• [ intrans. ] move vigorously up and down or back and forth : that's superb running—look at his legs pumping.
• apply and release (a brake pedal or lever) several times in quick succession, typically to prevent skidding.
• move one's arm as if throwing a ball held in the hand, but without releasing the ball : [in combination ] behind the plate Howard double-pumped then threw to second.
PHRASES pump someone's hand shake a person's hand vigorously. pump iron informal exercise with weights.
PHRASAL VERBS pump out produce or emit (something) in large quantities or amounts : that little printing press pumped out our brochures for more than twenty years. pump up inflate (a tire, balloon, etc.)
• informal increase : she needs to read and pump up her political grip.
• informal turn up the volume of (music) : let's pump up those tunes, man.
• informal give inappropriate support and encouragement to : we let them pump up our egos. ORIGIN late Middle English (originally in nautical use): related to Dutch pomp ‘ship's pump’ (earlier in the sense ‘wooden or metal conduit’ ), probably partly of imitative origin.pump 2 noun a light shoe, in particular
• a woman's plain, lightweight shoe that has a low-cut upper, no fastening, and typically a medium heel.
• a man's slip-on patent leather shoe for formal wear. ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: of unknown origin.
eto ja da doprinesem. mada me muči.
j ai dalje mislim da pumps ima neke veze za pantalonama:roll: ali setiću se.
e, a romika..
zar nema u onoj ulici koja se nekada zvaše maršala tita?
u centrotextilovoj radnji obuće?
tamo je uvek bilo prave ROMIKE.
Prvo , o ovome smo vec pricali vise puta na temi Gde ima da se kupi....
Drugo, romika su cizme od impregniranog platna, ja ih imam mnogo su tople, dole je guma - ne klizaju se, kosta ju od 4000 do 6.500 ...ima ih u Planika radnjama tj. u bivsoj Marsala Tita, i u novom Mercatoru
